Once upon a time (Edit in pro...

נכתב על ידי CharmOwl27114

573 57 12

Sheena's life was great, she has friends that anybody would die for! She was popular, or the said "queen bee"... עוד

Once upon a time.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (part 1)

Chapter 10

13 3 1
נכתב על ידי CharmOwl27114

the kiss. It was forbidden. Well thats exaggerating a bit. Well it was a forbidden subject; Me and josh never talked about it or his confession for that matter.

"Are we going to ignore what just happened?" He asked on one very gloomy Saturday.

"Ignore what?" I asked, I guess playing innocent wasn't the best choice because as soon as those two words left my mouth, I regretted it.

"You know perfectly well what!" He snapped looking irritably at me.

I sighed and dropped my paintbrush which tip is soaked in grey paint.

"Well, what do you think we should do?" I asked. I glared at him, his face scrunched up a bit before putting his own brush down.

"I don't know."

"Exactly." I replied.

"What exactly is US?" I played with the hem of my shirt before answering,"I don't know."

"We're not a couple, obviously you don't feel the same infatuation I do to you."

I was about to say yes I feel the same way, but I wasn't sure, I wasn't sure if this guy in front of me is the guy I like. I had given him my first kiss though.

Okay one or two guys kissed me before but I didn't kiss back! I didn't count that as my 'first kiss'.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice him step closer, I didn't notice him cup my cheek and lean in, he didn't kiss me, he gave a definite space between our lips like last time.

But this time I wasn't given any chance to respond because his lips crashed down on mine. (Which wasn't very gentlemanly of him if you asked me) I kissed back, to my utter amazement. His hand slid down to the Small of my back while mine were around his neck and playing with his hair.

The door burst open and we sprang apart as if we were on fire. Dad was there, you can practically hear him asking 'what's going on'.

"Um...w-we were just painting." I stammered.

"Yeah sure." My fathers frown turned into a smile, and sent me a wink before going out and shutting the door behind me.

My mouth was agape, was my DAD giving me PERMISSION to kiss my BODYGUARD?(a/n sorry for the caps I'm only doing this on my iPod and there's no italic or bold)

A firm hand was placed under my jaw, josh closed my open mouth and said,"you'll catch flies"

Man this is a guy full of cliche lines first the 'I likes you since I first laid eyes on you' line and next was the 'you'll catch flies'.

"Your not Mr. temperamental to me anymore." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"Really? Then what am I? Mr.so-devilishly-good-looking?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"Your Mr.cliche to me now."

"I only used 2 cliche lines!" He protested.

"But those lines are so much worn out and overused by a lot of people."

"Are you calling me unoriginal?" He tested.

"Do you know what 'cliche' means? "

He gave me one last look before walking towards me.

"Oh shit." I said sprinting out of my room with him following.

"You can run but you can't hide!" He called after me.

"Told you! A man of many cliche lines you are!" I bellowed before turning to my right and hiding in a broom closet. I heard his footsteps came nearer and stopped just outside the door.

After 5 agonizingly long minutes his footsteps started to walk again but farther from here. I sighed in relief, waiting for a few moments before checking outside the door.

I squealed when josh wrapped his arms around me and spun me around.

"I heard you go away. How were you THERE? I didn't hear any footsteps." I asked and he let me down.

"Ah. But I'm a trained bodyguard right?"

I forgot about that.

"You have a memory of a goldfish then, which I heard their memories last a span of 3 seconds?" Apparently I had voiced out my last thought.

"Yeah you did."

"Oh. Wait are you calling me FORGETFUL?"

"Maybe I am." He answered.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to go back in my room.


"Can you believe it? Schools almost over!" Shanna squealed, it was 2 weeks before school ended. And about a week before my sixteenth birthday.

Which reminds me...

"Hey guys, your all invited to my box sweet sixteen bash." I said, taking out he right amount of envelopes with invitations.

There were enthusiastic murmurs of thank you's.

"Your welcome." I chirped, I totally wasn't looking forward to my birthday but I had to act happy, to show my parents that I appreciate the effort.

I hate is because its formal.bi had to wet this puffy dress my mum and my aunts got for me. Flattering really, all this effort for one birthday, I wonder what would happen during my eighteenth. I shuddered, it would probably be more extravagant than this one.

"Josh." I called, he wasn't really far away from me he was always around somewhere. And to prove my point he came strolling casually to me, interlocking his hand with mine.

"Aww isn't that just sweet!" Melissa gushed.

"What is it you need my fair lady?" He asked.

"Well, mum an dad jut told me to get an escort and-"

"I'll be your escort." he interrupted.

"Who said I was going to ask you?"

"Weren't you?" He said a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"I was." I sighed, defeated.

His grin was replaced by a smirk, resulting to me punching his arm.

"Ow woman. You can punch I don't think you need a body guard at all." He whispered the body guard part so my friends wouldn't hear.

Just as I was walking I nearly tripped, and the bag of invitations--which my mother Had forced me to bring-- fell to the floor, scattering many rose smelling envelopes. I bent down to pick them up and josh did the same, but some other guy helped too. Here was a lot.

"Thank you." I said to the guy, and he just waved it off, a smile on his face.

"No prob." He answered. Josh just glared as if daring him to make some sort of move. The boy who was probably younger than the both of us scurried away his smile gone and replaced by a fearful expression.

"You scared the poor boy away." I scolded.

"Did you see the way he looked at you?"

"You say that all the time when a guy who is not you goes near me." I rolled my eyes, I was doing that more often now.

He just gave a scoff and led me to our next class, mathematics.

I internally groaned while our very very and probably the most boring teacher droned on and on about something we learned before.

Josh was sitting beside me scrawling notes on a piece of paper, he's graduated high school, why does he need notes? My question however was answered when he threw the paper at me. Very discreet. Note the sarcasm.

'This new teacher is sooo boring!' I could almost hear his whining voice at jut the way the letter was written.

'I am too you know.' I wrote back.

'Well let's make this interesting shall we? Are you a fan of Harry potter?'

'Well not exactly.' Was my reply.

'But you've watched the first one right?' He asked. His messy hand writing barely legible .

'Yes.' Upon receiving my reply he raised his hand.

"What is it Mr...?" The teacher trailed off not knowing what exactly what hiss name was.

"Grant sir, I would just like to go to the men's room." A few guys snickered and a few girls giggled but he ignored and the teacher let him go. After a few minutes( I think he was gone for a long time, I thought he probably escaped but NO, I was mistaken.) he came bursting in yelling, "TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!"

"Thought you all knew." He said before collapsing on the ground. Everyone laughed, of course everybody has seen at least the first movie of the Harry potter series. But I can see Anna who is the most thrilled. Huh. Guessing she likes Harry potter that much.

The teacher didn't give him detention( which caused a lot of whispering) because he's not really studying. But he might call my dad and there's a slight possibility that he may scold him for disrupting the class.


"You didn't have to do that you know." I said still smiling about what he did during math class.

"But I saved everyone's lives didn't I? He grinned arrogantly before strutting towards the car with me in tow.

"That's exaggerating it too much. What if dad finds out? And fires you?" He stiffened for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of that."

I sighed and stuffed my bag into the car. I didn't really know anyone in school apart from Anna, Patricia, Alice, Shanna and Melissa. (That's such a coincidence that our names and with an 'a' apart from Alice)

The bag was still full of invitations.

We drove home and my mom pulled me inside before I could get a word out, she shoved me into one of the many rooms here, grinning excitedly.

"We've only decided on your entrance dress, you'll have to change two more times, for the dance and the dinner."

"I thought these things happen during eighteenth birthdays?" I asked.

"Well, your eighteenth birthday will be more grand darling." She answered, and I groaned.

"This is too much. Much much too much mum." She laughed at my statement and called some guy named Gustavo.

"'Ello! You are gorgeous! Magnific!" He complimented clapping his hands together the. Pulling a measuring tape.

"Beautiful body! Absolutely perfect!" I doubt that.

I grimaced while he made me lift my arms up an he measured my waist, my bust and the whole shebang.

"Green for the entrance dress, blue for the dance and black for the dinner dress."

"Mum. I don't need this, I appreciate it but its just my sweet sixteen, not my eighteenth birthday debut."

"Nonesense!" She argued

"Aren't you spoiling me a bit too much? The room, the painting lessons not to mention the allowance and now this?"

"Dear, your not going to be a teenager forever." She sighed.

"I'm perfectly aware of that." She shook her head and ignored my comment,"the point is, dear, we had this house so when you grow up you'd inherit this house, while me and your father live in the countryside when we retire.

"You'll have your own kids, a family in short. There's gonna be more hard ships than you can imagine. We'd like to enjoy and be happy. Because soon enough... Your not going to be our little girl anymore." She broke into tears and I lowered my arms--hitting Gustavo's head in the process-- and hugged her.

"Thanks mum." I whispered patting her comfortingly, which only caused her to sob even harder.

"Mum, your not going to get rid of me that easily, I'm just about to enter sophomore year for goodness sakes."

She laughed shakily and hugged me back and Gustavo handed her a white handkerchief.



"So what?" I asked. Looking to my side, Josh and I were star gazing.

"Are we a couple?" He asked, are we? He never asked, I mean we never made it official. We hold hands and kiss occasionally but I'm so confused.

"I guess."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked taking a sideways glance so that we were now eye to eye.

"You ask me if we are a couple then ask me to be your girlfriend afterwards?" I laughed.

"Is that un-cliche enough for you?"

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged.

He sat up rumpling the large picnic cloth we were lying on, "when do you think that Alex guy would attack?"

"So many questions, you're asking me? I'm the one being protected." I replied. It seemed pathetic, I never did anything. A stupid idea to take it all out on me, yes, I wasn't expecting a happily ever after without any trials in the middle. But my life's hardly a fairy tale, it doesn't even have a once upon a time.

"No I mean, in your opinion."

"Oh. Well maybe on my birthday or after that when school is over."

"So in two weeks then." He assumed.

"How are you sure of that anyways?"I yawned.

"I dunno, intuition." He started to gather up things up, "what are you doing?"

"Cleaning up, obviously." He rolled his eyes and stood up, I followed suit and started to descend the ladder.

"Good night J." I winked.

"Good night S." With one last peck on the lips, he was gone.


A loud sound woke me up. I looked around the room, it was raining really hard and there was thunder, I thought for a second that someone broke in.


That was definitely not thunder. I tiptoed to my closet and grabbed my titanium baseball bat, a gift from some family member who plays baseball.

I quietly opened the door, all my bodyguards have abandoned their posts, yeah real smart! Leaving who they are protecting, in the middle of the night.

I opened the door across the hall, not bothering to knock, big mistake.

A gun was pointed to my head,"Put that down will you!" I hissed, josh relaxed and put his gun on his belt, he was armed. He threw a black vest to me.

"Wear it, quickly, I can't leave you alone in your room." I obliged and strapped in, clutching the silver bat in my hand tightly.

We went down the stairs our weapons ready. Lets say what unfolded in front of us was shocking, and that was probably the understatement of the year.

My two bodyguards were sprawled across the floor, a pool of blood surrounding them each. Three guys were standing I front of us pointing a gun.

"Don't. Move." The guy in the middle said, his raspy voice causing goosebumps to appear on my arms.

Josh was now inching his way I front of me, "I said don't move!" The guy yelled.

"Run." Josh said.

"No. I won't leave you!"

"Whose being cliche now? RUN!" But being the stubborn person I was, I didn't.

"Fine, but stay behind me." This time I did what I was told.

There was a loud BANG! And one of the guys stumbled on the ground, this angered them idle guy more, I can see it in his eyes, he pulled the trigger.

Josh pulled me behind a pillar. It was like the movies, where the good guy hides and shoots behind the wall.

I quivered with fear, because josh was now out in the open, more guns were shot and I heard a body fall to the floor, I peeked and sighed in relief to see it wasn't Josh.

My mom and dad came rushing down the ballroom stairs, the eyes of the remaining man flickered to my parents, and realization dawned on me, he held his two guns tightly and pulled both triggers.

"NO!" I yelled I ran to them, not quite sure what I was doing, and as if everything was in slow motion, a bullet hit me, I wasn't shot because of the vest but I fell to the floor because of the impact.

My head hit the railing of the stairs, the last thing I heard was another body falling on the ground, then I blacked out.


A/N: I'm sorry it took so long. :( I'm not sure how long this is, but I made it as long as I can. Don't worry I'll be uploading the next chapter sooner! :) I'm going to rewrite my other story, please, read it when I publish it.

VOTE AND COMMENT! I appreciate this thanks, I can read our stories I you want, just ask. Not on the comment box! Message me. Kay??

-Anne(Ishiguro Kumiko)

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