A Little Push


288 18 6

A drabble about Caranthir and his wife. Еще

A Little Push

288 18 6

A loud laugh left Caranthir's mouth as he rejoiced with his brothers and friends. Long it has been since they had such a feast within the Undying Lands and thankful he was. They watched and cheered as Amrod danced gracefully with an elven maiden, whose dark hair was like that of ink.

"It seems to me that Telvo is enjoying himself" Celegorm remarked

"Aye so it seems.." Caranthir replied with a grin

It certainly did bring joy to his heart that his youngest brother had finally mustered up the courage to request a dance with the maiden, yet there was some envy that lingered within Caranthir's heart. Though one would not expect such a thing, but the Elven Prince did love a maiden who lingered within the ballroom at this moment in time, yet he could not gather up the courage to confess his love to her.

Knowing what thoughts flowed through his younger brother's mind, Celegorm decided to intervene. In general, to give him a little... push.

"My, My... I did not think you would be envious of your youngest brother, Moryo" Celegorm grinned

With his train of thought broken, Caranthir shot a deadly glare at the fair haired ellon. Ah, how he would like to slap that grin off his handsome face.

" There is no envy in my heart, Tyelko" He shot back " for he is my brother and I am proud of his success"

"Yet you yearn to have the same thing.." Celegorm replied " you yearn to have the courage to profess your love to Lilómëanis"

Ah... he had been caught and there was no way of escaping such a situation, especially if it involved Celegorm the Fair. Taking a sip of his wine, the prince then spoke.

" Now what are you getting at, brother?" Caranthir inquired

"Instead of gazing at her from afar, why not dance with her" Celegorm suggested "and when the time is right,confess your love for her... it is not that hard"

The dark haired prince knew that if he refused his brother's suggestion, he would constantly bombard him with until he final gave in. Sighing, Caranthir laid his goblet upon the marble table and rose upon from his seat,

"Fine, O wise Brother... I shall humiliate myself in front of every lord and lady in this room" He said bitterly

With that, the ellon journeyed towards the raven haired elleth that conversed with his cousin Irissë on the other side of the room. Tall she was and strong, there was pride in her posture and nobleness in her grey eyes. Caranthir could not help but to marvel at her beauty, with her sun kissed skin and black hair like that of the night sky. Upon reaching his destination, the prince truly regretted giving in to his brother.

"Ah... Lilómëanis" Caranthir said

On hearing her name, the Noldorin elleth turned to face the noble prince that was before her.

"Yes, My Lord?" Lilómëanis answered with a charming smile

"Would you... Care for a dance?" The ellon offered as he extended his hand toward the elleth

Her eyes brightened in joy upon hearing the ellon's request. Taking his hand, she then let him guide her to the dance floor.On reaching their destination, Caranthir then turned and placed his hands upon her waist and one holding onto her tanned hand. Placing her hand upon the prince's shoulder and one holding his hand, they then began to dance.

Gracefully like that of water, they waltzed around the ballroom. Caranthir could not help but to be in awe of the elleth's beauty and grace as they danced through the shining room.

They laughed and danced joyfully through out the dark night and soon as the soothing music came to an end, so did the dancing.

Lilómëanis bade the Prince farewell with a joyful smile upon her noble face and turned away from the handsome prince to exit the golden ballroom. He would have let her leave, yet out of his hasty impulse, the Noldorin Prince took a hold of her slender hand. The elleth immediately turned back to face the ellon upon feeling his hand gently clutched her hand.

"Is there something wrong, My Lord?" Lilómëanis inquired with a fair smile

"Ah...umm.." Caranthir blushed

The Noldorin elleth waited paitiently for his responce

"Eru damnit, Moryo!" Caranthir shouted at himself in his mind "just confess!"

He knelt down in front of the elleth and mustered up the courage to confess his long term love for her.

"Lilómëanis... long have I loved you ever since we had met at the palace training fields.. and .. ah.." Caranthir blushed "will you marry me?"

Lilómëanis could not believe what she had just heard... Morifinwe Carnistir had confessed his love to her. Her heart lept in joy on hearing those words from the ellon, for long has she loved him.

"Long have I waited for this day, Moryo!" She smiled "Long have I waited for this day.."

She knelt down in front of him.

"And my answer to that question is..."Lilómëanis said with a big smile "Yes!"

Caranthir heart froze for a few seconds due the shock of the elleth's answer. Long has he waited to confess to her... and long has she waited for his love. His brothers cheered for him and his cousin smiled happily upon hearing the elleth's response. Out of happiness, the ellon scooped up the elleth like that of a groom would for a bride. He then pressed a kiss onto her red lips, on which she passionately kissed back.

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