Contagious Chemistry (Fransyk...

By MySecondShadow

547 43 12

I'm not good at descriptions, it's fransykes, read it. More

This is the First Thing
Champagne Wishes
Little Bit Of Truth

Jealous Minds Think Alike

138 10 4
By MySecondShadow

Josh's POV

Shift the gear, push the pedal and off we go. I'm really not in the mood to be around people today, I don't want to sit in a room where I'm sat alone staring at four couples. At least Max and Alice have a dog. The drive to their house is only about 20 minutes and the time passes quickly. I get out the car and walk down the gravel path, I open the door and walk straight it, they don't mind me letting myself in. I am the last here, I can hear everyone else's voices. I stand at the doorway to the living room. On one sofa Dan is sat with his girlfriend Ash, she's a short lass with black hair. She's quite nice but I'm not sure if her and Dan are going to last; next to them is Matt, sat on the floor infront with the back of her head on his crotch and hands on his knees is his wife, Dana. She's incredibly sweet, always kind and I've never seen her upset, her and Matt have an adorable relationship. They're perfect together, I don't think you could make a better match of you tried. They're so cute and they always sit in weirdly adorable positions. Sat on the floor next to eachother cross legged is Chris and his wife Lyssa, they're the weird couple that make stupid sexual jokes and laugh at everything. But they have a sweet relationship too. Then there was Alice, sat on Max's knee. I'm not jealous. When Alice noticed me, she walked over and punched me in the dick. Straight up punch in the dick.
"Don't fucking punch my dick!" I returned it by punching her vagina.
"Nooo, I'm gonna fucking beat you up, dick wipe" she shouted and wrestled me to the floor, we were both laughing hysterically and grabbing at eachother while everyone one either cheered one of us on or laughed at the weird mess we were on the floor. I eventually gave in and tried to scrabble up to my feet, she got up first and helped me up too.
"Anyway, hello" she said still giggling.
"Yeah, hi" I said, out of breath.
Alice pointed at a huge bean bag in the corner of the room, I was terrified that she would throw me at it if I didn't go sit down so I went quickly.
"Now that the wank cloth has arrived, we can sort stuff out" Alice winked at me and sat back on Max's lap.
"Shut up, dick bag" I smirked at her.
"So shall we deal with the stag first?" Max asked.
"Sure" Alice said.
"So for the people thingy things we have-" Max started, tripping over his words slightly.
"The people thingy things? The fuck are you on about?!" Dan laughed
"Shut up, the people who are coming I mean" Max retorted "I think we should keep the number small, so we have us five and...?"
"OOH CAN WE INVITE OLI?!" Dan shouted after a moment of silence.
"Calm your fucking shit, who is Oli?" Matt said.
"You remember him don't you Max? The one with loads of tattoos and a funny accent?" Dan said
"Yeah I remember him, why invite him though?"
"He's gay though isn't he?" Ash interrupted, "won't it be weird?"
"Ash, I'm gay you retard" I spoke up, she just gave me a pissed off look and went back to staring at Dan.
"Anyway, sure we can invite him, you'll have to get in touch with him though" Max broke the awkward silence.
"Yeah, I'll text him now" Dan pulled out his phone.
"Chris, you haven't said much, what do you think of all this?" Max looked down at Chris and Lyssa.
"It'll be spiffing" Chris smiled

For the next hour or so, we decided that we were going to go camping and the girls sorted out what they were doing, I'm not sure what that is because I zoned out after a while and I was brought back to reality by another punch in the dick.
"ALICE STOP PUNCHING MY DICK" I lifted my knees up in defence.
"I wanted your attention, you're staying over tonight."
"Uh okay then, as long as I'm not sleeping on the kitchen floor with the dog again... Where is she by the way?" I asked, I really like their dog. She's a little, black fluffy mutt thing, appropriately named, Scruff.
"She's outside, go grab her if you want"
I flailed around for a while, trying to get off of the bean bag and I eventually managed to slide off the side. I went to the kitchen and.. I um.. Yeah I walked straight into the glass door separating the kitchen from the hallway. I heard them all laughing from the other room so I just continued through to the garden, trying to ignore what just happened. I opened the door and immediately, Scruff ran straight up to me and jumped into my arms. I carried her back to the living room and sat back on the bean bag.
"Are doors really that difficult, Josh?" Lyssa asked, trying to repress laughter.
"Yup" I replied, trying to seem uninterested. Time passed a lot quicker while I was playing with the dog, and it eventually came to the time where everyone was leaving. I said goodbye and hugged most of them, returning back to the bean bag, that I had grown to like.
Alice and Max came back through after seeing everyone out.
"Max is going to see his parents tonight, so we can get really drunk" Alice winked at me.
She turned and kissed Max, it never gets easier to see. I'm still jealous.

A/N I uploaded this one because I like it and the first chapter is short so here you go. Some of the female characters are people I know irl btw
Alice - Authentic_Helyer
Dana - All_Your_Imagination
Lyssa - lyssalaufeyson
Thanks for reading sporks! ^•^

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