The bad ass and the bad boy

x_mazzy द्वारा

183K 5K 269

Emma; Your stereotypical bad girl. She: smoked, Raced & was involved in what you would say "underground fight... अधिक

The bad ass and the bad boy
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21*
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39
Huge thanks
Authors note

chapter 14

4.1K 108 4
x_mazzy द्वारा

store rooms and Tyler

it was Monday which ment school which ment hell I was getting ready I put my hair up in a high pony with a shirt and jeans with my vans I put on some mascara and eyeliner with some nude lipstick I got my leather jacket and my phone and went down Maria was already their eating cereal when she came early to my house she would always eat here because she says she never has time at her own house I eat my cereal an we headed out I was going with Maria today

" I heard you hung out with the boys yesterday " she said " yep I did " " what did you do? " she asked " nothing much but Jordan asked me why I fight " I said she just patted my thigh an changed the subject we made a stop at McDonald's we both got a Mcflurry hell yes ice cream for breakfast even though we had eat we had got to school 10 minutes late an we hadn't finished our ice cream we got out an made our way into school eating our ice cream " why are you girls so late? " asked the maths teacher " we got lost? " I said  " hahha very funny you girls have been here for a week take a seat " she said moodily jeez who pissed in her cereal today

as I was walking I realised jake was sat their smirking at me I grabbed a chair an sat down next to him I glared at him an he just chuckled I just ate my ice cream whilst jake kept poking me " what?! " I screamed finally having enough of him which got the whole classes attention " just wanted to say hi " I just flipped him off " do not use such foul language in my class " the teacher said marching up to me " but I didn't say anything " I said without a smirk " well then don't you dare swear in my class " she said glaring at me I just ate my ice cream " and also bin the ice cream no eating in class " she said I was full anyways I just emptied it out on the floor " oops my hand slipped " their was a massive puddle off ice cream " get out of my class now " she screamed an with that I walked out an sat by some lockers oh yh we still need to get our locker numbers

I got bored so I called Ben " hey Ben how are you? " "am good you? " " am bored " " aren't you supposes to be in class? " " I just got kicked out " " well that explains a lot how did you get kicked out? " " I emptied my ice cream on the floor " he just chuckled  we talked for a bit until he had to go which left me bored again I stood up an looked into the class * look up * I texted Maria an she did I waved she waved back which got Jakes attention an he looked at me " BOOO " someone screamed scaring the shit out of me I just put my hand to my heart an looked up it was William " you idiot I think I had a heart attack " I said with a pant have you ever been scared so bad that your blood runs cold well that what happened to me William just hugged me from the back an dragged me away

" so what are you doing outside your class? " he questioned " I could ask you the same thing " I said with a smirk " but you haven't an I asked you first so tell " " did you see melted ice cream on the floor next to jake yh I emptied my ice cream on the floor " I said an he just chuckled " so why are you out here? " I asked he just swung the toilet pass in front of my face I nodded " well I have to head back see ya later " he said whilst walking " bye " I screamed an I heard him chuckle " Excuse me young lady you are out here for a reason now wait outside quietly " a man with a bold head said narrowing his eyes at me an went off back into a class leaving me bored again

bell went an I was glad I waited outside the door for Maria she came out a we walked to our next lesson that was until a warm arm was across my shoulder pulling me closer to their chest I looked up an saw it was jake smiling down at me I just walked like that my head leaning on his chest an I sighed he smelled like mint we walked into our class like that everyone was staring at us I was being glared at by the girls an everyone else were staring I quickly shrugged his arm of my shoulder an ran to his seat an sat down in it with a smirk playing on my lips the boys just chuckled " Em move that's my space " he whined " nope " I said popping the p " Emma move " no stop disrupting my learning an the learning of everyone else " I said seriously " Emma is right Jake you are disrupting the class please take a seat " the teacher said Jake looked at me I smiled innocently he sat down next to me after telling Jordan to move a space down

it had been 5 minutes and I was bored Maria was sat in front of me so I just poked her " what? " " Am bored " I said " am texting Connor now shhh " she said an turned around I just raised an eyebrow up I know she couldn't see me but how rude I turned to my right an stared poking William " what? " he asked " am bored " " as much as I would love to entertain you I actually like English " he said wow someone who likes English an he went back to working I turned to my left which was jake an poked him I kept poking him " what? " he hissed " am bored " he just chuckled " want to make out " I asked him hmm that got his attention " god no please don't have a make out session right next to me " I heard Jordan say jake pulled my chair closer to him

an then he crashed his lips onto mine it was a slow kiss but passionate he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I allowed him I know I say this a lot but it felt so right kissing him its like all your worry's go an I feel protected my hands went round to his neck whilst he held my waist " what on earth are you two doing " we quickly pulled away from each other an looked at the angry teacher " kissing " I said in a duh tone I looked around an saw Maria smirking at me " this is not a kissing class this is a English class " she said " well your so called English class is boring your lucky am not dancing on the tables " I said " that's it both of you get out now " she screamed an with that we both walked out

" jeez thanks for getting me kicked out " jake said " hey it wasn't just me you kissed me back " " yh because you asked " " shut up you enjoyed it though " I said he just smirked " wanna go for round 2? " I just smirked an sat in his lap

me and Maria were walking toward the dinning hall until we got stopped by the queen bee her self " stay away for jake slut " she said " I think you should tell him to stay away from me he's always with me but then again I am better than you " " shut up we all know your his fuck buddy " hahahah fuck buddy your so funny no am not I know that's your job " " ugh just shut up an stay away from him " she said which a huff an walked off me an maria just bursted out laughing " that was so funny lol she telling you to stay away from Jake " Maria said I nodded my head we both got our lunch an walked over to the boys

" why do you look like your about to kill someone? " Jordan questioned I just shrugged my shoulders I turned toward jake " you need to keep your bitch on a leash or she won't have a face " I said " my bitch? " I nodded my head " who's my bitch? " he questioned " dude she's talking about Becky " Kevin said " she's not my bitch " jake said " what then fuck buddy? " I questioned which got the boys laughing Adam just patted my back " why what did she say? " William questioned " stay away from jake " I said in a high pitched annoying voice which just got the boys laughing even more an jake just sighed putting his hand trough his hair which messed it up an made him look so hot I didn't realise I was staring until jake looked at me an smirked I just flipped him off

" the sexual tension right now " William said which resulted into him getting slapped my phone went off getting everyone's attention maria looked at me then at the phone asking me who it was with her facial expressions I just shrugged my shoulders it said blocked " hello? " " hey " replied a voice it was a guys voice very deep an sounded so professional " who is this? " I asked whilst getting up to go to the hallway make my call a bit private " why'd you get up ? " asked the voice " huh? " " I said why'd you get up from your seat " " who is this? " I asked again " oh darling you will soon realize " an with that they hung up leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway all confused

I walked back into the dinning room an sat down " who was it? " Maria questioned I just shrugged my shoulders " they wouldn't tell me who they where but they asked me why I got up which was a bit creepy " I said with a sigh leaning my head on William he put his arm around me an I just closed my eyes but Jakes hugs were better they felt right then I got kicked in the knee " ouch " I said whilst opening my eyes an looking up at my suspect which was Maria who was looking at jake then back to me I knitted my eyebrows up in confusion she just sighed I looked at jake who was glaring at William with a clenched jaw

then I kicked jake who instantly looked at me " glaring is rude " I said he just glared at me so I kicked him again " stop glaring " I said " well stop kicking me " he said with gritted teeth " I only kicked you because you were glaring " I said he carried on glaring " jeez what's up your ass? " an then he got up an stormed off " he's such a kid with the amount of tantrums he has " I said an the boys just chuckled " why was he glaring anyway he was fine 5 minutes ago " I asked no one in particular

" well you see your Jakes girl an the whole school knows that maybe he was pissed when William put his arm around you I don't know " Jordan said " first of all am not his girl second of all why would he give a shit about that? " I said " because your his girl " Jordan repeated " do I have to go after him? " I questioned praying they said no " obviously now run along " William said " why can't you go your his bestfriend " I said pointing at William " Emma just go " Maria said with a smirk " ugh fine but you are buying me fudge cake tomorrow " I said looking at Maria she nodded her head an put her arms out toward the door telling me to go I got up with a sigh

how on earth am I supposed to know where he went this school is massive I saw the boys toilets an waited for someone to come out five minutes later a guy with broad shoulders who had muscles with dirty blonde hair walked out " can you do me a favour? " I questioned him " depends what  it is " he said " go in their an check if Jakes in their " I said pointing towards the toilets " eyye so your Jakes chick " he said " no I am not Jakes chick we are friends " I said crossing my arms over my chest " okay cutie what ever you say " an with that he went into the toilets seriously I could hear him screaming jake an I was stood outside wow he came out " sorry princess your boyfriend wasn't in their " he said with a smirk " thanks for looking an he's not my boyfriend " I said whilst walking of

I had been looking around for 20 minutes an I was getting bored seriously where is this dude I turned a corner an their he was eating beckys face off I just looked at them for a good minute then they started walking towards the store room ew  i walked off i did not want to see the rest but it was odd I felt hurt like he had betrayed me but its not like we are dating so I don't see why I felt so hurt about it but I did I just kept my head down an then I bumped into someone

" sorry " I said looking up it was the guy from the toilets " nah its fine princess did you find Jake? " he asked " yep ". I responded " so where is he? " " he's in the store room with Becky " I said " wow that's shady your so much more better than her " he said looking at me " thanks an its fine its not like we are dating just rumours that we are " I said with a sigh " so your single? " he asked " yep " " wow such a beautiful girl like you is single " he said which made me smile " so what's your name? " I asked " Tyler " " well it was nice meeting you Tyler " I said " if you ever need me am at the gym most of the time or just ask someone where I am am sure you'll find me " he said with a smile " thanks bye " I said an walked of he seemed nice an also he's cute an he doesn't see like an arrogant little annoying bitch like jake

wow that sudden hatred for jake I need to calm down I walked back into the hall an went back to the table " did you find him? " Maria questioned " yep " I said popping the p " so where is he? " she asked " oh he's in the store room with Becky " I said casually " are you okay? " William questioned " yh why wouldn't I be? " I asked slightly confused then it hit me because jake an Becky were in the store room " oh that yh am okay its not like I like him so he can do what ever he wants " I said everyone just stayed silent

soon lunch bell had gone an we were all making our way towards our lessons I had science an jake an Jordan were both in my lesson when we went in jake was already in the class smirking at me I looked around an saw that Tyler was in the class too an he was smiling at me I walked up to jake an got the chair next to him an dragged it all the way to Tyler making sure it made an annoying screeching sound " hi again " I said to him he just chuckled " ignoring jake are we? " he asked " you know it " I said with a laugh the teacher was going on about something which to be honest I didn't care about all the work I have done so far I already did in my previous school I knew what she was on about but I chose not to care

I pulled out my phone an started playing angry birds " die you stupid pig " I muttered under my breath " are you seriously playing angry birds? " Tyler asked he was so close to me his hot breath was fanning across my face which sent shivers down my body I looked at him " yep " I said with a smile " well you see lover boy over their is now glaring at me " he said I turned around an saw that jake was indeed glaring at Tyler for gods sakes he glares to much I turned around an slapped Tyler on the arm which he just chuckled

" you hit like a girl " he said " this might come as a shock to you but I am one " I said smiling he just laughed I leaned my head on his shoulder an he put his arm around me " am tired " I announced " well don't fall asleep I am not going to carry you around " he said " just five minutes " I mumbled he didn't say anything if your wondering why we haven't been caught was because this class is  narrow like a rectangle an I am sat on table away from the back their are loads of people in front an if I can't see the teacher than a guessing she can't see me

" Emma Emma " someone said poking me " shhh " I said an tried to go to sleep " Emma their are five minutes left of this lesson " the voice said again " shh let me sleep " I mumbled " Em get up I told you am not going to carry you now get up " I opened my eyes to see Tyler " your so fucking rude you know that? " I said " I had to wake you " he said " had to wake you my ass " I mumbled still tired he just chuckled " what a sweet heart you are an by the way you look adorable sleeping " he said which resulted in him getting slapped " Emma will you keep your hands to yourself " the teacher said which got everyone's attention I just bursted out laughing an so did Tyler an their were actually 10 minutes left not five ugh

the bell had gone an I was on my way out that was until warm arms wrapped around my waist pulling me to words them I knew instantly who it was Jordan was walking away with a smirk on his face " Jordan are you being serious you traitor save me " I screamed which got everyone's attention like literally everyone in the corridors just stopped an stared " save yourself " Jordan screamed " Jordan I am going to kill you " I screamed but he just turned the corner

" you didn't sit with me " jake whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body " I made a new friend an I wanted to sit next to him " I said whilst turning around to face him " you ditched me for him though " he whined " an you ditched me to fuck Becky in the store room you don't see me complaining " he stiffened " it it erm.. " he said rubbing his neck " I don't care its not like were dating an we don't have feelings for each other you can fuck who ever you want I was just saying "  I said an with that his hot lips crashed onto mine sending electricity trough me he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I allowed him to it felt so good to kiss him like no wonder girls like him

" maybe I do like you " he said I just smiled an kisses him its all a dare I just have to make him fall for me an am done I repeated in my head we started walking along the corridors he had his arm around my shoulder pulling me close to him an everything felt right make him fall for you idiot not the other way around I said in my head but I couldn't control it

hope you enjoyed that chapter it was actually a long chapter an I kinda liked this one their is certainly going to be a lot more drama in the next chapter an also thanks for reading

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