Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Ro...

By Hailey_Michele

237K 7.2K 927

Yn and Chresanto live in Compton. They have a hard life. They are trynna make it out. If they do, will there... More

Just the Introduction
Pay Back's a Bitch
School Time
At Practice
One Year
What in the world is going on?
Planning Our Future
Wedding Planning
The Rest of the Day
Happy Birthday
Prehia Dr. Appointment
Marcus Did What
Happy Family
Happy Independence Day
Best Surprise Ever
The Wedding
First Day Married
Prehia's Birthday Part One
Prehia's Birthday Part Two
Leaving For The Honey Moon
Our Honey Moon
Taking Over The Family Buisness
Taking Over the Family Business
On The Run
Play Date
Down Hill
They're a...
What Do You Want
Here They Come
Falling Apart
Yn's Birthday
Craig and Monique
Craig and Monique's Baby...
Play Date
Why Are You Here?
1 year later
On Tour
Santo's birthday
ATL Concert
Please Read, This is Very Important
Ray, You Best Get To Explaining
Pranks and Payback
Two Weeks Later
Good News
With Nicki and Wayne Part One
With Nicki and Wayne Part 2
Prehia's Surprise
Altereak Ahmiere August
I Hope We Work This Out
Four Months
Old Friend Of Mine (Stupid title but, this is gonna be good)
Family Day Off
What's Good People? (Lol, please read, even though it's short.)
Date Night Part 1
Date Night Part 2
Out Of A Comma
Here Comes The Baby
Santo's Meeting
Where's My Kids
What'd You Do To My Kids
Is He Alive Or Not
Home Finally
The Family Day
This Can't Be Good
We're Still Flying
Chresanto August
My Family
I'm Not Letting You Go
I Ride For You
Part Two: Old Friends, More Secrets
Little Secrets
Well, Why Not?
Is It Over For Good?
Hard Times
Big Brother To The Rescue
Guilty or Innocent?
Guilty Or Innocent Pt. 2
Welcome Home!(Part One)
Welcome Home!(Part Two)
Getting Back To Normal
What's Wrong With My Wife
Mommy Day
Mommy Day Part 2
Tour Day
Please Read
Reunited Friends
Chill Day
Baby Number Ten
First Day Of Middle School
Busy days
Too Busy
All Mine
Snitches Get Stitches | 31 Days of Christmas
Merry Christmas! (Very Important)
New Story Up
Preparing for the Baby
10 Years Going On Forever
Epilogue | Part 1
Epilogue | Part Two
Next Chapter Info | August Alsina
Sequel!! We Made It


2.4K 60 12
By Hailey_Michele

*Chres POV*

Today is the interview. The show was amazing last night. Florida has got to be the most live. Yn just finished her make-up. She only had on eye liner, lip gloss and eyeliner. She also had on jean shorts that were a little above mid-thigh and a tight fitting t-shirt that said "Bite me" It was in cursive and pink the actual shirt it's self was black. She put on her black and hot pink Nike's and left her hair naturally curly. I put mousse in my hair to tighten the curls then we were ready. She looked at me and smiled. "We match again." She said. I looked down. I was wearing a black muscle shirt and jeans with black and blue Nike's. I smiled.

Once she was done getting ready, we headed to the place. It was a talk show thing. I don't know who the host is. My manager told me I just forgot. All the kids, including King and Royalty where at my aunt's house. Kylie, Jacob, Craig, Monique, Ray and Lolo were coming with us and gonna watch from back stage.

The guy said it was time for us to go on stage. We walked up there. Everyone was clapping and cheering. We walked to the hosts. It was a boy and a girl. Torrence and Tina. This show is called "Talking Hot". It sounds stupid but, it is a show where they bring celebrities on and talk to them about rumors going on in the media, their lives, stuff like that.

After we sat down, Tina started asking questions.

Tina- "So, how are you guys?"

Chres- "We're great. How are y'all?"

Tina- "Good."

Torrence- "Great."

Then it was down to the interview part.

Tina- "So, I see on here that you were a football player since elementary school."

Chres- "Yes, ma'am."

Tina- "Well, we have a video of that."

We all looked at the screen as it began to play. It was a video from high school. The last game of the season my senior year, to be specific. They circled me then it went back to normal as everyone watched a few seconds. It was the part where I got the final points and my team got a victory.

Tina- "You were really good."

I thanked her and then everyone talked for a while before she said "Alright, well, down to business. Right after this commercial, we will get to know Santo August and Yn August."

It came back on and Michael and Kelly started asking questions.

Tina- "How long have you and Santo been married?"

Yn- "We have been married for going on two years now."

Tina- "You got married at how old?"

Yn- "I was 17 and he was 18."

Tina- "On twitter, y'all post a lot of family pictures. I have seen lots of people in them. Who is the family?"

Yn- "Well, it's our best friends. Me and Santo both grew up without parents, it's actually how we met. There is Lolo, Ray, Monique, Craig, Jacob, Chris, Rihanna, Kylie, Michael, Wayne and Nicki. I've known Lolo and Monique my whole life. He has known Ray, Craig and Jacob his whole life. Then of course there is the kids."

Tina- "Can you tell us about the kids? We have pictures of them but there is lots of confusion on who's they are, if they were adopted or if they are yours."

Yn and Chres- *nod*

Torrence- "Why don't you tell us about the kids Santo? Us guys are being too quiet."

Chres- *Laughs* "Well, there is our daughter Prehia, then our triplets CJ (GCO)"

Tina- "What does CJ stand for?"

Chres- "Chresanto Junior."

Tina- *nods* "Continue please."

Chres- "Prehia and the triplets, CJ, Trey and Aaliyah are our kids. Then there is the nieces and nephews. Kaden is Monique and Craig's daughter. Then there is Royalty and King. Then her brothers and sisters kids, Kamilo, Jasmine, Trevor, King Jr. and Kaden."

Tina- "There is two King's and two Kaden's?"

Chres- *Nod*

Tina- "Okay, that is a lot of kids. Any more on the way?"

Chres- *nod*

Tina- "Do you mind me asking by who?"

Chres- "No not at all. We are having another baby in I think it was what two months?"

Yn- "Three."

Chres- "In three months."

Tina- "Yn, you don't look six months pregnant." *Confused*

Chres- *Chuckles* "It's actually my mom's baby. We are adopting him and we also adopted Prehia from my mom. We treat her just like we do the triplets. The triplets are actually mine and Yn's. She got pregnant literally right after we got married."

Everyone- *Laughs*

Tina- "Well, it is really sweet for you to do that for them. How is your mom?"

Chres- "34 I think."

Yn- "She's 33, Chres."

Chres- "She's 33, Chres."

Everyone- *Laughs*

Tina- "So, I think that Yn is the one that knows all when it comes to things like that."

Chres- *nods* "Only with things to do with my mom."

Tina- "Can I ask why?"

Chres- "Yeah, we don't really get along." *rubs back of neck*

Tina- "Ah, so like a Eminem situation."

Chres- "Kind of. My dad died when I was like 8 and after that, my mom abandoned me. I met Yn when we were 12. Then her parents abandoned her so, we moved in together. I didn't hear from my mom til I was 17 almost 18. She basically said either I take Prehia or she is gonna be put in the system. I didn't want that and neither did Yn and at the time we were dating so, we both agreed to take her. It was more like I told her and she picked up the phone and said to call her. Yn's very bossy."

Everyone including Yn- *laughs*

Yn- "I really am."

Torrence- "So, you to actually had about the same exact lives."

Yn & Chres- *Nod*

Yn- "Yeah, my dad died when I was 2. My mom got remarried when I was 4 and they left when I was 13. Luckily, I met Chres a year before that. We helped each other out a lot."

Everyone- "Aww"

Tina- "How did y'all meet? Through school?"

Yn- "No, he didn't like going. But I got him to change his mind."

Tina- "How?"

Yn- "How did I get him to change his mind? Or how did we meet?"

Tina- "Both."

Yn- "Uh, I don't know if I can say that in on TV."

Tina- "It'll beep it out if you can't."

Yn- "Okay, well I said 'Nigga, you better start taking yo' ass to school befo' I have to beat it.' And I guess he was scared of me cause he started going. And we met through work."

Everyone- *laughs*

Tina- "You said you met him at the age of 12, at work?"

Yn- "Uh, yeah. His mom had already left him so, he was living with friends and I heard my mom and step-dad talking about leaving me, so, I needed some money which included working. We had a job at the same place, doing the same things."

Tina- "Where did y'all work?"

Yn- "We worked at a park."

Tina- "Oh."

Torrence- "Well, are y'all planning on having any more of your own kids?"

Yn & Chres- "Yup. Jinx pinch *pinch each other* poke *poke each other* you *point to each other* owe me a coke. Take it back or you owe me a Cadillac. Stop it. Seriously. Ugh. I'm done."

Everyone including Chres and Yn- *laughs*

Yn- "Anyway, yes, we want to have a lot more kids. Even more than my mom."

Tina- "How many does she have?"

Yn- "7"

Tina- "Wow."

Torrence- "Well, y'all are young enough to accomplish that. Good luck is all I'm gonna say."

Everyone laughed. Then we started talking about me and Yn's relationship.

Tina- "So, how long have y'all known each other?"

Chres- "Seven years."

Tina- How long did y'all date before getting married?"

Chres- "A little over a year."

Tina- "So all in all y'all have been together for about four years."

Chres- "Yup."

Tina- "On twitter and keek there is a lot of videos and pictures y'all post of each other and the family. We have one from the prank the other night."

First it showed the caption "If we die, they did it. Lol, pranking bae and bro wit my sissy." Then it showed the video.

After the video, Kelly said "Did they get you back for that?" Yn nods. "Yes, they got me and Nique back. We woke up and they were standing there so, we took off. They chased us until we ran and locked ourselves in the bathroom and filled up the water guns with ice cold water and we opened the door, they were standing there so Nique said 'We will shoot you.' And they weren't scared cause it was a water gun. We shot them with the water and took off but they caught us and threw us in the pool. We pulled them in with us and we all just laughed about it." She explained.

Tina- "Well, y'all have an interesting life don't you?"

Yn- "With as many people as there is, yes."

Torrence- "So, it's going around that y'all are hanging with a lot of celebrities now."

Yn- "Yeah, we were hanging out with Chris Brown and Rihanna and Michael and Kylie before the fame. Michael introduced us to Wayne and Nicki and he signed Santo. We are really close with Wayne and Nicki now but, we're still family with the same people. We didn't just drop all our friends for new famous ones. We got the same people that we ride with."

Chres- "Yeah, I kick it with Twist sometimes but I bring the boys with me. The only thing fame did for us was help us travel the United States. If we weren't, we would still hang out with Chris, Rihanna, Michael or Tyga which ever you call him and Kylie. We would still live with our family."

Tina- "What do y'all think of the people that are hating on Tyga and Kylie?"

Yn- "Honestly?"

Tina- *nods*

Yn- "They need to shut the fuck up because they are two of the most down to earth kind people you will ever meet. It ain't none of their business anyway. It's not affecting anyone but Kylie, Michael and King. King loves Kylie, Kylie loves King. And Kylie respects that Tyga puts his son before anyone else. She doesn't try to take King's mom's place. Her and his mom actually get along great. And people saying shit about the age difference, it's five years. She is a legal adult. I see 57 year olds dating 20 year olds. That are also famous. And they aren't getting any hate. In my own opinion, I do think that Kylie and Michael love each other. As long as there is love, nothing else matters. So, everyone can just stop with the b.s."

Tina- "That is very true. What do you think about it Santo?"

Chres- "I think people need to mind their own business and leave them alone."

Tina- "Well, hopefully people will listen to the future Beyoncé and Jay-z."

Yn- "No, I don't want a relationship like theirs. I want one like T.I. and Tiny."

Tina- *Laughs* "Well, hopefully they will listen to the future T.I. and Tiny. So, why do you want a relationship like them?"

Yn- "Cause no matter what, through everything, they stuck together. Before the fame and during. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Jay-z and Beyoncé, but I do have to say if I had to pick the best power couple I would no doubt say T.I. and Tiny."

Chres- "And she's short."

Yn- "I am short but that's not why I want a relationship like theirs."

Chres- "Yeah, yeah, I heard you woman."

Everyone except Yn and Chres- *laughs*

Tina- "aww, y'all are too cute."

Yn- "Thank you."

Chres- "You should be on the tour bus with us."

Yn- *rolls eyes playfully* "Or when I'm on the phone."

Chres- *Laughs and starts poking her side like he does when she's on the phone* "What does it tickle or annoy you?"

Yn- *laughs*

Tina- "Y'all are adorable."

Chres- *stops*

Yn- "Thank you."

Tina- "So, y'all got anything going on at home?"

Chres- "Yeah, my brother is getting married."

Yn- "Yeah, to my bae. And my other bae is getting married." *jokingly sings* "These hoes ain't loyal."

Everyone- *Laughs*

Yn- *Starts doing random things and being silly*

Everyone- *still laughing*

Yn- "Y'all I did not get enough sleep last night." *laughs*

We finished then we went back stage. Yn started singing My Hitta. "Y'all I swear I don't cuss this much around children." Yn clarified. We all just laughed.

We all went to the beach house and the girls went upstairs to Yn and I's room. The guys stayed down stairs. We started playing video games. We ended up getting out the alcohol and smoking. I'm pretty sure the girls were up there doing the same thing.

*Yn POV*

Kylie, Lolo, Monique and I were sitting mine and Chres' bed talking. "So, what do y'all wanna do?" I asked. They looked around. "Well, we could drink a few and smoke for a minute." Someone knocked on the door, so, I opened it. It was Rihanna and Amore. "Oh my God. What are y'all doing here?" I asked, hugging them. They laughed. "Well, Jacob asked me to come and I got here the same time as Rihanna." Amore said. Then Rihanna said "Chris and Michael are downstairs with the guys. We decided to come see y'all today since there isn't a show tonight." Then Lolo said "Guys, what if we play dress up and tease the boys?" That's actually a good idea. We drank a little first then smoked a little. I dressed in a tight low cut crop top and booty shorts. So did the rest of the girls.

We walked down stairs. The boys' mouths dropped as they saw us. "Baby, me and the girls wanna have a dance party." I said. I pulled Chres up while Rihanna pulled up Chris, Kylie pulled up Michael, Lolo pulled up Ray, Nique pulled up Craig and Amore pulled up Jacob. I put on Trampoline Booty by Kstylis and we began to dance with, well twerk on, the boys. They are gonna kill us for teasing them, but it's so fun. Then Chris' song Bassline came on and the boys actually were able to move to dance with us. After dancing for a while, us girls looked at each other and nodded. "Well, nice dancing with y'all. Later." We threw up the deuces before running upstairs. They just stood there looking stupid. We all busted out laughing.

After we got upstairs, the munchies kicked in. We went down stairs and I made tacos. I felt arms wrap around my waist while I was stirring the meat. "That wasn't very nice of you." He said. I turned around a pecked his lips. "I-D-G-A-F." I spelled out, snapping my fingers all sassy. He laughed. Then we heard a something hit the wall and break. We ran in and it was surprisingly Lolo and Amore fighting. "Hey, what is going on?!?!" I asked. Everyone looked at me and pointed to Amore. "She tried to kiss Ray. He pushed her away though." Lolo answered angrily. I shrugged. "Take it out side, this ain't our house." I answered. In our family, we don't play about that stuff. I walked back in the kitchen to cut the stove off. I'm not about to miss this fight. They took it outside and Lolo started beating her again. After a while, Amore started to go unconscious so, I pulled Lolo off of her. "That was just for hurting Jacob!" Lolo yelled. I called an ambulance for Amore and after they took her, we went back inside and I finished making the taco's.

I was getting ready for bed when Chres wrapped his arms around me. He started to kiss my shoulder and neck. "When are we gonna have another baby?" He asked between kisses. I smiled. "I don't know, when do you one?" I asked. I felt him smile against my skin as he said "Sometime between now and the next nine months." He answered. I laughed. "You sure? We are getting Altereak in three months." I said. He continued kissing on me. "Yes, I am sure. I really want another one that is half me and half you." He said. I turned around and smiled. "Alright, but do me a favor this time?" I asked. He murmured "mhmm". "Only one. Not triplets or twins." I said. He chuckled. "Okay." He said. And yeah.

I'm baaacckkkk*roc's voice*. lol, I got my laptop fixed. Hallelujah! I hate updating from my phone/kindle. It sucks. Sorry that this one sucked, it was just a filler chapter. But now that I have my laptop back, updates will be here faster and they will be sooooooooooo much better than they were. I'm so happy lol. I will update soon... but remember to vote/comment. Give me feedback please. I am trying to make my writing better, I need feedback.

~Hailey Michele

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