Ghosts • Stiles Stilisnki

By -voidylan

168K 4.8K 2.1K

"WE ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE THIS MANY G H O S T S" "So what brought you to Beacon Hills?" "Someone told me to... More

Summary+ Disclaimer.
Questions ??


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By -voidylan

12; Burning cupcakes and girlfriend? 

Hope you guys don't mind but this is just a stayden chapter, no teen wolf sorry. 

Stiles lips found her neck making Hayden let out a content sigh. She clutched his hair pulling gently making him smirk bitting Hayden's neck. "Stiles." Hayden muttered tilting her head back enjoying Stiles embrace. Hayden wrapped her legs around Stiles waist bringing him closer to her. She closed her eyes but quickly opening them when he made his lips back up to Hayden's face, pecking all over it making Hayden giggle.

He kissed her eyelids making her eyes flutter shut. "Stiles." Hayden repeated making him finally look at down at her and nod. "We need to get ready for school."

Stiles groans in annoyance, letting his head fall into her neck. "I don't want to go." Stiles wined continuing to kiss Hayden's neck. Hayden rolls her eyes but runs her fingers through Stiles messy bed hair anyway. "Why don't you want to go?"

"Because I want to stay here with you forever, not any supernatural or anything bothering us." 

Hayden pulls Stiles hair making him look at her, "I have a Chemistry test today. I can't miss it Stiles."

Stiles smirks looking into her eyes, "But your passing right now, look at us." Stiles laughs while Hayden mutters sarcastically, "Smooth Stilisnki."

"I know I am." Stiles laughs. Hayden pushes on his chest making her him get off of her. "Hayden please can we just lay down today and watch movies?" 

Hayden huffs grabbing his shirt pulling it off her revealing her bra, making Stiles gasp quickly looking away from Hayden down at his bed. She giggles grabbing her tank top and putting it on, "You can look now Stiles."

Stiles looks back at see that she is dressed, "Warn me next time will ya?" Stiles asks grabbing Hayden and pinning her down with his legs, underneath him while they both laugh. "Why?" Hayden asks Stiles looking into his eyes with a grin on her face. 

"Because your so beautiful." Stiles replied softly his eyes shinning. Hayden shook her head but still smiling, "You really don't want to go to school today?"

Stiles shook his head. 

Hayden sighed, "Fine. We can stay home today." She knew she was going to regret it because that test was half her grade and she was going to miss it just for Stiles. "I'm a good girlfriend- " Hayden cut herself off  because Stiles was looking at her with wide eyes when she almost said 'girlfriend'.

Her and Stiles weren't official yet but they were something. 

"What did you just say?" Stiles asks raising a eyebrow. 

"Um nothing?"

Stiles gives Hayden a look making her squirm underneath him, "Ok I almost said I'm a good girlfriend." Hayden continued, "But I'm not your girlfriend that's okay if you don't want me to be but I just thought god this is awkward-"

Stiles cut Hayden's rambling off by kissing her, She responded back immediately kissing him back. Hayden wrapped her arms around his neck while he pulled away, both of them breathless. "Hayden will you be my girlfriend?"

Hayden acted like she thought about it for a second but already knew the answer.


Stiles face fell while she tried not laughing, "Yes. I was kidding Stiles." 

"That was mean."


"One cup of water Stiles." 

"1/2 cup of vegetable oil Hayden."

Hayden and Stiles were currently making cupcakes with how Hayden was hungry. Hayden puts the ingredients in and with Stiles help that made them successful so far. "I didn't think they would actually turn out good."

"Me either." Stiles says looking down at Hayden who was smiling and licking the frosting. Stiles noticed some cupcake mix on her cheek. "You uh-have something," Stiles pointed at her face while Hayden looked up at him.  "Where?"

Stiles pointed to her cheek which she rubbed at but she missed it. "Oh my god." Stiles muttered bending down a little and licking his numb, rubbing it on her cheek making it come off. "That's gross." Hayden laughed and pushed him gently while Stiles glared playfully at her. "Your the one who couldn't get it off."

"Come on lets go watch Pretty Little Liars, Toby is calling my name!"

"Hayden no I want to watch the office, and who the hell is Toby?"

"One of my many husbands."


Hayden woke up on Stiles chest, their legs tangled together with their arms wrapped around each other. Hayden looked at the clock to see it read 4:30. Hayden groaned not wanting to get up but she had to soon, the Sheriff would be home soon and he didn't even know about them yet. 

"Stiles get up." Hayden said untangling herself from him but Stiles yanks her back down on his chest mumbling sleepily. "Sleeping beauty wake up." Hayden sang tracing her finger on his eyebrows, which were not bad for a guy. 

Stiles yawned then opened his eyes groggily. "Hey beautiful." He spoke grabbing Hayden's hair and putting it behind her ear. Hayden blushed and got off Stiles quickly. Hayden froze for a second thinking and smelling the air. Stiles sat up quickly noticing Hayden acting weird. 

"What's wrong?" Stiles asks eyeing Hayden who looked at Stiles with wide eyes and shot up almost tripping on the blankets and ran to the kitchen. 

Stiles followed his girlfriend into the kitchen, then he finally knew what was wrong. Stiles sniffed the air and smelt smoke. Stiles eyes widened when he saw Hayden up the oven and smoke came out everywhere making both of them cough.

"Stiles!" Hayden shrieked getting a towel and picking up the cupcakes, well burned cupcakes.  Stiles rushed over to Hayden, grabbing it from her hands and dropping it into the sink turning on the water immediately, the fire was out in seconds but making a bunch of heat go up.

Stiles turned around to see Hayden covered in smoke with a glare crossing her arms. "This is all your fault." Hayden spoke sassy giving Stiles her glare. Stiles smiled innocently at her cracking up, bringing a hand up to his mouth to hide it but Hayden noticed before he could hide it.

Hayden mouth dropped open with a annoyed gasp, "You think this is funny Stilisnki?"

Stiles bent over holding his stomach, his body uncomfortably rolling with laughter. Hayden smirked to herself noticing the frosting bowls behind Stiles. Hayden walks forward looking at Stiles with a smirk. 

Stiles immediately stopped laughing, "What?"

Hayden brought him into a kiss. Stiles closed his eyes kissing back while Hayden reached behind his back grabbing the bowl, her hand covered in frosting. She giggled into the kiss reaching over to Stiles and cupped his cheeks rubbing frosting all over his face. Hayden pulled away from him, Stiles gasping and she started running up the stairs knowing Stiles will get her back. 

"Now That's funny!"

"Its on Collins!"

Hayden barged into Stiles room, trying to find a hiding place. She couldn't fine one. Next thing she knew Stiles arms wrapped around her waist, grabbed her making her scream and throwing her over his shoulder. "Put me down!"

"Never!" Stiles yelled back making his way into the kitchen setting Hayden down. Hayden backed into the corner watching Stiles as he grabbed a bunch of frosting into his hands. "Stiles wait you don't have to do this-

Hayden was cut of by Stiles throwing it at her hair and face making him laugh while Hayden yelped. "Stiles!" Hayden yelled gasping opening her eyes to see frosting was all over the floor and kitchen, with the two of them covered in it.

"God Hayden stop screaming my name." Stiles joked winking at her which made her smile, rushing towards him but since their was so much frosting all over the kitchen, Hayden felt herself falling down. 

She was just about to fall hitting the cold tile floor covered in frosting when two arms caught her making them both go down onto the ground. Both of them groaning in pain. 

"Your so fat." Hayden muttered Jokingly, Stiles laying on top of her. 

"Thanks for breaking my fall."

"Thanks for breaking my back."

Stiles looked into Hayden's eyes while Hayden stopped giggling, looking to his hazel ones. Stiles felt himself leaning down to Hayden's lips, while Hayden sucked in a breath. Their lips barley touched when they heard someone walk into the kitchen. 

Both Stiles and Hayden looked up to see The Sheriff looking down at them with a confused look onto his face, holding his hands up. Stiles opened his mouth about to speak when the Sheriff spoke.

"I don't even want to know Stiles, don't wanna know."

A/N: Not edited 

okay so basically idk how i feel about this chapter, its just a fill in because i'm almost done writing season 4. anyone want maybe a sequel with s5?

im vv sorry if this sucked and you guys hated it. 

vote and comment! <3


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