What Does Forever Mean to You...

Oleh Kyreece13

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It's the end of senior year and Harry and Louis's relationship is at an all time high. High school is over an... Lebih Banyak

What Does Forever Mean to You? (Sequel to "When I Said Forever, I Meant It")
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Goodbyes Part One
Chapter 2: Goodbyes Part Two
Chapter 3: New Beginnings
Chapter 4: House Meeting
Chapter 5: Secrets and Promises Part One
Chapter 5: Secrets and Promises Part Two
Chapter 6: Drunken Mistakes
Chapter 7: Going Home
Chapter 8: Please...Don't Leave Me...
Chapter 9: Fights
Chapter 10: Another One Bites the Dust
Chapter 11: The Letters
Chapter 12: Back Home in Doncaster
Chapter 13: Some Resolve
Chapter 14: Therapy
Chapter 15: Progress
Chapter 16: Trigger
Chapter 18: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Chapter 19: Forgetting
Epilogue: One Year Later
Author's Note

Chapter 17: Too Deep

880 39 19
Oleh Kyreece13

((Hope you guys are ready for this. It isn’t as long as I wanted it to be but it is still pretty lengthy. Have fun reading it!))

~~Harry's POV~~

I run out of the building and all the way to the street. When I get to the sidewalk I look both ways and decide to head to the left, away from our house. As I run the scene from the office with Victoria runs through my head. I swerve around some people and smash into others. I get may foul words but I keep running. I have to get away. I have to get away from Victoria. I have to get away from the people I love; I only end up hurting them.

As I'm running it’s as if a light switch flicks on and the memories poor in. I remember everything from that night crystal clear...


"What is your problem?!" I scream at Louis as he walks away from me in the middle of the dancing crowd. He completely leaves the dance floor and stops a few feet away from the bar. He spins around and looks at me. His face shows how angry he is.

"My problem? I don't have a problem! I'm pretty sure you are the one with the problem!" Louis screams at me. He looks at me with complete disbelief. Apparently I did something wrong.

"No I don't have a problem! You are the one getting all bitchy and rude! What crawled up your ass and died?!" I scream at him. He's been acting fucking ridiculous for the past hour. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"I'm pretty sure you were the one grinding up against that slut Victoria!" Louis screams, pointing at the girl on the dance floor. I look at the girl and back at Louis. I point my finger in her general area and begin yelling again.

"I was just messing around. God can't I have any fun with someone other than you?" I say throwing my hands in the air. It's like I'm his bitch. I can't do anything without him. He walks around like he's the king of the world.

"You can have all the fun you want Harry!" Louis spits at me, "I'm so sorry that I don't like when my boyfriend messes around with a whore." My mouth drops open at his words. He's being so mean right now. Calling some innocent girl such a horrible word.

"Oh my god, Louis! I'm gay! Do you really think I'm interested in her?! If you should be jealous of anyone it should be the dickhead over there that has been eyeing me since we walked in!" I say, again throwing my hands in the air. He rolls his eyes and his face gets redder from rage.

"Really? Are you sure you're gay Harry? One hundred per cent positive? Because the thing in your pants says otherwise!" Louis says moving his pointed finger from Victoria to my pants. I look down and see that my pants are bulging out. I press it down with my hands and look at Louis embarrassed.

"Louis, Boo, it's not what it looks lik-" I try to stutter out before Louis cuts me off. His voice gets louder and his face gets impossibly redder.

"No Harry. It is. Very clearly that whore can satisfy you so I don't know why I'm here," Louis says, the tears starting to form in his eyes. "You know what I'm just gonna leave. I'll see you at home."

Louis turns away from me, and starts to walk towards the door. He's leaving? He's the angry one? I feel like I'm the one who has the right to be mad. I'm not the one being the dick to my boyfriend. My face and my emotions turn from sadness to anger. I feel like I'm going to punch someone. I chase after Louis and spin him around so he can look at me.

"What the hell do you want?" Louis says. His facade of being put together and okay is starting to crumble and tears are starting to roll down his cheeks, "Victoria is waiting for you."

The fact that Louis is giving up so easy on this makes it worse. He's not even trying to fight for me. At least if he fought I would know that I actually mean something to him.

And why is he getting so moody all of a sudden. We have been great for so long and now all of a sudden this drama is going down. We don't lie to each other. We've always told the truth. But now he thinks I'm lying. Why would I ever lie to him?

"What I want to know, Louis, is what the fuck your problem is?! Our relationship is as strong as hell and I have never lied to you. Not about anything, so why would I lie about this?" I scream at Louis. The flood gates in Louis's eyes fly open and tears cascade down his face.

"My problem is that for the past hour you have been on the opposite side of the room, dancing with a group of random girls, completely ignoring me. This is the first time we've gone out in London and we're spending it apart," Louis says between sobs. I just shake my head. Here comes his neediness. I can't freaking stand it.

"I'm sorry that I met some new people and wanted to hang out with them. The world doesn't revolve around you," I yell at him. He can be so freaking selfish sometimes.

"I know the world doesn't. What I'm saying is you could've invited me over with you," Louis says, his patience slimming, "but because you didn't, it's obvious you wanted them so much that you couldn't bear to be seen with your boyfriend." Louis finishes his thought and his face lights up. He must've realised something.

"Oh I got it now. You didn't want them to know I was your boyfriend," Louis says almost laughing. "what were you afraid they would be disgusted by you?" Louis stops sobbing and starts laughing. He hunches over in a fit of giggles.

"You wanted to bone them so bad you didn't even want them to know about me," Louis says continuing his laughing spree. I stand there stone cold; not laughing in any way.

"You know what Louis? You are absolutely right! I didn't want them to know about you," I say looking at him in his eyes. He stops laughing and looks at me.

"Because any time I'm with you I get these disgusted looks. Because they see the gay radiate out of you and immediately judge me and I'm sick of it! I'm sick of people hating me because of you!" I shout fed up with all of this. Louis simultaneously stops laughing and looks at me heartbroken.

"Ha-Haz..." Louis says just above a whisper. I barely hear it over the music blaring in the background. It's amazing that everyone else in the club is completely oblivious to what's going on.

"No Louis. There's nothing you can say. I'm sick of it. I threw away my life in Doncaster for you because I didn't care about it. I didn't care what people thought of me because I was bailing on that place as soon as possible. And when I moved here I expected it to be different. That we could start a life together and everything would be better, but it isn't. Nothing's changed. I still walk down the street with you and get the same looks as the people in Doncaster gave me. They judge me like they know me but they don't. They judge me strictly because I'm holding your hand. Or because my arm is around your waist. I'm just sick and fucking tired of it," I yell at Louis. Louis just stares at me. His tears have been falling down his face since I started this rant.

"Haz. Hazza, you don't mean that. You are just drunk. You don't know what you're saying," Louis says reaching for my hand. I yank it away and push him back from me.

"I know exactly what I'm saying Louis. I'm sick and tired of being around a big fag!" I scream before spinning around and marching through the crowd on the dance floor.

I get back to the group with Victoria and they welcome me back with a loud shout. I smile at them and make eye contact with Victoria. She winks at me and a slither my way over to her. We start bumping and grinding in time with the music. Soon i am just as hot and sweaty as everyone else in the club.

I look at Victoria and she smiles at me lustfully. I press my mouth against her neck and kiss it softly. I move up her neck until I get to get ear. I whisper 'wanna leave' into her ear and she nods her head. We say goodbye to everyone, pay our tab, and leave the bar twenty minutes later.

We step out of the bar and walk towards her car. When we get there I press her up against the driver door and connect her lips to mine. Our snogging session lasts for what seems like hours. Finally we break apart and get into the car.

We drive the short way to my house and fly up the stairs. I struggle with my drunkenness to unlock the door but finally do. I lift her up and she wraps her legs my waist. She kisses all the way down my neck, hitting my sweet spot several times, earning multiple groans out of me.

We make it down the hall to my room and I set her down on the bed and crawl on top of her. Our lips meet again and in an instant both of our shirts are off. I grind my hips against her and she moans in my mouth. That causes my hormones to go crazy and my cock goes insane. I unbutton my pants and pull them down with my boxers. My member is set free and I gasp as it springs free.

Victoria looks down at it and her eyes bulge out of her head. She stares at my rather-long member for a while before taking it in her hand and pumping it. I throw my head back in ecstasy. I go to let out a groan but a loud car horn echoes out of my mouth.

~~~End flashback~~~

I get sucked out of my newly-acquired memories and back into reality. I find myself in the middle of the street, a car right in front of me, flying at me straight on. I hear the car's tires screech against the pavement, attempting to keep from hitting me, but the car is simply going too fast. Before I have time to react the car connects with my legs and I fly forward on the hood of the car. My head smashed against the windshield and my body flies over the car and lands on the ground behind it.

I land on my back and my head hits the road hard. My vision is stained red and his spinning like crazy. My whole body aches and my muscles can barely move. Luckily I am able to get up by myself. I stand up, ignoring the pain, and keep going. My head is pounding, and my eye sight is blurred by red. My left leg looks deformed and my clothes are stained with dirt and blood. I try to push it away and keep going but I don't. I let myself feel all this pain. I deserve all of this pain. What I did that night was absolutely horrible. I don't deserve Louis, I don't deserve to live.

I stumble into a side alley and collapse to the ground. I hear people shouting somewhere in the distance along with someone's crying. The pain isn't as excruciating as it was as first and is even beginning to be bearable. Numbness starts to take away the pain and I get mad. I don't want the pain to go away. I look around in the alley for something, anything, sharp. I get my wish and find an old, rusty steak knife lying a few feet away from me.

I reach for it and feel the handle under my hand. I pick it up and bring it in front of my face. I can see my beat-up, dirty, bloody face in the blade of the knife.

I lower it to my skin and line it up with the biggest vein in my forearm. I push the knife into my skin and feel and dive in. Blood instantly starts to ooze out and I drag it down my arm. A big gash opens up and blood gushes out. The pain floods my whole body and I sigh with the familiar feeling.

I drop the knife and hear it clatter against the ground. My head gets dizzy, so I lay it back against the wall. My vision starts to blur and black spots start to appear everywhere. My eyes begin to close and all the previously-ear-splitting noises begin to slip away.

~~Liam's POV~~

The brown-haired girl presses her lips against Harry's and forces him to the wall. I can see that he is trying to fight her off but it isn't working. Somehow he does get her off and she just turns around and walks away from him. She grabs her purse and leaves the office like nothing happened.

I look back to Harry shocked. He's just standing there panic-stricken. "W-was that the Victoria?" I say quietly in disbelief. Zayn nods his head and looks at me. I hold his stare for a moment completely flabbergasted at what just happened. We turn back to Harry, who is staring at us. He looks around the room as if looking for something, a pained, guilt-ridden look on his face, and the takes off towards the door.

I shout for him to stop but he doesn't and leaves the office without saying a word. I rush towards the door behind him and force the door open, stepping out into the warm, humid air outside. On the other side of the car park I see Harry running down the street. I yell his name but he doesn't look back, he keeps on running.

I go back inside to the others and they are all still standing there not moving. I tell them that Harry has run away and they all look concerned. We get our stuff from the chairs and head outside to our cars. Zayn and I get into our car and wait for Eleanor and Niall to be ready to go. They give me a thumbs-up and I start the car and pull towards the exit.

I wait for the traffic to pass and then gun it into the street, turning the way that Harry ran. We drive down the road looking for any sign of Harry. In the distance I hear several car horns and the screeching of tires. I panic and press the gas petal harder.

We turn down a street and see a car sitting in the middle of the street. The windshield is shattered and blood is splatter all over the car. The couple inside is looking around terrified and the women in the driver's seat is crying.

I stop the car and get out, Zayn follows out behind me. The couple rolls down their window as I approached and I line against the window frame and look in the car.

"Have you guys seen a guy running? Brown, super-curly hair, green eyes, he was wearing a bow tie," I say, hoping, praying, that they say they did. They both nod their heads and the women let out another set of cries.

"Yeah we just hit him with our car! He came out of nowhere and stopped right in the front of the car. We tried to stop but we didn't have time. He flew over the car and landing behind us." He says motioning to the back of the car. "Then he just got up and ran away. We don't know what to do."

It takes everything in me to not burst out crying and I compose myself enough to thank them. I look at Zayn who heard the whole story. He looks at me worried and rushes back to El and Ni's car to tell them what happened. They get out and join me next to the car. The couple starts talking to Zayn some more and I look around hoping to find a sign of him.

There's a clattering noise that comes from an alley about twenty meters away and I bolt towards it. Zayn sees me and yells to me asking what I'm doing. I ignore him and keep running. I skid around the corner and the sight startles me. Lying on the floor in a pool of blood is a body.

Harry's body.

I let out a loud, sob-filled gasp. The others come up behind me and react similarly to me. I rush over to Harry's body and check his pulse. It is still there but it is very faint. I yell out for someone to call the police and kick away a bloody steak knife sitting next to Harry's body.

I whip out my phone and punch in a number. I hold the phone to my ear and wait for them to answer. It rings for a while and finally someone picks up.

"Hello Liam," Jay says in a half concerned half excited tone. I say hello to her and ask if Louis is there. I apologise to her for being so pushy and rude but I explain it is really important. "Yeah he is right here."

I hear the phone get transferred into someone else's hands and wait for Louis to say something.

"H-hello..." he says barely over a whisper. That's all he says and the phone line goes silent. Somewhere behind me I hear a crowd has formed and tons of people are screaming to call 999.

"Louis..." I say turning my attention back to the phone. "I-It's Harry. He needs you..." The line goes silent and I hear Louis's breath catch.

"W-what?" He blurts out confused. "What do you mean he needs me? What happened?" I struggle to find an answer to his question and don't come up with one.

"It's a long story but he's hurt and he needs you. You need to get to here as soon as possible," I say. The worry in his voice messes with my emotions and tears start to slowly fall from my eyes.

Behind me a hear sirens arrive and a loud screeching noise. People start shouting 'over here' and soon I'm pushed out of the way by two medics. They take Harry's pulse and left him onto a stretcher. I check the side of the ambulance and see 'The Royal London Hospital' on the side.

"He's going to The Royal London Hospital. You need to get there quick. I don't know what's going to happen to him," I say quietly. The realisation that Harry could die punches me in my stomach like a wrecking ball.

"What?! The hospital?!" He shouts. I can hear the tears in his voice. "Liam what the hell is going on?!"

"Liam, babe. Someone needs to go in the ambulance with him. I think it should be you," Zayn says from behind me. I turn around and am met with his golden-brown, puffy eyes. I grimace and nod my head.

"Louis I gotta go. Just get here," I say before hitting the end button. I hug Zayn and brush our lips together. I try to not get caught up in the kiss but I don't succeed. Someone screams 'c'mon. c'mon. Hurry up' and it breaks me out of my phase. I give Zayn one quicker peck and run towards the ambulance. I climb inside and the medics slam the doors behind me.

We take off and through the window I see Niall, a crying Eleanor, and a crying Zayn rush to their cars and hop in. They floor it down the street after us but are stopped at the stop light. Niall who is driving one of the cars slams on his breaks and smacks the steering wheel with his hand. I can see that he is mad beyond words at this light.

I turn away from the window and look at Harry's lifeless body on the stretcher. His hair is bloody and matted and the long gash in his arm is still oozing bloody. This chest rises and falls so extremely slowly that at times it looks like he isn't breathing.

The paramedics have him hooked up to many different machines and are trying to stop the bleeding in several places. I guess they do all they can because after about five minutes they place down the bandages and other supplies and look at the heart monitor. Just staring at it. Wait to see the line change; either in a good way or in a bad way.

The other medic driving radios to someone that they need an emergency blood transfusion in the emergency room. Someone on the other side of the radio receiver asks the condition of the patient. The medic holds down the button to speak and his words make me want to throw up.

"Barely clinging to life. Hit by car and self-inflicted wounds. Lost an extreme amount of blood. Not sure whether or not patient will make it the hospital. Be prepared for a DOA." He says into the receiver. The other person says a simple okay and the medic puts the radio down.

The one sentence echoes through my mind. 'Be prepared for a DOA.' Be prepared for a dead on arrival.

~~Louis's POV~~

"I-It's Harry. He needs you..." Liam says through the phone. My mind stops. My breathe hitches. What does he mean by 'he needs me'?

"W-what?" I blurt out shocked and confused. "What do you mean he needs me? What happened?" The line is silent after I say that and he doesn't say anything. The quietness makes everything scarier, more unreal. Why does he need? Why now? Why after all this time? He can't need me. He doesn't love me. If anything he needs me to be there so he can tell me he doesn't really need me.

"He's going to The Royal London Hospital. You need to get there quick. I don't know what's going to happen to him," Liam says after a few moments. The news socks me in the stomach and I find myself ready to cry. What happened to Harry?

"What?! The hospital?!" I shout into the phone. The screaming brings on the tears and I can't do anything to stop them. They keep on coming. "Liam what the hell is going on?!"

"Liam, babe. Someone needs to go in the ambulance with him. I think it should be you," Zayn says from somewhere on the other side. For some reason I get angry. Liam shouldn't be the one getting in the ambulance. I should be the one. He needs me. He doesn't need Liam.

"Louis I gotta go. Just get here!" Is all Liam says before the line goes dead. I take the phone off of my ear and set it in my lap. It takes a moment but finally it all sinks in. Harry's hurt. Hurt enough that he needs to go to the hospital. He needs me. Harry needs me. I need to get there as fast as possible.

Liam said he didn't know what was going to happen. Is Harry going to die? He can't die. Not as soon as he needs me. What if this is a prank? This is probably just a stupid joke to try and make me look stupid. They want me to drive all the way to London and be all scared and worried and I'd show up and they'd just laugh at me.

But what if he really does need me? What if he really is hurt? What if he does die? I'll never forgive myself if I don't see him before that. I'll never forgive myself if I wasn't there when he needed me most. I wouldn't be any better than him when he cheated on me.

"Louis, boo, what's going on?" My mum asks from the driver seat. She has pulled over to the side of the street and is looking at me worried. Her voice is full of confusion, uncertainty, and anxiety. I glance up at her briefly then look back down.

"Liam said Harry's going to the hospital and that he needs me," I say telling her what he told me. Even though I don't believe it's true, I should at least let her know 'what's going on.' "But it's a bunch of bullshit. They are just playing with me. They want me to show up in London like an idiot. So they can make fun of me."

"Lou I don't think he'd do that. Liam is your friend. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you," she says in disbelief. "If he said Harry is in the hospital then you definitely should believe him. You love Harry and need to be there for him."

I shake my head at her and look out the window. Harry has hurt me only twice in our relationship. In our thirteen year relationship we have been mad at each other twice. Both times he destroyed me heart into billions of pieces. I won't let him hurt me anymore. I won't let him mess with my heart anymore. I don't think my heart could take anything more from him.

"It's a bunch of bullshit mum!" I shout at her. Why can't she understand this is all a game? "He doesn't need me. He has never needed me. This whole relationship was fake and worthless. It didn't mean anything to him. It meant the world to me while it meant nothing more than dirt to him. I'm not going to put myself in a spot to get heartbroken again."

"I gave my all in this relationship for almost a year. I did everything to make him happy, to make us happy. I thought we were happy but apparently he isn't. He's sick of me and of the relationship. He doesn't love me mum. I don't know if he ever did. He surely doesn't know. So why should I go up there just to get my heart broken again?" I look at her furious and see that she is now crying. Today has been filled with nothing but tears.

"Louis William Tomlinson. Knock this crap off now!" She almost shouts at me. I sink back in my chair and my bottom lip begins to quiver. Mum never yells at me so when she does its scary. "You guys have been in love with each other since you were six. You guys loved each other for years. You were inseparable. Yeah you guys had problems but he came back and he loved you. Now he needs you and that he loves you and you are going to turn him away? Are you really going to let the only love of your life get away?"

Her speech scares me, but makes me think. Maybe he does need me. Maybe he really does love me again. Maybe he never stopped loving me. Could we really go back to normal? To loving each other? I don't know if that's possible. Am I going to let him get away? I don't have an answer for my mum so I just stay quiet.

"I have the answer to that question whether you have it or not," she says when I don't answer. I look at her and wait for her to tell me 'the' answer. "You aren't letting him get away." She starts the car and again and floors it down the street. A few cars honk at us as we swerve through the lanes of traffic. My mum was never an excellent driver and right now isn't any difference.

"Mum please I just wanna go home," I whine at her. I don't want to go anywhere else. I wish she could just drive me home and I could sit in my room forever.

"You are going home, Louis," she says confidently. I sarcastically say that we obviously going home. But we truly aren't since our house is in the opposite direction.

"Mum home is the other way," I speak up to her. She shakes her head and keeps driving. I get angry and turn away from her and face the window. I watch the calm, relaxed city of Doncaster go by.

Soon we get on the entrance ramp to the freeway and I look at mum confused. "Mum where are we going?" I asked scared. I know we aren't going where I think we are. She turns her head and smiles at me.

"You are going home Louis," she says then turns back to the road. I clench my fists in anger at her words. As we pass a freeway sign I read the words on it:

'London - 170 miles to go'

I sigh and lean my head against the window. Yay...'home' here I come...

((Hey guys! Did you like the chapter??? I am so, so, so sorry if anyone this made you guys cry. I know I told you guys it would get happy and it will! I promise with all my heart! You will love the end of the book. This part is just essential in the plot. I wouldn't put you through this emotional distress if it wasn't necessary.

What do you guys think of Harry? Do you think he is going to survive? Or do you think he will be okay? What about Louis? He doesn't seem to believe that Harry is hurt. He also doesn't seem too thrilled to be heading back to London. What do you guys think is going to happen? I know I said it wouldn't be said but plot twists are always fun to write.

Remember when you comment on the chapter you get entered in the raffle to have the next chapter dedicated to you. Besides that I want you guys to comment just to let me know how you are feeling and what you are thinking. The biggest thing that motivates me to keep writing is hearing that people are actually reading and liking the story. So please, please, please, please vote, comment, and follow. I love you guys :) <4))

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