Uniquely Flawless - Larry Sty...

By LarryWriting

1.6M 47.4K 48.9K

Louis has fallen head over heels with his Kitten boy Harry, and Harry loves Louis just as much. But as things... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (mature already...?)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (mature)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (matuuuure! :D)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (mature)
Chapter 18 (Mature Niam at the beginning...)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (mature Niam!)
Epilogue (mature Larry)

Chapter 27

44K 1.6K 2.1K
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: This chapter is dedicated toooo grungeflower for drawing the adorable picture in the multimedia! YAAAAY!

[Louis' P.O.V]

There were gentle fingers stroking my cheekbones as kisses were pressed all over my face. I allowed my eyes to flutter open, being greeted with a pleased looking Harry. My good arm reached up to pull the boy over and onto my chest so I could snuggle him properly, and my actions brought a startled squeak from the younger boy.

"Do not hurt your arm!" he attempted to adjust himself, squirming around until I wrapped both my good arm and injured arm around him, squeezing him tightly.

"Good morning, baby," I hummed.

"It is afternoon," he announced.

"Ah," I nuzzled my face into his hair. "I take it you've been up all ready? You're in a t-shirt and sweats now..."

"Phoebe wanted m-me to see her pancakes," he nodded. "But I-I did not eat. Just fed Lucy... and I waited for you!"

"Kitten you didn't have to wait for me you silly goose!" I chuckled.

"Goose?" Harry gave me a look of disbelief. "I-I am not part goose! Cat, Louis!"

"Oh, lovely," I crooned. "You have to be the sweetest person I have ever met."

Harry pushed himself up so that his arms rested on either side of me, moving his leg so that his ankle brushed my toes, "Tiny... Louis is tiny."

"Oh no," I protested, rolling us gently so that I was on top. "You're just tall."

Harry burst into giggles as a peppered his face with kisses, and then Lottie walked into the room, "Whoa, okay!"

"Calm down, Lottie," I pulled away from Harry to roll my eyes. "We're clothed."

"Are you planning on sleeping the day away?" Lottie huffed. "Get up! People are here to see you. Some guy with tattoos and then a ginger."

"Zayn and Chris," I laughed.

"Just put clothes on and come to the living room," Lottie sighed.

I pushed myself off of Harry, laughing as he followed me and clung to me with his arms around my waist, "Still your baby Kitten. I-I am taller... but I am still your baby Kitten?"

"Of course," I told him fondly as I pulled out the clothes I wanted. "You'll always be my Kitten, baby."

Harry squeaked happily, but released me so I could pull my clothes on. He helped me with my shirt since I had difficulties getting my cast through the sleeve, and then he bounded from the room to find Chris. I trailed after him, finding him in the living room with Phoebe and Daisy on each of his legs. A large air mattress was on the floor where some of my family and slept. Zayn and Chris sat close to one another on the couch, nonchalantly holding hands. I raised my eyebrows, "Zayn... Chris."

"Hiya, Lou!" Chris beamed, and Zayn waved.

"Oh, Louis, you're up," my mother walked from the kitchen. "The girls and I are going to run to the store to get you and Harry groceries."

"No mum, it's fine, that's alright," I shook my head, sitting in the recliner. Harry scurried over to join me as Daisy and Phoebe leaped up to go with my mum.

"No, I don't get to buy you things as much anymore, let me do this for you," she insisted. "Besides, if these two here can buy you a new car the least I can do is buy groceries."

"Buy me a car?" my eyes widened, and I looked to Zayn and Chris in disbelief. "You didn't..."

Zayn pointed to Chris instantly, and Chris gave me a smug grin, "I did, and it's already completely paid for so you can't take it back to the dealer."

"Christopher Canary," I growled in a threatening tone.

"Not to be confused with Christopher Robin," Zayn held up a finger, making Felicity giggle as she walked out of the kitchen with Lucy in her arms and with Lottie right behind her. She put the black kitten down, however, in order to put her shoes on, and the kitten bounded back into the kitchen.

"Let's leave them here to kill each other and go to the store," Lottie told my mum, and my family made their way from my house.

I patted Harry gently so he'd slide from my lap, and then I stomped towards the front door and pulled it open. Outside there was a silver Ford Focus, and it didn't at all look old. I turned back around and crossed my arms, "I can't believe you bought me a car..."

"Well your old one got totaled... you already have to pay a hospital bill... and you've been stressed," Chris shrugged. "I figured I'd help you out."

"I want to hate you but I can't," I groaned, defeatedly dragging myself back to the recliner with Harry. Harry looked to me in confusion as I slipped underneath him.

"What is wrong?" he patted at me soothingly.

"Chris spent his money buying me a car..." I sighed. "Because I crashed my old one."

"It is pointless," Harry mumbled frantically, grabbing a bit of my shirt in his hand to cling to me. "Y-you are not dr-driving again?"

I winced. I had completely forgotten of the battle I was going to have to enter in order to convince Harry that it was alright if I drove. The seat belt assurance wouldn't work this time, because he knew that I'd worn my seat belt, and he knew that I'd still been hurt.

"Well Kitten... I..." I attempted to begin, but his face crumpled.

"P-please do not... for Harry's Louis?" Harry scrabbled at me, pressing his face into my neck. "I-I do not eat sh-shrimp for you... so y-you will not drive... for me?"

"Ah," I grimaced. "It's... baby, it's different..."

"The chances of Louis crashing again are very slim, Harry," Chris tried to soothe.

"No!" Harry wailed. "Louis s-said that i-it does not u-usually happen b-but it happened to Harry's Louis a-and it broke him! He will not d-drive!"

"Baby..." I crooned, trying to soothe the boy that was now sobbing into my neck and clinging to me tightly. "I'm sorry, lovely..."

"Please?" he wheezed. "Do not?"

"I'm not going to for awhile," I tried. "At least until my arm heals."

"N-never," Harry corrected, looking to Chris. "T-take the car back? Keep it? Do not l-let m-my Louis have it..."

"He needs it to get to work, Harry," Zayn told him gently.

"T-that is what h-happened t-the last time," Harry gurgled, bursting into tears again.

I bit my lip guiltily, holding the younger boy tightly as he cried. I hated seeing him so upset because of me, "Okay! Okay, I won't drive, I'm sorry, baby... don't cry... I'm sorry!"

"Louis," Chris frowned. "You have to drive."

Harry pulled back to glare at Chris, his eyes red and puffy, "B-but I do not w-want him t-to g-get hurt!"

"Harry," Chris sighed. "Adam... Adam was killed in a car accident, yeah?"

"I don't know if this is going to help-" I tried.

"Will n-not happen to Louis," Harry told him firmly, pressing his face back into my chest.

"I know it won't," he soothed. "I'm just saying... Louis didn't die the first time, did he? He wasn't even close to dying."

Harry wiggled backwards and looked up at me, his green eyes wide and terrified, "D-do not w-want to lose you!"

"You won't," I promised, kissing his nose. "It won't happen again... the only reason I crashed was because of Ella's brother. And I lived. Zayn wasn't even hurt like me!"

"You were broken," the younger boy sniffled, running his hand over my cast.

"But now I'm being fixed with this cast," I pointed out. "You said you'd decorate my cast, remember?"

"Yes..." Harry nuzzled into me, dropping the subject of driving finally. "I-I remember."

Zayn grinned at the younger boy, "Does it feel good to be back with your Louis?"

Harry nodded. "I-I missed him!"

"Ooh, good grammar there!" Chris approved. "You've been working on it, I see..."

"Ella made him," I felt my face darken at the thought of the horrid woman. "She also gave him shrimp and stabbed Niall in the shoulder."

Both Chris and Zayn spluttered, and then Chris croaked out, "Explain."

"When I showed up at Ella's... Harry and Niall were in her basement and Harry was curled up in a ball on the floor next to Niall, gasping for air, while Niall was laying on the ground bleeding from his shoulder. Liam was the one who drove, so he wrapped up Niall's shoulder while I gave Harry his medicine. Harry stopped...." I swallowed hard, tightening my grip on the boy who had began to stroke my chest. "He stopped breathing. But Dr. Shell showed up with an inhaler of some sort and... Harry and Niall were both okay."

"Well it's good that they're okay!" Zayn shook his head in amazement.

"So are you in danger of Ella, Louis?" Chris asked, and Harry squeaked. "Since she had someone run you off the road? Will she try something worse?"

"No!" Harry hid his face into my chest with a wail. "No she w-will not!"

"It's okay, baby," I hushed gently. "Dr. Shell had someone take her and her brother away. We're okay."

"Mine," Harry wheezed. "Mine, mine, mine-"

"Nobody elses," I agreed, stroking his hair gently.

Zayn and Chris gave one another a look of adoration before turning their attention back to us as Chris spoke up again, "So what else have we missed?"

"Niall and Liam are getting married," I offered him a smile.

"Married?" Zayn gasped. "Seriously? That's fantastic! I'm so happy for them."

"Yeah," I laughed. "I think Dr. Shell is gonna help them with the wedding, so they just need a date."

"Is it going to be a small wedding?" Chris asked.

"Probably," I nodded. "Liam's family might come from the US. Only... I feel like they've only met Niall like... three times? They moved when we did, and Liam hardly ever sees them or hears from them."

"Aww... that's no good," Zayn frowned.

"He pretty much shares my family," I laughed. "He might as well be my brother, anyway."

"And I will be your sisters'... brother in the law?" Harry asked.

"Whoa, are you all getting married, too?" Chris exclaimed. "If Harry will be your sisters' brother-in-law..."

"Definitely someday," I caressed Harry's cheek. "We'll let Niall and Liam have their glory, first. But we'll get married if Harry will take me. I can't live without this curly haired Kitten."

"Cannot be without you, too!" Harry declared. "You are mine..."

"Are you mine?" Zayn asked Chris hopefully, leaning towards the red haired man. Chris turned and gave Zayn a quick peck on the lips, causing both of them to blush.

"If you're mine," Chris grinned.

"Alright," I sighed dramatically. "Get a room."

"We're not on top of each other!" Zayn frowned before pointing at Harry. "He's all over you! Control yourself, Harry!"

Harry looked to me in confusion, "I-I am just sitting on my Louis?"

"You're fine, baby," I hugged him closer, wincing a tad as I jostled my bad arm.

My pained expression didn't go unnoticed by Harry. He scrambled away instantly, hurrying to retrieve a pillow that he propped my arm up on as he stood next to my chair and petted at me, "You are alright?"

"Well I need to be getting to work," Chris sighed. "It's nearly lunch time."

"As do I," Zayn pursed his lips. "I promised I'd help with the afternoon patients."

"When am I wanted back?" I asked Zayn.

"You're on a medical leave, since your arm is kind of broken..." Zayn told me. "But you could probably come in whenever."

"I-I am coming, too," Harry told Zayn. "Louis said."

"That's alright..." Zayn nodded as Chris stood and held out a hand for his boyfriend. Zayn allowed the red haired man to pull him up and into an embrace, brushing their lips together once.

I tsked, "Sexual tension is present boys... I predict sex in your future."

"He's turning into Niall," Zayn whispered loudly to Chris. "Let's run while we can."

"Goodbye you two," Chris laughed, and Zayn waved as the two walked from the flat.

The moment the two were gone, Harry leaned down from where he was standing and kissed me fervently. I made a startled sound, but my good hand came up to cup his face. I moved my bad arm so Harry could sit on my lap, and the younger boy placed his knees on either side of me, straddling me in the chair.

"Kitten," I gently stopped his lips attack on my own. "What're you doing, love?"

"I-I want to have sex," he mumbled.

"You want to have sex?" I asked.

"Yes," he pleaded. "We can?"

"My sisters and mum will be back soon, though..." I told him sadly.

Harry whined, leaning his forehead against my shoulder, "Good thing I-I do not have an erection yet, then..."

"Sorry, baby," I attempted to help him turn so that our position was no longer so sexual, and cradled him to me instead. "We'd do it if we could. But it would be bad if my sisters and mum came back from the store and caught us."

Harry nodded, stroking my collarbone gently. We cuddled in silence for a few minutes until Harry spoke up, "We have not watched Aristocats in a long time!"

"You're right!" I gasped. "We haven't! Do you want to, love?"

"Yes!" Harry scrambled up. "I-I will put it in?"

"You put the movie in, I'll grab us some food!" I stood, but Harry turned and placed a gentle hand on my chest as he shook his head.

"You are broken..." he told me softly. "You should just sit."

"I'm alright," I insisted. "I'll just make us sandwiches or something..."

Harry shook his head once more, firmer this time, "I-I want you to sit..."

"Yes, Master Kitten," I chuckled, sitting down in the chair for Harry.

He scurried from the room, and remained in the kitchen for what seemed like forever. Eventually, however, he came back out carefully carrying two plates. He handed me my plate, that contained a slightly messy peanut butter sandwich and some crackers, "Lucy is sleeping in the kitchen."

"Alright, thank you, lovely!" I grinned. "This looks really good."

He set his own plate on the table and hurried from the room before returning with two glasses of milk, "Milk for Harry's Louis."

He then put Aristocats into the dvd player, and I moved to the couch so there was more room for us to eat but still cuddle. Harry joined me happily, leaning against me as he ate his sandwich. I placed a messy kiss on his temple and chuckled, "This is a good sandwich, baby."

"It is made just for you!" he told me as Aristocats started up.

At that moment, my family returned, lugging groceries noisily through the front door. They all walked towards the kitchen to put stuff up, but Lottie took one look at us on the sofa and screeched, "Personal display of affection!"

"We're cuddling Lottie," I sighed. "Personal display of affection would be this:"

I cradled the boy's face with my food hand and crushed my lips to his. He made a happy sound, leaning into the kiss and taking my face with both of his hands. Once I pulled back because of Lottie's shrieking, he giggled, "You taste like peanut butter!"

Phoebe and Daisy returned from the kitchen, coming and sitting on air mattress to watch the movie with us. I put our empty plates on the table and turned so that I was laying on my back, and I pulled Harry with me to the best of my ability. He obligingly wiggled up my body, wrapping his arms around me and snuggling against my chest. My mum came and read quietly in the recliner while Felicity colored a picture with Lucy in her lap, and Lottie helped. Towards the end of the movie, I started dozing off with the curly haired boys warmth on me, and then suddenly I heard Niall's voice.

"Aw!" he whined. "You guys are having a party without me? Sure! Don't invite the guy with the shoulder injury!"

"Love," Liam chuckled. "I don't think this is much of a party. Louis is falling asleep."

"Or I was until Niall started yelling," I said, trying to sound grumpy, but I cracked a grin as I opened my eyes. "Hi Niall. Hi Liam."

"You have a Harry on you," Niall acknowledged.

I stroked the younger boy's curls with my free hand, and he nuzzled against me, "He's very into his movie.... we haven't watched it for awhile."

"I bet Harry could quote this movie," Liam laughed.

"Watches it a lot, does he?" my mum spoke up.

"He loves his Aristocats, hmm Kitten?" I nuzzled my nose against his fuzzy ear. "So Liam... Niall... why are you here?"

"We want you and Harry to be our best men. You'll be mine, Louis, and Harry will be Niall's," Liam spoke up.

"You guy's are getting married?" Lottie gasped. "That's great! I didn't think you were ever going to!"

"Congrats, both of you," my mother chuckled.

"Can I be a flower girl?" Daisy shrieked.

"No I want to be!" Phoebe pleaded.

"We can have two!" Niall soothed. "There can be two flower girls..."

The girls instantly settled down, focusing back on Aristocats with the promise of being flower girls. My mum laughed, "You certainly have a way with kids, Niall. Have you considered adopting?"

"Yes!" Niall pouted. "I want to, but Liam is a chicken."

"Not true!" Liam declared. "We have Maisy!"

"Where is Maisy?" Harry asked.

"At home," Niall sighed. "Liam says we have to get her a lead and stuff before she leaves the house."

"And her shots," I pointed out. "She needs shots before she can go on walks."

"Well," my mother chuckled. "You two should adopt. I would love to have grandchildren... except I'm not that old!"

"You're not old enough to be a grandma," I agreed.

"Babies though..." Harry stroked at my collarbone. "Harry wants one."

"Do you, now?" my mother chuckled.

"Yes," Harry nodded. "With Louis."

"If only it were possible," my mum sighed. "But I think you'll have to stick with adopting. But it's just as good. You get a baby to love and care for... but you have to be absolutely certain that you're ready."

"We should probably get married first, too, Kitten," I ruffled his curls. "After Liam and Niall get married... deal?"

"We're going to talk to Dr. Shell about setting a date," Niall beamed, showing me his hand. "See the band Liam got me?"

"Again," my mother clapped her hands in delight. "I'm so happy for you both!"

"Well we were just dropping by... we'll probably aim for having the wedding in July... July 19th, sound okay? Nearly three months from now. It's during the summer so the girls won't have school."

"Even if it isn't I'll clear the schedule so it is," my mum told him.

"July 19th!" Niall crowed. "Liam's mine!"

Harry giggled, "Louis is m-mine!"

"Alright," Liam chuckled. "Niall and I got to go talk to Dr. Shell about our plans, and then we have to pick up some stuff for Maisy so we'll see you all later!"

We all said fair well to the engaged couple, waving as they exited. Felicity stood and put Lucy down, stretching as she disappeared down the hall. The rest of my family disappeared one by one into the kitchen for lunch, leaving Harry and I snuggled on the couch.

Harry stretched happily, nuzzling his head under my chin, "It is nap time...?"

"I'm sleepy too, baby," I chuckled. "I've done nothing but sleep here lately but... I'm still tired!"

"You are just cozy," he shrugged. "And I-I love you."

"Love you, too, baby," I chuckled.

"So... Liam is Niall's forever and Niall is Liam's?" Harry asked. "That is married?"

"Yeah," I told him softly. "That's what it means to be married. You're promising to never leave the person you love... and you're promising that you'll never love anyone else more."

"I-I already do promise that!" Harry petted at me. "We are married?"

"We might as well be," I hummed. "I promise the exact same thing. We've just never had a ceremony... and we don't have a certificate or any of that stuff."

"How do we get married?" he asked.

"Well... I could ask you, or you could ask me," I explained. "Then we'd plan a wedding and have a legal certificate made by that guy Dr. Shell knows."

"You will ask m-me?" he squeaked.

"I will someday..." I promised.

"Harry wants to be yours, now!" he whimpered.

"You are mine!" I insisted.

"Then we are to get married," he nodded.

"Yes... will you marry me, baby Kitten?" I asked him softly. "I don't have a ring or anything, and we'll keep it a secret until Liam and Niall get married... I mean, they already know we'll marry each other eventually. But do you want to marry me? I'll get you a ring, soon..."

"I-I not need a ring," he crooned. "Just you."

"My baby Kitten," I whispered, nuzzling against him. "You're so perfect..."

"I-I mess up a lot of things... like sandwiches and words," he told me. "But I-I just want to be with you forever, if that is alright?"

"You don't mess up a lot of things," I hugged him tighter, brushing our lips together. "You're flawless... my Kitten... and we're going to be together forever because I love you more than anything in the entire world."

Harry let out a happy squeak, burying his face into my chest, "Forever!"

We'd been through so much together in the short period of time, and it already seemed like we'd spent years together with all that we'd been through. But I loved Harry, and Harry loved me, and just a few years wouldn't be a long enough time to spend with my Kitten. I needed him with me for the rest of my life, until the day I died. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, craning my head up to whisper softly into his velvety Kitten ears, "Forever, baby Kitten..."

[A/N2]: Meep D: Last chapter before Epilogue... didn't give you much of a warning, huh? I kind of wanted it to be a surprise like SURPRISE MUDAFUDAS UNIQUELY FLAWLESS HAS REACHED ITS END. But this allows me to begin book three after I write the epilogue. As some of you know... it's going to me an MPREG. However, for those of you that don't like that kind of stuff, you can give it a try, but I also attempted to end UF decently enough so that it seems like there isn't more to their story. So... yeah. It's been real, y'all xD CATCH YOU AT THE EPILOGUE! Also... didn't edit this aside from spell check MERP IMMA LOSER

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