Assassin's Creed: Skirmishes

OldAcc05 द्वारा

806 5 2

Assassin's Creed: Skirmishes are a collection of short stories showing off examples of my combat writing (I w... अधिक

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Young): Power to the People
Ezio Auditore da Firenze: Roman Army Takeover
Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Old): Provocation
Haytham Kenway: Expedition
Shay Patrick Cormac: Massacre
Connor Kenway (Ratonhnhaké:ton): Redcoat Bar Incident
Connor Kenway (Ratonhnhaké:ton): Blue Lobsters
Aveline de Grandpré: Cornered
Edward Kenway: Pirate Savior
Edward Kenway: Man o' War!

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad: Political Downfall in Acre

257 3 2
OldAcc05 द्वारा

Albert Giroux; a Templar hailing from France. He had been sent to Acre, recently. Albert began buying up land from the outskirts and surrounding landlords around the city as to monopolize territory and bring power to the government, in which he had power over. He bought politicians and he himself was soon to be a powerful political figure. Albert was known as the Captain of the Guard at Acre, publicly protecting the people while secretly grasping control over them. As if he hadn't already made enough of an offense to have the Brotherhood arrive at his doorstep, he bought huge shipments of weaponry, food, medical supplies, and building materials as to keep it from the population. He publicly admitted the he himself bought such huge shipments when the people rioted, in turn he said that he would distribute supplies to each and every citizen and eliminate the need for them having to work longer hours to pay for food and necessities. Everything seemed to be a utopia in Acre, but Albert planned to enslave the whole city, subtly by persuasion and silencing those who spoke out. The man was cunning, like a master thief (which he was) creeping through the night, ready to mug the next innocent who crossed his path. The Captain of the Guard was to appear before the people and present a speech as soon as the sky turned orange, right before the moon and the stars came out. The Brotherhood naturally sent their best as to take care of this manipulator of the people; Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. 

The sky had turned orange, Albert Giroux had appeared before the crowds, standing atop a wooden of a building of commerce. 

"Citizens! Citizens! I have gathered you all here today to further explain my proposition on to lower the poor man's working hours and supply him with everything he needs!" announced Albert, a thick French accent heard in his voice. Albert wore the red cross of the Templars upon his white tabard, which was tucked under the chainmail coif he wore to protect his head. A stubble was upon his mouth area, his eyes bearing grey pupils as part of his long brown hair flowed out from under his coif. The man stood six feet tall and like all men of battle, had a fit and buff composure. Albert began to speak his pretty words as to woo and win the crowd to support his rise in political power. The Brotherhood would not allow such a corrupt person gain power over Acre.


The sound of a hidden blade was heard by the victim as it penetrated his tabard, the chainmail and tunic bearing him no protection of the sharp metal that pierced into his flesh and into his heart. The first archer positioned upon the rooftop had fallen dead as Altaïr let the man's limp body fall onto the ground, his left hand covered in the coward protector's blood; one down, three to go. The master assassin reached for the throwing knife upon his leather girdle, which he aimed upon the nearest archer and threw it at him. The knife impaled itself into the head of the guard, ripping through the layer of flesh and into the brain as blood oozed from the wound on impact. The second guard had fallen dead without so much as a cry for help. Trouble began on the rooftops as the other two bowmen noticed their comrades fall onto the cold stone, defiling the roof of the residential building with his crimson red blood. One of the guards walked over to the dead body as the other nocked an arrow to the bowstring as he took aim upon the assassin; Altaïr was exposed. 

An arrow was shot at him, Altaïr rolled out of the way, using his right arm to break the fall as he came up from the roll, standing at the edge of the building. The bowman began to fit another arrow to his bowstring as Altaïr jumped to the next nearby building, and to the next as he jumped over the city street below him, now on the same side where the archer was. Another arrow flew past the assassin's neck as he jumped to the next building, thank goodness for the archer's horrible aim. The archer began to nock another arrow, but was met with a jumping strike to his neck. The blade dug into the soldier's neck, ripping through the skin and then the flesh as blood dripped from the neck of the victim. The neck cut through the vocal cords and through the layer of flesh completely, before the whole blade was within the dead man's neck, having about a centimeter of the blade stick out from the other side of the neck. Altaïr rose from his kill as the left gauntlet was dirtied even more with the blood of his opponents. The last archer attempted to run away from the murderer and was met with a thrown knife at his neck; the last of the rooftop guards fell dead. 

Albert kept talking his sweet words as the crowd began to cheer for him as Altaïr neared his target. He was positioned on the rooftop that was right above his prey. Four guards were surrounding him as to protect him, that was all Altaïr needed to know as he leapt from the roof. Altaïr drew the hidden blade from its metal sheath as he kept his hand up as to allow passage for the blade to harm his opponent and not him before impaling it into the Templar's neck. The crowd began to scream as the Templar fell dead on the floor, the four remaining enemies quickly drawing their swords as the closed in to attack. Altaïr quickly rose from the corpse as the assassin quickly jumped onto the hand railing and then jumped from there, dodging a strike from the armed Templar. The crowd had scattered and ran as to leave him with no place to hide within the people, Altaïr stood his ground as he turned to face the four whom dared attacked him. He was surrounded as the Templars kept their swords ready, Altaïr decided to meet them with a knife, wielding it in his right hand so that the blade pointed down to the earth. 

The first of his opponents decided to attack him with a ruthless overhead slash while another one tried to lunge at his side with a stab. The assassin sidestepped towards the Templar, letting the overhead slash miss as he sent his knife into his neck from a side angle, sweeping his feet so his body fell to the ground. The idle two attempted to attack the assassin, but to no avail. The Syrian assassin rolled on his left shoulder as to dodge the slashes, coming up on one knee and foot to brutally attack the knee with his dagger, pulling the knife back as to make this man fall as well, letting him suffer the wound. He quickly stood up as the assassin was attacked again, this time from behind. Altaïr spun counter-clockwise around the blade and sent the knife into the neck of the Templar, eliminating another one of them. Two remained, the maimed Templar who was yelling in pain on the floor, and one whom began to ran away. Altaïr threw a throwing knife that was sheathed upon his shoulder, using it to slow down the Templar as it hit his back. Whilst he was slowed down, Altaïr ran at his opponent and sent the knife into the Templar, piercing it through his neck through the opening of the helmet and the chainmail coif.

Altaïr had killed the last of his formidable opponents. He sheathed his knife upon his back and walked towards the suffering Templar, drawing the blade that was attached to his left gauntlet. 

"Rest in peace.....Templar scum.." Altaïr said coldly as he sent the blade into the Templar's neck, ending his suffering as his breath drew to a close. Altaïr's arms were covered in the blood of his opponents, but he had fulfilled his duty. He ran up a nearby building and began to flea from the scene.

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