Zodiac Signs

By quirky-n-shxt

10.6K 573 217

Another Zodiac Sign Book :P More

Lucky Color
The 'annoying af but you still love them' squad
The genius squad
College Majors
In A Squad Together
The adventure squad
What They Are Made Of
Katy Perry Songs
Something with Zodiac 1
Heaven or Hell
In A Horror Movie
*Stubs Toe*
Sorting Hat
How long they take to get ready in the morning
Battery Percentage
When the electicity goes out


442 22 23
By quirky-n-shxt

Aries- Mad Men

Taurus- Divergent

Gemini- Lord Of The Rings

Cancer- One Direction

Leo- Harry Potter

Virgo- Star Trek

Libra- Marvel

Scorpio- Game Of Thrones

Sagittarius- Attack Of The Titan

Capricorn- Sherlock

Aquarius- Doctor Who

Pisces- 5SOS

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