
By Ironically_

123 4 0

Ava is a strong woman. She doesn't take crap from anyone, she was her own boss. Ace is always in control. He... More

Chapter 1

93 4 0
By Ironically_

Chapter 1

"Shit!" I shouted. I ran my hands through my hair frustrated. This can't be happening! Out of all places the Aces had to show up. We're going to get ourselves killed. Aces are the most powerful gang in the North West region of United States. They're scheming, cunning, sneaky, and out of hand. They killed for fun, set fire to the police stations, FBI, and Military bases. Not that other gang didn't do that but they didn't have the sources or connections that the Aces had.

"Ava, we need to get out of here before we get killed," my older brother Chase ordered franticly as he rushed to me and started pushing on my back. Chase has a hat over his blonde hair trying to hide his face. I scoffed at him and dug my converse into the club floor.

"This isn't their territory, it's our," I reminded him. I knew my brother's gang would stand no chance against them but still this isn't their territory. We don't back down without a fight. That something my dad taught me before the fucker left.

"Ace, Jackson, and Carter are here too. It's not just their minions," Chase snapped as he looks over his shoulder. I could see the worry clear on his face. Chase never gets worried, he's the kind of guy that always has a trick up his sleeve no matter who he's dealing with. He had a gun pointed at his face by Charles Darlington (The leader of the biggest gang in New York.) and he never blinked actually he laughed.

Rose grabbed my tan skinny arm trying to help my brother get me out of here. By looking at her most people would think she wouldn't be help but the girl is strong. I would know I've seen her in action. The girl has serious talents when it comes to kicking ass. Her long brown hair and innocent looking green eyes could fool any man. My brother is one of the men that have fallen for her wicked charms. Not that he would ever admit it. Everyone thinks they just hook up but I know both of them. They like each other but their ego are too damn big to admit that shit.

I breathe in the fresh air as soon as we got out of the club. The smell in that place was hideous. I've been around gangs since I was a child and still can't take the smell drugs. You could shot me in the shoulder and I would laugh at you but blow weed or any of that shit in my face and I'd flip a lid. Guess everyone has a weak spot and mine was drugs. Maybe it was because I watched my mother waste away to drugs. I clenched my fist at the memory.

"Get your ass into the car Ava," my brother said in his business voice. What I meant by business voice was his tone gets deeper, colder, and emotionless. I felt Rose shiver next to me. I don't get how she attracted to my brother. To me he looks like he fell out of a cow's ass.

"Yeah Ava follow you brothers orders," a mocking voice called from the shadows. I spun around on my toes and glared at the person. I could only see the outline of him. He looked to be a little over six feet and built like a WWE wrestler. My face turned cold and all the emotion was whipped form my face.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I challenged him. I squared my shoulders as I faced him and put my chin the air. He lets out a low chuckle as my brother elbowed my stomach hard making me grunt. I turned and glared at him but he glared right back at me. I clenched my jaw and looked away. I glanced back at the man. He casually rested against the brick wall with one leg propped back. I rolled my eyes; I bet he thinks he looks like badass right now. He looked hot though I'll give him that.

"Who do I think I am?" He teased me. I could feel his eyes burning through me even though I couldn't see them. "I think I am the person who can destroy your little gang in seconds, record time. I could get you put in the electric chair but there no fun in that. I could chain you to a bed and have my wicked ways with you." My brother growled at the thought of that. The mystery man chuckled again.

"I'm not scared," I told him smirking, "If anything it gets me excited." I rubbed my hands together and pulled my leather jacket closer to me. I was getting colder as the minutes went by but I wasn't going to complain. The cold didn't bother me.

"Of course," He said I could hear the smirk in his voice. He started moving from his hiding spot into the dim lights of the club entrance. I squinted at him. I took in his muscular frame. His dark eyes observed my reaction with a sinful glint. His lower lip was busted open, his nose was slightly crooked. His skin looked pale but not vampire pale. He had on blue jeans that had a hole in the knee with a white shirt. I could see the budge on his left hip indicating there was a gun there. He didn't even try to hide it. My eyes drifted back to his. Warning bells went off in my mind, he looked familiar.

"Who are you exactly?" I finally asked. My brother gripped my upper arm trying to get me to shut up. I shook my arm trying to get him off of me but he didn't budge. Instead his grip tightens on me and Rose. I shot a quick look at him but he didn't look at me. The mystery man smirked and Chase's grip tightens even more. I filched back not expecting it.

"Ace," the man finally said after hours of silence. I knew the way my brother was holding me this wasn't some random guy. This was Ace Ryder. The man who's killed more people for fun then I could count. I gawked openly at him, not letting any emotion slip. Too many thoughts over whelmed my head. Why was he here? Why didn't he kill me for talking to him like that? Shit, he's going to kill me.

"Ace from the Aces, cliché," I told him smirking. My smirk was knocked off by his next move. Before anyone could blink he had me pinned against the brick wall choking me. I trashed under his huge hand trying to suck in any air. His hand was too tight; I felt a burning sensation in my throat. My lungs felt like they were going to clasp. My arms slid up to his putting my short nails into his flesh.

"Never insult my gang," he growled lowly in my ear. Shit, that was a turn on. I could barely comprehend what was going on, my head felt light headed and I was thinking with my lady parts. Is this how I die? If so this is a pathetic death. In the movie the characters life flashed through their eyes but all I saw was nothing but black dots. All movies are bullshit any way.

Just before I was going to fall into the blackness he dropped me. I didn't even notice that he held me against the wall so my feet didn't touch the ground. I dropped to my knees gasping for air. The oxygen didn't decrease the burning if anything it made it worse. My vision eventual started to come back. I could feel everyone's beady eyes looking at me. I wanted to snap at them and tell them to look away but I couldn't breathe right let alone talk.

"What's going on here?" a male voice asked. The man had a rough, rugged, demanding voice. I couldn't turn around to see what he looked like. I needed to focus on breathing. Everything around me was fuzzy; I couldn't tell what was going on. My breaths where coming out heavy but the burning feeling stopped. My skin felt raw and hurt every time I took a breath.

"Nothing," Ace snapped. I had enough energy to look over my shoulder at the two new men. Chase and Rose stood there looking helpless. They didn't know what to do. The two men looked completely different. The tallest was well over six feet. He has dirty blonde hair with cold blue eyes. His rugged look told you a story. I could see the scars on his face and arms form here and his nose looked perfectly broken. The other man was the shortest and cleanest looking; he looked to be five foot nine. He has dark hair with striking green eyes. His face looked perfect like he has never been in a fight. Realization hit me like a ton of blocks. Who were the only men who could dare to ask Ace a question? Jackson and Carter. Jackson was the rugged looking one and Carter was the short one.

"Bloody hell what is this? The return of the gangs?" Rose said sarcastically. Looks like I'm not the only one with a big mouth. Rose isn't form England she just likes saying 'bloody'. Chase shot her a look but it was too late all three of them raised a gun and pointed it at her. They waited to see if she dared to say anything else.

"Why are the Aces here?" my brother asked his business voice coming back. Finally he speaks!

"We're here with a business offer," Jackson said, "But we are not going to disgust it here." With that being said they walked away. Fuckers.

"Ava get in the car now," my brother snarled. I could feel the anger raiding off of him. No one in the gang liked that the Aces where here. I knew, my brother knew, Rose knew, and the whole gang knows that my brother will have to agree to whatever business offer they have. If we don't agree they will kill us all. Rumor says they don't like giving quick deaths, they like slowly and painful ones. They like to hear the screams of torture and they loved breaking someone. I don't mean bones I mean emotionally. They love to fuck with emotions. Just like teenage boys.

We all piled into my brothers black Chevy Camaro. I tried not to move too fast if I did I became breathless. Fuck you Ace Ryder! Who does he think he is? He can't walk into here like he owns the place. Actually he can a voice taunted me in the back of my head. I didn't get what they wanted with us. Chase's gang is small but the people in are good. We may be small but we kick ass. My father started the gang but the time by brother turned eighteen he left it to Chase and never came back. I was thirteen at the time. I never had any type of relationship with my sperm donor. The gang first started by my farther and a couple of friends. They would ride their motorcycles across the USA. Eventually they met people and the people where the kind you would see on FBI most wanted.

I was a mistake. I wasn't supposed to be born. That's why my brother is five years older than me. I remember when I was younger my dad started taking Chase on trips while I was stuck home with my druggie mother. I don't get why my mother stayed with him. He didn't take care of us children, he didn't pay bills, and he was always gone. Every time he was home they would fight. By fight I mean it wasn't just yelling he would hit her and she would always push back. I watched my mom's soul get ripped out of her body. I saw the way he treated her, it made me shiver in disgust. After watching the results of their so called 'loving relationship' I stopped believing in love. Love was just insecurity. Love could tear a person down, could rip their soul away till nothing was left.

We finally made it to my home. My house was nothing special but the story and dark secrets in there could make any man shake. Hell, it made me tremble. The house was small and run down. We could afford better but my brother didn't want to, he didn't want to leave the memories. Taking a deep breath I got out of the back of Chase's car. I slammed the door hard enough to let the whole neighborhood know I'm home. My brother shot me a hard glare but he didn't say anything. He could easily kill a man with his bare hands but he couldn't yell at me right now. He doesn't have a problem with yelling at me but he knew that would push me over the edge and he didn't need to deal with that right now.

I was fuming as we stormed into my house. I knew Ace, Carter, and Jackson where in there. I could tell they were already here because there is a huge hole where the door knob was supposed to be. I'm guessing they shot the fucking lock. That pissed me off to extreme since I knew they could pick the lock easily. Hell, they could get into the Presidents house without trying.

"Was that necessary?" I roared pointing to the door. I am ready to punch something. But there was no way I'd ever lay a finger on them. I would be dead before I could scream YOLO.

"If I didn't need you I would blow your head off your shoulders," Ace told me coldly. I narrowed my cold brown eyes at him.

"Why do you need me?" I asked raising my eye brows. All three men smirked malicious at me.

"That is what we're about to disgust with your brother," Carter said getting bored with the conversation. Carter is a genius. I don't get why he works in the Aces, he could have gone to some high class college and got some fancy degree. Carter is best with computers and tracking, he's never been seen to fight. Some don't think he knows how too but he can shoot you in the heart with his eyes close. That was enough to keep the people away.

"Ava go to your room," Chase demanded beside me. I glared at him before grabbing Rose and heading upstairs. Once we entered my room I sighed in relief. There was way too much tension in there. I walked through all the cloths on my floor before flopping on my bed. Rose stood still at the door way of my room paralyzed in shock.

"Did someone break in your room?" She screeched. I chuckled and shook my head. "I knew you were disorganized but this is bad." She scrunched up her small pointy nose. I beamed at her.

"So you can shot a person while looking into their eyes but you can't stand a messy room?" I asked innocently.

"It stinks like someone died in here. Knowing you someone probably did." I scoffed at the idea. I wouldn't kill someone in my room; I would kill them in the family room. I do have some mortality.

I got up from my loving bed and made my way into the bathroom. I grabbed some make up remover whips. I closed my eyes whipping my long eye lashes. Once I had all the junk off my face I started to comb through my blonde teased hair. My hair ends mid waist and knots easily. Trying to comb through my hair was making my scalp hurt. I glared in the mirror at my hair. Sighing I gave up and through it in a messy pony. I had no one to impress.

"Ava!" my brother shouted form downstairs. I could hear the uneasiness in his voice. I got the feeling deep in my stomach; this is not going to be good. Slowly I made my way down stairs to them taking my sweet time.

"Yes?" I asked annoyed, "I have things to do." I was playing cool; I didn't have anything to do except sleep.

"We're going to find our father," my brother said. That one sentence pushed me over the edge I pulled my arm back and punched Chase in the face. He didn't actually think I was going to help, right? He knew how I felt about him. I wanted to personally put a bullet through the man's head. I wanted to blame him for my mother's drug overdose but I couldn't and that pissed me off.

Chase spit blood out form his mouth and turned to face me. Before I could duck he sent his fist into my check. I flew onto the floor gasping. My hand was shaking as I reached for my face. I could taste the metallic taste of blood. I whipped the blood off my lips with the back of my head. I wasn't shocked he hit me if anything my anger doubled. I was to anger, the anger numbed the pain. I am a girl on the edge of insanity, so close to it. If we did find my sperm donor I would lose the little humanity I have and I would be pushed over the edge.

"I'm not going," I told him sternly looking up into his eyes. I still was on the floor not making any intentions to get up. "We don't even know if he is alive or not."

"He's very much a live," Jackson said butting in, "He came to us about a month ago and took something of ours." I sat up straighter, I forgot they were here. My father was dumb but not dumb enough to steal form the Aces unless he wanted to die. But one question came to mind: Was the Aces asking for help? They could easily destroy him.

"What'd he take?" I asked. It had to be important if they came here.

"You're never going to know," Jackson replied. I scoffed at his words. I am going to find even if it kills me because it probably will.



Thank you so much for giving this book a try!! I really hope you like

Pic of Ava

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