Decendeants- The New Story

By yoolils

22.9K 767 92

Auradon is safe once more, but in the dreams of one, are still haunted with warnings. When Mal gets a vision... More

The Task
Will I What?
Hall Of Records
The Horned King Speaks
Wait... WHAT?!
Metting the Horned King
Visions and The Realization
Meeting Our Steeds
The Drowned
The Nightmare of Nightmares
Finding a Map
One Hundred Bottles Of Milk
Getting to The Destination
Putting The Plan into Action
Plan B
The Final Battle
The End Is just The Beggining
Authors Note

The Begining

3.8K 100 16
By yoolils


Its been six years since I battled Maleificent and she disappeared.

I never worry that much about her coming back, but I am afraid of it.

Even with me knowing how to use the wand now she might be stronger.

"Mal! Someone is at the door!" Evie yells from somewhere downstairs.

After we graduated from school, we decided to share a house.

She is the only family I've got now.

I walk down stairs, my long purple hair in a braid.

The house has many mirrors, which I don't really mind, mainly because some of them are covering my magic mishaps.

I open the door.

Jay and Carlos.

"Hey guys. Come on in." I say.

They smile and walk in, closing the door behind me.

"What's up?" I ask as we sit in the living room.

"Oh. We got bored over at our house and decided to see what you two were up to." Jay answers.

I smile.

"Well, Fairy Godmother is supposed to call me about something to do with the wand some time today. So I have been home." I say.

Carlos laughs at how excited I am.

"What! I've been training with it for six years! I know how to use it!" I say defending myself.

Even I laugh at me this time.

We've come so far from where we were about seven years ago.

Evie comes down, wearing a dark blue dress with little black boots.

"Jay! Carlos!" She shouts, giving them both bear hugs.

They laugh.

"So you two. How's it going?" Evie asks sitting in the seat next to mine.

"Nothing. Just wondering what Mal wants for her birthday in a few days." Carlos says.

I smirk.

"Nice try. I don't want anything this year." I say.

Jay laughs.

"So is Ben coming?" I ask.

He hasn't been around the past couple days.

Not that its a problem he isn't, its just, I'm worried.

"He said when we were walking over that he will be coming over later. He said he had a bunch of king stuff to do for the past few days and was getting really stressed." Jay explains.

Ok.. That's good. He isn't in trouble or anything.

We end up turning on TV.

"So what are we watching today? Soap Opera? Sit com? Movie?" Carlos asks.

We scroll through the guide but there is almost literally nothing to watch but replays of some huge professional Tourney match.

Jay is on the Auradon team.

Ya I find it weird that its called Auradon when there are like five other teams that have the names of the states they are in.

I never ask, mainly because I know it will lead to a lecture about how great things are in Tourney and how it is a way of life.

I swear I know it off by heart.

The news ends up on.

"Today a major crash was discovered on route twenty five. No one knows what caused it, but the driver got out and is alright. If anyone has any information, please send it over to the authorities." The woman says.

"Isn't that like the third one?" Evie asks.

I nod.

This is getting bad.

"Mal? Do you think..." Jay is cut off.

"No! She isn't back!" I say.

She can't be back.

I look at the picture.

"Look. My mother's magic leaves a mark on whatever it touches. No mark." I say.

Evie looks at me.

"Do you have a mark?" She asks, almost afraid of the answer.

I nod.

"I found I on my hip a couple days after I battled with her. It didn't hurt, it just left a mark." I say shrugging.

It isn't a big deal.

"Mal. You should have told us." Jay says.

I nod.

"I know. I just didn't want you guys to worry." I say.

I shake my head.

"I'm going to go for a walk. If anyone asks for me, tell them I'll call them back when I get back." I say holding onto my leather jacket.

Evie nods and I leave.


The forest is different from when I went through it to get the wand.

Most of it was cut down.

It's still endless, but just a little less.

I sigh.

I end up walk past the tree I slep on the first night I was out.

When I was here, I couldn't know what would happen.

Now I do.

I sit down on the huge root of the tree.

After a while of sitting, I decide to go back.

As I walk, I feel someone watching me.

I do not need someone watching me.

I turn and see that no one is there.

Odd. I must be on edge.

I keep walking, but now hear rustling in the bushes.

Ok. I can't imagine bushes moving

I cautiously walk over to the reddish bush and see two amber eyes staring out at me.

I move back as something jumps out at me.

I scream.

"Shush!" The creature shouts at me.

I close my mouth and let my eyes focus on the Amber eyed animal.

A cat is talking to me.

"I need to warn you!" It says.

I stare in awe.

A cat that can talk.

I walk up to the little black cat.

"Warn me of what?" I ask cautiously.

The little cat stares right into my eyes.

"The great evil is coming for you and your friends." It growls.

I stare back in shock.


"Ok. You are coming with me." I say.

The cats hisses when I try to pick it up.

"No! You must not tell anyone I was here!" It hisses, backing into the bushes.

I fall, backwards, not understanding what just happened.

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