After the Cask

By PatrickMoyer

80 1 1

This story was an assignment for my English class and it takes place after the events in "The Cask of Amontil... More

After the Cask

80 1 1
By PatrickMoyer

I start to leave the catacombs when I stop after hearing shrieks for help. "Help Me," he cried in a sluggish, drunken voice. I return with "Do not worry dear Fortunato, as you are sleeping." The crying stops, all is silent as I assume he is asleep. I know of his impending doom for I have seen holes where rats scurry, it should be a few days until he is devoured. Before I leave I say a prayer, "Oh dear Fortunato," I exclaim, "may god have mercy on you for I did when I left you for the rats. Oh woe is your misfortune unto which I given to you. Again may he have mercy on you. Amen." "Thou insult has caused your misfortune now shall pay, good bye dear Fortunato." As I leave the wall I hear him behind the wall crying. "Again dear Fortunato, it will be over soon." Through the catacombs I walk thinking of what I have done. No regrets. No pain, relief at last.

I walk up the stairs back to the celebration. The air is filled with love and drunken happiness. I decide to walk on to a tavern to drink the memory of Fortunato away. Yes maybe a few drinks would do it I thought to myself. Maybe this will help, though it may back fire in the future. If I should forget I should be thrown into the underworld. Still I will be thrown in anyways for I have done away with Fortunato.

As I was drunk I ask the bar tender if there was a place to rest. He pointed to the room behind him. I thanked him and went into the room and fell asleep. I dreamed a dream I shall never forget. I dreamt I was Fortunato. I was shackled to the wall as he was. Fortunato was lucky, for he was drunk and not knowing of what is going on. It was terrifying, screaming at him to stop but no words were coming out. I sat there petrified watching him lay brick by brick to my demise. As he lay the last brick I scream out horror. Then I awoke in a panic. A few minutes pass and I forget about the dream.

It has been a few hours or so has passed since I first entered the tavern. I finally decide to leave, as I assume I am sober enough to leave and not cause a commotion. I exit the tavern and into joy of the celebration that was held outside. The streets were lined with purple and gold, and the smell of wine and beer was there. The people wear extravagant clothing and odd ones too. I saw a fool who dressed in a jester's clothing. His hat was the same of Fortunato's. It really disturbs me so I decide to ignore it. But why was it disturbing, is it regret I feel? No, I surely jest myself for I feel no remorse for that fool.

It has been four hours and I was a drunken mess. The celebration has died down and I lay in a gutter thinking about Fortunato. I try to forget about him but it is impossible. He undoubtedly cursed me. No, it is impossible. The fool could barely remember his own name let alone curse me. I slap myself to make sure I was in reality. I started to walk home as it has gotten dark. It is time to rest at home for a while. I finally reach my home where I lay in my bed and dream of joy and happiness.

Morning has come I soon feel guilty but I forget why. This immense guilt that a feel! "Why do I feel this guilt?" I exclaim. I must be going insane, I thought. This feeling hurts. I think hard of what happened yesterday. Then I remembered his name, "Fortunato" I said under my breath. This immense hate suddenly rushed in. All I remember about him is that he did a great insult to me and I did away with him. I decide to never think about it again. After all, it was an evil thought.

Fifty years have passed since that day. During that time I fell in love, got marries, and had a family. My kids are now at least thirty and doing well in America. I don't worry for them since that country has good doctors and morals, hopefully.

My wife had died ten years ago of an unknown illness. I fear I may have caught the same illness and not long for death. I don't let it bother me though. I've lived a long life, though I still I have night terrors about what happened fifty years ago, but that does not bother me either.

I have been walking out in the town for a good reminder of the good old days, then it struck! A deep pain in my chest that I have never felt before. I fell to my knees coughing, coughing blood. Now I know I shall die by the same fate as my wife did ten years ago. "Help!" I yell as on lookers watched. They stared and wondered what was happening. I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up a couple months later in my bed surrounded by my kids and those of Fortunato's, as I had no hatred of them. Fortunato that name seems to fill me with guilt as I cannot recall of what happened to him. I tried to dig in the deep recesses of my subconscious to find the answer. I found it.

I remember now, I killed him. I left him for the rats in the catacombs on the day of celebration. Now on my death bed I must relieve this guilt. I silently pray for forgiveness. I realize I was too hasty in my anger and did away with him with giving a thought for forgiveness.

Horrible pain struck as these thoughts ensue. "I remember," I said. "I remember what happened to your father" as I look towards his kids. More pain, this is it. "I did it," I exclaim as they looked at me with puzzled looks. As I drew my last breath and struggled I said "I....killed.....Fortunato"

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