
By LiveLoveLaughForever

20.6K 1K 215

"Over six years had passed since Jacob had left me, during which I had struggled through every single day una... More

Spring Semester
Oh Me, Oh My
You're Too Kind
Heart! We will forget him!
That Was Strange
Lost In Translation
Should I Be Worried?
Unanswered Questions
Shouldn't Have Said That
Sing Your Heart Out
It'll Never Workout
Tell Me You Want Me
I Do, I Don't
Too Good To Be True
We Be All Night
Getting Naughty
Don't Kiss And Tell
Coming Over
Everyday Of Our Lives
Tell Me Why
What Do I Feel?
You're A Liar

To Be Or Not To Be

1.1K 58 3
By LiveLoveLaughForever

Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm so what you trying to do to me
It's like we can't stop, we're enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you

I kept humming along to Maroon 5's Animal, all the way to the library. Only Adam Levine would get me this excited to go to the library on a cold day.

Don't tell no lie, lie, lie, lie
You can't deny, ny, ny, ny
The beast inside, side, side, side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Now girl don't lie, lie, lie, lie
You can't deny, ny, ny, ny
The beast inside, side, side, side
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Woah, woah, woah

Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Ah, ooh!

I shifted my hair to the one side of my neck as I pulled my strap bag higher up my shoulder and opened the wooden door's to the warm and cozy library. Looking down at my shoes, I wiped the little specks of water off my skinny legged jeans and shrugged out of my jacket and let it hang on one of the jacket hooks by the door.The carpet looked old and dirty, and the tables looked scratched and worn, but regardless I loved this place.

It was so unusual and unorganized that it would more likely resemble my book shelf then anything. That might be the reason why I loved it here. It felt more like home.

Looking around a bit, I saw that only a few people were in today. Well, it wasn't like a lot of people came here anyway, but lesser as it may have seemed on any ordinary day.

I waved over at the librarian as he flipped through some old car magazine at the check out, and he smiled at me with his yellow teeth then proceeded to take a long sip from his ever lasting coffee.

I walked through sections A-C, running my fingers along the assembled books, from different sizes to shapes. Whoever worked here with these books defiantly didn't care what appearance this place was in. Which made it all the more better.

Craning my head up a little I spotted the one book I was looking for. And ironic enough, it was on the top shelf, furthest away from me. I either had the option of balancing my weight on a couple of piled up books on the floor, or make an estimate and do a one shot jump and pray that I'd land on the other side of the millions of book's scattered around the floor like a bridge from my side to the other.

I choose option one.

Wobbling a little as put my high heeled shoe on the four or so books so I'd get a better height, I quickly started to mutter silent prayers.

This book better be damn worth it.

Reaching higher up a bit, I quickly pressed my right hand to the metal bar attached to the book shelf and reached out my left hand slowly to the book.

I was almost there, just a little bit...

I felt my high heel shoe slip to the side and my right hand came flying off from the metal bar and before I knew what happened, my wide eyes were suddenly glued to a pair of wide green eyes, and I didn't have a chance to give this absolutely handsome man my number because I was already sprawled in his muscular, warm arms.

He stumbled back and his back hit the shelf on the other side of the books section, making it shake a little then it came to a stop.

My breath was coming out in quick huffs.

"I'm very sorry, it was my fault." I said shakily

"Its fine, not a problem. Its an amazing read though. So it was worth the fall."

"Pride and Prejudice, I hope it is cause I could have really hurt you." I said looking down at my feet

"You're going to love the way Jane Austen writes her books, I read all of her books in the past. Completely changed my way of thinking." He responded

"Well then I'm going to look into that, I'm sorry again."

"Its okay, I never got your name. I'm Riley by the way." He asked kindly

"I'm Bella, pleasure to met you."

"The pleasure was all mine." We both walked away kindly

Only I would do a stunt like that, oh Bella you need to think before you do anything reckless and embarrassing. Looking at the time, I completely forgot today was Wednesday I have Literature in 10 minutes.

And of course the library is half way across campus, quickly I grabbed my things and ran out hoping I don't fall, trip, or run into a tree.

Its safe to say I made it in one piece..

Three words.

Professor Edward Cullen.

My English professor.

Piercing Brown Eyes, long Hair, that just screams for me to run my fingers through and a crooked smile that makes me melt. Did I mention when he reads out passages I almost come with that smooth velvet voice. His voice is almost musical.

He wouldn't want me, I'm his student for godforsaken, his student with plain brown hair and brown eyes, I just scream background object, and I usually just hide in the shadows. I walk into class and sit at my usual place towards the back.

Mike Newton is a classmate of mine that doesn't seem to leave me alone in anyway. I mean he's sweet and like a puppy dog, but he's only a friend, that's all he'll ever be, and I would like him to stay as a friend and a friend only.

"Hey Bella, did you do the reading for Act 5-6 for Hamlet?"

"Yes, I actually read ahead. I enjoy reading Shakespeare."

"You understand what you're reading?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I? You don't understand English?" I smirked

He looked at me confused, almost hurt. " Well of course I understand English, but the dialect is so old that's all."

"Its easy if you try to understand what Shakespeare is trying to say; for example; "To die, to sleep - To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub, For in this sleep of death what dreams may come..."

"This is said by Hamlet to himself when he thinks he is alone. He is asking himself if it is better to give up and die rather than facing his troubles but he is frightened that he will dream when he is dead and never get any peace from his earthly troubles. The speech starts with the even more famous "To be or not to be..." which is the 'should I live or die?' part. " I tried to explain, he looked completely confused as to what I just said

"Well that makes more sense, But what does he mean when he says 'To be, or not to be'?"

"He was seriously considering those Big Questions about life and death, and what it means to live. Sure, you could say that Hamlet is starting to sound like a broken record with the whole suicide thing. But he just might be moving on here." I did my best to explain it to him without confusing him

"So he was debating whether or not he should kill himself or not for Ophelia?"

"Well Ophelia was part of it, but remember his dad died in the beginning of my play, and he was going to be king and rule the country."

"I just hope he doesn't make us discuss about it in class, because I have no idea what to say." He stated

I looked at him blankly, I just spent the last twenty minutes of my life trying to explain to him the meanings and concepts of this play. For him to respond saying that hes still confused. Well he's definitely brain dead. I smiled and cursed under my breath.

Professor Cullen just walked in, Oh My God. White button down shirt rolled to the elbows, brown pants with tan dress shoes. A man who knows how to dress is always attractive.

"Everyone, take out Hamlet and start reading Act 5; scene 2." He said aloud

He started reading; "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?"

We all read along silently as he read aloud, "Give me that man that is not passion's slave, and I will wear him in my heart's core, in my heart of heart, as I do thee."

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry." 

Lord Polonius: What do you read, my lord?
Hamlet: Words, words, words.
Lord Polonius: What is the matter, my lord?
Hamlet: Between who?
Lord Polonius: I mean, the matter that you read, my lord.

"Lets stop there. What is Shakespeare trying to say here? 'Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.' "

"Mike, do you wanna give it a try?" He asked

Mike looked completely confused by the whole quote."Umm... Well...Umm.. hes trying to say that you can't borrow without giving back?"

"Hmm, well yes but there's more to the quote. Anyone else want to give it a try?" He asked the class 

"A unpaid loan puts a blemish on the friendship. Husbandry in this case mean economy. So borrowing money isn't good for your personal economy. You're living outside of your means." I said with confidence, didn't anyone read Shakespeare in high school.

"Exactly, It means that you should not borrow money from people because that is not the way to be a gentleman, like... it's not good manners. And you shouldn't loan people money because then if they don't pay you back, it ruins the friendship. A relationship." He explained

Author Note: Pay close attention to the type of music Bella is listening to, it could help you understand what is really going on in her head.

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