Kidnapped by the Devil

By jazztheebeauty

639K 19.1K 1K

Carina Lehew is one of the most respected socialites in New York. She works as a fashion designer for her mot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Matteo
Chapter 4: Carina
Chapter 5: Matteo
Chapter 6: Carina
Chapter 7: Matteo
Chapter 8: Carina
Chapter 9: Matteo
Chapter 10: Carina
Chapter 11: Matteo
Chapter 12: Carina
Chapter 13: Matteo
Chapter 14: Carina
Chapter 15: Matteo
Chapter 16: Carina
Chapter 17: Matteo
Chapter 18: Carina
Chapter 19: Matteo
Chapter 20: Carina
Chapter 21: Matteo
Chapter 22: Carina
Chapter 23: Matteo
Chapter 24: Carina
Chapter 25: Matteo
Chapter 26: Carina
Chapter 27: Matteo
Chapter 28: Carina
Chapter 29: Matteo
Chapter 30: Carina
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Carina
Chapter 34: Matteo
Chapter 35: Carina
Chapter 36: Carina
Authors Note
Authors Note #2

Chapter 31: Matteo

6.8K 267 4
By jazztheebeauty

Two weeks have went by without me hearing from Carina. I was sure she'd at least call me to tell me the status her and the baby were in a few days after she left, but I haven't gotten a peep. She isn't even on the news or in the social sections of the media. It's like a kick in the gut and the only person I can blame is myself. She's gone because I shut her out and pushed her away. I down the scotch and pour more. I can't sleep in my own bedroom unless I pass out from drinking. It brings up too many memories that I had with Carina during her short stay here. I gulp down another glass. I've been trying to get her back, but all I get is silence. I need her and I hate that. I down another glass. Why won't she talk to me? She needs to let me explain. I still love her and I want our family. I gulp down another glass and grab my iPhone to dial Carina's work number and listen to it ring.

"Cara Bella. This is Carina speaking," she answers. Her voice makes the hairs on my neck stand. The past two weeks have been excruciating without her. Venni and I finished the gruesome training process with Lucas and now we are training him on the business aspect, well trying to at least. Venni told me I can't come down to the basement inebriated. I have to be fully sober and coherent. The only time I drink is when I think of her. My sweet Carina.

"Come back," I say without hesitation. I need her to let me explain everything now. There's nothing but the sound of her breathing calmly.

"Go to sleep," she demands softly and the call ends. I gripped the phone tighter and throw it on the thick carpet in my bedroom. I grab the scotch bottle and take a swig as tears pour out down my face. I've lost her for good and it isn't life that's being cruel to me. I destroyed everything on my own. I really am the Devil.

"Cindy I'm coming in the office tomorrow. I want to have a board meeting at 8 a.m. sharp. I want it to run into the department meeting I have at 9, and then I will have a staff meeting at 9:30," I say as I shave my beard. When I woke up this afternoon with a raging headache and memories of last night flashing through my mind, I decided it was time I stop feeling sorry for myself and work with the cards life has dealt me. I'm going to start that by going back to work Monday morning. I've been working from home and having Cindy handle everything at the office since Frank and my mother passed.

"Yessir. Anything else," she asks.

"Yes I want you to hire a temp for your position for the rest of the week. I want you to take a much needed vacation," I inform her. The way I've been acting and treating people is unacceptable whether I'm grieving or not. I know everything won't be fixed in a day, but it's time that I started.

"Thank you sir," she says and hangs up. I rinse my face and rub after shave balm along the smooth skin that was hidden underneath my beard. I look more alert and like myself. I'll have to get a haircut though. I leave out of my room and walk to Carina's old office. Sophia quickly turned it into her art sanctuary and always keeps the door locked when she's inside. I softly knock on the door and wait for her to open it. Sophia unlocks the door and steps out. Her raven colored hair is in a bun and she's wearing paint stained overalls with a muscle shirt underneath. Her dark blue eyes look at me curiously. I'm trying to find the right words to say to her, but my mind is blank. I do the only thing I feel is right to do. I hug her. Sophia stiffens, but eventually relaxes and hugs me back.

"I'm so sorry," I croak and Sophia pats my back before wiggling out of my embrace.

"We're human. I'm not going to hold that against you, but you need to fix it all," she says. I look at my sister and wonder how a 13 year old could be so mature.

"So you don't hate me," I ask. Sophia just smiles at my worrying.

"I was mad at you, and for a second I loathed you, but I could never hate you. I just had to learn that you needed to make peace with everything happening," she says and I look at her shocked. My baby sister is wiser than I thought. She just smiles and shakes her head.

"It's not too late to get you to the venue you know," I tell her. I regret telling Sophia she wasn't allowed to attend the show. She's Carina's inspiration and she was looking forward to it.

"She's hired other girls. I will not take that opportunity away from them. How about we just watch the show instead," she asks. I know the media will be all over it so it's no surprise that it'll be on TV.

"Alright," I say. Sophia and I head downstairs to the living area and she turns it to the channel the show is on. The venue it's being held at is packed. There isn't an empty seat in the house. There are plenty of celebrities and socialites in the first two rows, and the decorations are quite exquisite as well. I know Carina worked hard to have the show be perfect. The lights are a dull blue and what sounds like dainty fairy music starts. A young girl emerges at the top of the runway and begins to walk. I notice Sophia perk up. "You know her," I ask curiously.

"That's my friend Izzy! She told me she would be in a fashion show, but I didn't think it was this one," she says excitedly. I chuckle at her silly girliness and we continue watching the show. Sophia's friend is the only one premiering the junior line for every section. It makes me happy that Carina didn't cancel out the junior line in its entirety after the shit I pulled. At the end of the show all the models are walking out and lining up on the left and right sides of the runway. I'm praying that Carina is the last to come out. Once the last girl lines up, Carina emerges at the top of the runway in the most stunning gown I've ever seen her wear. Her caramel skin glows and she looks like she has picked up some weight because of the pregnancy, but it looks great on her. Once she's at the end of the runway all the girls face the audience and pose. Carina smiles and takes a bow then retreats back to where she came from. My heart aches for her. I need to know she's okay and safe, but I also need to make sure I fix everything with myself before I try to get her back. I have a new mission and seeing Carina makes it all the more definite. I want to be the man she knows I am. I want my family and the woman I love back more than ever, and I'd do anything to have it.

I'm looking over the fashion section of the newspaper. Carina's been very successful during her Euro tour, and the feedback for the junior line is amazing. It makes me happy to know that her vision is such a success. I have been emailing her doctor to see if she could give any information about Carina's pregnancy, but all she told me was that they were both healthy and left it at that. I know Carina doesn't know the sex of our baby yet. She won't be three months until the 17th, and even then she won't know. Her doctor told me she's due September 19th, but that the due date will probably change if she end up going into early labor. I know that it'll most likely happen because Carina is always up and busy.

I sigh as I look over the city. I miss her so much. A part of me wants to run after her, but a bigger part of me knows that it'll be a mistake if I do. I'm not fully at peace with everything that I ruined during my dark stage of grieving. I emailed my entire housing staff to try and get them to come back, but they were all employed oddly fast. I decided I'd send them each a bonus for dealing with me during such a terrible time. It was the least I could do. I'm not trying to buy them back. I just want to give them something I know they need and will put to great use. I have more than enough money to go around. It's one reason why I paid my employees so well. Money is something I don't need, but my employees do. May is paying for her grandkids to go to college, Toni is paying two college tuitions and trying to open his dream restaurant, and my two maids are both single mothers. I don't just hire people for my benefit. I hire them to help them as well. It's one thing I know makes me different from my father. He only did things to benefit himself and the empire he was trying to build. There is a soft knock on my door and Cindy walks in with Lucas tailing behind her. It was hard sending her on vacation because Cindy's very efficient at her job. The temp she hired was incompetent.

"Your 2 o'clock sir," she smiles. Lucas is standing stiffly behind her emotionless. He's becoming the right kind of man to take my seat. Next week will be the initiation ceremony where he'll have to successfully pass three tasks to earn my seat. The same three tasks my father, his father, and his father's father had to achieve in order to sit at the table.

"Thank you Cindy," I say dismissing her. Lucas sits in one of the seats across from me. I notice him relax a little, but the cold look never leaves his face. I pick up the packet off my desk. "This is for you," I say handing it to him. "Inside are pictures and information of what you need to learn about each member at the table as well as their family name, members affiliated, and what role they play in the success of The Family. My family is inside that folder as well. You will study this in order to pass each test flawlessly. Venni and I have trained and taught you as much as we can in such a short time. You've done great Lucas, but now you need to do this part on your own. Your father didn't have the opportunity to look into this folder because he was power hungry. I advise you not to make the same mistake," I say coldly. Lucas is a lot smarter than his father. He knows what's at stake if he betrays The Family.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me Matteo. My father was no good you know? He was real messed up. I know I have a lot to prove to The Family at the initiation," he says firmly.

"That you do son," I say. Lucas and I chuckle and I begin to go over some final touches of the financing techniques he needs to know. He is determined to clear his family's past mistakes. I know now that I'll be putting the right person in my seat.

Tuesday comes within an eye blink, and I'm surprisingly calm. I told Cindy to keep me free today because it won't be until midnight when we decide if Lucas passes the three tests he's about to be given. Since I'm the one giving up my seat I have to host the meeting at my house. Sophia is going to be at school, and will be staying the night at Izzy's. I don't want her to be seen by anyone. I promised my mom and Frank I wouldn't bring her into this life and I'm damn sure going to keep that promise. I shower and dress myself in a black Armani suit. The meeting is going to be held in the basement. I have Jase watching over Izzy's house while Sophia is there and Venni is staying here to be my extra set of hands in case one of the tests turns grimy. Frankie's nephew Joseph will be getting initiated into The Family as well, but his tests are different from Lucas's. Different family, different set of tests. It's tradition. The doorbell rings through the house and I walk downstairs to greet everyone coming. Here we go.

The first person to arrive is Victor Sarentino. He and my father were the same age, and I've been knowing him my entire life. Julian Moreti and Michael Rugio trickle in behind him. There are six families that sit at the table. The founding family is the Sarentino's. After they established themselves as one of the top families they brought in the Moreti, Russo, and Carson family. My great grandfather Roberto brought in the Puccini family, and Julian's great great grandfather brought in the Rugio family. They all grew up together and slowly migrated to New York to taste the sweet life America offered. Not even five minutes later Joseph Puccini, Luca Russo, and Lucas walk through the front door. All men grow quiet at the sight of Lucas. What his father and uncles did to this family is still a little raw for some of them. Julian Moreti's father was shot in the crossfire of the Mafia's Hell. If Lucas studied hard, like I informed him to do, he'd know that. I clear my throat grabbing everyone's attention.

"We all know why we are here. Will the two young men being tested today step forward," I say firmly. Lucas and Joseph stand on the right of me. "After months of training you'll be given three tests that were passed down from each family line. When all three tests are completed to the best of your ability, the founding families will take into consideration if you are worthy to take the seat you so desire. I, Matteo Carson, will be taking into consideration on behalf of my family line as well as the Puccini line per Frankie's request. If you wish to disagree please do so now," I say looking at everyone in the foyer. Nobody makes a sound and Victor nods his head for me to continue. "Gentlemen let's make our way to my family office. We have a long day ahead of us," I say leading everyone up the stairs.

Lucas and Joseph are both asked to go into separate rooms so that they will be given instructions for each test. When one test is complete they'll come back into their assigned room and be given instructions for the next test. Victor will be giving Joseph his tests and I will be giving Lucas' his. Victor hands me three numbered envelopes. These are similar to the tests I had to take when I was initiated at 18. I know Lucas will have a hard time with the last one, but he'll be able to pull it off. I enter the room and hand Lucas the first test. He opens the envelope and pictures and data sheets fall out.

"This company has been running scams and stealing money from their competitors. If you are willing to take the Carson seat you will be in charge of the family finances and keeping the books of all six companies. You are also in charge of the profit and growth these companies make in order for the government not to grow suspicious. Your place is to be the enforcer of any and all debts. You have an hour and a half to map out who is behind the scams and money laundering. Every person who is linked to said individual needs to be mapped out as well," I inform Lucas and leave as quickly as I came. I know the kid can do that with his eyes closed. It's the first thing Venni and I taught him.

I sit next to Julian at the round table I have in the basement. We all grew up together, but because the police were constantly watching me I was advised to relocate somewhere else so that they wouldn't begin to dig where they didn't need to. The Moreti's are basically the secondary enforcers of the family. If you owed money, missed payments, or threatened the family in any kind of way you got paid a visit by a Moreti. I've been with Julian on jobs before and the guy makes sure everything goes smoothly. He leaves no evidence, and doesn't second guess himself on that. Besides myself, Luca Russo is a force to be reckoned with. He and I are the only two at the table who have actually killed multiple people. I did it out of revenge, but Luca does it because that's his job. If you don't pull your shit together after a visit from a Moreti, Luca Russo pays you a final visit. He's 19, but he and I both know what killing someone is like. I never want to do it again, but Luca has no choice. After the Mafia's Hell he was the only oldest male in his family left alive. Like me, he was conditioned to take place within The Family. He isn't married and only has three cousins, two of them being girls. A girl hasn't sat at the table, and we aren't against it. It's just that no girl is ever brave enough to ask to be initiated. The life is already hard on the men of The Family. Bringing the women into it would be difficult to say the least.


We are all sitting in the basement quietly drinking and waiting for time to pass. After an hour Lucas knocks on his door to signal he's finished. Venni unlocks his door and Lucas strides out of his room with the documents I gave him in his hand. I nod my head for him to begin his presentation.

"This is Sylvia Michaels," Lucas starts placing a picture of a plain looking girl with glasses. "She is a small link in a big chain of Chess Corporations. She works in the accounting department and is apart of a small team in charge of approving and denying mergers that she believes will benefit the company. This is Kyle Walters," he says placing another picture down of a man that looks like he's in his mid forties. "He is the head of the accounting department. He is also married with two kids and having an affair with Miss Michaels and this woman," he says placing down a photo of a striking blonde haired woman who looks to be in her early thirties. "This is Bethany Chess. She is CEO of Chess Corporations, and head hancho of every contract that goes in and out of the company. What we have here gentlemen is what I like to call a triple fuck," Lucas says. "You see by the way she looks in her picture and her degree in nothing, Sylvia is your average American. She only has her high school diploma. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing so our buddy Kyle uses this to his advantage. He leans her toward weaker companies that they can easily profit from and uses fake mergers to reel in the big fish companies. He uses the success of the lesser companies to dry out the more profitable ones. Kyle then turns around and draws up the mergers for the big fish companies to get the CEO seal of approval, and that is why this company is so successful," he explains. This case is from two years ago and all three were arrested, but Kyle Walters was the head of the snake in the company. I stand from my seat and walk to Lucas.

"You've passed your first test," I say slapping his back. He smirks but it vanishes as soon as it came. He and I walk back to his room and Venni shuts the door behind us. I hand Lucas his second test. He opens the envelope and wads of money fall out with a profit book. "Each family holds a percentage of the profit that is brought in each month. Make no mistakes. You have an hour," I say and leave the room. When I walk to the table Victor is just entering Joseph's room and I take my seat next to Julian.

"He passed," he says answering my silent question. I nod my head and we begin to wait for both of them to finish. Noon quickly comes around and we were all eating lunch as we wait.

"Matteo you trained the Vachenzo boy very well. You and Venni both did an excellent job molding him," Victor says as he sips his water.

"He wants to prove himself. You didn't give that to him," Luca says coldly. What he just said is right. I didn't give Lucas his determination. He has it on his own.

"You're right Russo. I didn't give him that, but we all know you trained Joseph. Let's just hope in this final test it comes in handy," I smirk. Luca and I have always had a friendly rivalry. His specialty is murdering people. He makes it quick and straight to the point, but my specialty is torture. Luca learned that quickly when he helped Venni and I with the mess I made of the Vachenzo boys.

"Yes let's," Julian says earning chuckles from everyone around the table. Lucas knocked on his door signaling he was finished. Venni unlocks his door and Lucas walks out with everyone's money piled in his hand. He hands the larger stack to me, a slightly smaller stack to Victor, a small wad is tossed to Michael who owns a small chain of pizzarias, and he tosses equally sized stacks to Julian and Luca.

"From the profit book I was given I was able to balance out among the money I was given. Matteo and Victor's company bring in the most profit out of everyone, but Matteo's company makes more money. Luca and Julian both bring in profit and make fairly the same amount, if Michael was able to try some new things with the pizzerias he'd bring in more profit as well. The left over money is what belongs to the Puccini line," he said holding a stack that is slightly smaller than Victor's. I stand from my seat and walk to Lucas. He hands me Frankie's share and I slap him on the back.

"Everyone got the same amount," I ask. Everyone nods their head in agreement. "Congratulations Lucas. You've passed your second test," I say. He nods his head and we both walk back to his room. I hand him his last and final envelope. He opens it and a picture of Joseph Puccini falls out. He looks at me confused. "For your last and final test you are to fight Jospeh Puccini until you win. Winning means a knock out, breaking a bone or making Joseph throw in the towel. If you surrender or give up you not only fail your final, but you don't earn a seat at the table," I say firmly. Lucas stands stiffly and nods his head. His fighting is perfect, and I gave him a few torture techniques to use. Hopefully this fight goes by quickly and not like the fight Julian and I had when we were being initiated. We both won. I dislocated his shoulder, but he popped it back in place. We literally knocked each other out. We both walked out of the room and waited patiently for Victor to come out of Joseph's room. I take my seat next to Julian and Lucas stays by his door. I look at Luca and wink at him making him smirk. This is going to be an interesting match.

"He barely passed the second test," Julian says and I straighten my spine. The second test in the Puccini line dealt with police interrogation. You had to know the right things to say, alibi or not. If Joseph barely passed that test then he really needs to prove himself in this final one. Victor and Joseph come out of his room and Joseph stands at his door as Victor makes his way to the head of the table.

"You both know the tasks you're given. Begin," he instructs. We watch the two circle each other until Jospeh lunges at Lucas. Lucas side steps him and elbows him in his back. Joseph recovers quickly and throws a combo that Lucas is able to block with ease. Lucas throws the chest nose combo that we had been working. Joseph's nose begins to bleed and I smirk. Time passes and they are both fighting well, but Lucas is more ruthless. The only thing bleeding on him is his lip. Both boys are breathing heavily as they attack each other, but Joseph's hits are slower as he continues to fight. The downside of having Luca as a training partner. He is skilled in killing, not the longevity of fighting. Lucas takes that as his perfect opportunity to go in for the kill. He manages to get Joseph on the ground and his legs wrap around his arm. Joseph grunts in pain and we soon hear a pop followed by blood curdling scream. Both boys are writhing in pain on the ground. Joseph's arm is dangling from its socket and it looks like Lucas's knee is dislocated. Lucas lays there for a moment then pops it back into place. Venni helps him up just as Joseph pops his shoulder back in.

"Just like old times," Julian says clapping my shoulder and earning a chuckle from everyone at the table.

It's been a week since the initiation and I honestly feel a lot better. Lucas has earned everyone's respect and my active seat at the table. We decided that Joseph will take Frankie's seat, but it will remain inactive until he can pass his second test in a month. He understands our decision and said that he'll earn his spot fairly.

I'm currently in my office looking over all the modeled rooms for the new hotel and casino I'm opening in Las Vegas. The Interior Design Department knows what I like, and they knew what people liked so they merged them into all of the rooms. I hear a commotion going on outside and then Carina's father bursts through my office doors with Cindy high tailing behind him. To say she's fuming would be an understatement.

"It's fine Cindy," I say before she can utter a word. She nods her head and slams my office doors. One thing I love about having her as my PA is that she will literally kick your ass if you try to come in my office without an appointment. "Please take a seat Kenneth. What's all this about," I ask him calmly. The man just stares at me like I'm speaking a foreign language.

"You mean you don't have her," he asks shocked. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. What is he talking about?

"Have who," I ask. Kenneth runs his hand through his graying brown hair and plops down in one of the chairs across from me.

"Last week Carina was supposed to meet Isabella for the last leg of the Europe tour in London, but she didn't show. Isabella premiered the show instead and we were hoping to hear from Carina, but we haven't. I assumed you whisked her away again," he says frustratedly. My blood goes ice cold. Carina wouldn't miss a show without notice especially since she's presenting the junior line. I pick up my iPhone and dial Michael's cell. "What are you doing," Kenneth asks.

"I'm calling one of my old college buddies. He used to work for the U.N."

"Why on earth would you do that," he asks.

"Because I don't have Carina. She's missing," I say coldly. My Carina is missing.

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