Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

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Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 31

1.9K 47 5
By CarolmSimon

--------Author's note-----------
Hey :) Would you like to read a new Louis Tomlinson's fanfic by me?
Feel free to message me your thoughts!

>>>>Navishaa< <<<

I’m lying in the bed and keep looking at the ceilings. My eyes are wide opened from 2 am in the morning and I can’t do anything about it. I’m too nervous about today’s match… I think I will faint in in that stadium…

I got up from the bed finally and it’s about 8 am. I moved into slippers. Maybe a shower will help me to relax at least a little bit…
I took everything what I needed and entered the bathroom. I took off my clothes and got in the shower cabin. I turned on the tap and waited till water drops will bump to my body… but I can’t wait for that… I opened my eyes nervously and turned on the tap more, but nothing…
I tried to turn the cold water on and it’s not running either. I sighed and got out of the cabin.

“Great, today is the final and I even can get a normal shower…” I said to myself. Oh no, I still will get a shower. I wrapped myself into the towel, took the shower gel, shampoo, my clothes and got out of my room. I knocked on the Xavier’s room and when he opens the door he looks at me confused.

“I need to take a shower.” I said grumpy and he quickly lets me in and looks at the corridor if no one saw me.
“Why you don’t use your shower?” he asks confused
“Because mine is out of order.” I said and threw my clothes onto his bed and entered the shower. I took off the towel and turned the tap on. Ah… the sweet water.

>>>>Louis< <<<
“Come on, Lou!” Whines Zayn and pulls me out of the bed “Let’s go to Xavier.”
‘Geez, Zayn. You’re grown up already although it’s really hard to believe. Go to him by yourself.

“It’s boring to go alone. Finally I understand why girls were going to the toilet together.” He says and I growled and rolled out of the bed. I move into slippers and Zayn with happy face looks at me and then starts going. I followed him from behind killing him with my look. We got out of my room and got through the corridor. When we passed by Navishaa's room I looked at the door and smiled.

“Let’s go Louis” He says and I just sighed
We reached Xavier’s door and Zayn knocks. In a minute Xavier opens the door.

“Ah, today I have a lot of guests.” He says but I don’t mind him because I’m still sleepy.

I sat on Xavier’s bed while Zayn is asking him for some plasters because his gloves are too small. I don’t really realize why he doesn’t ask for other pair… but it’s Zayn....

Suddenly bathroom’s door opens and I looked at it confused. Somebody comes out and it’s… Navishaa wrapped only in towel. I look at her confused.

“Woah…” says Zayn confused and I keep looking and then frowned nervously.

“Um… you are sitting on my clothes.” Says Navishaa hardly blushed and I looked at her standing her right after the shower half naked, then looked at her clothes laying thrown on the bed and I looked at Xavier which now I realize is standing with a bathrobe. I frowned more and quickly stood up from the bed and she takes her clothes and quickly disappears in the bathroom again.

“What is going on here?” I asked nervously and glared at Xavier and he looks at me confused.

“Um… what are you talking about?” he asks totally confused and Zayn glares at me. He warns me not to say anything and I just frowned nervously and got out of the room. I stopped in the corridor nervously and want to come back to the room but I regret this idea. I probably should better wait for Navishaa in here.

I leaned against the wall next to her room’s door and trying to think any possible situations.

Finally she comes out of Xavier’s room with a towel in her hands. She looks at me a bit confused and blushed and then unlocks her room’s door. She comes in and I went after her.

“What were you doing there?” I asked a bit nervously and probably louder than I should. She glares at me nervously and throws the towel on the bed.

“Having a shower, didn’t you see that?” she asks a bit nervously and I understand that I should calm down a bit if I don’t want to make her angrier.

“I saw that.” I said still a bit nervous “But it looked a bit suspicious, don’t you think?” I asked and crossed my arms on my chest.

“Yeah, and that you made that jealously scene wasn’t suspicious at all.” She says and sighs  “Listen, Louis. Nothing is happening between me and Xavier. My shower is just broken and that’s it.” She says strictly looking at me “…But if something were between me and him you wouldn’t have any right to shout on me, get angry or show others your jealously because we are not… a couple.” She says to me and I frowned

Oh yes, I can be jealous as much as I can. At first she says that we can’t be together no matter what we feel to each other and then I saw her half naked in the Xavier’s room. I can be more than jealous, I think.

I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. I pressed my lips against her and showed her what I feel for real. Now I feel so good, because all the time I was thinking about her and now I can feel her. She slowly surrenders to me and we both enjoyed while our tongues are playing together.
I opened my eyes and pulled away from that kiss.
“Say that again.” I said to her smiling but she just looks and hardly blushes.

“Louis, please…” she says nervously and I smiled more…
I quickly pecked her cheek and got out of the room. Now at least I know that between her and Xavier nothing is happening and I’m so happy. I went back to my room satisfied.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I sat on the sofa. I grabbed my head and kept looking at the floor.
It was good but our love is against all rules and I closed my eyes.
I bind my hair into a pony tail. I took the black jacket with England team’s logo on the right side and put it on me. I fixed it and looked at the mirror. I took a deep breath and then closed my eyes and let it out.

“We will do this.” I whispered to myself encouraging.
I took my bag, turned off the light in the room and got out of it.
It’s the time and I need to face everything with my head looking up no matter what happens.
“I won’t say what I want from you in this match.” I said to the guys sitting in the dressing room “Because you want the same. I won’t change any tactics and give special orders in the match against Netherlands, because all you need to do is fight like you did your last matches there and then… the better team will win.” I said and then took a deep breath and looked at all of them with a small smile on my face “The most important thing which I want to say is that… Thank you for everything. Thanks for letting me to be here and gain such an amazing experience and face a final of the League. It’s more than I have ever imagined.”

>>>>Louis< <<<
She says and we all smile and half of us even blush. The first day when we saw her we didn’t even think that we could have such a relationship with her. I of course didn’t even think about the idea that I could fall in love for her… but look now. We can’t imagine our way to the final without her. She’s more than amazing coach and person….

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I got outside and look at the buzzing stands. I looked at the England fans with a lot of various posters and flags and many other things. I sighed nervously and begged for God that I won’t disappoint them no matter what happens…

I sat into my place and nervously rubbed my eyes.
I heared the fans shouting loudly and I looked to the field and saw Cannavaro (a defender from Italy) bringing the trophy to the field and showing it to the spectators. I kept looking at the trophy and can’t stop admiring it…
I don’t know how I would react if today we win… Probably I will go crazy…

The match is already going on and nobody could say that we or Netherlands are the better team, because match is going on equally and that makes me more nervous…

I keep shaking my leg nervously and looking at the match and then quickly turning my look to Xavier, then to guys on the bench then to the field again then everywhere where I can till my head gets dizzy and Xavier calms me down.
But I can’t calm down… it’s mission impossible.
I turned my look to the field again. I grabbed my head and shook my head

>>>>Louis< <<<
“Oh my God…” I heared Navishaa whispering and keep looking to Netherlands’s attack with hard beating heart

“I won’t look.” Said Navishaa even louder.
“No… I will look.” She says after few seconds and I looked at her and smiled.
“Yes…” she says in a relief and I quickly looked at the match and saw Charles with the ball.
I quickly looked at Zayn to ask what had happened but he without asking tells me that. Yup, it’s not the first time after all…
The whistle of the half breaks end sounds in the field and everybody stands from their seats including Navishaa and Xavier.
“Go all to warm up.” She says looking at us “Especially Louis and Will.” She says and I looked at her questioningly. I will play? I will play in the final?!

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I threw the empty bottle of water in the trash can and came back to my place.
“That was the third bottle.” Says Xavier surprised to me.
“Yeah… I’m still surprised that I don’t want to go to the toilet.” I said to him nervously and kept looking at the match with my mental heart inside my chest.

Louis receives the ball in the middle. He turns around and wants to run forward but a defender from opponents’ runs to him and pushes down. Charles runs to the help and wants to take the ball but he trips on the opponent also and falls down.
I frowned nervously. “Give me the fourth bottle.” I said to Xavier nervously and he looks at me and giggles.

Louis receives the ball from the middle again just this time he’s in the left side. He’s alone and runs a bit deeper to the box. Finally he’s ready to shoot… and… he SHOTS… but the goalkeeper blocks it with his foot.

>>>>Louis< <<<
The second half is over and we all got to our seats. It’s still 0-0 and that it means it will be two short half of fifteen minutes. Damn, it’s so hard to play with them… It really feels that we’re in the final.
“Here, everybody drink water.” Says Navishaa and gives to us a bottle of water. I took it from her and thanked softly. I sat and poured some water on my head because it’s really hot…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
“Make more passes, find each other, run to the channels, do everything what you know.” I said to them the last sentence and the referee blows the start of third half…
I sighed and watched them coming back to the field.
Nothing much had changed. It’s already fourth half and it’s still 0-0. If everything ends like that then the penalties will show everything.
I put my hands to my lips and begged for a goal…
But wait a minute… what is happening here? Referee blows the whistle to defender of Netherlands?! Oh my God…! This is more than great… I hope we will use this advantage…

Will is running with the ball in the middle. He sees free Charles and makes pass to him. He takes the ball and passes to Louis in the middle.
“Give a pass, give a pass…” I whispered to myself and kept looking with wide opened eyes what he will do.
Louis passes to Gerard who is in the right. He finds the right moment and…SHOOTS! AND….GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
”Yes!!!!!!!!!” I yelled and turned to Xavier happy.
He runs to me and I hugged him strongly and in a minute all the team runs to us!
“4 minutes left and you’re the champions!” I yelled to them happy.
We all heared the last whistle and I kept looking at the field and opened my mouth… I can’t believe this. I squated down and kept looking at the ground. I covered my mouth with my palms and felt tears running down my cheek.

We…we…we…are the champions of this League!!!!!

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