Red Riding Strawberry

By Jaychesh

30.4K 1K 151

Ichigo Red Kurosaki (Ichigo Kurosaki) is the town's cute little teenage boy who loves to spend time in the fo... More

Lost and Alone?
Bonds Deeper Than Blood
The Brink Of Fate
I Promise
Don't Kick Me!!
Deeper Darkness
Hello Again
Sweet Misery
Bring Me Back To Life
Another Story
A Thousand Years


2.4K 75 19
By Jaychesh


Gripping the sheets tighter, the boy held on to them as if his life depended on it.


Molten gold on black watched as a single tear glistened as it slid down the boy's cheek.


Reaching a pale hand out, the albino petted the boy's cheek while moving his bangs to the side.


The pale hand slowly slid down to the boy's cheek, towards his throat. Once there, long, pale fingers slowly wrapped around the slender tan neck, cutting off the air that the boy needed.


Mocha eyes shot open to find that the world was starting to go black again, because of the lack of air. Tan hands gripped the pale ones cutting off their air. The boy struggled with the albino for a few seconds before he finally knocked the pale hands away, along with the white skinned man.

Scooting further back away from the pale man, the boy glared fire, "The hell do you think you're doing Shiro!?"

Shiro tilted his head slightly to the side, then shot forward, gripping the boy's neck again. This time pinning him to the bed.

The boy growled up at Shiro, "This isn't funny Shiro! Get off!" He tried pushing Shiro off again, but the albino tightened his grip around the boy's throat.

The boy's arms finally fell to his sides in defeat, his world slowly growing dark. Shiro loosened his grip, then leaned down close to the boy's face, and licked his cheek.

Purring, Shiro moved over to the boy's ear and licked it as well. He enjoyed the feel of shivers rocking through the boy beneath him. Bringing his pale hand back up, Shiro lightly dragged one black nail down the side of the boy's tan neck. Licking his lips, Shiro leaned down, and licked a wet trail down the length of the boy's neck. When he reached the boy's shoulder, his grinned as he bit into the soft flesh.

The boy let out a pained yelp, and tried pushing Shiro off once again, "Damn it Shiro" The boy looked around for something to help with his escape as Shiro made his mark on the boy's neck and shoulder.

Mocha eyes landed on a silver dagger lying on the nightstand next to the bed they were lying on. Slowly reaching out, the boy gripped the blade, and brought it to his side. While Shiro was busy, the boy reached around Shiro's back, then quickly plunged it into the side of the albino's back.

Shiro let out a pained howl and knocked the boy upside the head as he flung himself off the bed to get the sharp object out of him.

Taking the opportunity, the boy got out of the bed as quickly as he could, while his head throbbed and his vision went in and out of sight. Pushing through the door, the boy stumbled into the hallway, slowly making his way to the living room.

Once there, he spotted a shock of blue hair on a person sitting in a chair.

"Grimmjow..." The boy whispered as he fell to the floor.

Hearing the loud thump, Grimmjow shot up from his spot in his chair, and walked over to the boy lying on his floor.

"Jesus...what did you do vixen?" Grimmjow moved the boy's bangs out of his eyes to see a trickle of blood going down his forehead.

"Shiro....Shiro is acting strange..." The boy whispered as banging started from the back room. Yelling could also be heard, but was unintelligible until Shiro finally flung open the door.

"Ichigo! Where the fuck did you go!"

Grimmjow looked up to find a fuming albino storming up the hallway.

When the boy came into the albino's sight, he growled, "There ya are ya little shit."

Grimmjow watched as Shiro picked Ichigo up by his bright orange hair. He didn't know what was going on with Shiro, but he knew better than to mess with the albino and Ichigo when they got into their little skirmishes.

Shiro hissed into Ichigo's ear, making the bot flinch, "Ya know," Shiro held a bloody blade against Ichigo's cheek, "you owe me for that little stunt."

Ichigo tried wriggling out of Shiro's grip, "You deserved it bastard! Who strangles someone in their sleep?!" Ichigo growled.

Shiro glared into Ichigo's brown eyes, "You were emitting a pretty dark aura," Shiro licked Ichigo's bruising neck, "and I like it...."

It clicked into Grimmjow's head what was going on with Shiro.

Shiro subconsciously wants to mate with Ichigo. The aura Ichigo was emitting must have been his Diez powers awakening. Grimmjow sniffed the air, then growled. He hadn't taken the time to smell Ichigo's scent.

It was intoxicating.

Grimmjow forgot what it was like to be in the presence of another powerful being. Sure Shiro seemed powerful, but Ichigo was something special.

Taking a few steps closer, Grimmjow leaned into Ichigo's neck and took another whiff. Ichigo tensed up, and looked over at Grimmjow.

"Grimm.....what are you doing?"

Grimmjow's eyes turned into slits, "I see what's got ya worked up snowflake.." Grimmjow purred.

Shiro growled against Ichigo's throat, "You thinking what I'm thinking Grimmjow?"

Grimjow nodded, "Sure as hell am."

Ichigo glared at the two, "What the fuck are you two doing? Get the fuck away from me." Ichigo pushed Grimmjow away, then elbowed Shiro in the gut.

When the two were far enough away, Ichigo ran to the front door.
'Almost! There!' Ichigo mentally cheered as his hand reached towards the door handle. But when he felt claws dig into his shoulder, Ichigo knew that he was being pulled back into the fire.

"Where do you think," Shiro started as he pulled Ichigo back, "you're going!"

Ichigo growled, "Away from you ass holes!"

Grimmjow shook his head, and grabbed Ichigo's legs, "I think we will have to teach you some proper obedience. Now that you have the power of a Diez, we will have to make sure you don't try blowing our heads off just because you're angry or moody."

Ichigo shook his head, he didn't know what Grimmjow was talking about. When Ichigo supposedly had a fit yesterday, he had done something to Shiro to gain, what was supposedly some type of power. Grimmjow was going to explain to him yesterday, but Ichigo had passed out from the exertion he had used during his tantrum.

"I'll blow you both to pieces! Let go!" Ichigo did't know what he could do, so he just started spouting threats.

Shiro kept a-hold of his arms, and the two males started carrying Ichigo towards Grimmjow's bedroom. Once inside, Shiro handed Ichigo over to Grimmjow so that he could lock the door; Grimmjow on the other hand, threw Ichigo onto his bed.

Ichigo bounced a little, then made a tisking sound, his head was starting to throb with an approaching headache. When he looked up, his mocha eyes met Grimmjow's bright, azure ones. Ichigo tried to scramble back, but Grimmjow's hand shot out to wrap around Ichigo's throat, keeping the boy still.

"We were in this position before, weren't we Vixen?" Grimmjow purred.

A flash of a memory crossed Ichigo's mind, Grimmjow had tried to rape him, but Shiro had helped Ichigo escape. Looking over at Shiro now, Ichigo knew there was no escape this time; Shiro would be helping Grimmjow this time.

Shiro smirked from where he stood, knowing exactly what Ichigo was thinking, "What is it little one? Scared?"

Ichigo glared, "Hardly," before he could continue, Shiro was standing beside Grimmjow, one hand on Ichigo's shirt collar, and one on his thigh.

"You should be," Shiro's words were cold and dark.

Ichigo's eyes widened as Shiro ripped off his shirt, while dragging his other hand down Ichigo's thigh. Grimmjow took the liberty of Ichigo being shirtless to inspect Shiro's bite mark on Ichigo's shoulder.

"Hmm," Grimmjow purred as he licked the wound, then made his way over to the other side of Ichigo's neck, and slowly bit down there, creating his own mark. Ichigo hissed in pain and grabbed Grimmjow's surprisingly soft hair, pulling on it roughly. Not liking the reaction he got, Grimmjow bit down harder, and Ichigo's grip on his hair loosened till he was hardly holding onto it.

Ichigo's head slowly started to fall back onto the pillows on the bed, his sight becoming blurry and warped. He could hear Shiro chuckling at him, and the sound sent chills down his spine.

Grimmjow slowly let go of Ichigo's neck, trail of blood going down his lips, and the wound itself still bleeding. Grimmjow purred as he licked Ichigo's lips, "Is it working Vixen? Are you under yet?"

'What is he talking about?' Ichigo thought to himself.

Grimmjow lifted Ichigo up, and sat him down on his lap, making sure to keep the berry facing his way. Ichigo barely noticed the bed shifting behind him as Shiro got on, whil Grimmjow continued to lick and nip at Ichigo's lips; teasing him for a kiss.

Shiro took in the view of Ichigo's shoulder muscles, and the way his tanned body slightly glowed in the low light. Ichigo was truly an angel caught in two demons' webs. Shiro smirked as he started lightly kissing Ichigo's shoulders, down his back, and finally to his sides.

Ichigo shivered as he felt Shiro slowly bite his side, he didn't know what was going on with his body. It was getting really hot, and lots of the heat kept flowing down to his groin. Did Grimmjow do something to him, or did Shiro?

"Why...." Ichigo started, but Grimmjow silenced him by shoving his tongue into Ichigo's mouth. Ichigo moaned around the appendage as it caressed his own tongue and everywhere his mouth had to offer.

Slowly, Grimmjow leaned back to lick Ichigo's neck, "When I bit you, I released a type of venom into your system. It will make any being I want go into heat, whenever I want."

Ichigo shivered as Grimmjow bit down and his shoulder once again. Ichigo's attention soon drifted to Shiro when he felt his pants slowly being pulled down, the weird thing about it was that Ichigo helped get them off as much as he could in his position on Grimmjow's lap.

"Isn't this perfect my little strawberry? Now I can make you mine for eternity, and no on else will be able to take you away from me again..." Shiro drifted off when he bit down on Ichigo's other hip.

'Again? What was Shiro talking about?' Ichigo wondered, but his thoughts were slowly becoming clouded.

"Hey, I better get to have some fun with Vixen too snowball." Grimmjow growled to which Shiro simply nodded, too interested in what he had before him.

Grimmjow sniffed in agitation, then grinned when he looked into Ichigo's eyes, "Yah, I'd say yer pretty far under Vixen.

To prove his point, Grimmjow thrusted his hips upwards, making Ichigo groan from the friction. Shiro growled at the sound coming from Ichigo.

"If you keep making those noises, I won't be able to go easy on ya...."

Ichigo couldn't help but groan again when he felt Shiro grip his ass tightly. Ichigo didn't like how well he was reacting to the two males' touches, but he couldn't deny that the two felt so damn good.

Grimmjow made a small cooing sound, "We haven't even done that much to ya, and yer already so hard."

Ichigo might have been under whatever spell Grimmjow had cast on him, but he wasn't going to back down to Grimmjow's snide comments.

As roughly as he could muster, Ichigo ground his hips down on Grimmjow's hardened appendage. He grinned when Grimmjow moaned guietly, "Look who's talking, love."

Grimmjow started to chuckle, a dark and evil sound, "Fine, ya got me started Vixen, but yer gunna regret it." Ichigo didn't understand, but when his body was harshly turned, and his face was shoved into the bed, Ichigo got the concept.

Shiro had scooted back a bit to watch what Grimmjow would do next. Ichigo growled when her heard Grimmjow pulling down his own pants, which earned a lower growl from Grimmjow, right in Ichigo's ear. Ichigo shivered at the sound, and Grimmjow smirked then licked the boy's ear.

"If you be good, I'll be as nice as possible," Grimmjow purred.

Ichigo rolled his eyes and huffed, "As if you could."

Grimmjow tutted as he slowly dragged his finger up and down Ichigo's ass, "Now is that being good Vixen?"

Ichigo growled, and was about to retort, but stopped when Grimmjow shoved two fingers inside his ass. It hurt, but Ichigo made no sound, his mouth was hanging wide open, and his eyes were wide, but he had no motive to make a sound.

But when Grimmjow started to thrust his fingers in and out of him slowly, and scissor them, Ichigo's jaw had clenched and he had closed his eyes tightly to block out the pain growing inside his gut. Grimmjow didn't stop there, soon, he added another finger, and thrusted them deeper into Ichigo's tight heat. This time, Ichigo let out a pained gasp.

Shiro started petting Ichigo's hair, "It's okay little berry. If you can't handle a couple fingers, how will you be able to take Grimmjow and I both?"

Ichigo's eyes shot up to see Shiro grinning wickedly, 'There was no way...' Ichigo thought with fear.

"There's no fucking way that both of you will be going inside! It's not happening! You can get it out of your heads! If you try, I'll-Fucking hell!" Ichigo's ranting had turned into a pleasured gasp when Grimmjow's fingers had hit something inside him.

Grimmjow grinned, "Here we go Vixen."

Grimmjow's fingers disappeared from Ichigo's heat, but now Ichigo wanted something inside him. He wanted to feel that sensation again. He wanted more.

Just when Ichigo was about to whine, he felt something blunt poking at his ass, and his eyes widened.

"How bad do ya want it Vixen?" Grimmjow sounded like he was holding himself back just to torment Ichigo.

Ichigo slowly turned his head to look Grimmjow in the eye, a dark red blush staining his tan cheeks. "P-please Grimmjow-sama..I...want it..." Ichigo hadn't gotten to finish his sentence because Grimmjow's control had snapped.

He had taken no time to thrust balls deep into the little virgin strawberry below him. Ichigo's head had shot back forward, and he cried out in pain and slight pleasure at being filled to the brim, and stretched more than he thought possible.

"Gr-Grimmjow-sama...s-so big...Gr-...." Ichigo's pleasured gasps were cut off when Shiro grabbed Ichigo's chin.

Shiro's eyes looked dark as he spoke, "I'm still here berry. Now because of that, I'm going to punish you. Calling someone other than me your master, it will not be allowed."

Ichigo was not all that afraid at the present moment, he was too drowned in the pleasure Grimmjow was giving him. Grimmjow's thrusts were deep and strong, making Ichigo's body rock forward. On a particular thrust Ichigo's jaw dropped in a loud moan. Grimmjow made sure to keep thrusting into that exact area so he could hear more of Ichigo's moans.

Shiro growled, and grabbed Ichigo's throat, but the berry made no move to close his mouth, or do anything. He let Shiro do what he wanted, but he didn't expect Shiro to thrust his appendage deep into Ichigo's mouth.

"If you're going to do anything with that mouth of yours, it's going to be taking care of this." Shiro growled, sitting still, waiting to see what Ichigo would do.

Shiro was honestly surprised when he felt Ichigo starting to suck, and move his tongue underneath Shiro's dick. Shiro let out a moan and slowly started to thrust into Ichigo's mouth, for a virgin, Ichigo was doing pretty well. Both Grimmjow and Shiro's lengths were a lot for a virgin to take, but Shiro gave Ichigo praise.

Grimmjow's thrusts were becoming more erratic and a lot more animalistic, this only made Ichigo suck on Shiro a lot harder, and a lot more. Which in turn made Shiro grab Ichigo's hair, and thrust a lot quicker into the warmth of Ichigo's mouth.

"Shit.." Grimmjow growled, he was getting close to his climax, but he wouldn't cum until his Vixen did. Reaching one hand around Ichigo's body, Grimmjow wrapped his long fingers around Ichigo's shaft, and started pumping Ichigo off to his thrusts.

Ichigo moaned around Shiro's dick, and started bobbing his head faster. Too soon did Ichigo feel his groin ready to explode, with a quiet shout around Shiro, Ichigo let his seed spray on Grimmjow's bed. When Ichigo released, he tightened around Grimmjow enough to have the Sexta release his own seed inside Ichigo's velvety walls. Not a second after Grimmjow, Shiro thrusted himself down Ichigo's throat, and came as well, making the berry swallow every bit of his seed as he possibly could.

Shiro sat back panting, and ran a hand through his silver, white hair, while Grimmjow pulled out of Ichigo and laid back on the bed, also panting.

"Jesus kid..." Grimmjow breathed, it was amazing, and he couldn't remember anyone feeling that good around him.

Ichigo had collapsed on the bed, his eyes dull as they closed. Sleep crashed down on Ichigo faster than he wanted it to, but he welcomed it, knowing he would be sore when he woke up.

As the berry slept, Shiro and Grimmjow had cleaned him off, then themselves, and then they had covered Ichigo with a blanket. Now each one lay on either side of the sleeping Diez. Yet Shiro was the only one touching Ichigo, he was running his fingers through Ichigo's hair, making rhythmic strokes so the berry felt good in his sleep.

Grimmjow was watching Shiro closely, wondering what his deal was, "So snowball."

Shiro didn't move his eyes from Ichigo's sleeping figure, "What?"

"Why are you so obsessed with the berry? Is there something more to you two than I know or what?"

Shiro stayed quiet for a few moments, then spoke slowly and softly, "He's my King. I awoke in his soul when his mother died. It was when he was younger, so he doesn't really remember. But back then, the people in his village believed that his mother was a witch, and burned her. Sadly, they were right, but she was known as a white witch."

"Her powers were passed down throughout her whole family blood line, making her whole family a witch or warlock. The family never had children with a normal human being, but his mother fell in love with a normal man. When her folks found out that she was pregnant with Ichigo, they had grown angry and sent her to live with Ichigo's father. Then, a couple years after Ichigo was born, she burned."

Grimmjow stopped Shiro at that point, "How do you know all of this?"

This time, Shiro turned to look Grimmjow in the eye, his own eyes drowning in sorrow, "I am the entity that plagued their family for generations. I was once a great demon, but Ichigo's great, great, great, great grandmother had locked my soul inside her own. Back then, I was bloodthirsty and ruthless, so I tried tearing her apart from the inside out. But she made an offer I couldn't refuse."

"And that would be?" Grimmjow questioned.

"I regret it now, but I had accepted her offer. She had made a deal with me, that I would be born into the soul of the first born son of each generation of that family. And when that would happen, I would be able to live again, but the downside of this was that that first born son would try to gain my power, and my blood would slowly affect theirs, until they are only a mindless demon."

"So that's why there's been more than one Diez..." Grimmjow whispered and Shiro nodded.

"I have been reborn three different times, and each time, the first born son fell victim to my blood. The last one however, looked a lot like Ichigo here. His name was even close to Ichigo's..."

"What was his name?"

"Ichiru...Ichiru was a stubborn child, but he cared for everyone around him. He was training himself to become a great warlock, so he would be able to save his younger sister from the plague. But when he did that...he released me...then...." Shiro stopped, then turned back to Ichigo, "well you know the rest."

"You loved him didn't you?"

Grimmjow's question made Shiro tense, and made his heart stop for a second.

"Yes...I did..."

"How long does Ichigo have?"

"...A year."

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