Hailey Blackburn and the King...

By thevaliant07

271 20 37

She was adopted and was named Helen Woodward. She's safe, she's being cared of and she had a perfect life und... More

Chapter 1 --Safeness Under the Woodwards

Chapter 2-- The Letter's Disclosure and the Formulation of Questions

47 4 6
By thevaliant07

[Dedicated to kuya? maybe, i dunno? --Nikkovince-- for, let's say supporting this story!! Thank you ..lol]



“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi

Hailey Blackburn and the Kingdom of Wagian


My white dress glimmers as the sun’s light coming from the window hit it. It’s so beautiful. Mom really had the best taste in dresses. I feel like a princess now.  My brown eyes really match with the color of my dyed hair. Well, I guess I find myself more attractive in my dark brown hair rather than the original hair color I have which my Mom told it was blonde.

I stood in front of the mirror seeing my full body. I’ve grown up. I looked like a real lady now, not a kid.

I remembered those friends of my parents who were telling me that every year, I’m becoming more and more beautiful, like a princess. Except for thanking them, I don’t know else how to respond  them as I was so flattered. Well, I was really fortunate for hearing those words than hearing those words which tell me ‘You don’t even got the eyes of Mrs. Susan or General Hector’ .

After Christina, one of the maids and my stylist, fixed my hair, she left me in my room and told me to wait for Mom here. I sat down at the corner of my bed, kicking my feet, while waiting. I remembered, I wasn’t wearing footwear. I’ve got so many shoes in my closet but I think Mom’s choice will be the best so, I’ll wait for her to choose one for me.

In just a few minutes, I heard again a knock on my door. It was Mom, I guess. “Come in,” I answered.

The door opened and I saw Mom and Christina enter my room. Christina was holding a shoebox. I stood up and showed them my appearance. I look at Mom, then to Christina and back to Mom. I gave her a broad smile.

“Look at you, your dress really fits in the shape of your body as well as, your hair matches with your brown eyes.” She stated as she came in front of me and give me a kiss on the forehead. She gave me  a genuine smile. Her long lashes really made her turquoise eyes look so dainty and beautiful. I really admire her fair skin and her lips. I wish I was a real Woodward and that her genes or Dad’s genes will past unto me, but I cannot do anything.  I can’t do miracles.

“Thanks, Mom. But, I think I look better if I got your eyes.” I said. She patted my shoulder and her gaze met mine.

“You’re beautiful just the way you are, darling. Even if we didn’t dyed your hair, you still look gorgeous.” She consoled me. I was a little bit comforted by what she just said.

I looked at Christina, who was standing near us, and the shoebox she was holding. “Mom, what was that?” I asked Mom. Mom gave Christina a nod and Christina immediately opened it as  a response. I saw, well of course, a pair of a really beautiful lady’s shoe inside it. Its a silver flat shoes with a golden bow at the center. It looks so beautiful as well. I showed Mom a delighted smile. “It’s beautiful, Mom.”

“I know. Wear it and let’s see how it goes with your feet.” 

I wore the shoes and it fit exactly with my feet. Now, I’m completely dressed. “It looks better now, Mom. You’re the best.” I looked at Mom who looked gracious in her sweet smile, then to Christina, who now standing beside Mom and also looked pleased with my appearance.

“So, my little girl’s now a lady.” I heard Dad as he entered my room. I move my gaze into his. He was wearing a suit of formal evening clothes and in his arms was his dinner jacket. He looked dressed also and seems like already prepared.

“What do you think Dad?” I turned around which made my dress look so puffy.

“OK.” He said. I gave him a sarcastic disappointed look ‘cos I know he’s just joking. Dad’s always like that.

“Well, I said, it’s ok as it perfectly suits you, sweetheart.” He finally said and grinned. He came in front of me and kiss me on the forehead. He went next to Mom and  gave her a kiss on the lips and enveloped her with a tight hug. My parents were just so lovely to watch.

“I need to go first at the event, as I need to prepare something in there.” He takes a look at Mom then to me.

“What? I thought everything’s ok.” Mom retorted.

“Yes, but Gen. Forsberg called and he said there’s an emergency.” Dad answered. He looked so disappointed that seems like everything gone wrong and is ruined.

“What emergency? Tell me if we could help you.” Mom was worried by this time. I can see the concern in her eyes.

Instead of Dad answering Mom, he moved his mouth near Mom’s ears and whispered something. It’s so private. I can’t hear anything. I saw Christina knit one’s brow, which indicates that she’s also worried and interested in what Dad was whispering to Mom. Mom nodded to Dad after that. But, her worry still theirs. What’s wrong?

I must not ask anymore as I know that it's nothing important to me or even to Christina who were standing still with an empty expression on her face.

“Ok, go now, Hector. Be safe.” Mom finally said to Dad and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. Dad nodded and went to me and kissed my forehead. “Take care, Dad.”

Before he exited my room, he told us, “I’ll just send someone to fetch you here.”

“Okay,” said Mom. He left the room. The three of us, me, Christina and Mom, remain in silence. What’s going on?

“Helen, remove first your shoes, wear it later. Give it first to Christina. I’ll go prepare for myself also. So, stay here and wait until I call you to come down, ok?” Mom broke the silence.

“Yes, Mom.” I said as I take off my shoes and put it inside the shoebox. Christina held the shoe box. I searched for my slippers beside at my closet and wore it immediately as the floor was really cold.

“Let’s go, Christina.” Mom said while looking for Christina. They left the room afterwards. Christina’s still following Mom. Well, she’s our stylist. She’s the one who fixes our hairs or our appearance the most so probably, Mom needs her.


It’s been hours since Mom left me here in my room. Well, I couldn’t blame Mom ‘cos she really is a meticulous woman. She wants everything to be perfect most especially in her appearance and outfit.

I sat down in front of my study table located near my window where I can see the view of the skies and flowers planted in our garden. It no longer blooms like before. It hasn’t been watered and maintained for the past few days maybe because everybody’s busy and maybe, maybe because of the war. Well, I really don’t know as I was not allowed to go out or go even just in our garden last weeks.

I pulled out the second drawer of my study table where inside it are my papers and pens, school things to be exact. I grabbed the a piece of paper and a pen.

I wrote ‘My Real Name’ in cursive, at the top of the paper.  I began to think of different names that can be suited to me or even my personality.

Mom said I originally had a blonde hair. Well, there are a lot of people in the world having a blonde hair. How could I formulate a name in that principle?

After more or less than 9 minutes, I already created 11 names. Well, this names are just my guesses. I know it’s not true.

Gabriela Wilson

Autumn Scott

Anna Belle

Madison Brunner

Willow Huber

I read it aloud. It’s so good to hear these names. If it’s possible, I would like to have these names.

Hadley Johansen

Eden Laurent

“Helen, Come over here, dear!” Before I could speak the 8th name, I heard Mom from downstairs. I drop my pen at the table as well as I stop whatever I am doing and I immediately wore my winter jacket and boots. Well, as far as I know tomorrow will be December twenty- first where it would be the first day of winter. Good thing I’m still aware of the dates.

I’m really excited. Well, after being locked up inside the house for more than a month, I think, I can finally feel and smell the breeze outside the house, fully. I can meet again random people. I can meet again Adalyn, my best friend and daughter of Gen. Forsberg.

Speaking of Gen. Forsberg, what was the emergency really that he even tried to call my Dad?

Again, maybe it’s not my concern anymore. Well, everything’s fine now, right?

I ran down the stairs, two steps at a time. I don’t know what’s happening to me but it seems like I’m getting more vigorous by this time.

As soon as I reached the place where my Mom stood, in the living room, she looked at me with a  frown look, like there’s something wrong with me. I couldn’t resist her gaze that’s why I turned my sight to the living room. Well, it was wide. Couches are everywhere but are neatly arranged. There’s a table made in a fine wood in which its top was covered with glass, located at the center of the living room. A very large chandelier in the ceiling was lighted and its light overpowered the darkness of the living. I looked at my watch and it’s already 8:33 PM, it’s already evening.

““Fix your hair, darling. Can’t you see? Your hairdo is ruined. I didn’t tell you to come here in a rush.”  She said while fixing my hair with her hands. She got too sensitive with my hair. I told you, Mom’s a little bit perfectionist.

““Sorry, Mom. Are we going now?” I asked her as I take a look again on my wristwatch. It was 8: 35 P.M. I know the events are actually starting at 9.

‘It’s still early’.

“Not yet, we’ll first have to wait for your Dad.” Mom answered. A reminder came to my mind.

 Wait, maybe Mom forgot that Dad was already gone. He went to the event’s venue first.

“Mom, didn't Dad go to the event already? He told us a while ago, he’ll go first because he needs to prepare something over there.” I reminded Mom as she looked out through the window, I was curious. 

“Yes, but he changed the plan. He called a while back, and said it’s better if he would fetch us from here and go to the event at the same time.” Mom explained. My reminder was not useful, I guess. My parents value family relationship a lot. That's why I love them.

“Ok.” I replied satisfied. I sat down on the couch maintaining the proper sitting posture that my Mom had taught me. She said, sit up, with my back straight and my shoulders back, and that my buttocks should touch the back of my chair. I need to memorize and remember that, not because it was very necessary but I didn’t want to cause an unpleasing appearance to the Woodward family.

The wall clock kept on ticking along with my wristwatch. I glanced at Mom who was also sitting in the same position that I have, but it’s obvious that her posture is better than mine. She looks like a queen even if she just sits.

As Mom was searching something in her bag, her mood changed, it seemed like she had lost something or seems like there’s something wrong with her appearance. She looked at me then to herself. She’s trying to look at her neck.

. “Helen, I forgot my necklace. While waiting for your father, kindly go to our room and get it, it’s inside of my closet, the one with the red box.”

She said ‘our’, and that meant her and dad’s room. I was shocked with disbelief when Mom said that I should be the one who’ll go to their room. I was six years old the last time I entered their room. I never entered there since I broke Mom’s flower vase. She didn’t actually forbid me to go there, but I’m the one who doesn’t like to go in there. I’m afraid of causing trouble in their room again.

“Me?” That’s the only word that came out from my mouth. I’m not a deaf, I know Mom said ‘Helen’ and that’s the name they gave to me. But, I needed to clarify it.

“Yes, you. Well, I said ‘Helen’ and probably, that’s you.” Mom clarified. Ok, I’ll go.

“And, Helen, be careful with our things there, ok?” Mom reminded me. It did not mean that she didn’t trust me, I know it was only a ‘reminder’ about my clumsy hands. I walked, not intending to run. I don’t want my hair to be a mess again. As I reached the upper floor of our house, I immediately proceeded to my parent’s room, the widest one. I opened their door; it’s actually a double entry door, so even the door was big.

I got a strange feeling as I stepped inside the room. Their room was really beautiful. There was a super king sized bed at the center. Walls were painted white which gave a clean look to the room. The chandelier looked so luxurious.

There were big frames hanging on the walls. They’re all paintings of famous artists, I guess. There’s a door located at the right side and I think that’s their dressing room or something like that. There’s also a door opposite to the door at the right, I guess it was the bathroom. Opposite of the double-entry door was a beautiful big balcony where there are couches and tables set there.

 I can’t describe detailedly how its appearance was, but it really looked like a room of majesties.

I was reminded by ‘Mom’s reminder’ to me about touching things in their room. So, I didn’t touch even a single thing except for the necklace. It’s the reason why I got here. I immediately proceeded to the stated location where my Mom’s necklace was placed. And, that was in her red box. And, that red box was inside the closet.

A round of applause to me, I didn’t forget Mom’s instructions. I looked around the room. Bad thing, there were too many closets here and Mom forgot to tell me which one.

Is it the closet located near the window?

Is it the closet located in their changing room?

Is it the closet near the double entry door?

Is it the closet located near the bed?

Blimey! I’m dead. By this time, maybe, I was going to freak out. What should I do? I already promised myself not to touch anything except for Mom’s necklace. I think there’s no way I'm going to find it, unless if I open every closet in here and search for the ‘red box with a necklace inside’. This’ll work, I guess.

“Ok, then, let’s start.” I told myself as a word of encouragement. I started with my work. I hope Mom didn’t notice that it takes me so much time here in their room.

Closet near the double entry door---checked. No red box.

Closet near the window ---- checked. No red box.

Oh, I’m taking so much time. But, I can do this for the sake of Mom’s necklace.

Closet near the king sized bed ---

Finally! The red box!

I took a deep breath as a sign of relief and success. I opened it promptly, I’m sure Mom has been already tired of waiting and maybe dad’s already nearby.

I didn’t see any necklace or jewelry inside the red box, instead, I saw a piece of paper. It’s kind of old and it’s folded into four.

 I immediately got another strange feeling about the paper I’m holding. Seems like it contains the world’s top secret or the map for the national treasure or maybe it was Dad’s love letter to Mom.

I promised to myself not to touch anything except for Mom’s necklace. But, it’s some kind of interesting.

I looked around and I saw no one. I’m really curious about this paper. After three, I’ll open this paper.




I opened it and read it in silence.

To the Woodwards of South Philadelphia,

There were no doubts in our minds that you have pure hearts.

We knew you always welcome people who need help, especially to children.

Please do accept this little girl. We would be very much thankful if you’ll welcome her into your house. We know that in your hands, she’s safe and that under your care, she’ll have a good future.

We’ll be forever grateful to you.


Edraleen of the Kingdom of Wagian

I suddenly had a regret feeling inside of me. Was this a letter from a lady who left me with the Woodward family? If it is, I should be happy now because after so many years of finding answers, I finally found . But, no, it hurts my feelings a lot. I didn’t notice there’s already a tear coming down from my eyes. I look upward to hold it back but I can’t so I just let them flow. My nose, if I’m not mistaken, was now turning to red. Why does it hurt so much to me?

I noticed there’s still a bunch of words written below so I managed to read it.


We named her Hailey Blackburn.

I was shocked again in disbelief. Was Hailey Blackburn my real name?

By this time, my mind was really a mess. It seems like my brain just launched a war wherein everything seems not in order.

There were too many questions formulating in my mind.

Who is Edraleen?

Where in this world is Kingdom of Wagian?

What was the reason why she left me in the Woodwards?

And, most importantly, why did Mom or Dad hide all these things to me?

I’ve been asking them for so many years about my real identity, where I really came from or who are my real parents but the only words coming from their mouths are—“We don’t know, dear. It’s enough for you to know that you are God’s gift to us.”

I remembered the letter I’m holding. Why would they say that with Woodwards, I’m safe and will have a good future? Are my real parents can’t protect me or give me a good life?

A sound of steps entering the room snapped my thoughts. I turned to her with a blank look which means I need answers. It’s Mom. She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I looked at her eyes in which our gazes met. I showed her the letter I’m holding.

“Helen? Tell me, you read it?”

“Why, Mom? Are you going to tell me I don’t have a right?” I answered. I didn’t notice my voice was getting louder. I know it’s wrong, Mom cared for me for almost fifteen years, and I know I don’t have the right to raise my voice in front of her but I can’t help it. I can’t fight what I felt.

She grabbed the paper I’m holding. “Let’s go, your Dad’s already downstairs waiting for us.” She calmly said. I can still feel that there’s nervousness inside her. She showed me her back and started to move.

“Mom! I already read the letter! Are you not still going to tell me? Mom, I’m so confused.” I shouted even though I can feel my throat’s dry. Tears are flowing down  through my cheeks again. I’m very sure my beautiful appearance was really ruined.

“What’s going on?” Dad said as he entered the room. I’m pretty sure he heard me yell a while back.

Mom showed her the letter and signed him ‘She knew it.’ Dad gave Mom a ‘what?’ look then rubbed his face with his two palms.

“Helen, sweetheart, we’ll explain everything, but please not now, sweetheart. Let’s go.” Dad said as he bent down his knees to meet my level. He hugged me tightly to express his concern and comfort. The moment he broke it, he gave me a smile and rubbing my cheeks.

I thought I was satisfied with that. “Mom, why...” Before I could continue again my question, Mom interrupted me.

“Enough Helen!” She yelled with anger. Dad went to her and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. I kept my mouth shut after that and looked down.

“I’m sorry, let’s just talk about this later. Let’s go Hector” Mom said with a relief expression. Dad nodded and suddenly looked at me. He signed me a ‘Let’s go’ action and smile like he’s telling me everything will be fine.

I hope everything’s really fine.

I hope that, that so-called ‘answers’ would then approach me.


 hi *waving right hand*

so, what do you guys think of this chapter?? comment below!! that's very much appreciated.

don't forget to vote if you liked the story :D

and, hey! i know i sucked at the chapter 'title'..ahaha.. i can't think of anything errr..?

i accept suggestions!! 




I've decided not to continue this story before because of lack of readers, but, I remembered, "WRITE TO EXPRESS NOT TO IMPRESS"

so, im gonna continue this chapter till the very end!! *clapping*

lol, kbye 

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