He Never Knew

By Kimothy99

134 8 3

He never knew they loved him. He never knew they cared. He never thought they'd miss him. He never really... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

8 1 0
By Kimothy99

A/N: I know that this is two days late, Carissa :D  But I guess better late than never.  I have the next chapter written already, so I might post that today or tomorrow, but in the mean time, I hope that whoever may find themselves reading this that they enjoy it.  Thank you :D

He never knew that time could go by so slowly. July dragged on forever, making him miss Cara even more.  Although camp had been really fun, and he learned a lot of new and exciting things about music, he still missed talking to Cara.

While listening to all the songs that Tyler had suggested for him, he thought about what he would tell Cara about this summer.  His mom bought him a drum set as a kind of really early birthday present. (His birthday was in December.)  He thought about how he might tell Cara that 'music helps the mind' or say something about Jacksepticeye being a drummer.  He just missed her so much that it didn't really matter.

He thought that maybe, just maybe, watching some YouTube would help him pass some time.  Why not? Cara said that she could spend hours on the Internet watching YouTube, so maybe, he could try it.    He booted up the older styled desktop and brought up Internet Explorer.  

"What were some of those usernames Cara always talked about?" he whispered to himself.   After a few moments of thinking, he typed the letters "M-a-r-k" and looked at the "search suggestions." The first one read "Markiplier" and he clicked it.  When the list of videos popped up on the channel, he clicked the first one, "Five Nights at Freddy's: Part One."  After twenty minutes of jump scares later, the video ended.  

Jeffrey logged off the computer and went to write in his journal.  He had made this a habit.  Whenever he was bored or feeling any emotion, he would go write in his journal.  He wrote a few words, but something didn't feel right.  Something was missing.  He erased his words and instead addressed the letter to Cara.

Dear Cara,

How have you been?  My summer's been pretty boring so far.  I miss you.  The only time I actually had any fun this summer was the week I spent at camp.  While I was there I met a lot of cool and crazy people.  You would have liked meeting them.  My counselor, Nathan, was the coolest.  He taught me how to play some guitar chords and showed me dubstep music.  I bet you already listen to that though.  I also met this kid named Tyler.  He was the greatest.  Well.. I also tried watching some YouTube (Markiplier I think)  I don't know I really find him all that entertaining.  He's kinda loud.  I know that you'll never see this letter, nor any others that I may write, but I feel like I need to talk to someone and you're not really here.  I guess this is as close as I can get. :D

Jeffrey Wilson

"Hey bud?" Jeffrey's mom, Jewl, called,"You here?  We gotta go school shopping so get your shoes on."

Jeffrey couldn't stand anything and everything shopping was and represented.  His mom, on the other hand, seemed to love spending hours looking through school supplies and boys clothes, looking for the best deals.  She said that it relaxed her.  Jeffrey just found it boring.  They traveled to at least ten different stores, roaming the aisles for whatever his mom thought they needed.  When they finally walked out of the last store Jewl turned to him.

"How 'bout we get some ice cream?" she asked, smiling.

Jeffrey perked up a little.  "Sure," he whispered quietly.  

They walked into the ice cream shop.  Jewl ordered a Mississippi Mud Waffle Cone, and Jeffrey decided on a Superman Waffle Cone.  They sat out on the patio, eating their ice cream.

"Well, bud, I'm glad that's over!  Now you shouldn't need anything else for school for a while," she sighed, then quietly (but excitedly) added, "I heard that Cara's gonna be coming home in the next week or so."

"Cool," Jeffrey answered, smiling.  He couldn't wait to see her again!

The next week went by slower than the rest of the summer combined.  Jeffrey really wanted to see Cara again.  He wanted to listen to her ramble on about music, movies, or whatever.  He had so much to tell her about camp.  He wanted to show her his improved piano playing skills.  He even wanted to show her his drum set, which he had been sitting at for the last week, trying to pass some time.

When he was done pretending that he knew how to drum, he looked out the window.  He hoped that he could see the car when it pulled up to her house.  After a few days of waiting, his mom came home with an mp3 player.  Why?  She just wanted to.

"He kiddo," she said quietly, "I know that you love music so much, so I decided to get ya something so you can listen to as much music as you want."

They spent the rest of their evening downloading music from Amazon.  Jeffrey plugged his earbuds in non-stop.  He sat at the window for hours listening to Skillet over and over and over again.  To add to the awesomeness, Cara came home the next day.  He saw Debbie's dark blue Jeep pull into the driveway with Cara sitting in the front seat.  He waited patiently for fifteen minutes so that he didn't smother Cara.  Then he ran over to her house, knocked on the door, and when Cara opened it and invited him in, hugged her.  She drug him back to her bedroom and immediately started spouting about her summer.

"I got to meet Markiplier and Jacksepticeye at IndyPopCon!" she screamed, showing Jeffrey the pictures on her new tablet. "My dad bought me a tablet so that we could Skype during the school year.  We went around LA and did so many cool things!  I wish you could have been with us.  We went to Disney Land and shopping and..."  She continued shouting excitedly.  "What did you do this summer?"  She finally calmed down enough to realize that she was actually to someone.

Jeffrey was slightly hurt.  It seemed that she hadn't missed him at all.  He suddenly really missed the guys from camp.  (Even Colby and that was saying something.)  He tried to make his summer sound more exciting but, truth be told, he didn't really do anything.  

Cara smiled happily and asked excitedly about his drum set.  She went on for ten minutes about how they were going to start a band now that they can play piano and drum.

"I can also kinda play the guitar," Jeffrey said quietly, smiling happily.  How could he have thought that she didn't miss him?  

"Great! Now all we need is a guitar for you to play and we got a band!" She laughed, a full bodied, from-the-gut laugh.

"You know what?" she whispered, "I really missed you."

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