Troian Bellisario: Just Me...

Oleh PllParadise

117K 3.4K 898

[COMPLETED] Troian Bellisario, one of the stars of the hit TV series Pretty Little Liars, spent a wild night... Lebih Banyak

Beautiful Babygirl
Tigers Don't Need Underwear
The Dreaded Question
Your Middle Name is Actually Marie
Author's Note
Pool Day Disaster
The Metephorical Rollercoaster
Troian's Swear Coach
She's a Pro Nicknamer
Who's Your Daddy?
Blue Eyed Beauty(s)
Daddy = ?
Tunnel of Terror
Windows to the Soul
Troian Tells All
I Want My _ _ _ _ _!
The Jenna (Keegan) Thing
House of Secrets
Who Wasn't at That Party?
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Not a Happy Family
More Than Friends?
Not Just a Kiss
Happier Than a 4 Year Old On Christmas
The Surprise of a Lifetime
Boys Are For Kissing
You Know What They Say About Hope
Daddy Duties
Cheater, Cheater
3 Things You'd Never Expect
Happily (N)ever After
The Dad We've All Been Waiting For
You Can't Stay Mad Forever
A Test You Can't Study For
Give Up On Us
Dad of Her Dreams
A Baby Makes Everything Better
Quality Bonding Time
Brand New Baby Boy
Hospitals are Full of Love
There's Nothing Like the Flu
The Little White Sticks Don't Lie
Bubble-Bath Eating Baby
A/N: New Pll Book
13 Is a Good Number
Oh Son of Mine
Baby Talk
Life's Greastest Little Joys
Home is Where the Heart is
Daddy Daycare
A Piece of Forever (Finale)

Kiss & Tell

2.1K 72 21
Oleh PllParadise

*Troian's Pov*

"Hey Princess!" Keegan exclaims as he lifts Aspen above his head. I look at Aspen's hand, which tightly clutches the picture she drew for Keegan. I'm kind of hesitant to see when Aspen gives it to him, not knowing what he'll think of it. He'll probably find it cute like I do, but then wonder why she drew us looking so much like a family. Or maybe he won't wonder. Maybe he's not Aspen's dad, and he'll just shrug off the fact that it looks like he is in Aspen's picture. Maybe Keegan was sober enough that night to remember everything, including the fact that he didn't have sex with anyone. Maybe thinking that he's Aspen's dad is ridiculous.

"Here Keegan, this is for you." Aspen says as Keegan sets her back down.

"Thank you." He replies, looking at the picture. I study the expression on his face, but it's nearly unreadable.

"Is this you, mommy" Keegan asks quietly. Aspen nods, looking proud of her work.

"We're at the park that mommy always takes me. It's my favourite park." Aspen explains. For a brief moment, Keegan stays quiet, which may not exactly be a good thing.

"Well, it's a beautiful picture Aspen." He says happily "Thank you for drawing it." He doesn't seem to question the picture's meaning the way I do.

"You're welcome!" Aspen replies "Do you want to come play House with me?"

"How do you play that?" Keegan asks.

"You just pretend that you live in a house. I can be the mommy, you can be the brother, and my mommy can be the sister." Aspen explains.

"But you already live in a house Aspen." Keegan says "And a really nice one at that."

Aspen sighs dramatically, clearly just wanting to play the game "Well...we can play camping instead if you want. Then we can live in a tent."

"Aww Princess, I'll play House if that's what you want to play. They both sound fun." Keegan says happily.

Aspen grins widely "Okay! You and mommy can be brother and sister, and I'll be the mom."

Even though I want to talk to Keegan about the party, I know that it'll have to wait. Besides, I don't want Keegan to think that's the only reason I invited him here, maybe just one of them.

"Come on sweetie," Aspen says as she grabs my hand "I'm going to make you a snack." I can't help but laugh at my daughters seriousness as she pulls me toward her playroom.

For the next fifteen minutes, I put up with playing House, even though I really just want to talk to Keegan. Although I do have to admit, the game isn't half bad. It's kind of fun to switch roles with Aspen for a few minutes, even if the food she serves me is all plastic. It's the thought that counts.

"Hey Aspen, do you mind if we take a break for a few minutes?" I ask as I set a plastic donut back on the table.

"Okay." Aspen sighs. I realize that this is where I'm going to have to talk to Keegan. I look at him, the paper crown on his head making it a little easier to not take him so seriously.

"Hey Keegan, can I talk to you?" I ask quickly, pointing to the hallway. He nods and takes the crown off of his head. Together we walk into the hallway, neither of us speaking a word. I decide to break the silence.

"I wanted to talk to you about that party." I say quietly. Keegan stays quiet for a moment before answering.

"Oh," He says "What about the party?"

"Well...I'm trying to find out who Aspen's dad is. And I just wanted to know if you have any idea?" I ask awkwardly.

"No, I don't. Sorry." Keegan says. I stare at him disbelievingly, not sure if he's telling the truth. If he is Aspen's dad, wouldn't this be a good time to tell me? Keegan is either lying, or he doesn't remember that night well enough. Or he's not Aspen's dad.

"Well..." I trail off "Are you sure you don't remember seeing me with anyone that night? Or maybe...did you...nevermind." No matter how much I want to, it's just so hard to tell Keegan I think he's Aspen's dad.

"Honestly Troian, most of that night is a blur." Keegan admits "But you know I'd tell you if I saw you with a guy, right?" I nod, staring down at my feet. I realize that this is the time I have to tell him I think he's Aspen's dad. I can't keep putting it off.

"Keegan?" I ask shakily "There's something I have to tell you." Keegan looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to go on.

"Well...I've noticed something. It's about Aspen...and you." I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what's next "Have you ever noticed-um-how much she looks like you? I was just wondering if...if..." Suddenly, I can't stand to be near Keegan anymore, not after what I just said. Without taking another look at him, I turn around and walk away as quickly as I can. The second I turn the corner, I burst into tears. I don't stop them as I hurry up the stairs toward my room. Just as I reach the doorway, I feel someone grab my arm.

"Troian, please listen." Keegan pleads. I try to free my arm from his grip, but he doesn't let go.

"Whatever you have to say Keegan, save it. I know it was stupid of me to think you're her dad." I don't look Keegan in the eyes as I speak, or else I wouldn't be able to say a word.

Keegan softens his grip on my arm "No Troian, it wasn't stupid. I didn't think about it until now, but I can see why you think I could be her...her dad."

"I shouldn't have said anything." I say "I probably just ruined your relationship with Aspen. You're not going to be able to look at her anymore without picking out the similarities between you and her." Keegan stays quiet, but I don't look at him to see the expression on his face.

Suddenly, Keegan does something that surprises me more than ever. And I can tell it even surprises him, too. He kisses me. Not a quick peck on the cheek, but a long, slow, passionate kiss right on the lips. My body goes tense, and for a moment, I don't kiss back. But once I realize that Keegan's lips on mine are an amazing feeling, I kiss him with so much passion that I forget about any and all of my worries. All that seems to matter right now is having my lips against Keegan's.

When we pull apart, neither of us say a word. In fact, we don't even look at each other. But I'm kind of glad Keegan isn't watching me, because I can't contain the smile on my face.

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