With An Addition (VA Fanfic)

By Jess-Roza

50.7K 1.9K 189

What if the crash had happened in Rose & Lissa's Freshman year? What if Dimitri had been Rose's mentor in her... More

The not-so-easy capture
Return flight
The consequences & the save
Back to class Part 1
Back to class Part 2
Guardians' Lunchtime
Take back control
Family drama Part 1
Family drama Part 2
Week 1 wrap-up Part 1
Week 1 wrap up Part 2
New shock from an old foe
Damage control
Going on
Under pressure
Testing time
Christmas drama
Shocking surprises
Repercussions Part 1
Repercussions Part 2
Repercussions Part 3

Nearly a month

2.1K 78 3
By Jess-Roza

Over the next twenty-four hours Rose had managed to get Jenée back in her good books. Though when Rose came to pick Jenée up from my shift babysitting Jenée, the look on Rose's face told me she hadn't sorted out the issue of Jenée's father. It was a weight on Rose's shoulders she didn't need, yet she was hesitant to lift the stress, it was as if she wanted it. It was almost as if she was taking it as her punishment... or something close to.

"How did classes go?"
"You need to stop stressing over me Dimitri. But if you must know, Lissa isn't talking to me other than by passing notes and Mia threatened Jenée after taking pleasure in Lissa still being the victim of gossip. Now, can I go?"
After studying her hard, soulful brown eyes I nodded once. I really didn't want to let them leave, but Rose was determined to keep me out and deal with things herself. Her determination to be self-reliant was both endearing and infuriating. When was she going to learn to accept help? Again.

Two Moroi nights later I finished Rose's training early because I was on duty for the All Saints' Day assembly and visit from the queen. I had successfully gotten permission for Rose to also attend, but Jenée had to be by my side not in her mother's arms. In my opinion that was totally unfair, but Kirova had argued Rose was less likely to draw unwanted attention to herself if she didn't have a baby in her arms or on her lap. Jenée was just as likely to distract me from my job, but I accepted anyway because Rose had earned a night off after the hours she'd put into training and catching-up on theory with me, and looking after Jenée and Lissa in the past month.

Once I was showered and dressed in my formal black-and-white guardian uniform I made my way to Rose's dorm to collect Jenée. Honestly, with the Rose and I traded-off looking after Jenée it was a wonder rumours hadn't started that I was filling in the role of Jenée's father. Then again, they were too pre-occupied with politics or Lissa being targeted.
When Rose opened the door my mouth nearly hung agape. It truly took all my control to stop my jaw from going slack. She was hardly in formalwear but that only added to the mouthwatering sight before me. In her dressy red sweater and appropriately dressy dark-blue skinny jeans I could see all her curves and just wanted to rip them off her. It wouldn't be the first time...

It also wouldn't be the first time I was caught out either. Rose smirked knowingly before turning away to collect her daughter. Jenée came bounding to the door. Rose had given her a bath judging by the two wet French braids. I couldn't help the smile that pulled up my lips when I noticed she was dressed in black leggings and a dress that was white with horizontal black stripes. Her little shoes were also a plain black and she sported a black jacket.
Rose laughed. "Behave, Jenée. And Comrade? Try to make sure my daughter there doesn't stand out. I didn't go to the effort of dressing her in black and white to attract the spotlight."
"I promise, Rose." I returned my attention to the toddler in my arms. "Where's Momma's kiss?"
Jenée leaned away from me and pecked Rose's cheek.
"Love you, baby girl."
"Love you, Momma." She really was far too sweet for her own good.

The assembly and reception for Queen Tatiana occurred in the remarkably well transformed commons. Per tradition and protocol the décor was colored with the Ivashkov's red. The tablecloths were red, the flowers were red, the monarch's family crest banners were red. To me, it was overkill and a significant waste of money. But the Moroi will be the Moroi and the royals and their policies will dictate.
Clinging to my hip was an awed Jenée. Her eyes bugged and her jaw dropped as she took in change with awe and curiosity clearly radiating from her eyes.
"Whoa," she breathed.
"I couldn't have but it better myself, Née-Née," commented Emil.
"Emil!" she giggled and squirmed in my hold.
Laughing, Emil took her from me. "You are too cute for your own good, Miss mini-Hathaway."
"Jen, settle down," instructed Petrov as she took her from Emil. "Emil, don't encourage her tonight. That goes for all of you. Miss Jenée Hathaway is to be hidden in the shadows until her mother can take her back to their dorm, relatively unnoticed. Understood?" The gathered guardians nodded. "Good. Now get to your posts."
Jenée reached her arms towards me in a demanding manner and with guilt-inducing puppy-eyes. I smiled at her and collected her as she silently asked. I didn't understand why, but it just felt right somehow to have Jenée on my hip. It felt as though she belonged there at this stage of her life. Like her mother, I too never wanted her to grow up.

After the queen publicly ridiculed Lissa and Rose the assembly and reception went on. If Alexa Grey- Rose's third female classmate- hadn't held Rose back I'm sure Jenée's mother would have been arrested and in jail by now. As soon as the reception was finished Lissa bolted. Only for Rose to follow moments afterwards. By now Jenée was asleep by my feet, curled in on herself with her arms wrapped around my ankles and was using my foot as a pillow. Carefully, I lowered myself and cautiously unwrapped her. I slowly scooped her up and rested her against my chest. She wriggled and squirmed in her sleep until she was comfortable on my hip with her head resting in the crook of my neck and her little arms clutched my shirt like a blanket. With her hanging off me my formal black blazer felt far too uncomfortable, but as long as Jenée was and still asleep I was more than happy to suffer. Without being noticed, I slipped out of the banquet to find the girls and return Jenée to her mother.

When I did find them they were in an adjacent courtyard. Once more they were arguing with Mia Rinaldi. Well, Rose was, Lissa was just standing there and taking whatever it was the Mia girl was throwing at her.
"Rose," I interrupted. "Princess," I greeted.
"Hey," she smiled. "Pass her over," she demanded quietly.
"You weren't about to start a fight, were you?" I questioned while untangling Jenée from me. Well, I tried to, but her grip on my shirt tightened and she mumbled out an incoherent protest.
"No, I don't start fights where people can see them." Rose watched Jenée with amusement and resignation shining from her eyes and smile. Her head shook. "Looks like you're stuck with her for now. Anyway, we were just trading family stories. Mia's is fascinating."
"Rose," Lissa complained.
"At least I'm not the one with two year old and denying her a father or making my mentor shoulder the father's responsibilities."
"You're just jealous because I actually give Jenée attention and love."
"Rose," Lissa and I warned.
"You still have training tomorrow morning," I reminded.
Rose just turned to Lissa. "You going to be okay?"
"I'll be fine. You just focus on Jenée."
"I'm your guardian, Lissa, stop telling me where to focus."
Lissa laughed and Mia huffed and left. "If I'm your charge then I can tell you where to focus, and right now you need to focus on your daughter. I can look after myself."
Rose sent Lissa a disbelieving and sceptical look before nodding and walking away.
"You you sure you're fine, Lissa?"
"I will be, Guardian Belikov. Just keep Rose in line and watch over Jenée, please?"
I took one quick glance at the baby asleep on my shoulder before nodding. "Of course, Princess."
Lissa laughed once more. "Jenée really deserves that title. But no matter. I'll see you around, Guardian Belikov."
"Goodnight, Princess." I nodded out of respect then left and caught up with Rose. I found her just beyond the gates of the courtyard having a staring competition with my friend's nephew. Christian Ozera. Well, it wasn't so much a staring competition as it was a glaring one.

"Rose, now is not the time."
"It so is. Christian Ozera, will you just make her realise she wants you already."
Christian was as good as me when it came to masking emotions and as good as any guardian at hiding his presence. So to see the shock on his face was a first. "How did you- never mind, I shouldn't have to ask. Now, can I go to her?"
"Only if you swear to start taking her out. In. Public." I knew that tone of voice she was using. She was daring him to defy her. "If you don't I'll reveal your little hidey-hole to the whole school."
"That's no way to play Cupid."
Rose grinned as if she'd just discovered she'd won a million dollars. "I'm not playing Cupid," she huffed. "I'm doing the school and you two idiots a gigantic favor."
Christian muttered something about Rose being an annoying know-it-all type mother before more clearly agreeing.

"Maybe we should add an hour in the afternoon to teach you control," I suggested as she and Christian parted ways.
"I have plenty of control."
"Sure, I'll believe that after what I just saw."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
My lips twitched upwards but I otherwise remained silent.

Sometime later I was jerked awake by my ringing phone. My first thought was that something was wrong with Rose or Jenée, heaven forbid both. With fear coursing through my veins, my heart pounding with fear and struggling to breathe, I answered. It was the dorm matron telling me Rose needed me for something urgent that wasn't getting Jenée food.

I hurriedly dressed and made my way to the lobby. Jenée was asleep on Rose's hip. There could only be one other reason Rose would wake me.
Rose nodded. I turned to the dorm matron and told her I would take responsibility for Rose's midnight 'disappearance' from her dorm. Reluctantly the matron accepted and let Rose lead me to Lissa's Moroi dorm.
Once we arrived this matron also didn't want to let Rose in. Rose, however, didn't care. She handed Jenée over to me and went to find Lissa in one of the bathrooms.
After a few suspenseful moments with an ever-increasingly impatient matron standing off to my right I knocked on the door and called a warning quietly enough so Jenée didn't stir.

Just as I was thinking she could sleep through World War III, she awoke with a startled cry at the sound of the matron's sharp hiss that the dorms shouldn't be able to be breached. Rose's head whipped around at the sound and she pulled Jenée off me with surprising strength. Not that I was stopping her from taking her daughter to calm in the first place. Once Rose had taken Jenée outside I focused my attention on Lissa. She had blood on her face and was wearing the hoodie I'd seen on Rose just minutes ago.
When she explained about the mutilated rabbit then showed me I was more than glad Rose had taken Jenée outside. There was no way such a young toddler could handle the putrid sight and smell. Then came the note. The note that threatened Lissa, Rose and Jenée; the one that told Lissa to leave, and Rose to confess who Jenée's father was or else she would lose both her friend and her baby. Whether it was a death threat, abduction warning or straight blackmailing I couldn't decipher. But whichever it was, it wasn't pretty and I wasn't going to stand for it.

Lissa was admitted to the clinic to rest overnight. With Rose by Lissa's side and Jenée in my arms and asleep again I couldn't help but note how Lissa calmed with Rose beside her. When Kirova came in she started demanding answers neither friend was in a state to give. Rose, naturally went on the defensive. Of course, Kirova responded with her usual dislike for my other half and went about trying to kick her out. I spoke privately with Kirovq and reasoned using my observations. She, of course, argued if I was going to take care of Jenée overnight. I purposely missed half a beat before agreeing, so I didn't appear too attached to Jenée. Kirova allowed Rose to stay a couple of hours. By the time those hours were up so was Jenée. Toilet training kicking-in, huh? Rose thanked me and requested I stay here until training time. I agreed but cancelled our morning training. That didn't mean I let her off the readings, however. I had expected complaining but was pleasantly surprised when she shrugged her shoulder that wasn't taken by Jenée's head, and agreed.

Why it was always the clinic that sourced rumour material was beyond me. But it did, and by first period the rabbit incident was the focus of gossip and blown way out of proportion. As usual, unfortunately. For the rest of the day Rose held her head up high, but I could tell it was taking its toll.
So, when she met Jenée and I in the gym for afternoon training it made her sit the three quizzes she was supposed to have done this morning. While I marked them I let her run off steam, but I did give her a strict time limit. When she didn't return I sent Jenée out after her as I tossed up whether or not to have Rose also do her normal conditioning. Deciding she wasn't in the right frame of mind and would only hurt herself more I settled for starting the theory work I was planning for tomorrow.
Rose reluctantly did the theory work I set for her. When she handed in the extra two quizzes our hands met as they had so many times before, but this time, not only did the warmth and electricity register with me, their roughness did too. I took ahold of them and tugged her to the floor.
"Don't move," I warned before standing and finding the store-room's first-aid kit. "What have you done to your hands, Roza?" I muttered as I sat in front of her again. Jenée was off to my right- Rose's left- coloring away in a Disney princesses book.
"Nothing," she said while looking at them as if she hadn't seen the damage to them before. Our harsh trainings and the colder weather had left them chapped, calloused and blistered, with some blisters peeling or ready to bleed. How had I let those soft hands suffer from such excruciating damage? How had I let her forget to look after them? How had I forgotten to make sure she had gloves and was wearing them? I felt like such a disappointment of a boyfriend with the guilt making my heart sink.
Her eyes met mine as I cleaned her wounds. "Does slathering moisturising and Vitamin E cream on them count?"
I sighed. "Judging by the damage, no, it doesn't. You'll have gloves by Sunday night even if it kills me."
"You don't even know what'll fit me."
"I know you better than you think, Rose." I knew what gloves would fit her. I knew what dresses would fit her tauntingly and teasingly well. I even knew what bras and undies- Focus, Belikov, and Not on That. Honestly, the dirty thoughts she could put in my mind just by being made me feel like a teenage boy with a crush and running rampant hormones.
"Then tell me what I'm thinking now."
I gazed into her lust-filled and challenging brown eyes, the ones I could get lost in so easily. My lips curled for half a second. "You're giving away the answer. You never want me to let go of these hands."
Just to make a point I carefully applied more pressure to where I was rubbing some salve into a particularly rough part of her hand. She threw her head backwards with her eyes rolling upwards, the lids fluttered shut and she bit her lip. In her attempt to hold back a moan of pleasure a very similar sound escaped her throat. Jenée looked over at us... well, me, as if to say 'What did you do to Momma?'
My mental answer would be along the lines of 'What someone did to her while making you.'
"Dimitri," Rose whined, "stop!"
"You know you don't want me to." What was she doing to my tongue! I bit my tongue and just basked in the warmth of her hands as I continued to attempt to rescue her hands.
"Dimitri?" Rose asked suddenly.
"Will I have to cut my hair? When I start getting marked for my kills, will I have to cut my hair?" Her eyes pleaded with me to say no.
"Don't you dare, Roza," I growled and released her hands to run one of my hands through her gorgeously silky, darkly alluring curls that fell almost to her butt. "It's not compulsory so don't you dare touch your hair." I almost wanted to be sick at the the thought of anything sharp going near her hair.
"Possessive much?" Rose teased after gasping.
"You don't know what you do to me," I whispered in her ear before pulling away and returning to tending her hands.
"Oh? I don't know, do I? Then you forget how well I know you."
We were silent as I finished cleaning and bandaging her hands.

After curfew I headed straight to her door. The rumours had become worse while I had been babysitting Jenée and teaching her Russian. I was supposed to be teaching Jenée more about this world, but she was bombarded with it and enjoyed learning the second language.
When Rose opened the door with puffy, bloodshot eyes, tear tracks on her cheeks and birds-nest hair I didn't hesitate to pull her into my chest and push us back into her room. I kicked the door shut and was extremely grateful that Jenée didn't react. I spotted her on her toddler bed, sleeping like a baby. Rose buried herself into my chest as I ran a hand through her hair. After locking the door I swooped Rose into a cradle and carried her to her bed. I carefully laid her down and tucked her in.
"Don't leave. Please. I need you. Don't ever leave me."
"Never, Roza. Never. I promise." It wasn't really something I could promise, not in our world, but I felt nothing except absolute honesty and dedication as I removed all bar my briefs and slipped into bed with her.

I returned to my own dorm before Jenée and Rose woke. I wrote Rose a note telling her that we'd do a solid six hour block of training in the middle of the day and that I love her. The reason I moved and joined our Saturday hours was because I was going to Missoula for gloves for her. I never break a promise. When I informed Petrov she looked at me as if I had grown a second head. I didn't blame her- it was a four hour round drive and I was doing it for one item. Well, once I arrived I decided to also buy her the backbone items of a guardian's first-aid kit. Her moisturising and Vitamin E creams were doing nothing to save her hands but I bought her two massive bottles of them anyway. That way, if she decided she didn't have time to use the salve she at least wouldn't be out of something that was easy and quick to apply.

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