Runaway | August Alsina

By AkiraMiCole

249K 12.2K 5.2K

Meet Aoki Lee Alsina , unknown daughter of August Alsina and Rayuana Aleyce but child of the foster system. ~... More



14.1K 583 283
By AkiraMiCole

Plz excuse any mistakes :)


"What is burning?" Aviory said, coming into the kitchen.

"Aiko breakfast. I forgot the muffins in the oven." I pouted.

"Fix it Jesus." He laughed, going into the fridge to get a water.

Having the responsibility of someone other than me was a little tricky. I was use to getting up and going, but now I had to be up early to make sure Aiko got to school on time and she had breakfast.

I ended up making her a bagel breakfast sandwich and sitting it inside the microwave, so I could go wake her up.

"I'll be home late so don't wait up." Aviory came and placed a kiss on my lips.

Aviory was a basketball player. A four time nba mvp with two championships to be exact.

I kissed him back then made my way upstairs. Going into Aiko room she was still sleeping. We were getting the hang of everything and I thought I was a doing a good job so far. We did her room for her liking and August felt the need to compete so they did her room over at his house.

I wouldn't lie and say seeing August for the first time in years didn't bring up some feelings, but I couldn't revisit those feelings. I was happy with Aviory and I's relationship and I didn't want that to end. Although I messed up by sleeping with August, I planned to tell Aviory. I just hope he takes it well. We've been together for six years, fighting to keep our love and I'll be damn if I let August ruin that.

"Aiko, time to get up mami." I spoke, pushing her hair out her face.

I turned on her lamp since the sun wasn't up, allowing her to fully wake up.

"I hate Monday's." She groaned, pushing the covers off her.

"Yeah me too but I have to get you to school and social services will be visiting tomorrow, so having you in school would look good."

She nodded and got out the bed. She went into her bathroom and closed the door. I laughed and made the bed for her.

"Breakfasts in the microwave. I'll be in my room doing my hair if you need anything." I told her, leaving her room.

I went to my room and started on my hair. After I finished I changed out of the robe I had on and went into my closet.

Strapping my shoes on, Aiko came inside my room fully dressed. She sat on the bed and looked around. I turned the closet light off and closed the door.

"Did you get your breakfast?" I asked, applying my lipstick in the mirror.

"Oh no!" She got up and ran out the room.

I remembered I had an important meeting this morning so I couldn't take her to school. I hoped August wasn't busy and texted him. I waited for his reply, grabbing my purse and other bag. I picked up my phone and headed downstairs. My phone vibrated and August told me he was on his way.

I sat my bags in the foyer and went into the kitchen and Aiko was eating while she was into her phone.

"Do you need anything? Lunch money? And when does school exactly let out?"

"Um no I don't really eat school lunch and three thirty five." She responded, not looking up.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've made you lunch."

"No offense but I'm not in kindergarten." She laughed.

I sighed and kept quiet for a while. I was really trying my best and it seemed like she didn't really want my help with things. I understand she had to grow independent and not having to depend on anyone but I wanted her to depend on me for a change. I wanted her to enjoy being a teen and not having to worry about much.

"But... Tomorrow would be nice." She smiled.

"Okay. I know your trying and I'm trying to but I want you to enjoy being a teen right now and let me worry about all the things you've been stressing over."

"Yeah I guess I could do that."



I got up to give her a hug and she hugged me back. I was trying not to get emotional but it was like yesterday she was only a baby. I let go and offered to put her dishes away and we just sat at the island and talked for a while getting to know each other.

My phone began to ring and I picked it up sliding the answer button across the screen.

"What's ya gate code?" August asked.

"0105." I told him and he hung up.


"August is here. Either one of us will be picking you up later, but I'll text you before school ends." I told her, standing up.

"Ok." She grabbed her bag and walked with me to the door.

"You sure you'll be ok for lunch. I can bring you something?" I asked, feeling the mom in me kick in.

"Yes I packed some snacks."

"Ok good." I nodded opening the front door.

August was getting out of his car taking forever. Aiko put on her jacket while he walked in the house and looked me over.

"Good mornin' baybeh girl." He said, speaking to Aiko.

She straight faced him then smiled. I was a tad bit jealous of their relationship. She adored him in such little time and they were inseparable. But overall I was perfectly happy it was that way. I just had to be patient and wait for us to get to that stage.

"I'll be out'thea in a second let me speak to ya mom." He smiled.

She walked outside and got in the car. He waited for her to shut the door to speak and I sighed.

"You look beautiful." He smirked.

I refrained from smiling let alone blushing. Although a million butterflies was going through my stomach I just simply said thankyou.

"Shouldn't you be going? I have to get to work?"

"Yeah you right." He said, pushing me from Aiko view.

He hovered over me and a lump grew in my throat. My breathing increased and he placed a kiss on my cheek. He chuckled and walked out my house.

"I'll pick ha' up afta' school Mrs. Jackson." He grinned, referring to the night Aviory called me by his last night.

He got inside his car and backed out the driveway. I let out a long breath and shook my head. I picked my stuff up and locked the house up before getting into my own car and going to my meeting.

That damn August.


"See you later."

"Aight. Be good." August pulled off after I closed the door.

The past couple of days have been great with my parents. Needless to say August and I have gotten closer. My mom and I? Let's just say we're making great progress. They're great to me and I'm happy but I always get the thought like why couldn't I have this to begin with?

I walked inside the school building and went to the gym since school hadn't started yet.

Brenda and I spotted each other and she walked over to me. We told each other hey and went to sit on the bleachers.

"I miss you Aiko." She pouted.

"I miss you too. Maybe we can have a slumber party." I suggested.

"Ok, but tell me everything. How is living with your birth parents?"

"It's really good. I'm happy actually but I'm always thinking it should've always been this way." I shrugged.

"I hear you but look on the bright side, you have your parents. I wish mine would come back into my life." She spoke in her London accent. 

"How's things at Ms. Taylor's though?" I asked.

I felt someone looking at me and turned my head. I rolled my eyes at the "popular boys" of the school.

They were actually bullies if you ask me. Picking on people because they didn't have as much as them. Girls just flocked over them, thinking it's cute what they do when it really wasn't. There were so many followers in this school and I wasn't planning on being one. Not now. Not ever.

"Its the usual." Brenda said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

The bell rang and we waited for everyone to leave before we got up. We went our separate ways and I went straight to class.

As usual I was the first couple of people in. I went to the seat I sat in and sat down. Waiting for class to start, I took my phone out and messaged Brenda.

We talked for a while before the bell rang again indicating class was beginning. Everyone rushed in the class at once and I shook my head. They came in loud and I started to get annoyed. After the teacher told them to shutup she started class.

Going over the attendance I spoke when she called my name. I heard people snickering from behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"Miss ling ling." Somebody whispered but I ignored it.

The teacher assigned everyone with a partner and I got stuck with someone I didn't know. I pouted on the inside turning around to find whoever this Christain guy was.

He was sitting with the "popular boys" and I sighed. If he tried me or anything I swore I would go off. It was funny how school school changed my attitude. I stayed with an attitude. I didn't want to be bothered and I definitely hated the school itself.

I cleared the desk next to me so he could sit down. He came and sat next to me and he smelled very good, which seemed to brighten my mood a little.

We decided to split the worksheet in half so there was no need to talk. I knew he kept looking at me. I could see him from the corner of my eye. No doubt he was very attractive and him staring at me made me nervous.

"Why you so quiet?"

"Why are you and your friends assholes?" I answered his question with a question.

"Im not. That's just them." He shrugged.

"Yeah right." I mumbled.

"You got a smart mouth. It's make you ugly." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"I don't want to talk to you anyway. You seem stuck up."

"I've been told before."

"You annoying."

"Ok and? Don't talk to me. Ugly ass." I mumbled the last part.

I heard him chuckle before standing up and going back to his seat. I didn't care. I liked peace anyway.

"Christian why are we moving?" The teacher asked and I heard him sigh.

"I work better along."

"Everybody is working with a partner so no exceptions. Please move back to your seat." She told him.

When he came back he moved his desk far from mine and sat down. He was mumbling to himself and I got annoyed.

We didn't say anything to each other the whole time. When class ended he linked back up with his friends and I went my way.

After my first three classes I had lunch but I stopped eating school food after sixth grade. I watched all the kids rush to the lines before they got packed. I sat at my usual spot and waited for my friends to show.

"Watch my stuff please." Brenda came up sitting her things down.

I nodded and she walked off. My other two friends Justin and Jelena came and sat down. They were arguing as usual.

"Hey Aiko." Justin waved.

"Hey Justin." I laughed.

"Girl he annoying." Jelena exclaimed.

"Girl nobody stun you. You just mad all the boys want me and not you." He said, sticking his tongue out.

"Y'all are crazy." I looked ahead of me and the boy Christian was staring.

He was sitting with his friends while all the fast girls sat around. He had in his earphones not really paying attention to the girls that were trying to talk to him.

I wondered why he hung out with them. Seeing he was nothing like his friends, but I wouldn't put is past him just yet. He was still an asshole too.

"Girl who you looking at." Brenda followed my gaze.

"Nobody." I rolled my eyes at him and he mugged me.

"I see y'all. Let me find out. He fine too and the quiet one out the group." She smiled.

I shook my head and opened my bag. I took my snacks and drink out and ate while I talked to my friends. Of course Christian kept looking my way but I shrugged it off.

After lunch I had four more classes. Two with Brenda and the other two with Justin and Christian.

The last class was fun. We didn't do anything really and the teacher was cool today. It was time to go and Justin and I met up with Brenda and Yelana.

We was walking out the building when Jelena started yelling at someone. I turned around and Jaxon and his crew was messing with her.

"Nigga don't be touching up on me." She pushed him.

"Don't put yo damn hands on me hoe." He clenched his jaw.

"Hoe? No see I'm not one of your little groupies that be following you." She spat and the girls that were with him and his friends started turning their faces.

"Man whatever don't got time for this." He said, walking off.

"Mhm thought so." She turned around.

Christian looked at me and shook his head and followed his friends. We continued out the school talking about them. They were so damn fine but their attitudes and how they treated people was definitely a turnoff.

But Christian he was different and I could tell, but he had a very bad attitude problem.

My friends and I parted ways and Brenda followed me to August car out front.

"What you say your dad do again." She asked, staring at his car in shock.

"I don't know myself." I laughed.

When I got to the car I tried to open the door but it was locked. I heard the locks click and I tried again. August was sitting on his phone and I cleared my throat.

"My bad, you ready to go?" He spoke and Brenda widened her eyes.

"Yeah but I know I'm with you for the weekend so I was wondering if my friend Brenda could spend a night." I cheesed.

"I guess, whea' she at?" He finally responded.

"Right there." I pointed moving so he could see her.

"Aight Brenda nice to meet you. I thought Aiko didn't have friends with dat' attitude of her." He laughed.

I smacked my teeth and he side eyed me. He doesn't like my "attitude". Says he going to fix that.


"I got to go but make sure you call me later." Brenda demanded.

"And your dad sexy as hell. And he got an accent. Can't wait to spend a night this weekend." She whispered.

"Oh my god bye Brenda" I hugged her and got inside the car.

August pulled off and we started in the high way direction.


I looked at Aiko and she was smilin' at her phone. The first thing I thought was she was talkin' to some boy. That along made my nerves shoot up. I know I just came back into her life and shouldn't be forcin' rules already but screw that. She's not aloud to date until she leaves my house and on her own.

"Who you talkin' to?" I casually asked.

"My friend Justin."

Who the fuck is Justin and whea' he lay his head.

"Oh." I nodded.

"You like him or some?"

"No he's gay." She laughed.

I sighed in relief and continued drivin'. The I was on my way to meet up with Tiana. She wanted to sit down and formally meet Aiko.

I also invited Raya since she wanted to know who would be around ha' child.

I pulled up to the restaurant and cut the car off. Aiko stuffed her phone in her purse and followed me inside.

I wrapped my arm around Aiko shoulder and we walked to the host stand.

"Alsina." I told the hostess and she looked up my name.

"Table for four right this way." She grabbed four menu's and showed us to our table.

"Four, who all we eating with?" Aiko asked, sittin' on the other side of the booth.

"Tiana and ya mom."

"Dad I mean August." She spoke quietly lookin' at me.

I didn't know if she thought I was going to be mad of what. I was actually happy.

"I'm dad now?" I laughed.

"Only if you don't mind." She smiled.

"I don't." I said before Raya came and sat beside Aiko.

She looked stressed but hid it with a smile.

"Hey mom." Aiko said, looking at Raya.

She looked at her then at me like did she really call me mom. I nodded and she started cryin'. I looked at Aiko and we started laughin'.

"Im sorry guys." She said, takin' the tissue Aiko gave her.

"It's ok." Aiko hugged her.

I watched as the waiter came to our table to take our orders and Tiana finally showed up.

"Whea' you been?"

"Traffic." She sighed sittin' down.

"Can I start you all off with anythin'?"

"Two strawberry lemonades, water, and an ice tea extra lemons." I told her as she wrote everythin' down.

"Wow." Raya laughed.

"Alright do you guys know what you want to eat?" The waitress smiled.

"Chicken tender meal for me." Aiko told her.

"Can I get the Louisiana chicken pasta and a Cesar salad." Raya ordered.

"And for you two?"

"Let me get the same." I smirked at Raya.

"Just a garden salad with the chicken soup." Tiana told her and she walked off takin' our menu's with her.

"Soo." Tiana smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Rayuana, Aiko's mom." Raya extended her hand.

"Yes I know big fan of you work." Tiana said, shakin' her hand.


Our food and drinks were brought out and we started eatin'. Aiko was eyein' Raya food and I laughed earnin' everybody attention.

"Ya daughter want some of your food."

Raya shared and we all talked and ate. Tiana was throwin' shots at Raya over dinner but she handled it well.

"So are you goin' to be around a lot?" Tiana asked Raya.

"I share a child with August so I'm sure I will be around." Raya smiled.

"I can't wait to have our own babies. Hopefully we get two girls." Tiana rubbed my leg under the table.

I looked at Aiko and she look taken back. She sipped her drink and wiped her mouth. Raya whispered somethin' in her ear and she nodded.

"Excuse me I have to go to the restroom." Aiko said.

Raya stood up to let her out. Aiko left and Raya told us she was goin' also. After they left I looked at Tiana. She gave me that fake smile and kept eatin' her desert.

"What the hell was dat'?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What? I was just saying I couldn't wait to have a daughter." She shrugged.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Nah' you tryin' to make my daughter feel bad. Tryin' to replace her. But ima let ya know right now. I'm not havin' kids for a while until Aiko feels like she's ready for a sibling."

"So your just going to let a child control our life's. What you only want kids with your baby mama? If I didn't know any better I would say y'all been messing around. I could feel all the sexual tension between you two. How your looking at her and she's looking back." She spat.

I stayed silent and just stared at her.

"So tell me August have y'all been messing around?" She asked.

It took me a while to respond so she already knew the answer.

"Wow trifling ass nigga." She got in my face.

"All you do is nag stop actin' like a bitch and maybe I won't sleep with other people."

Raya and Aiko came back and looked at us like what we miss. Tiana stood up and stepped closer to Raya.

"Some advice for you. You better stay away from my man." Tiana scolded and left.

Raya looked at me and I sighed. I paid the bill and we walked out the restaurant in silence. Aiko got in her mom car and shut the door.

"You told her?" Raya whispered yelled.

"Nah' she figured it out." I said, runnin' my hand down my face.

"Great I have to tell Aviory soon." She looked at me.

"Good luck." I opened her door for her and shut it.

I got in my own car and drove home ready for Tiana's mouth.

Christian in Mm

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