The Swan in the Water

By A_Lost_Minstrel

370 14 2

Ten for one, she had said. What would you give to see your love ones again? When you look into the lake, you... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Six

29 1 0
By A_Lost_Minstrel

At the sight of the lake, she was once again reminded of her loneliness.

"Charles! Charles! There's a hole in the lake!"

Aunt Darcy sat alone in library, staring at the roof above her. She couldn't shake that heart dropping feeling she felt when she saw the hole. It scared her, petrified her. Closing her eyes only gave her a better view of the frozen, lifeless body. She was dead, Aunt Darcy sworn, she truly was. And it was her fault.

"Charles, please...get her out..."

Tears still stained her cheek from that day because she never bothered to wipe them. It's been two days before Liana woke up and Aunt Darcy doubted that she knew it. By frigidness of her hug, she could tell Liana was still mad at her for what she said. She was dead but she's not now.

Aunt Darcy never wanted to be alone but it always seems like it happened regardless. Sometimes she didn't want to be bothered. Other times, people make her feel lonelier. She could always pretend, plastering on a smile that appeases everyone but herself. Tears always break through when no one's watching. She didn't want to be alone but that seems better that way. Lucinda often made her felt lonelier when she was still living. Same with her mother. Her father at least pretended that he cared. All died suddenly, none peacefully, all at sea.

"She's not breathing!"

Aunt Darcy clenched her eyes closed. Regret and loneliness are two feelings that she have become well acquainted with. Sure, Charles truly tries his best but he and the others cannot fill the pit her heart has created. Loneliness has made her bitter. Bitterness has made her lonely. A vicious cycle that refuses to end.


Aunt Darcy's feud with her late sister had nothing to do with her niece. She realized that a bit late. Aunt Darcy didn't want to be bitter toward Liana solely because who she was born to. Nothing is her fault so she will not make it so. Then what is this feeling in her heart?

"Madame?" Aunt Darcy didn't look at the door but knew the voice. She couldn't stand to look at him. It would make her heart sink deeper. She slowly closed her eyes, trying to see if she could drift away from this reality. "Madame?" Aunt Darcy refused to open her eyes, lest she open them and her cheeks would be dampened by her disgrace. "Darcelle..." Aunt Darcy left her trance to stare at the man who called her.

"What is that you want, Charles?" she tried to say strongly before choking on her tears. "Please, just...leave me alone."

"Your constant need to be alone," Charles said in a sigh as he kneeled in front of her, "is what usually causes problems." Aunt Darcy crossed her legs then turned away from him.

"I see no problems," Aunt Darcy said quietly but in a defiant tone. Charles shook his head.

"You accuse me of being childish but you're being stubborn like one." Aunt Darcy frowned.

"You say things that shows me that you are forgetting who is the master and who is the servant," Aunt Darcy said a bit furious, "In old age, did you forget that I am in charge?"

"Only 15 years your senior, Madame," Charles pointed out, "and my job is to protect you, even if it's from yourself."

"I don't believe I pay you for that."

"I don't believe you pay me."

"That's because you refuse to take that money!" Aunt Darcy said, increasingly getting louder. "How is that my fault?" Charles sighed.

"Is it fair for me to take your money if you have a limited supply?"

"It's not your place to decide what isn't fair or not," Aunt Darcy sighed. "You're just supposed to do what you're told."

"Isn't that why you were so unhappy?"

"It wasn't me doing what I was told," Aunt Darcy corrected, "it was not doing what I was told." Charles sighed. Then he stood up and looked at Aunt Darcy.

"Don't be in here sulking too long. You need to go to sleep."

"I'll go to sleep when I want to," Aunt Darcy replied in a defiant tone. Charles nodded and bowed.

"Of course, Madame." As Charles left, Aunt Darcy rolled her eyes.

The next morning, Liana sat in her bed, simply staring at the wall. She didn't bother trying to get out of bed, lest her legs gave out under her. She still felt frozen yet that numbing feeling didn't occur until after she woke up. She sat in silence until Aunt Darcy walked into her room with a tray of food.

"Good morning, Liana," she greeted. "I brought breakfast." Liana said nothing as Aunt Darcy placed the tray on the nightstand next to her bed. Liana looked up to Aunt Darcy's face to find that the black veil has made a reappearance. Liana sighed and took the plate her aunt was handing her.

"Did you sleep well?" Aunt Darcy asked, trying to make conversation. Liana remained silent, making Aunt Darcy a little uncomfortable. Aunt Darcy quietly took a sip of her tea before offering Liana some. Liana took the cup and was about to drink until she saw in the reflection a pair of familiar red lips.


She didn't even register that she had the dropped the glass, shattering against the wooden floor. Liana watched as Aunt Darcy left the room, probably to go get one of her maids, but instead came back with a broom and rag and began cleaning the spill herself.

"I'll get you another glass in a moment," Aunt Darcy mumbled to her, probably feeling Liana's eyes burning her back. Aunt Darcy then stood up from the ground and looked at Liana. "Please eat. You can't get better if you don't eat." Liana refused to touch a single morsel, causing Aunt Darcy to sigh in defeat. "Liana, please."

"I'm not hungry."

"You still need to eat, Liana," Aunt Darcy sighed again. "Even if it's a little bit." Liana frowned but complied anyway. She definitely couldn't stomach the food but she forced it down anyway, allowing for Liana to once please her aunt.

"Thank you," Aunt Darcy said with a hint of happiness in her tone. Liana simply glanced her aunt, not saying a word. Aunt Darcy took it as a silent 'you're welcome' and left the room. Liana sighed and decided she was going to take nap, seeing that she was bedridden anyway. It didn't take long for Liana to drift into her slumber.

"Liana!" Liana immediately shot up from her bed at the sound of her name. "Liana!" the voice called again. Liana recognized the female voice but it didn't sound like Aunt Darcy's. Suddenly Liana realized that she wasn't in her room in Aunt Darcy's estate.

"This can't be..." Liana said to herself in disbelief. She was in her own home, in her own room and her own bed.

"Liana!" A different voice, a male, called but also familiar. Liana's lips lifted into a small smile as she hopped out of her bed and ran out of the room. She was ecstatic at mere thought of what could await her. She stopped at the top of the staircase and her smile turned into a large grin.


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