I'll Save You (Drarry Fanfic...

By thecrumblingcookie

35.8K 1K 702


I'll Save You (Drarry Fanfic AU)
Chapter 1 (no title -.-)

Chapter 2

9.1K 434 544
By thecrumblingcookie

Harry apparated to the Ministry of Magic as quickly as possible and saw the most gruesome sight he had ever seen. Kingsley lay on the cold hard floor, blood gushing out of him and pooling the floor around him. His guts lay in a tangled mess on the floor, looking like they had been ripped out of him. Harry felt like he was going to throw up. He gripped his stomach and watched helplessly as people swarmed Kingsley, trying to put him back together.

"Wh-what happened?" Harry croaked, looking over at Ron who stood a few feet away. Ron shook his head.

"Dunno, he just apparated here like this." Ron shook his head. "Poor bloke, he was in a lot of pain before he passed out. Clutching his stomach and screaming like his life depended on it." He watched the Healers for a moment before turning to Harry. "Mad-eye Moody said he could see werewolf bite marks on his neck..." his face darkened.

Harry winced as the words FENRIR GREYBACK ESCAPES AZKABAN rolled through his minds, remembering reading those words two years ago in the paper. "You don't think it could of been him do you? He disappeared for two years and suddenly he pops up out of nowhere and manages to ambush Kingsley...doesn't sound right to me."

"Same here mate, but I don't know any other werewolf besides Lupin, and he's with Severus almost all the time." Ron scratched his head and frowned. "I haven't seen any other werewolves around though."

"It wasn't either of them," Harry said firmly. "Lupin would never do that, and Fenrir is gone and he's not coming back."

"I'm not saying Lupin did do it," Ron replied. "I'm saying Fenrir miht have. Harry, just think of the possibility that Fenrir actually managed to pull it off. We can't cross him off yet already when we don't know where he is or what he's doing."

Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I know, okay?"

Ron patted his shoulder. "I know your scared mate, but even if Fenrir did do this, it's not like he'll come after the greatest wizard of all time and his husband." He gave Harry a reassuring smile before it flipped into a grim frown. "I have some bad news though, and I think it would be best if you come over later, when you have time."

"What'swrong?" Harry demanded.

"Nothing for you to fret over," Ron said assuringly. Somehow, Harry knew he was lying as he turned around abruptly to help the Healers fix up Kingsley's broken body.

NOTE: yeah. Sorry its so short.

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