When Joey Met Meg

By Andieqwerty

86.7K 3.4K 1.2K

When two people destined to meet and bound for love be able to defeat all that thwarts their love? Will they... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
This Place
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
I Wanna Know
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 3

4K 138 13
By Andieqwerty

Sunday morning workout, I'm running on the treadmill today because it's getting colder outside. Fall is about to start, my first autumn here in New York. Excited about the weather, we don't have fall and winter back home. I'll be needing winter clothes and I asked Meg to help me shop. I really like her taste in fashion. She makes me wear clothes I never imagined to wear. She makes me feel I'm beautiful even if I'm wearing a nurses' uniform while she dress up like a goddess. She makes me look forward to breakfast even if I only want is to sleep. Whenever our skin touches, she makes my heart skip a beat and shortened breath.

What have I been thinking? I shake my head and focus on my running. Suddenly my phone rings, Meg calling. I pushed the answer button on my earphones and stopped the machine.

"Hello." I answered.

"Where are you, Joey?" Meg asked.

"Here ate the gym." I answered panting.

"Oh, really? You should have invited me." Meg said.

"Invited you?" I asked.

"Go to the gym!" She exclaimed.

"Ah. I thought you probably still asleep because it's a Sunday." I answered.

"You're right. I just woke up. What time are we going shopping?" She asked, I can hear her yawn.

"Why don't we have breakfast first? I'll cook at my place." I asked.

"Sounds good. I'll help you prepare." She gladly said.

"Sure. I'm done here, see you in a bit." I uttered.

"Alrighty...Bye!" Meg hang up.

I went as fast as I can to my apartment, took out from the fridge some eggs, green bell pepper, cheddar cheese and butter. I'm still in my gym clothes, then I put on my apron and I'm ready to cook. I was brewing coffee when the door buzzed, when I opened the door, a fresh Meg appeared in front of me dressed in rugged pants and hooded jacket.

"Hi, good morning!" She greeted and was about to kiss on my cheek but I avoided her kiss because I haven't showered and I'm all sweaty.

"Morning, sorry I haven't showered and see I'm sweaty." I let her come in as she take her jacket off. Now she's wearing a black tank top.

"So, how may I help you?" She asked.

"You can set the table." I said to her smiling.

While she sets the table, I prepare my omelet. Beat the eggs, sliced the peppers and grated the cheese, then heat the pan. Put butter in the pan, tossed the peppers and cheese in the pan then pour in the egg then mix everything. Then I warm 4 slices of garlic bread in the microwave oven. Breakfast is ready I shouted as I find Meg. She came out from my room bringing me a shirt.

"Sorry I went to your closet and got you a shirt. Change first. Go!" She exclaimed while pushing me to my room. "I'll get our coffee ready." She added.

Simple things, simple gestures she makes me feel I'm important. I can't help myself not to feel something for her, I take a deep breath and went out from my room. I proceed to the table, she already made coffee. "Let's eat." I said to her while taking my seat.

"Where did you learn to cook?" She asked me while digging in the omelet and biting her toast.

"From watching cooking shows, from google and Youtube." I answered.

"You should cook more. Love this omelet." Meg muttered.

"I'll let you taste some of my favorite Filipino dishes one day." I told her.

"Oh Filipino food! I love adobo. I miss my mom's adobo." She exclaimed.

"Really, that's my favorite too. So how's work?" I asked Meg.

"Tiring but fulfilling. My boss assigned me for a new column in the magazine, but I can't think of a concept yet." She answered, I feel that she's a bit pressured.

"Wow! I know you can come up with a great idea. You surely can do that." I encouraged her.

"Hope so. How about you, do you get enough sleep after your duty?" Meg asked.

"6-7 hours of sleep is enough for me. I've been meeting new friends in the hospital, many of them are my patients. It's funny how they share their stories to me like They've known them for years." I excitedly said.

"Maybe because they feel comfortable with you. Like I am to you." Meg uttered.

"You feel comfortable with me?" I asked in hesitation but I asked anyway.

"Yes. First time we met I slept on a stranger's shoulder. That's how I am comfortable with you, Joey." She muttered.

First time I saw Meg, I was stunned. When I smelled her perfume that day, when I opened my eyes and saw her...I cannot forget that day.

"Hey, Joey!" Meg called my attention I hope she didn't caught me daydreaming.

Meg, checked the time, "Why don't you take a shower, I'll take care of the dishes." She told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yeap, go ahead!" She said.


I'll take Joey to Bloomindale's, I got some discount coupons we could use given to me by my clients and sponsors from work. Shopping is all girls' therapy, we'll definitely enjoy this. Every day spent with Joey is time worth spending.

"Meg, can you help me? I can't take off my jacket, the zipper stuck in my top." Joey said shyly, while peeking through the door of the fitting room.

"Oh, okay. Let me help yah." I rushed myself to the fitting room leaving all the shopping bags on the floor.

I entered the 5x3 feet fitting room with Joey, too small for two people with some tension going on. Seeing our reflections in different angles because we're surrounded by mirror. Inside my head I whispered, "Oh, we look good together." I smiled at the thought of it.

"What are you smiling about?" Joey asked, while I fix the zipper.

Shoot! I wasn't I aware I was smiling. "Uhm, nothing." I said.

I am only inches away from her, that we can both smell our perfume. Close enough to hear each other's heartbeat. My hand started to shake but I still managed to remove the piece of cloth stuck in the zipper. I looked at her after I fixed the zipper. Her eyes meet mine and we're lost in each other's glance. I wanted to kiss her but I am not sure if she's ready. This feeling is too strong now I can't help myself. I slowly leaned my face closer to her not losing eye contact. Is she ready for me? I am really not sure. I stare at her lips, I want to caress those with mine. Our eyes met again, this time she closed it. I remember our first kiss in her apartment, she closed her eyes right before our lips met. I gaze at her lips and I feel she was ready, I slowly pushed my lips against her lips...

Then the door fly open, "Oops! I'm sorry." A lady unintentionally pushed the door open. She may be shocked by the sight she saw that's why she left immediately after she saw us.

Joey and I jumped into that sudden interruption. We both smiled by our reaction, I can see from the mirror our faces were both flushed. I took off her jacket, "Go try those clothes on." I said to her while I leave her inside the fitting room. "Uhm, Joey?" I muttered. "Yes, Meg?" She answered. "Lock the door please?" I tease her. "Go away!" She shouted laughing.

Why didn't I lock the door? I asked myself. We were lip to lip and I can feel she was ready for it. Oh, well. Better luck next time, Megan! Man! I'm talking to myself again. I stare blankly at the fitting room, waiting for Joey to come out that damn door.

Finally she's done fitting. "I'm all good. Love the clothes you chose for me. Thank you." Joey muttered.

"You are welcome. Let's go?" We walked towards the counter to pay.


We are inside the elevator of our apartment, I asked Joey if she wants to eat to late lunch over my place. She said yes. "Is pizza okay with you?" I asked.

"Pizza is fine. I'll drop these bags off my apartment and I'll see you in a while." She said smiling as she step out from the elevator when it opened.

I wanted to take out my phone from my pocket so I can call the pizza place for delivery but my hands are full from all these shopping bags. The moment I got inside my apartment I called Big Al's Pizza and they will deliver after 30 minutes. I picked up the bags and brought them to my room. After 15 minutes Joey buzzed the door. "Come in, pizza will be here any minute. You want beer?" I asked Joey.

"I'll have soda, I have a duty this evening." She muttered.

"You can get inside the fridge." I want her to feel at home so I let her roam around my house.

"How about you? What do you like to drink?" Joey asked.

"I think I'll have a beer." I smiled at her.

"Here's your order, Miss Fuller." She playfully said handing me my beer. I laughed at her childish acts, I'm loving her funny side.

The pizza arrived just in time. Both of us are hungry, very hungry. We ate pizza like we are kids, not minding how many calories it will add to our weight.

"I think we need to run 30 minutes on the treadmill tomorrow!" Joey exclaimed.

"Oh, dear. Monday is a busy day for me. When I'm at the office I hardly eat." I murmured.

"Wow you are really busy. Have you thought of a concept for your new column?" She asked me.

"I have ideas but not final yet. Later, I'll work on it. You want to watch a movie or a series?" I asked

"How about a series? Do you watch Empire?" Joey asked.

"I like Empire. I am halfway to season 1, season 2 will be aired this September." I said excitedly.

"Come on, let's watch it!" She said.

"Okay, let's use popcorn time app. Wait here, I'll get my laptop. You can turn on the TV and relax yourself on the couch." I told Joey.

It took me longer to go out from my room because I had to answer an important call from work. When I came back to set up the laptop to the TV, I found Joey sleeping soundly on the couch. I did not bother to wake her up, so she could rest before her duty. I will just wake her at 5:00.

I sat on the couch across her, I watched her sleep while I do my work. I stare at this beautiful sight, Joey sleeping on my couch. I hold up my phone and took a photo of her, she's just lovely my heart melts. While I watch her, I thought of a concept for my column. Why not feature different women in NYC in their different jobs. This way I can show people the strong side of women. And for my first issue...I want Joey to be in my column. I hope she say yes on this.

It's now 5 o'clock, time to wake her up. I sat down on the floor in front of her and stare at her before I wake her up. I hope one day, I won't have to hesitate or think twice just to kiss you. I wish to someday I can hold your hand anytime I want to. I hope someday, I can show you how much I love you, Joey. I wish that someday will be anytime soon.

"Joey, time to wake up." I whispered, while I brush her hair with my fingers.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I fell asleep." She said shyly.

"It's okay, I know you're tired. By the way it is already 5 o'clock." I reminded her of the time.

"Shoot!" She stood up hastily. "I need to prepare for work. Thank you, Meg for this day." Then she kissed me on my cheek.

"Take care, Joey. I had a fun day today." I muttered.


I am at the cafeteria now, having my very late dinner. I received a late text from Meg.

From Meg: 9:05 PM

Hi, have you eaten dinner. Have a nice day/night at work.

To Meg: 10:07 PM
Hi :). I'm eating now. Still up?

From Meg: 10:08 PM
Yeap. Enjoy your food.

To Meg: 10:09 PM
Why are you still up? Sleep! :) haha

From Meg: 10:10 PM
I can't sleep. I'm thinking about my project. Can you help me?

To Meg: 10:12 PM
How can I help you, Meg? I don't know anything about your work.

From Meg: 10:12 PM
You can help me big time, Joey.

To Meg: 10:13 PM

From Meg: 10:14 PM
I want to interview you for my column. I'll be featuring different women in their different jobs. Please say yes. *puppy eyes, pouty lips*

To Meg: 10:14 PM
Just interview?

From Meg: 10:16 PM
And take some photos of you. Please?

To Meg: 10:17 PM
Pictures of me? I'm not sure about that, Meg.

From Meg: 10:18 PM
How many times have I told you, you are beautiful? Show the world your true self, your beauty inside and out. Trust me? This is going to be good.

To Meg: 10:19 PM
I don't know what to say.

From Meg: 10:20 PM
Do you trust me?

To Meg: 10:21 PM

From Meg: 10:22 PM
Good. I'm happy that you trust me. Thanks Joey.

To Meg: 10:23 PM
Oh, Meg! I don't know how to say NO to you. Haha. I gotta go. My break is over.

From Meg: 10:24 PM
Haha! Thanks, Joey! Now I can sleep. See you at breakfast, same time and place :)


Friday morning, Meg scheduled the photo shoot. I am so nervous about this, my hands are sweaty and cold.

"Hey you'll be fine, Joey. I'll take care of you. I promise." Meg said, holding both of my hands.

"I'm just nervous, Meg." My voice is shaking.

"Let's go first to my office." Meg said. "Guys, 30 minute break." She talked to the crew in the studio.

While we walk through the hallway going to her office. A tall beautiful lady who looks like a model, approached us.

"Meg!" The lady greeted and kissed Meg on the cheek. "You said you'd call me?" She added.

"Louise! I've been busy. Sorry, we need to go. I have a shoot today." Meg grabbed my hand and dragged me to her office. She even locked the door.

"Who's that?" I asked Meg.

"One of our models, I went to a party with her one time." Meg answered, looking me straight in the eyes. "Are you still nervous?" She asked.

"Yes. Feel my hands." I said to her shakenly while I show her my hands. Then she held those, my heart pounds even more. She let me sit on the chair, while she kneeled down in front of me.

"Joey, where are you when it showered self-confidence?" She jokingly asked. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. Aside from your beauty and good heart, your dedication to your work and love for your family...those qualities I admire from you. I see that in you, I hope you see that too." Meg's words pricked my heart like she was talking to my soul.

"Thank you, Meg. For making me realize these things." I whispered and I almost want to cry.

Here we are again, in this freaking tension every time we are this close. I admit, I am dazed but I like the feeling. Meg continued to stare at my eyes then to my lips, I get butterflies every time she do this. Silence is deafening, I hear my heart pounding so hard. I close my eyes and wait for her. Not too long she kissed me. Her lips caresses mine, I realized that I have missed her kiss so much. I felt her hand holding my nape, she pulled closer to intensify our kiss. I give in to the need I mirrored every brushes of her lips and tongue. I was lost in a moment of this sensual tension and this feeling that's been unknown to me for many years. God! I am in love with Meg. I pulled back from the kiss, I was shocked to admit to myself that I have fallen for Meg.

"Joey?" Meg whispered.


Hi Loves,

Here's my update. Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it.

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