Come into my World

By KIDmimi

4.5K 57 92

this is going to be a collection of my really short stories and just some of my thoughts and beliefs on the... More

Memoirs of a killer
Memoirs of a killer (part 2)
Dear Ian
do you know what i hate?
have you ever noticed?
ZIMBABWE... beautiful land
Love Confenssions ( ARHH)
Letters to you (LGBT)
A diary
Ask Miriam 2
HOLD ON..It's the Epilogue!
Chilling on Omegle


1.6K 12 25
By KIDmimi

**hola mis amigos this is my new story which is just a collection of stuff anyway the first story is TRAPPED which i bet you've proably read burr anyways enjoy**


Where am I? What is going on? All I can hear is a loud drum beat that is coming from above me. I try to open my eyes but it feels like they're glued shut. Is that what happened? Did someone glue my eyes shut?

I move my body and hands to try and feel my surroundings as a blind person would do but all I feel is warm liquid. Am I dead? Did someone kill me then throw me in the sea? But why is the water warm? Ha! I see I must be sleeping in the bath. But I can't remember sleeping never mind going in the bath.

"Wake up!" I try to scream but my words become lost in the liquid.

I sit in silence pondering while the noise above me continues: bum bum. Bum bum. Bum bum. Where is that noise coming from? Its right above me I should be able to turn it off right? Testing, I reach out my arms but they don't reach very high so I put them forward to try to see how big my surroundings are. As I push my arms forward they are stopped by a gooey force field.

I suddenly feel claustrophobic. Where am I? I don't like it.

"Somebody get me out!" I scream banging my fists on the force field but once again my words fall on deaf ears.

"She's kicking again, john," came a loud feminine voice.

Who said that? It sounds as if they're right above me.

"I think she's asking to be let out, Kathy" a distant male voice chuckled.

John, Kathy? Are they the ones who kidnapped me and put me in here? What do they want with me a 15 year old girl? What good am I to them? How did they even get me here?

The last thing I remember, I was walking across the road with Jeremy to his house. How did I come from there to here? And how in the world can I breathe in this liquid?

Am I dreaming? Yes that must be it. But everything feels too real to be a dream? Are they doing some kind of experiments on me? Yes that must be why I can breathe in here. What will they do once they are finished with me? Kill me? No no no no! I'm not going to die. I'm too young to die!

"Calm down Emmy, it's going to be fine," I say to myself not believing a word of it, "if you stay quiet they'll forget about you."

Wait is that a good thing? Nonetheless I decided that yes, it was a good thing.

"Oh john, come and feel her" the feminine voice came again.

Are they talking about me?

"Please say no, please say no, please say no" I chanted under my breath.

But my pleads were ignored as I felt a hand on the other side of the force field. I froze not daring to move.

"Please go away" I prayed.

Relief washed through me as I felt the hand leave the force field.

"She's not moving" the male voice said sadly.

Aww, did you want me to move so you can experiment on me again? Huh, tough chance.


I've been here for hours now as far as I know. All I've done for the past however many hours is listen to the voices. The female voice belonged to woman a called Kathy and the male was John. They were husband and wife who were obviously in love. Other than the kidnapping they were pretty nice sounding people, which is why I don't understand why they've taken me.

Maybe they can't have kids and they've kidnapped me in a sick way of making it up to them. Have they never heard of adoption!

I was about to fall asleep for the 10th time when I heard the theme tune for the 10oclock news. Exactly how long have I been here? Mum and dad must be worried. I've never been away this long without calling them. Maybe Jeremy's told them I've been kidnapped. Unless Jeremy helped these psychos kidnap me. But no Jeremy loves me. So why would he do that?

I started falling asleep again when I felt some of the liquid escape from above my head. I started panicking. What if I need the liquid to breath? Were they killing me now they've realised they can't keep me here? I started to thrash around hating the decrease in oxygen.

"Baby, my water's broke" Kathy said panicking

Kathy's having a baby?

"Do you want to go to the hospital now?" john asked also panicking.

Was this their first child? Is that why I'm here? They need a babysitter? Why did they not just ask me instead of kidnapping me?

"Yeah it's better to go to the hospital; I don't want to have a home birth."

"Okay meet me in the car, I'll just go get your bag" john said sounding further away than before.

Are they going to leave me here to die from lack of oxygen? Well if I'm going to die I'm not going to stay awake for it.



** This I have to say is not a great book i won't lie to you. But I just wanted to put my point across**

I woke up from my deep slumber when I heard a blood curdling scream. Strangely I knew who it belonged to. Kathy. Why is she screaming? Is someone attacking her? Is it john? I don't know why but I felt like I had to protect her. It was as if it we had a deep connection with each other.

"Don't worry Kathy, you're 10cm dilated. It's going to be over soon".

Who said that? And what do they mean that she's 10cm dilated. Isn't that to do with childbirth? Does that mean that they've taken me with them? Why can't I see anything or anyone? I want to go home.

"Let me out" I screamed banging against the walls.

The only response I got was another scream from Kathy. For some reason I stopped banging and she stopped screaming. Maybe I should just stay still....

Hours passed with no change until out of nowhere Kathy shouted...

"It's coming!"

The baby's coming? I want to see this!

"Push!" a voice I didn't recognise shouted.

Suddenly I felt all the liquid escape and I felt like I was moving along with it but then I came to an abrupt stop. I couldn't breathe. The air had escaped from my lungs and I felt the something slimy cutting off the air from my throat.

"Somebody help!" I screamed but that just made it worse"

"Come on darling just a bit more!" john shouted.

Why are they not checking up on me while I'm dying?

"Ungh" was all that Kathy said in response.

Again, I felt like I was being pushed. With this movement my throat was no longer trapped in the clutches of whatever the slimy thing was but now it was my chest. The contact made it fee l like I was naked. Was I naked? I tried to move my hands but they were stuck firmly by my sides.

"Just one more push" the mystery voice said.

Kathy made another hair-raising scream and in that moment I felt hands enclose around my head before I was pulled out into a cold place.

"It's a girl".

Who's a girl?

As if by instinct I started sucking in great mouthfuls of air into my oxygen deprived lungs. I still couldn't open my eyes but I knew I was no longer in that prison. While I was in the prison I felt warm and in a way safe but here wherever I was I was cold and I felt uneasy as if I was a helpless baby. I felt someone slap my bum.

"Hey!" I tried to shout but all that came out was a cry.

"What's going on" again just a cry

Why am I crying? Why can't I talk?

I felt like I was flying as I was moved until I was brought down into a warm liquid.

"No please don't put me back there" I screamed but all that came out was a cry.

I tried to struggle around to no avail. After what felt like hours I was lifted once again as I continued to scream for help. I was placed on a soft cushion as someone sprayed things on my body before wrapping me with a soft blanket.

What is going on? But before I could dwell on it I was once again lifted. I ended up this time in what felt like a pair of arms. I was still crying. Why can't talk?

The pair of arms started moving in a soothing motion and making me stop crying. I felt so reassured and safe that I snuggled closer to them.

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by an unknown woman with a damp face. Who was she and why was I looking at her.

"who are you" I tried to say but no words escaped.

"shh baby it's okay mummy's here" she cooed.

Wait a minute I know that voice. Kathy. Why is she calling herself my "mummy".

"good girl, Lilly.

Why did she call me Lilly? My name is Eme!

"I'm not lilly!" I wanted to scream out but that's when it all came to me.

Looking deep into Kathy's eyes, i saw the truth.


"Bye mum!" I shouted as me and Jeremy walked out of the house on our way to his for his mum's birthday.

"Hey Eme what time do you want me to pick you up for tomorrow?" Jeremy asked looking down on me.

Why was he so tall. I was older than him. By a full 3 months!

"I don't know probably about 12ish...?" I answered as I pressed the button on the pelican crossing.


As the green man became illuminated I started to walk across the street.

"Eme look out" Jeremy shouted but it was too late.

Everything around me slowed down as the car sped towards me. I locked eyes with the petrified driver before he drove into me. I felt the bumper collide with my stomach as I was propelled through the air before crashing head first into the windscreen. Then everything turned black.


Eme is dead. I am Lilly.


*** wagwan! this is what i think happens when we die. tell me what you think:)-- love from mimi :D*** 

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