We Got Married! (WINVELVET)

By SamanthaZoe123

5.9K 223 20

The virtual marriage show is having an all time low viewers rating, they are low on a budget and their only h... More

We Got Married - New Couple!
Who is It?
The Interview
Red String Of Fate - P1

Seduction Mission

1.2K 44 2
By SamanthaZoe123

Outside some Party
Red Velvet are the given mission card as well as 5 Red Masks. Wendy takes the mission card and the masks are handed out.
Red Velvet: what is this?
Yeri : ohh masks like Cinderella? Anyway arn't I too young for night clubs.
Joy : *pokes her face repeatedly* like you were ever innocent
Wendy : *reads aloud* Red Velvet, your bride will decide her groom. Your challenge: Find Your Groom and Seduce him! - WHAT!
Seulgi : I'm scared *stresses*
Joy : Unnie there's no need to be scared; remember We are prepared.
Joy's Comment Room
You see, Red Velvet came prepared - Before coming we all have different strategies to seduce the opposition.
My strategy? - it would have to be my good looks *winks then dies laughing*
Winner in the Party at the DJ balcony
Mino : Winner are here to SLaY!!!
Seungyoon : What he means is that Winner will Seduce the bride and receive the reward, fruitfully
Taehyhun : We will challenge each of the potential bride with *holds up golden masks* ourselves hidden of course, and with our seductive tactics
Jinwoo : Which we have diligently practiced
Seunghoon : We will cleverly show ourselves with our unique coordinated masks
Jinwoo : I don't get that then - wouldn't the bride find us out then
Seunghoon : That's the whole point (!)
Taehyun : But are they smart enough to realise? - There They Come in → you guys Spread Out
Red Velvet flood in the night club with their masks; other people are also wearing masks
Seulgi : What is this?
Yeri : * sees everyone in masks* this is like a fairy tale
Irene : How are we meant to find the husband?
Joy : I'm sure they will be Man enough to find the bride (!)
Wendy : This Party is strange.
Seulgi : Wae *Red Velvet looks at Wendy striking a thinker's pose*
Wendy : I'm sure they will give out some clues as to who they are ... *Sees guys wearing Gold mask spread out into the crowd* - Wait
Irene: what is it?
Wendy: Possibly...
A man wearing a mask (which, is not gold, approachs them)
Man: *to Yeri* May I have this dance with you?
Yeri: *flustered, looks at Unnies*
Red Velvet: *speechless cuz What just happened*
Joy: NOoo! At least not until you unmask yourself.
Man: I will happily do that.
While Red Velvet look at him with extreme interest, the man slowly takes off his to reveal He is the one and only...
Yeri: DINOOO!!!!
Red Velvet : *incredibly confused
Yeri's Comment room
Am I the Bride?? Ommo - I was so shocked. Yeah I wanted to dance with him, like, when was I ever going to meet him again.
Back at the Party
Dino: Can I have this dance? *lends out a hand to Yeri*
Yeri: *shyly* yes
They go off to the dance floor as the song slows down.
Red Velvet: Heol!!
Irene: This Kid!
Seulgi: Could Yeri and Dino be the the couple.
From a balcony afar, a banner drops with the words YERI AND DINO ARE NOT THE COUPLE - TRY HARDER
Red Velvet: *sees with frustration*
Irene: what in the world was that?
Joy: wait, Wendy Unnie, didn't you have something to say?
Wendy: Oh yeah, I realised we were the only ones with Red Masks, everyone else has black masks and just before Dino Hoobae came in I saw a pack of Guys with GOLD masks.
Seulgi: so the groom has a Gold mask
Joy: Come On lets hunt them down and get the prize, I am Not Losing
Irene: Eehhhh
Seulgi: Irene Unnie doesn't like this at all
Wendy: Perhaps, if Irene Unnie could go rest on the empty Balcony over there *points to the one with the banner*
Irene's Comment room
It's not that I have not been to a 'nightclub'- if you can even call it a nightclub - it's because I really dislike the idea of this.
At the time I thought Wendy was caring for me but turns out she was sending me towards a Death Trap!
Back at the Party
Seulgi: That is horrible Wendy *watches Irene flow into the crowd*
Joy: Ani It was a good Idea and we need to win!
Wendy : I feel bad too but Look Gold Mask! *points at various guys with Gold masks*
Seulgi: there are 4 we can see - where is Yeri
Joy: *disgusted* still dancing.. Lets approach them and Seduce Them; To Win!!
Red Velvet Spreads out For the win!
Irene : *walks up the steps and comes onto the balcony, suddenly sees a guy with a gpld mask*
Guy with the mask (obviously Mino): Annyeong...
Awkward silence as they stare speechlessly at each other.
Irene: *just stares at the guy tring to hold her life together*
Irene's Comment room
What was I meant to do?
I was just speechless.
Mino's comment room
Totally didn't see this comming...*hands on his face with shockness*...oh man...
Joy is pacing to the bar, where a gentlemen with a golden mask sits patiently, awaiting her.
Joy: Annyeong.
(Obviously) Jinwoo : Annyeong.
*have a mini stare battle*
Joy: Oppa!
Jinwoo: *shocked at the call*
Jinwoo's comment room
*Recalls Joy calling him oppa numerous times, all repeating itself*
Oh my gosh, it was shocking when she called me Oppa, I just was Not expecting that you know.
I had no idea what to do.
Joy's Comment Room
His face was hidden with a mask but I could totally feel his shockness; it felt fulfilling.
I saw my victory then!
Joy : Oppa, you look like such a gentleman. Can I Just See your handsome face! *nudges him cutely*
Jinwoo: *giggles cuz the cuteness
Joy: Ahh Oppa wants some Aegyo. Giyomi! Giyomi Buing Buing (+loads of other aeygo overwhelming poor Jinwoo making him die of laughter and ultimately making him fail)
Surprisingly Mino and Irene are getting along and are overlooking the party.
Mino: Ahh the reason why we get along well is that we practiced together once for the sbs live and...
Irene: we were partners...
Mino : *points at the bar* our members are there, they seem to have met
Irene: I don't even know what joy is doing
Mino : over there is our cute Jinwoo ah and Taehyun is over there with his bright blonde hair
Irene : * squints eyes to see Wendy* Ahhh WENDY is going over there.
Mino : I'm somehow excited for this!
Over By the Fancy Curved Seats
Taehyun is casually sitting down with his golden mask. Handsomely as his parted hair catches great attention.
Wendy: Annyeong haseyo
Taehyun: Annyeong, I feel like we have met somewhere before *gazes deeply at Wendy*
Wendy: *cringes out so much* ohmygoshwhatareyoutalkingabout
Taehyun: *approaches her* maybe this will trigger the memories we shared *strokes her hair*
Flashing of cringe
Taehyun: *pulls a face*
Taehyun's Comment room
Wasn't I romantic though.
Anyways, I recognised Wendy from the time I accidentally touched her hair at the live together.
I'm so sorry
But she found it really family
Curved seats
Sat comfortably next to each other.
Wendy : Oh my Gosh, I never imagined it to be you though
Taehyun: You did lose the battle tho
Wendy: sighs Yup I guess so... Joy won't be happy
Taehyun: Let's have a drink *both raises glass, CLINK*
Side of the Party
Beside the dancefloor Seungyoon eagerly waits while watching Yeri happily dance with Dino.
Seungyoon : What should I do?
Seungyoon's comment room
I was really stuck like Foe the show I needed to go up to her but she just looked so happy dancing and all I could see was a cute innocent High schooler. AND IF I WENT IN I was going to be the reason her dreams got crushed. And that just felt really bad...
Seungyoon swims through the crowd to be inches away from Yeri.
Yeri Is dreamily dancing with her idol as Winners Baby Baby plays on the background.
Seungyoon : Umm excuse me *while parting Dino from Yeri* You aren't the couple
Yeri: *confused as to who this is*
Seulgi and Seunghoon (the only couple to have not met) are mixed in the sea of dancers when suddenly the music stops. The dancers part was to allow Seulgi and Seunghoon to make Eye contact and allow a battle. A Dance Battle!
Music starts playing. WHat could this song be? Trouble Maker!
*trouble maker song starts playing*
Seunhoons inner dance self emerges from the core accepting this challenge. Sassily struts to Seulgi.
Seulgi will not lose this battle neither for her teammates and starts strutting all the dancw moves she knows!
*so basically Seunghoon takes the girls position twerks some point, break dances and just gives Seulgi challenging glares
*Seulgi is cringing badly as she does some cool urban dances (quite manly to go over male position) while glaring back as challenging as she could even thoughshe was actually struggling to hold down her laughter.
Both end with a Dramatic pose
Everyone watching is shocked!

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