A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.1M 718K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 18

595K 18.3K 4.8K
By OutOfMyLimit17

Sorry everyone about the confusion earlier with this chapter! I accidentally hit publish instead of save so I quickly took it down. 

Happy Reading :)

You know that feeling you get when you embarrass yourself in front of someone then the next day you have to face them? That dread and nervousness wrapping itself around you like a cocoon. That just the idea of having to face that person again so soon and just wishing you could crawl into a hole and die. Well I was feeling the exact same thing right now. The fact that I had to see Liam today after what happened last night was not appealing at all. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and stay there all day. I hadn't slept again last night and I was beyond tired. I have gotten use to not doing anything and sleeping all day that my body was now not use to being up hours upon hours. 

I was currently sitting on the couch staring blankly at the TV while some kid show was playing. I was still in my pjs waiting for Lennon to come over and help me get dressed for my engagement pictures in just a few hours. I couldn't lie and say last night wasn't a great night or day even. Seeing Liam being all cute and sweet with Sky made unknown feelings rise up inside of me. I don't know what the feelings were but they just had to be from seeing a different side to him. In no way could I start liking Liam I have only known him almost a month and the whole time he has ignored and been rude to me. 

I was just worried about seeing him later today not knowing if he was going to bring it up or not. In a way I didn't want him to and it would just be better if we didn't. I mean we didn't even kiss it was just in the heat of the moment we got close to each other. If Candy hadn't knocked on the door I don't know if we would have kissed or if Liam would have stopped it. A part of me had really wanted to kiss him, I mean who wouldn't he is gorgeous and I am a woman. 

On top of not really wanting to see Liam we had to take our engagement photos today and I knew his family would be there. We would have to act all lovey dovey around each other. It seems my life has turned into one big drama show. Just act normal around him. If he has forgotten about the almost kiss then you need to too. I thought to myself. I can do this I can take photos with my fake future husband while his family is there, and than later take manner classes with Lennon. I sighed and leaned my head on the couch. I was really starting to hate my life. 

So here I sat watching the TV but not really watching in my pj's. Strict orders from Lennon because she wanted to be in charge of everything so the photos would look amazing; not that I minded really since I sucked at doing makeup. I already showered early this morning so at least that was done. Since I hadn't slept much last night I got up soon after Liam left not wanting to face him. It was now 11 o'clock and Lennon should be here any second because our appointment with the photographer was at 1. Apparently that was the perfect time to take pictures outside. I honestly didn't even know where we were taking them or anything really. All I know is that we will be taking quite a bit and most outside. As you can tell things were going to go great today. Note the sarcasm. The bride to be doesn't even know what is going on. 

There was a knock on the front door before it swung open revealing Lennon with her arms filled with all different kinds of bags. 

"I am here so lets get this bitch started!" She yelled slamming the door behind her. I shook my head but chuckled softly under my breath. Turning the television off I stood up and trailed behind her as she walked to my room. I have only known Lennon a few days and I already know she has a big personality and doesn't care what others thought of her. I loved the way she held herself, it is slowly becoming one of my favorite things about her. I noticed following after her that she was wearing a cute white summer-y dress that had birds on it. It fit her slender body perfect and showed her naturally tan skin off. 

"Okay we have a lot to do!" She exclaimed setting stuff on my bed and the vanity off in the corner of my room.

"How much is a lot?" I asked. Turning towards me she widened her eyes. 

"A lot! Look at those bags! Did you even sleep last night?" 

"Thanks that makes me feel amazing." I said sarcastically taking a seat in front of the mirror. 

"You know these photos are going to be seen by hundreds of people right? We have to make you look amazing." I hadn't really thought about people seeing the photos and now that she said that I felt a little more nervous. "Don't worry I'll work my magic. So first lets do makeup, than hair, than getting dressed." Taking my long blonde hair she put it in a messy bun at the top of my head before turning me around and starting on my face. 

About 10 minutes later she let me look in the mirror and I found a different Jenna staring back at me. The bags under my eyes were gone, my skin looked flawless and glowing, my green eyes stood out among my dark eyelashes and eyeshadow, and my lips were a pale pink. I wouldn't go as far to say I looked like a whole different person but I did look different. The makeup was natural and didn't look or feel like I had gallons of it caked on my face thankfully. 

"Okay now your hair." Lennon said taking my hair out of its bun. My hair was honestly the thing I liked most about myself. It was long and thick with just a little bit of curl at the ends. "I love your hair." 

"Thanks I grow it myself." I said. Both of us let out a laugh shaking our heads. "Sorry couldn't let the chance go." 

"So you haven't told me what happened last night after I left. Did Liam come home and get mad?" Lennon asked brushing my hair and looking at me through the mirror. It was a foreign feeling having someone brush my hair for me. With my mom gone it was up to me to take care of myself. 

"He was already home when I walked in." 

"He was?! What happened!" I gave her the whole run down from when I walked in until Candy came but left out the part of Liam and I almost kissing. I wanted that to say private because I didn't even know how I felt about it yet. "Wow. He is great with kids though isn't he." 

"You don't sound surprised that he is." I said looking at her. 

"He always has been good with kids. His cousins, Blake's younger sister. There's just something about him that kids like." And women. I added silently. 

"He had Sky wrapped around his finger. It was so cute." I said randomly after staring into the mirror. 

"Jenna he is a good guy just give him some time to open up." I nodded wanting to believe it. I don't know if Liam will ever become comfortable around me enough to share. 

"Do you know what we are doing for our engagement photos?" I asked. 

"Well Liam hired the best photographer out there so it kind of is up to him on what he wants you guys to do. I do know it is going to be something simple, cute, yet elegant. I mean the entire city is going to see it in a few days so it has to look amazing. Both Liam and you will be wearing something a little formal but still casual. Don't worry Jenna it is going to be fine." 

"Who's all going to be there anyways?" 

"Lets see Me, Blake, Liam's parents, Julie, maybe a friend of his parents but that should be it." She explained. Okay not to many than I can deal with that. "Your hair is done. Now clothes." Lennon had just curled my hair into soft waves that cascaded down my back and a few pieces framing my face. "I brought a few dresses since we seem like the same size. If none of these we like we can do something else." She went over to the bag on my bed and unzipped it pulling out 3 dresses. 

"Okay so all three are simple yet cute. Here's a white one, a pale peach and a blue." The white one and peach one were both lace, and the white one had little triangle cuts in the middle. The grabbing that one first went to the bathroom and slipped off my pj's and into the dress. Thankfully it had a zipper up the back so I wouldn't ruin my hair. The moment I put it on I immediately said no. My boobs felt squished in the top and the bottom was a little too short for something like this. Opening the door a crack I put my hand out for the peach one and handed Lennon back the white one. 

The second I slipped it on I wanted to wear it. The pale peach color made my arms and legs look tanner than they were. It had quarter length lace sleeves, a lace neck line and the body was a solid peach with a thin lace over the top, and a thin black belt. It came to my fingertips making it kind of short but not slutty short. I managed to zip the back up the entire way and smooth it out staring in the mirror. My blonde curls looked perfect as did my makeup. I looked amazing. Stepping out of the room Lennon grinned widely at me as I did a twirl for her. 

"Perfect, absolutely perfect. That dress was made for you. Here put these on." She handed me a pair of nude heels to go with the dress. Once I had them on I felt like the entire outfit came together. "Liam is not going to be able to take his hands off of you today." Lennon said smugly. I rolled my eyes not bother to answer. Going over to the vanity I grabbed my favorite necklace putting it on. The moon shaped jewel rested right in the middle of my chest, the light blue stone in the middle of the moon shining from the light. This was the only thing my mother ever gave me. I realized that ever since I came to live here I haven't worn it, I haven't even thought about it actually. I use to wear it everyday and night. It always made me feel closer to my mom like I would always have a piece of her with me. Looking in the mirror I nodded feeling complete now and ready. 

"I love that necklace." Lennon said behind me. 

"Thanks it was from my mom." I said running my thumb over it. 

"It's beautiful. We better get going it will take a little bit to get to the place." Nodding I grabbed my phone from the bed and the handbag Lennon had gotten together for me. "Oh wait! Your ring!" 

"Thank god you reminded me." Going over to my bedside table I pulled my ring box out and slipped my engagement ring on my ring finger. I stared down at it still amazed by how big it is and how weird it felt on my finger. 

"Ready to go?" Lennon called by the door making me look up from my ring. Nodding I put the box back and followed after her. While we walked to the front door my legs wobbled from the heels not being use to such high ones or heels in general. It was going to be a miracle if I don't fall today. 

The car ride to wherever we were taking pictures didn't take long and the closer we got the more nervous I became. I played with the hem of my dress, than my ring and necklace. It wasn't that I was nervous to see Liam's parents again or sister it was him I was nervous about. I knew I was over thinking this and I shouldn't be but I couldn't help it. When Lennon put the car in park I stared at where we were in surprise. I thought we were going somewhere in the city or something but instead we were at Liam's parents house. 

"I didn't know we were taking pictures here." 

"This is a great place. There's a huge field, a barn a little bit aways, they even have a lake over there." Lennon pointed out when we got out of the car. When I was here last I wasn't paying attention to anything apparently because I didn't notice they had a lake or a barn! I guess I was too worried about meeting his family. This place was amazing and would be a great place to take our photos. 

"Did Liam's parents always live here?" I asked watching my step as we walked to the door. 

"Yes, well no. This is their 'summer' home. When we were all younger our families would come here to get away from the city. This is his parent's third home, they have a house closer to the city where Liam grew up as did we, and then they have one in the Hampton's. His parents come here more often since they have horses and such plus it is close enough to the city they can take a quick drive there if they need." Lennon explained. 

Lennon didn't even bother to knock on the door, she just walked right in yelling that she was here. Shutting the door behind me and looking around the foyer I was struck again by how simple yet unique the house was decorated and the size of it. It was a cabin mixed with a house. The house just automatically had a homey feeling to it the moment you stepped through the door. After I finished gawking at the house I noticed Lennon had walked away and followed the voices to the large living room located at the back of the house. 

"There you are Jenna." Lilly, Liam's mother said the moment I came into view. She was up in a second flat and giving my a tight hug. Awkwardly I hugged her back still not use to being hugged. 

"Hi Lilly." I greeted once she pulled away from me. Looking around the room I saw Liam's father Adam in one chair, Julie Liam's sister on the couch sitting next to Lennon, and an older man I never have seen before sitting across from Adam. 

"Jenna it's great to see you again." Adam said smiling and standing up to hug me as well. "Brian this is Jenna Howard Liam's fiancé. Jenna this is Brian Mathews, he's a family friend and colleague." He said introducing the man across from him. Standing up Brian made his way towards me. He was tall, not as tall as Liam though, and looked to be around the same age as Adam although a little older. His hair had turned a salt and pepper color but he had a pair of brown eyes that still seemed to sparkle. He had laugh lines around them and a kind smile that made me like him almost instantly. 

"Hello Jenna it's nice to meet you." He greeted. Instead of hugging me like Liam's parents he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips placing a soft kiss on it. I blushed looking over at Julie and Lennon only to find them rolling their eyes and smiling at us. "Liam didn't say his fiancé was such a beauty." He said pulling away but grinning at me. My blush deepened at the compliment. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by a deep voice behind me. 

"Old man she is too young for you." Turning around I saw Blake walking in the room shaking his head at Brian. 

"Who are you calling old, young man!?" Brian asked but his voice was far from offended. 

"You, your like 80 years old and hitting on a young girl who is engaged to another man." Blake shot back sending me a grin before hugging Lilly and shaking Adam's hand. For a second I was scared that he had made Brian mad but a deep chuckle from beside me told me he wasn't. 

"What can I say I like them young kid." I put a hand over my mouth to stop my laugh from escaping. I looked between Blake and Brian wondering why they were talking that way to each other. 

"Brian is Blake's uncle." Lilly said after probably seeing my confused face. "Don't listen to them they do this all the time, making jabs at one another." She waved her hand at them. 

"Where's Liam?" Julie asked over on the couch. 

"His phone rang right after we pulled up but he should be in in a second." Blake replied. I watched as he made his way to the couch Lennon and Julie were occupying. It was a medium sized couch but with two people already on it and Blake's big frame he wouldn't fit on it. That of course didn't stop him, he squeezed in next to Lennon who in turn tried to push him off but I could see she actually liked that he sat next to her when there was a lot of empty seats. Looking at them I knew they would make a great couple. 

"Liam you never told me your fiancé was very pleasing to the eye." Brian said making me turn my gaze away from Lennon and Blake towards the doorway of the living room. Walking in was Liam and I felt my mouth go dry. He looked absolutely scrumptious, he was dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a white button up dress shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a few buttons done at the top. His brown hair was in its signature messy but sexy look. His outfit was so simple yet he pulled it off like he had just walked out of a magazine or runway. He didn't even look like he had just come from work. 

I don't know why all the sudden I have notice how nice looking Liam is. Maybe last night opened my eyes because seeing him there with an easy smile on his face with his hands tucked into his pants I wanted to jump him and kiss him all over. I think my lack of sleep is starting to get to me, before yesterday I didn't even want anything to do with Liam and now today I want to run my tongue down his chest. Woah where did that thought come from! I thought surprised by myself. There was something seriously going on with me. 

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want your old ass to steal her." Liam's velvety voice said interrupting my scandalous thoughts. "Hey babe." He said coming to a stop beside me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and laid a quick, gentle kiss to my temple before greeting his family. Jenna just remember this is all an act, he is only doing this so his parents believe us. I repeated to myself when I felt my stomach to somersaults at the kiss. I looked up at him almost waiting for him to act different or anything from last night but he looked fine, relaxed and happy even. 

"Well in that dress anyone would want too." I heard Brian say tuning back into the conversation. 

"You are right about that." Liam muttered looking me up and down. Gulping I stared back at him wanting more than anything to be able to hear his thoughts right now. "Where is Leonardo?" He said a second later louder and looking away from me. 

"He should be here in a second." Lilly answered. Not even a second later there was a knock on the door and Lilly went to go get it. Glancing around at everyone I wondered why they were here honestly; it wasn't like we were taking pictures with them. I did notice Adam, Brian and Blake were dressed casual in jeans and a t-shirt or collared shirt; while Julie, Lennon and Lilly were wearing dresses. 

"Okay everybody listen up!" A new Italian voice shouted suddenly. I jumped into Liam and turned towards the voice. Walking in was a very attractive guy with shoulder length black hair, wearing ripped jeans an a t-shirt. His face was gorgeous and when he looked over at Liam and I saw he had a pair of grey eyes. Wow he is cute. I thought. In his arms was what looked like a camera stool and a big camera hanging from his neck.

 "This will only take an hour. I want the bride and the groom to follow me outside. We will be doing different poses in different places and you may have to change your clothes sir but the bride you won't. After getting some with you we will get the bridesmaids and groomsmen with you." He said all at once. I stood there shocked and trying to take it all in. When we didn't immediately follow him he snapped his fingers and jerked his head at us. Still shocked Liam and I quickly followed after him. 

"He's a little scary." I whispered to Liam as we made our way out the back door and down the steps leading to a big empty field. 

"Yeah but he is the best in the business." He replied back grabbing my hand as I wobbled on my heels. Sending him a grateful smile I walked beside him liking the feeling of his hand in mine. It seemed like our hands were made for each other because his big one fit perfectly with my small one. 

"Sir and My lady stand here." Leonardo said gesturing at the patch of long grass in the field. I found it weird he was calling me 'My Lady' but his sexy Italian accent made me forget about it. "Bride stand in front of him and Groom wrap your arms around her waist pulling her back towards you." He instructed. 

"Just call us Liam and Jenna." I said getting into my position. Leonardo acted like I didn't even speak and continued on shouting at Liam to get behind me. 

"God Damn." Liam muttered in my ear as he stood behind me bringing his arms around my waist. I let out a giggle but swallowed it as Leonardo shot me a hard glance. 

"Bride bring your arms up and wrap around his neck." The position felt awkward. "Now smile." He brought his camera up to his face and start clicking away even though Liam and I weren't ready. 

For the next 15 minutes Leonardo shouted at Liam and I to get into different poses. It was kind of awkward as we wrapped our arms around another and pressed in each other's bodies. Every time one of us moved to slow for him we would yell at us and Liam would mutter curse words under his breath. We were now over by a wooden fence and I was being instructed to sit on top of the fence while Liam stood between my legs. 

"Does he realize I am wearing a dress and heels?" I asked Liam as I tried to climb on top of the fence. "Because I don't think he does." After failing at getting on Liam just chuckled and grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me up and onto the top of the fence. I stared at him wide eyed. "Well that is one way to do it." I commented. 

"Well I was getting tired of seeing your underwear." Liam said smirking as he spread my legs a little and stepped in-between them. 

"Hey!" I exclaimed actually getting worried that I had flashed him. He just laughed at my expression and leaned a little into me. Even though I was high up he still towered over me making me look up at him. 

"Don't worry I don't mind grandma undies." He whispered leaning his head down. I stared up at him with my mouth wide open trying to come up with a good comeback. 

"They are not grandma undies." I hissed not caring it wasn't really a comeback. 

"It's okay babe I don't mind." I went to hit him but he took a step back and grinned at me. 

"Groom now go on the other side, Bride get down." Leo ordered. Rolling my eyes at him I carefully slide down the fence so I wouldn't fall and twist my ankle in my heels. In one quick motion Liam had grabbed the fence and jumped over it. 

"Show off." I muttered but listened to Leo ordering us into another pose. "For your information my panties are very cute and you won't be seeing them." I said leaning with my hands in front of me on the fence while Liam did the same thing. 

"Oh Jenna who says I won't be seeing them?" He smirked at me. 

"Me." I shot back smirking back at him, moving closer and bring my leg up in order to so. Our faces were inches apart and I could make out little silver speaks in Liam's eyes I didn't know where there. Being this close to Liam I forgot about Leonardo snapping photos of us and shouting things at us. 

"Don't worry your panties are very cute." He whispered before moving back once again. I stared back at him not really knowing what to say or do. "Come on honey bunch Leonardo wants us to go somewhere else." His voice all sweet but had a stupid smirk on his face. I glared at him pushing off the fence and following behind him. 

"Groom I want you here and I want you to pick up the Bride." Leo said. Both Liam and I had told him to call us by our names but he didn't listen. "Bride when he picks you up by the waist lean down and kiss him, maybe put your leg up." He said moving backwards to get a good angle. I stood there wondering if I heard him right, that I would have to kiss Liam. 

"Pumpkin come on." Liam said behind me. Over the last half an hour he has probably called me every single romantic term. 

"You better not drop me Liam I swear to god I will kill you." I warned pointing my finger at him as I made my way to him. 

"I promise I won't...unless you weigh a lot." I smacked his arm than put my hands on his shoulder taking a deep breath. Please don't drop me. I chanted as Liam laid his hands on my waist. He softly counted to 3 before lifted me up effortlessly until I was a little above him. 

My face was an inch away from his and his minty breath fanned against me. His lips looked so soft and inviting as he stared up at me. My hair tumbled down around us almost like a shield. Maybe it was being this close to him but the need to kiss him came back in full force. I looked at his face almost memorizing it as he kept me suspended in the air. My hold on his shoulders loosened and slowly made their way up his neck and the side of his jaw. The muscle jumped beneath my fingers as I made my way to his cheeks. My breath was coming out in pants and my teeth came out to bite my bottom lip. The longer I stared down at Liam the more I wanted to fill his lips against mine. 

Everything and everyone around us faded in the background and all there was was Liam staring up at me his blue eyes darkening. His lips parted and he somehow brought his face closer to mine. The moment I felt his lips graze mine I threw everything out of my mind and brought my lips down capturing his. My hands cupped his cheeks while his held me up but I felt the slightest touch of his fingers or thumb rubbing my waist. The kiss didn't last a second instead we sunk into it. 

His lips became almost demanding as he moved them against mine. I kissed him back hard and let out a small moan as I felt his tongue slip out and trace my lips, almost like asking me permission. Giving it I parted my lips. My hands moved up into his hair and I gripped it between my fingers. All I could think about at the moment was his lips and mine, nothing else mattered. I was slightly aware that my leg was starting to rise. For a split second I thought of Princess Diaries and the whole foot popping thing but it was gone in an instant as Liam's tongue circled mine.

I felt Liam's arms bringing me down but we didn't break away. Instead he wrapped his arms tight around my waist crushing me into his chest, my toes barely touching the ground. Gripping his hair I twirled my tongue with his. I didn't care that I needed oxygen at the moment Liam was my oxygen. I don't know how long we kissed but we finally broke away and panted staring at each other. My lips felt swollen and looking at Liam I saw his were. With our arms still wrapped around one another I wanted to smile. I had given my first kiss to Liam and in the moment I didn't regret it at all. 


They finally kissed!!!! You are welcome :) I want to say sorry for this chapter not really being much and for the slow pace of it. I am thinking of making the next chapter skip over the rest of the week to the gala event and than I may make things go by quicker like their wedding and stuff. But hey at least this chapter is long! 

I am also sorry for the crapping descriptions of the picture poses I did look for a pose to post that they did but I couldn't find any that I liked so I made some up and kind of grazed past most of it. Plus I didn't think you guys wanted to read a boring description of them changing to one pose to another. But I hope you guys liked what I did put and described. If it wasn't good let me know because I will go back and change it :) 

So since next week on the 19th is my birthday, WOAH! and I'll be 19, I am planning on updating before than or on that day. It is kind of my present to you guys for my b-day. I am trying to update about twice a week so I can finish this story by thanksgiving the latest. The 24th I start school and on the 27th-31st I will be gone to California on vacation with my family. I don't know if I will have WIFI but I am bringing my laptop. I probably won't update than but i'll try. 

*SO for the next couple of weeks I will be busy and may not have time to update. I am sorry about it but I have to get in the grove of school again and such, so please be patient with me!!!!! I will update when I can :)* 

Questions of the week: Which one came first... a woman or a man? (I'd love to hear what you guys think of this. I had this discussion with my friends the other day and it was funny hearing the answers) 




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