The shadow of my innocence ↣...

By ultimatetwd3

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abused and broken More



55 1 6
By ultimatetwd3

        I sat on the porch with my earphones in as I tried to drain out my thoughts. Everything that has to do with aleks and every memory about our relationship. I didn't wanna miss him but something just kept pulling me back in. I went up and packed a small bag with my essentials and left. I blared my car speakers. I didn't want his name to haunt me as  I drove to my favorite spot to be alone at in Colorado.

     The guys had been gone for the weekend at a small convention is Texas. I didn't wanna go Because it was not something like RTX or Pax. James didn't wanna leave me alone after the incident a few weeks ago.

    I spent extra time at my favorite spot because it will probably be my last time coming to it.

        I went back to the house and gathered up everything and packed it in my jeep. I hung my Christmas lights that were previously strung in my room on the inside of my jeep. I walked back up to my bare room and wrote a note to the guys and a note to Jordan and James but I put theres in envelopes so the guys wouldn't read it. I didn't know exactly where I was going but I made sure it was far away from here.

(Seamus' POV.)



     She wasn't answering me and I got kinda scared that I was going no to walk up to her dead because of her previous suicide attempt. I picked up the pace the her room and opened the cracked door. All the was there was a bare room.

JAMES! JORDAN! I yelled.

What? They said in unison.

Can you guys come up here?!

I heard the paced footsteps come up the stairs.

She's gone. I said.

       James ran in further and frantically looked for something left of hers but was unsuccessful. Jordan stood there wide mouthed. He couldn't believe his eyes.

       James picked up the notes and handed Jordan's to him and keeping his and aleks' in hand while giving to the signed to "the guys" to me.

      I think we should read this one altogether. I said.

Yeah. Jordan said in tears.

     James couldn't even stand anymore and had to sit on the bed stripped of her fuzzy blankets and pillows.

    Jordan called everyone into the living room and announced the upsetting news.

    Guys sadly Nicole has left. I don't know where she went but she's not coming back. She has asked us not to come looking for her and not to be sad about her leaving. She just wanted us to be happy and she wanted to feel free. Jordan could not continue but handed the note that he had already read to the guys. He left the room and Dan read aloud the note.

Dear my favs,
     I'm sorry for putting you all through so much pain and stress with my issues and putting your lives and my life in danger altogether. I never intended for our goodbyes to be this note but I couldn't do it anymore. I ruined a friendship between two people and I couldn't fix it. I brought my shitty life here and forced you all to pity me. Thank you for allowing me to laugh again and to feel again but thank you most of all for giving me a life worth living. Almost killing myself was not a great way of saying how great living with you guys was but I just wanted you guys to know I had an amazing time. Please don't come looking for me because I left Colorado completing and I'm not coming back and please do not be sad for my leaving. I can't fix the damage Ive done to this group and this is the only way for me to feel better and free. Have a great life and please keep making videos for your fans they love you guys to death!
                                 Your great friend Nicole

Everyone was trying to stay strong but it failed. Tears streaming down everyone's face and then sly rose slowly with his head down. He tilted his tear stained face up.

"How are we gonna tell aleks?"  He asked.

Tell me what? He said coming through the door. Sly went over to aleks and pulled him into the office room next to the front door.

(Aleks POV.)

sly what's going on? I asked.

Aleks I think you should read this. He said still crying.
What is-- just read it! He said cutting me off.

No. No. no. no. no. I said running out the door with the note. I fell in the yard crying. I'm sorry. We're the only words I could say.
Everyone piled by the door and I panicked.

We need to file missing a persons report, go looking do something! Why are we just standing here?!

Aleks she asked us not to come looking for her. She's not even in the state anymore. There's no point to looking.

She's just gone.


Woah it's been awhile. I'm sorry for the long wait school screws everything up but I'm sad to say this is the end to this story but don't be too sad because I'm making a sequel. I'm actually really sad this is over but I'll make sure to update when the next one will be out!! Thank you for the support and thank you for reading!!


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