Just a dream

By griersjournal

85.4K 2.3K 1K

Gabby is forced to get back to her normal life in London after waking up from her surreal dream. But what wil... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
Jack and Madison
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
self promo yo
f i f t h t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
Results day
n i n e t e e n
not an update
t w e n t y
t w e n t y o n e
i never know what to put as titles so.
t w e n t y two
t w e n t y t h r e e
story name?
its up!!

s i x t e e n

2.1K 67 27
By griersjournal

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows

"Are you my brother, are we twins?" I ask again

"Gabby, why would you ask this?"

"Because we have the same birthday, the same last name and similar features. I also keep having these flashbacks"

"Flashbacks?"he questions

"Yes, I don't know how to explain it" I sigh

"Gabby, I don't mean to say this in a mean way, but I'm not your brother" he shrugs

"I think it's just a coincidence that we have the same birthday and similar features"

"Oh" I say, looking away

"And I don't know about us having the same last name, maybe we're long distance cousins" he slightly nudges me

"I've gotta go" I announce, standing up

"Wait, you don't know your way around"

"I'll be fine, thanks Nash" I walk away from him

Maybe I am going crazy

There's no other explanation, why would Nash lie to my face?

My main concern right now is finding information out about my mum

I spot someone on the other side of the road standing still, staring at me

He looks familiar, I just can't figure out where I know him from

"Hey, you" I attempt to shout to the boy

The boy steps forward, just right before a car passes, causing him to disappear

I furrow my eyebrows, looking for where the boy went

He literally disappeared into thin air.

Maybe I need a nap...

My thoughts are interrupted by my uber pulling up next to me

Uber, what a weird word


"Where were you?!" My dad questions as soon as I walk through the door

"Out" I walk straight past him

"Young lady, watch that attitude" I hear annoyance in his voice

"Why should I? Why should I even talk to you?" I raise my eyebrows at him

"What has gotten into you lately?" He raises his voice

"Maybe I wouldn't be acting like this if you told me who my fucking mother is" I copy his tone

I feel a sharp pain against my cheek, causing me to throw my right hand to my cheek

"Gabby, I'm sorry" he walks towards me, making me take a step back

"Stay away from me" a tear escapes my eye

I run up the stairs to my room and slam the door

"Are you okay?" A voice says, causing me to jump

"Sam, what are you doing here?" I put my hand on my heart

"I came to your house but your dad sent me away, so I climbed through your window" he shrugs


"He said you shouldn't be around people like me, and because I wanted to see you"

I roll my eyes at the first part

"As soon as I turn eighteen I'm getting my own place" I sigh, falling back onto my bed

"Gabby, did he hit you?" He asks, with a serious face

"It's fine" I shrug

"'No it's not" he sits next to me

"Where's Jake?" I ask, changing the subject

"He's staying with the boys tonight, I told him I was going to stay with you" he takes my hand and pulls us into the covers

"Why would you do that?" I look up at his hazel eyes

"Because I can't stay away from you" he smiles

"You're so cheesy" I laugh

"You love it" he smirks

"I'm not denying that" I snuggle into the covers

Sam grabs my laptop and pulls it onto our laps

"Netflix?" He asks

"Obviously" I smirk to myself

He gets up and turns the light off, stripping off his clothes leaving just his boxers on

"Sorry, I can't sleep in clothes" he chuckles, catching me staring at him

"It's fine" I blush, looking back at the laptop, trying to choose a movie

"Sam?" I break the silence

"Mm?"he looks down at me

"Do you think you could help me find my mum?" I fiddle with my fingers

"Of course, baby girl, if that's what you want" he kisses my forehead

"Thank you" i kiss his cheek

"Anything for you" his arms snake around my waste, pulling me closer to him


After a good fifteen minutes of me trying to persuade Sam, we ended up watching mean girls, and then falling asleep

"Sam" I whisper shout

"Sam!" I repeat myself

"Gabriella" he mumbles, his eyes still shut

"You need to go" I climb out of bed

"Why?" His eyes flutter open

"If my dad catches us he will kill you" I start to panic

"Oh uh, yeah I should go" he gets out of my bed and puts his clothes back on

"I had a good time" I smile at him, as he walks towards my window

"So did I" his familiar smirk shows

"I'd kiss you right now but I've got morning breath" he chuckles

"Shut up" I slightly push him, laughing at his words

"Goodbye Samuel"I kiss his cheek

"I'll see you soon, Gabriella" he begins to climb out of my window

I wait for him to reach the ground and wave him off, slightly sighing

"Gabby" I hear my grandma shout

"Yeah?" I open my bedroom door

"Your father wants to speak to you" she appears at the top of the stairs

"Tell him I don't want to hear anything he has to say" I turn back around

"I think you will, it's about your mother" she sighs, causing me to spin back around

"My mum?" My voice cracks

"Yes darling" she gives me a sympathetic smile, walking back down the stairs

I follow closely.

I walk into the living room to find my dad sat on the couch, waiting for me

"I'll leave you two to it" she closes the door

I take a seat opposite him

"First I want to say that I'm sorry for hitting you, I should never have laid a finger on you" he sounds sincere

"It's fine" I look down

"I understand that you want to know about your mom, I just know that it will hurt you" he sighs

"Dad, please just tell me" I plead

"When you asked if she had anymore kids, I said no" he speaks

"I said no because, well Gabby, that would be pretty impossible" his hands begin to shake

"What do you mean?" I frown

"She's not alive Gabby, she's dead" he blurts out

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