The Preacher's Daughter

By flipth0securls

533 18 5

Margaret's life hasn't ever been daisy and daffodils. Being born into an extremely religious family along wi... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 8 Coffee for Two

Chapter - 7

39 2 0
By flipth0securls

-Margaret's Dream-

The hallway.

That hallway.

The hallway I was forced to walk down everyday.

The whispers were never quiet, and the comments were never friendly.

"Ew. The preacher's daughter." They were holding their noses. "She smells AGAIN. Did your daddy make you suck jesus' dick all night?" Everyone started laughing and backing away as I sped past them.

I felt the tears ready to burst from my eyes at any moment. My fists were clenched as I held back from breaking down in front of everyone.

My long brown skirt was being stepped on by someone.

My back was then pushed up against my locker.

"Hey Margo, it's Friday, gonna let everyone smell your fish?" She got closer to my face. "Well? Gonna answer me Margo?"

I shook my head, unable to speak. A crowd of other students stood around watching. Some laughing. Some egging her on. Some just staring, speechless. Why weren't they saying anything?

"What was that? A yes? Come on then, take off your skirt! Let them smell you." Her hands started tugging down my skirt.

I was shaking and crying hysterically.

"Linds. Linds stop okay? It's enough."

His voice. I didn't recognize it, but it seemed to stop her.

She stopped what she was doing and faced him. "What did you just say?"

Everyone was silent now.

"I said.. uh.. that we embarrassed her enough.. let's just wait until there's even MORE people and we can pants her okay?"

She stared at him, then back at me, and laughed.

"Whatever." She shoved me against the locker once more before walking away dragging the boy who saved me with her.

Everyone watching just carried on with their day, got where they needed to go.. a few people gave me looks of sympathy, but never spoke to me as they left.

I sat there crying.

I never did catch the boys name..

-End Of Dream-


I woke up to the sound of Ronnie's lovely voice screaming at me. His tiny hands were punching me in the arm.

I felt tears streaming down my face. This was the third night in the row I relived the same day over and over in a dream.. but nothing changed, It was never a different ending from the one I lived. Maybe it wasn't really a dream then was it?

"What do you want? Go back to bed." I stuck my cheetah print pillow over my head in an attempt to make him go away. I didn't need him seeing me like this.

"If you say so.." He sped out of my room slamming the door behind him.

He gave in too quick. Why did he give in so quick, he never gives in that quick? I practically flew from my bed in search of my phone. Where was my phone?! What time was it?!

"RON GET IN HERE!" I checked myself in the mirror, wiped away some tears and stood as tall and stern as I could.

He was trying to hide his giggles as he walked in, which he failed at doing so.

"Hmm?" He swung his arms around innocently.

"Where's my phone? I know you took it." My eyes scanned his tiny body for any bulges in his pj's. For being only 7 years old he was pretty conniving and smart.

"I didn't take it."

"Ron don't lie to me. You took it so my alarm wouldn't go off and you could skip school. I'm not stupid. Hand it over." I stepped towards him, but he didn't back away, or run like I expected.

"I DON'T HAVE YOUR PHONE!!" He jumped up and down repeatedly. "YOU slept in so I came in to get YOU up!!"

I was pretty good at telling when he lied or not. When he was angry, he threw fits, just like he was now. He kept a straight face without any effort at all.

He wasn't lying, but he was the only one here.

"So it just disappeared right?" I crossed my arms. "Just grew wings and flew off of the dock?"

"Marg I promise I didn't take it. Can I just go back to sleep? Pweaseeee."

"I still don't believe you so you're going to school for lying.." I walked back over to my bed to fix the pillows and blankets before I headed out. When I turned around Ron was still standing there, mouth wide open.

"But.. but I.. I'm not-"

"I SAID YOU'RE GOING TO SCHOOL. QUIT BEING A BRAT AND LISTEN FOR ONCE!" I screamed so loud that I was even scared of myself.

"I.. I-I HATE YOU." Tears were brimming in his eyes.

"Oh really? You HATE me? Well guess what? You're going to school in your pajamas." I snarled back, even though what he had said killed me on the inside, I had to show discipline.. I hated yelling and being harsh but I.. He was just.. My mind wasn't in the right place.

I'll always remember the look on his face.

He stepped a few steps backward hitting his head off the door frame, then immediately dashed out across the hall, being sure to slam the door in the process.

I went to open the bathroom door to talk to him, I was never good at sticking to a punishment, but he locked it.

"Open up Ron." I knocked on the door.

No response.

"Look I'm sorry okay? but you.. just go find some clothes and hurry down to the car I'll be waiting."

I hesitated when walking away. He never gave me an "okay" or a simple grunt. Just silence.

I dragged me feet down the stairs, into the kitchen. I checked myself in the mirror on the way down. Stained white t-shirt, plaid shorts, and a messy braid. Due to the conditions of today, I thought I looked.. Like shit. But honestly no one ever paid attention to me anyway so it didn't matter.

He still never came down, or made a slight noise.

"Ron.. I said I was sorry now come on, it's already been a half an hour since we should have left."

I was heading for the car when I heard him come down. I stopped and turned around to face him. His shirt was a few sizes too big.

"That looks kinda-"

He walked past me, completely ignoring me and my presence at all.


My fingers nervously tapped the steering wheel as I thought about everything terrible happening at this very moment. My brother hates me. I cant have one normal, peaceful day without crying or having a problem. I'm alone. My phones missing. I can't support myself let alone a child. And out of all of those things, the only fixable one was finding my phone.

Anyone in this world could have fallen upon it. My password was what professionals in the hacking business would say is "asking for it" or "stupidity". Anyone wanting information could easily figure it out. 1234. Genius I know. I'm terrible at remembering things.. That's my excuse.

I had to retrace my steps.

The only place I went yesterday was too.. I immediately hit the brakes. In the middle of realizing where I had left my phone, I almost wrecked my car and ran over an old woman.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." I was waving at the woman through the window, mouthing sorry over and over. She held up her hand as if she was trying to shut me up, or say it want the first time.

The car behind me was blowing its horn every two seconds. On any other occasion, depending on my mood, i would ether speed away in my car or get out and tell them off, but I wasn't focused..

Harry's house.

I left it at Harry's house.

How could I be so stupid? How could I leave my phone there? The one thing I neeed at this very moment.. I leave behind because I was going to have sex with some guy that just moved in.

I defiantly was not ready to go and retrieve it. My dignity was still beneath the concrete.Yesterday was awful. Embarrassing. Stupid. Any nasty name you could think of, that's what yesterday was. I was expecting a call from my friend I was meeting with next week, but that could wait.

I wonder if he knew I left it there, or if he hadn't noticed.. or cared. You'd think if he found it he'd return it? No. Nothing. At all. Maybe I'm just overreacting and it fell between my bed and my table.. 

I shook my head as I drove onto our street. "Margaret you know that's not true.." Talking to myself has become a daily thing, "It's at Harry's.. and you have to get it. Man up. and kindly ask for it back."

 I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do.

With my luck, he was already outside working on his car.. shirtless. It was one of the hotter days this fall, so that explains why he didn't have a shirt on. His tan muscular skin was making me weak. His biceps were bulging as he lifted something heavy on to a bench. This wasn't helping me keep my cool or focus..

"Remember.. No." I fixed myself on the way over towards him. 

He was leaned over on the hood of his car turning something. He slowed down like he knew I was coming. He spun around revealing his cocky smirk. His messy hair fell perfectly on his face, still letting his green eyes be seen, that was the only gentle thing about him.

"Umm.. Harry I don't mean to bother you but I left my phone here yesterday.. Can I get it?" I bit the side of my cheek as I waited for him to reply.

He set down his tool and slowly walked toward me. "Yeah, sure."

He slipped to the side and held his arm out to let me go first. He raised his eyebrows. "or not." His arm swung back down to his side digging into his tight jean pocket. He jogged in front of me towards the house.

"Thanks.." I quietly said to myself. I don't think he heard me, he opened the door and walked right in.

I walked into the familiar living room. Just to be polite, I slid my white vans off. I figured Harry was going to grab it for me, but he never came back. I wondered around for awhile until I came upon his laptop which was opened to a restaurant. It looked like he was making reservations.

A sudden heat wave ran over my body. It was only for two. Was I getting jealous?! What was I doing? I was falling for it again. No. No I wasn't. I wasn't going to give into this.. This beautiful boy who makes my heart beat a million times faster.. Find the phone and leave.

I followed the familiar path to the kitchen. It was a bit tidier then before. If my phone was here, it probably would have been in the same spot. The only other place I was.. Was.. Well his bedroom.

I heard a loud crashing sound.


I wasn't very well with things like this.. I am always anxious and on alert at the slightest sign of a threatening sound or movement.

"Harry this isn't funny. Please just come out.."

Harry came sprinting through the oval shaped door frame. He had a baseball bat in his hand

"Get in the bathroom."

"What I'm not getting in the bathroom with you half naked." I crossed my arms and stepped back.

"Margaret, please just go. Someone's in the house."

"No I'm not hiding while you go out there alone."

He walked towards me and aggressively grabbed my arm. He was pushing me into the bathroom.

"Stay." He gave me an im-not-messing-around look before beginning to leave. "Lock it and don't let anyone in including me." His green eyes locked on mine.

I nodded. He gently closed the door. The sound of the click confirmed that this may be the last time I saw him.. It sent tingles through my chest just at the thought of Harry not being around, even if it was only two days of knowing him.

It was quiet for awhile, then I heard what sounded like two male voices speaking.

"Mate just leave.." I heard what sounded like Harry, but it faded away too quick to know for sure.

I decided then was a good time to go out and see what was happening. I pried open the door so no sound could be heard and tip-toed toward the living room. Harry would kill me if he saw me. I heard another loud bang, and then what I knew was Harry speaking.


I peaked my head around the corner. There was another boy standing in front of Harry laughing uncontrollably. I could only see the back of him. He was shorter then harry, but taller then me. He had blond hair that looked like it was dyed from the dark brown roots that were showing. He was wearing a tight red sweater, with black jeans, and white all star shoes.

"H-Harry?" I bit my lip unsure of what to do.

The blond boy spun around.

"So there is a girl here. That explains why your shirtless.." He turned back to Harry and touched his hair. "She's a nice one too."

I folded my hands together and twirled my thumbs, trying to hide the embarrassment on my face.

"Good news no one broke in." Harry spoke.

"You thought someone broke in?" Blondie started laughing again.

I started towards the door, "I'm just gonna go. You can leave my phone on the porch."

Harry jumped in front of me. "No don't. Niall was just leaving."

"Don't be rude Harry." He shoved Harry to the side. "I'm Niall." He stuck out his hand for a shake.

"Margaret." I found myself staring into Niall's eyes. He was simple to look at if that made sense. He drew you in just by smiling, but I quickly retreated back down to the floor when he started laughing.

Niall made it so his face was only inches from mine. He cupped my chin in his hand, making me stare into his eyes. They were a bright sea blue.

"No need to be shy, I'm not the one that bites." He shot me a wink just as Harry intervened.

"Soo Niall you can go now." Harry got in between us and shoved Niall backwards a little while mumbling something that made him laugh.

He continued pushing him until he was out of the house.

"Bye nice meeting y-" Niall was cut off by the slam of Harry's glass door.

He breathed heavily then turned around to face me. His eyes met mine in a short gaze.

"Sorry bout that, Niall doesn't know what knocking is."

He stared at the broken lamp then threw himself onto the couch. "I just bought that too." He made a clicking sound with his teeth then shook his head.

"You can sit ya know." He flicked on the tv and started scrolling through the channels.

"No thank you, I would just really like my phone."

He turned his attention from the tv to me.

"Oh yeah, it should be in the kitchen." He pointed the remote towards the kitchen. 

"Okay.. thanks." 

I speed walked into the kitchen and began scanning the counters for my phone. When I couldn't find it there, I started rummaging through the drawers. 

"Tough break?" Harry's voice made me jump up.

"You scared me. But yes tough break. Where is it?" I stood up tall, with my hands on my hips.

He laughed and then continued speaking. 

"I told you it was in here!" 

I walked closer to him, until he was directly in front of me. 

"I'm serious Harry give me my phone." 

He tilted his head to the side biting his lip, and began laughing, making his dimples show. He was so beautiful to look at. He easily distracted me by just taking in his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Alright alright.." 

He stuck his hand in his back pocket and pulled out my phone.

"Is this it?" He started waving it around so it was above his head. Our height difference clearly in his favor.

I started jumping up trying to grab it. "Give it Harry."

This made Harry laugh hysterically. He threw his head back each time I landed from a jump. 

I decided enough was enough, I lunged at Harry, jumping in his arms. He caught me with both arms. Our faces now only inches apart. His green eyes were staring into my big brown ones.

He was still smiling at me as he spoke, "That was funny." 

I smiled back, shaking my head. "You think  you're sooo clever. Don't ya?"

"I'm more then clever." He shot back.

"Oh really?" I said sarcastically. 

Our lips were now almost touching. I was playing with the curls on the back of his neck.

That's when it happened. 

He looked into my eyes with his beautiful green ones, then down at my lips, and did it.

We kissed. 

And it wasn't full of lust.. or sexual attraction.

It was full of love.

 -Harry's POV-

I heard a loud crashing sound just as I was making my way into my room.

"What the hell?" I spun back around looking for anything suspicious. The front door was wide open, with no one in site. My thoughts immediately went to her..


She was in my house looking for her phone and someone had just broke in and I had no bloody clue where her or the intruder was. I grabbed my wooden baseball bat from the closet.

"Harry?" She spoke loudly, yet quietly at the same time.

I followed her voice until I saw her standing nervously in the kitchen. Relief spread throughout my whole body knowing she was okay.

"Get in the bathroom."

I saw the stubborn coming out in her just by the expression on her face.

"What I'm not getting in the bathroom with you half naked." She crossed her arms and stepped away from me.

"Margaret please just go. Someone's in the house."

"No. I'm not hiding while you go out there alone."

I was done being Mr. Nice Guy.

I grabbed her arm and started pushing her into the bathroom. She didn't try shaking me off or running away, she was trusting me.

"Stay." I made her eyes meet mine. "Lock it and don't let anyone in including me."

I gently closed the door. The image of her face wouldn't be leaving my mind anytime soon. She looked so scared and helpless, she was what was driving me and my anger towards this person and I didn't know why.

I held the bat in a swinging position as I turned the bend into the living room.

I knew exactly who it was as soon as I spotted him. He was hunched over the bowl of candies placed on the table by the door.

"Niall?!" I dropped the bat to the floor.

"Hey! Harry! Pal!" He opened his arms and ran towards me, dropping all the hershey kisses he had. "Hug me babe."

I stuck my arm out and pushed him away. "This isn't time to joke."

"Is something wrong?" He looked at me puzzled. I usually was never this way toward him, so I couldn't blame him for being confused.

"Mate just leave, I'm busy."

He picked up my bat and started twirling it around.

"It must be serious if you're to busy for me." He looked at me for a moment, before lighting up with emotion. "There's a giiiirl here isn't there Harry? GIRRRL WHERE ARE YOU?"

I pushed him back as we both laughed.

"There isn't a girl here. I'm just doing some cleaning." I leaned against the arm rest on the couch.

He started smirking. "You never clean. Someone's here I know it."

He tossed the bat on the couch, which intern bounced and knocked over my lamp.


Niall started laughing insanely at my reaction.


We both immediately stopped what we were doing. I leaned to the right past Niall to see Margaret standing in the doorway.

Niall spun around. He scanned Margaret from head to toe before speaking.

"So there is a girl here. That explains why you're shirtless.." He turned back around and messed up my hair. "She's a nice on too." He winked at me before turning back to her.

She was staring at the ground shyly, trying to hide the redness of her cheeks. I hated how she reacted to Niall's compliment. Why does he get to step in and just 'wow' her when I had her first?

"Good news no one broke in." My lame attempt at a joke made no one laugh but Niall.

"I'm just gonna go. You can leave my phone on the porch." Margaret attempted to leave but I quickly jumped in front of her.

"No don't. Niall was just leaving."

I flung my arm at Niall from 

behind my back signaling for him to leave, but that was too easy, I knew he wasn't going to leave without talking to her.

"Don't be rude Harry." He shoved me a side. "I'm Niall." He stuck out his hand for a shake.

"Margaret." She kept her head down when she introduced herself.

Good. Maybe she didn't like him.

Niall then made it so his face was only inches away from hers. He cupped her chin in his hand.

"No need to be shy, I'm not the one that bites."

What in the bloody hell was Niall doing? It was obvious I was into her and he just thought he could step in and take her away.

"Soo Niall you can go now." I placed myself in between them and shoved Niall backward a little.

"What the fuck are you doing? She's not into leprechauns."

He started laughing, making it easier to push him out of the house.

"Bye nice meeting y-" I slammed the door in the middle of his sentence.

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to meet Margaret's eyes. They were a beautiful gray color. I could stare at them for hours.

"Sorry bout that, Niall doesn't know what knocking is." I stared at the broken lamp then threw myself onto the couch. I wasn't in the mood to clean anything.

I peered back up at her. "You can sit ya know."

"No thank you, I would just really like my phone." I heard her body shift through the creaky wooden floor.

"Oh yeah, it should be in the kitchen." I swung my arm carelessly in the direction of the kitchen. 

"Okay.. thanks." 

I heard her quickly walk into the kitchen. Of course, I knew her phone wasn't in there, and the moment she knew too she would be pissed off. But it was fun messing with her.. she seemed so upset and out of it most of the time, I wanted her to have fun.

I got up when i heard drawers being slammed. I walked slowly into the door frame of the kitchen and watched as Margaret frustratingly went through every single drawer she saw. I had to hold back the laughs, or she'd know I hid it.

"Tough break?" I spoke, making her jump up.

"You scared me Harry! But yes tough break. Where is it?" She put her hands on her hips. 

She was trying to intimidate me, and that was all it took for me to bust out laughing. 

"I told you it was in here!" I was protesting until I couldn't any longer.

 She walked right up to me. Gazing at me with her big brown eyes. 

"I'm serious Harry give me my phone." 

I started laughing again. I couldn't help it! She was horrible at being mean let alone scary. It was cute, cute enough to make me give in.

"Alright alright.." I stuck my hand in my back pocket and pulled out her phone. Her face lit up, but soon when to a scowl as I held up above my head.

"Is this it?" I flung it around aimlessly, acting like i had know idea what I was holding.

 "Give it Harry." 

She was jumping up and down trying to grab it. She was know where near the same size as me, I had to be a full foot taller then her. I started laughing again at her failed attempts.

She must have had enough of me taunting her, she lunged at me and I caught, almost dropping her. She was staring at me. Never leaving my eyes.

"That was funny." I said, still looking at her.

 "You think  you're sooo clever. Don't ya?" She smiled as she spoke, almost laughing.

"I'm more then clever." I shot back.

"Oh really?" She seemed to lean in a little when she spoke to me. Loose strands of  her hair tickeld my face.

Our lips were almost touching now. So close to perfection. So close to kissing her.

I looked into her eyes, then back at her lips, and did it.

We kissed, only this time.. it was full of passion.

It was full of love.

And just as quick as she was here, she was gone.

*8 Hours Later*

-Margaret's POV-

I was still wondering about the reservations for two on Harry's laptop. It saddened me to think another girl got to spend the night with him. Instead of running away after we kissed, I could've stayed and maybe he would've asked me instead of her. Maybe I could be the one all giddy and getting dressed up for him..

I was starting to wonder if I even meant anything to him, if I was just a toy he could control. I got lost in my own thoughts about Harry. Daydreaming a perfect life with him, then facing reality.. 

"Hey, get in here." Ronnie shouted from the living room, breaking me out of my trance.


"Come help me with this stuff. It's too compliaacated." He said in a girly voice, bringing a much needed smile to my face.

"I'll be right there."

I stood up from my comfy position on the stool and walked into the living.

I peered out the window to Harry's house. There he was.. in a tux holding another girls hand. He was leading her to a stretch limo that was waiting in front of his house.

She was beautiful. Her hair was almost the same shade as Harry's, it was pulled into a side ponytail which was then curled. She had a fitted sparkly gold dress with black heels to top it all off.

She said something to him before pulling him in for a hug.

I don't believe in love at first sight.. But Harry might make me change my mind.

*Harry's POV*

The cold air hit my body as I stepped out of the warm shower. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked into my room.

All I could think about was Maragret. The way her and Niall connected so easily was the most concerning. She looked at him with.. life in her eyes. Like he was the most fascinating thing she's ever saw. and that was only for a few minutes, imagine if they were together for hours. I wondered if she looked at me like that, or thought that way of me.

Then the kiss.

It was one of the best I've had. It wasn't like our first kiss, It meant something, and I didn't know what just yet.  

I had to leave these thoughts at home, my sister was coming over to catch up. It was her birthday last week and I didn't get to spend time with her because of the move.

I was fixing my tie just as she waltzed in.

"Harold!" The door swung wide open.

She ran over and practically tackled me.

"Hello love. Happy birthday." I pulled her away and pinched her cheek.

"Hey, be nice to the birthday girl. " She winked at me before leading me out of the room. "I love your new house. It's very.. Erm.. Unique."

I gave her a glare as she laughed.

"Alright enough about your house. Ready to go? I'm starving!" She said.

"Just about. I have a surprise for you as well." I grabbed her hand. "Here put this on." I tied a piece of black cloth over her eyes.

"Harry is this necessary?" She adjusted the blindfold so it was comfortable on her face.

"Yes, now come on." I grabbed her hand and led her outside. "Okay.. Open." I stepped back to observe her reaction.

She carefully undid the knot and let the blindfold slip to the ground.

"Harry! You didn't have to get a limo." She was whaling her arms around in excitement.

Her face was beaming with happiness.She couldn't take her eyes off of the large black car.

"Shut up and say thank you." I said jokingly. 

She pulled me in for another hug and darted towards the limo.



This chapter took TWO WEEKS. Maybe it was a week.. But same thing.. It took FOREVER so you better like it.

Some back round on Margaret and why the title is what it is.

Harry was jealous of Niall and Marg's chemistry?! I think yes.

And then the reservation on Harry's laptop. Margaret getting jealous as well.

They JUST met and practically are always on each others minds. Do you believe in love at first sight? (;


Before the next chapter is released I'm gonna need five votes. I feel like no one reads this!

That's not too much to ask is it?! Nope. Sooo tell your friends!

Love you guyssss.:*

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