Finding Scarlett

By theoneandonly9240

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SECOND BOOK TO THE MYSTERY OF SCARLETT On day everything changes. Suddenly Scarlett grows a pair of black win... More

Chapter 1: Finding Scarlett
Chapter 2: The Man of my Dreams
Chapter 3: Past
Chapter 5: The Damned

Chapter 4: Before

1.3K 63 11
By theoneandonly9240


I looked down. The cliff was below me with jagged edges. I could see everything. The patches of green shrubs, and mountain animals looked like ants. I was so high up. I walked closer to the edge as I let my toes go past the edge. The wind sprouted like an unexpected weed, and blew me back closer to safety. I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Scarlett. The breath was for Scarlett. 


We were on the very same cliff. We stood on the edge together. The wind blew through our sleeves and the sunshine played with her hair. We were looking down. "Would it be so easy to jump?" Scarlett whispered her pink lips grazing my ear. It was unintentional but it still made my heart skip a beat. 

"You think so?" I said cooly as I continued to look down. 

"Why do you think people do it?" She asked. 

"Do what?" 

"Jump. Why do people jump?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Who knows people are crazy. Especially humans."

"They want to end their life because it hurts. They're willing to take their life because the life they are currently living cannot be worse than the unknown. I think that at the final second before you hit the ground, before your body cracks in a million different ways there's that final regret. That you never said goodbye to the woman who gave you too much change or the kid who once gave you a smile. Or at least I hope there's final regret, because if you jump and you never feel any regret, then you know all humanity has failed you." 

We stayed silent, "Maybe they do it because they want to be saved. They think that if anyone out there cares, family or friends or God that they'll be saved in the last second. They have so much trust in a person that without telling them that they are going to jump, they expect them to catch them." Scarlett continued. 

"If I ever jump will you catch me?" I asked in a slightly joking manner but the question turned more serious the longer I looked into her eyes. She gave me a look with such a ferocity that only she could give. Her eyes were a never ending fire that never stopped burning. They pierced your soul and when they left, your flesh rotted from the inside out. 

"Always." She promised. 

I stepped forward. 

"Catch me, Scar. Don't let me burn." I whispered softly as I took a step closer. I was so close just one more step and I would fall. My breathing became ragged, heavy with an invisible smoke, it became difficult to think. I fought against my instincts to reveal my wings and fly. I fought against the urge to zap back to safety, every primal instinct inside of me told me to save myself. But I couldn't. No matter what I couldn't. Because she had to catch me. Because she promised and  she always keeps all her promises. 


"Promise me." I demanded my hands clenching the bars of my cell. Scarlett kissed my knuckles. Soft kisses, the flutters of a million butterfly wings blowing tornados in my heart. 

"I promise Michael." She said softly, "I will always come back for you. No matter where you are. I will find you. I will never, ever, ever leave you behind. You and I are in this together, forever." She started to walk away. I stared back at her long hair as it waved back and forth. I glanced at my prison shackles. She could leave me now and not come back. It would be better. That would give her more time to get out and away from him. She wouldn't have to drag me , an injured sack of potatoes, useless except for a shield to take the bullets. Time passed. No. My loyal mind betrayed me as I suddenly realized she didn't come back for me. She would never come back for me. I clenched my fists at  the utter betrayal. 

"Hey, sorry it took so long. There were more guards than expected." She said slightly breathless as she unlocked my cell with the key that she had to steal. "Let's go." She gave me a grin. "I told you  I would save you."

I jumped with no wings or any protection, face first down the cliff. I stayed calm. Scarlett would save me. She always does. Always. The wind threw me straight down as I crashed into a cloud. Water droplets left my skin, and the sun beamed down on me. I was so close to the ground. This was the time to save yourself. My instincts begged. Don't be such a fool! She's gone. A voice said deep inside. No, I demanded, She's never gone. She will never leave me. I stared at the ground I was feet away from falling. Time blurred. A single tear slid down my cheeks. She promised she would never leave me. Suddenly at the last second before my body hit the ground, a small tornado no taller than four feet came and lifted me. It twisted and spun so I would be sitting on it. It slowly let me down, by shrinking smaller, and smaller until it finally let me touch the ground. The ground next to me sank into a hole then rapidly came back up again, back to normal. A letter came back. 

Dearest Michael, 

Don't you ever do something that stupid again! You have no idea how much power it took to break my outer self and come to you. I can't do this anymore. I won't remember this moment when you see me. Come to Earth, bring our friends there is an enemy here that must be stopped. I can write this no longer. 



I smiled at the letter, Love Scarlett. I would get to Earth no matter how long it took and I would find her. The rest of my life would be dedicated to finding Scarlett.

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