As Yet Untitled

De rajahsam

1.9K 42 7

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...” ― Nicholas Sparks, At Firs... Mais

I. Finally

1.9K 42 7
De rajahsam

"So why don't you just leave. Leave Althea alone, she is better off without you. Ever since you fucked off to your great US honeymoon, Althea's life became peaceful, no problems and certainly no heartaches. So do us all a favor, Jade, and leave us alone."

Wila's words replayed in Jade's mind as she drove away from her place. Tears sprung from her eyes as she contemplated the truth behind those words.

"Loving you is exhausting, Jade. I don't want to do this anymore. I want you to let me go and live my life in peace."

Jade pulled to the side of the road and turned the car's ignition off. She is trembling and crying uncontrollably as she recalled Althea's rejection. She can vividly remember how her heart broke at hearing those words.

She is better off without me. I only ruined her life, I do not deserve her... I cannot even fight for her.

As much as Jade wants to argue against her thoughts and Wila's words, it was futile to convince herself otherwise.

As she was about to start the car again, she was once again inundated with memories of Althea, the happy times they've spent in the condo, Althea always standing up for her, and never giving up.

She never gave up... She will never give up on me, on us, not like that.

Jade pushed aside her doubts, wiped her tears away and took a deep breathe while contemplating her next move.

Her phone rang and David's name flashed on the screen. She rejected the call, they are probably looking for her at the wake. But that is the least of her concerns right now.

She recalled her father's words, liking her marriage with David to that of Ama's and Angkong's. "You can also learn to love him, Jade." Oscar said.

She was unable to respond back then, perhaps feeling broken and hopeless at that time, Jade actually considered the idea. But she knows her heart, and to whom it belongs to, she will never learn to love David. She recalled Ama's advice, to fight for what she wants and do everything in her power to be with the one she loves.

She is happy for Ama, to have found a way to love Angkong despite the arranged marriage they were thrown into. To remember it now and to bury her husband with the good memories in tact in her mind. But that is not her, that will never be her. She will only ever be happy with Althea... and Miggy.

A smile appeared on her lips as she remembered their boy, their sweet and loving Miggy. How he would hug her tightly, kiss her sweetly and say 'I love you' in the most heartfelt way. How Althea's eyes would shine with so much love while watching them interact.

She wants that back. She wants it all. She is Jade Tanchingco and she'll be damned if she lets anybody stop her from getting her family back.

"I am not giving up LabLab. I will fight for you."

With a new found courage, Jade turned on the ignition and started to drive away, when out of the corner of her eyes she saw Wila driving past her.


Half an hour later, she pulled to a stop several meters from where Wila parked. She is unsure what she intends to accomplish by following the other woman but she is desperate to find Althea. She was about to follow inside the restaurant when a familiar car parked near Wila's and David came out of the car.

"Why would they be in the same place?" Jade thought.

Inconspicuously, Jade went to the side entrance of the restaurant, trying her hard to remain unnoticed. She looked around and saw the two talking, she walked closer and tried to eavesdrop but they were too far. They finally slid over to a booth and Jade thought the gods must be smiling down on her because the panels between the booths allowed her to slide into the next one without them noticing.

"Althea is missing?" She heard David asked.

"Yes, several days now. She received a call from Tommy about Miggy being sick..." Wila explained.

"Hang on, Tommy has Miggy?"

"Yes, he took her after your evil of a father in law paid him to do so. That's why Althea broke up with Jade, Oscar was using Miggy as a bargaining tool to force Althea to leave his daughter alone. Tommy came to threaten us in the hospital, he basically admitted Mr. Tanchingco's role in all of it. Come on, David, I'm sure you know this already."

"No I didn't," David countered.

"Oh please, you are probably happy this all happened, you can have Jade all to yourself while your father-in-law do the dirty work for you."

"I am not a bad person, Wila."

"Yeah sure," Wila retorted sarcastically.

"I swear I did not know he also did something to Miggy."

"Also did something to Miggy? So... you knew what he did to Althea then?"

"By accident, okay!" At this point, Jade heard David's voice becoming agitated while she is fuming with anger listening to them. "I only overheard him on the phone, I tried Wila, we tried to tell Jade but we just couldn't."

"We? Who is this 'we' you are talking about?" Wila continued to interrogate David. As much as Jade is annoyed with Wila, she had to give her credit for being fierce and unrelenting.

David hesitated, "Um Mama knew. She was angry and she confronted Dada already but then Angkong died so we had to set aside all this to take care of the funeral."

"And in the meantime, my friend is probably being beaten to death while you contemplate what to do with this information. Yeah, not a bad person alright."

"Wila, I only want what's best for Jade, we all do," David reasoned.

"You mean you only want what's best for you!"

"Oh please don't act all high and almighty there Wila, you helped me ruin their relationship, remember? Besides, you could have reported this to the police, why didn't you?"

"Because Tommy has both Althea and Miggy and the Tanchingco's have connections. We tried it before and nothing happened. You rich people always get away with everything."

At the other side of the booth, Jade was trembling with anger, and disappointment. She could not believe the lies that her father weaved to control her, all of them. She wanted to confront them but stopped herself. She needs to be smart and get as much information as she can before making her move.

Once again, the two started arguing.

"I do not know where she is, Wila, I swear."

"Then find it out David, please, there is a child involved. And do you think Jade will ever forgive you if she knew that you kept her in the dark regarding all these?"

"What do you expect me to do? Dada is very powerful, he has many connections. We can hardly breathe as it is."

Jade heard Wila respond with a humorless laugh, "Of course, like the spineless idiot you are. Whatever David, go back to your perfect family and have fun making a marriage work with a lesbian." Wila then stood up and Jade heard her leave. A few seconds later, David also stood up and left.

Jade sat there for a few more minutes, trying to get herself together. She waved away one of the servers who was about to hand her a menu. Instead, she left some bills to pay for the house tea served to her. She waited a few more minutes to ensure that both David and Wila has left before leaving the restaurant and entering her car.

She took her phone from her clutch and dialed. She waited until her call was accepted. "Ahiya...," Jade tearfully said into the phone.

"Shobe? What's wrong? Where are you? Mama is looking for you?" Gab asked.

"Ahiya... I need your help."

"Jade, are you okay? What happened?"

"I will be okay... I will make it right."

"Shobe what are you talking about?" She heard her brother asked in a worried tone.

"Ahiya, can you meet me, please? I know you have problems of your own right now but I really need your help."

"Of course, Shobe. You can count on me. What do you need?" Despite her current predicament, Jade could not help but smile at her brother's unconditional acceptance.

"Not over the phone, can you meet me in the park, the one a few blocks away from the funeral chapel?"

"Okay, I know that place. I'll meet you. Give me around 15 minutes."

"Thanks Ahiya. And can you bring Dhiya, please."

"Okay, I will. I'll see you," and with that Gab ended the call.


"Paul, let's go," Gab ordered his brother, who was busy talking with Sally.

"Ahiya?" Paul asked with a confused stare.

Instead of answering, Gab turned to Sally, "Sally, excuse us, we have some urgent family matters that need attending to."

"No problem Kuya Gab, I'll just help Tita inside with the guests."

Gab wasted no time and pulled her brother outside.

"Ahiya, what is wrong? Why are you dragging me?" Paul tried pulling his arms from her brother's grasp but Gab only let him go when they were finally outside the chapel.

"Paul, Shobe needs us."

At hearing that, Paul did not ask anymore and only nodded his head and followed Gab to the car.

From the other side of the chapel, Pearl saw them driving away. She silently left the chapel, hurried to her car and followed the brothers.


They saw Jade sitting alone at the back of the park, head in her hands.

"Shobe?" Paul called her out.

Jade looked up and the brothers saw her tears. "Ahiya... Dhiya..." was all she said before jumping up into their embrace.

"Sshh Jade, we're here... Stop crying Shobe."

Gab's words only served to make Jade cry harder and the brothers we're at a lost on what to do. So they simply hugged their sister, offering in actions what they could not with words.

From afar, Pearl saw the siblings and was surprised. She was expecting Gab to be meeting with Angeline, in secret, again. She was about to leave them alone when Jade started talking and witnessed the brothers' reactions. She walked closer to them...

"Ahiya, I think Dada did something to Althea..."

"Wait, this is about Althea? I thought you two broke up?" Gab's tone was full of confusion.

Jade went on to relay the information she found out, Dada's schemes, David's involvement, Wila's interference, their mother's attempt at confronting their father, Tommy's abduction of Althea and Miggy.

The longer Jade talked, the more Gab and Paul became angry.

"And now I think Tommy has Althea," Jade declared in a worried tone. "Ahiya, he used to beat up Althea. He will not hesitate to do it again. He almost killed her before and now he has Miggy, too. He is probably scared..."

"Sshh Shobe, calm down," Paul entreated.

"How can I! The woman I love is being held against her will, beaten and abused and you want me to calm down."

"Jade if you don't calm down then we cannot think this through. We will help you, I promised, right Ahiya?"

"Yes, Jade, we will." Gab agreed in a strong tone, while holding in his anger. "What is wrong with him! With this family! Why are they doing this!!??"

"Because they are selfish and only wants power, to hell with the people they trample over on the way to get that," Paul angrily answered.

"David knows about it?" Gab clarified, Jade only nodded. "I will beat his ass the next time I see him."

"Ahiya, we can do that later, I will even help you smack him around but we have more urgent matters at hand," Paul gestured with his head towards their sister, who was again on the verge of breaking down. Before Gab can console Jade...


They all turned to see Pearl standing a few steps away from them.

"Pearl, what are you doing here?"

"I followed you, I thought..."

"Pearl, please not now! I cannot deal with your jealousy right now. I promise to answer all your questions later but can you just leave me alone with them, we are in the middle of something. They need me right now."

"I know, I heard," the other woman answered.

Jade looked at her with worry, "Please, Pearl, don't tell Dada, please..." Jade was stumbling over her words, begging Pearl.

"Sshh Jade, I won't. I promise."

"Really?" Jade could not believe what she heard.

"Yes, I draw the line when violence against women and children is involved." She walked closer to Jade, and touched her arm gently. "I'm sorry, Jade, for supporting Dada and being a part of your misery. I am sorry and if you let me, I will make it up to you." After living with the Tanchingcos and experiencing first hand how difficult it is to be married to someone who does not love you, Pearl has thrown her illusions away and started to think more realistically.

Gab has no other response to Pearl's declaration but to hug her, which surprised Pearl. "Thank you, Pearl." Gab whispered. "Thank you. I will do right by you, Pearl, I promise. Just let me help Jade. Let me help heal my sister's pain and hurt..."

Pearl interrupted him, whispering as well, "I know Gab, if there is one thing I have always loved about you is how steadfast and unrelenting you are in loving your siblings. Let's leave our talk for later, let's decide on us after we fixed all of this."

"Okay, okay, enough of that. You two can reconcile later, let's reconcile Jade with her Lablab first," Paul jokingly interrupted the moment, smiling at them.

Paul's words did their work, Jade smiled and for the first time she felt light and full of hope. She looked around, Gab, Paul, and Pearl, looking at her with affection. She is not alone.

"Okay, what's the plan? What should I do? I have all this plans of rescuing Althea and bringing Miggy home to her but I don't know where to start." Jade said in dejected tone.

"Hey, none of that. Look at all of us, if we work together then we can start making your happily ever after happen," Gab stated in a cheerful tone.

Paul gave his brother a baffled look, "Are you sure you're not gay, Ahiya? You are too cheerful and sounds like those characters in a fairy tale." He cringed away when he saw Gab's irritated stare. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry, just making you guys laugh, this is all becoming too tragic for my taste. But seriously, what is the plan?"

"How about we get out of this place and sit down, draw a plan together before making any moves," Pearl suggested.

"Yes, we should," Jade did not wait for the others to agree, she stood up and walked towards her car.

"We cannot go back to the house, Dada might come home and hear us," Paul reasoned.

"Let's go to my parents' house," Pearl, once again, suggested.

"Are you sure?" Gab asked.

"Yes, we can have some privacy there. My parents are still abroad."

And with that, the four went to their respective cars and drove towards Pearl's house.


Gab entered the living room where the other three are waiting. "Okay, that was my friend from the NBI. He is coming over to help us."

"And my college friend who is an investigator will be here in a few minutes. I think he can help us look for Tommy because so far we haven't been able to do that," Pearl added. She felt Jade touching her arms gently, as a sign of gratitude, she returned the smile. "Hang in there Jade."

"I am, I really am trying but the longer we stay here the more worried I am of what's going to happen."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and they heard one of the maids opening the door. A few seconds later, the maid showed the guest to the living room.

"Pearl, hi, how are you?" The new guest greeted Pearl in a warm tone. Pearl stood up and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Peter for coming and helping us out."

"Well, I do owe you, right?"Peter joked.

"Guys, this is Peter Santos, he was my barkada back in college. He owns a private investigation company.

The other occupants of the room greeted him. They went to work right away, with Peter showing them what he has gathered so far about Tommy. Pearl already gave him the information over the phone. He also showed them Oscar Tanchingco's call logs.

The doorbell rang again.

"That must be Manny, I'll meet him," Gab left the room. A few seconds later, he came back with a burly looking man wearing a black shirt and cargo pants. "Guys, this is Manny Perez, he is from the NBI."

After another round of introductions, they all went to work, drawing plans. The private investigator and the NBI agent worked surprisingly well together, no air of superiority between them. They were both professionals and this added to Jade's relief.

After just an hour and pooling all their resources together, they were finally able to pinpoint Tommy's location.

"So, after comparing Oscar and Tommy's call logs, we were able to triangulate Tommy's location. He has been moving places but for the past few days he stayed on one place," Peter explained.

"He is in Cavite, rented a small apartment at the outskirts of the town," Manny added. He pulled up a map application on his tablet and showed the others the area where Tommy is most likely hiding. "But there is more, according to the information that Peter gathered, Tommy rented two houses, a block away from each other."

"He has Althea and Miggy in different houses?" Jade surmised.

"Yes, so now we simply have to decide how to go about rescuing them," Manny explained.

"I have some of my people coming over, they will help out but only as additional people. We will let the NBI handle it," Peter added.

"Additional people would be good since I can only mobilize a few agents. This is to ensure that Mr. Tanchingco will not know about this, since he is most likely to have connections even inside the bureau."

"But how can we be sure that the agents you mobilize are not dirty?" Paul asked.

"They're my friends, and I can vouch for them," Manny answered in a strong voice.

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend you," Paul backtracked.

"No need, Paul, you are asking the right questions. But I assure all of you that these agents can be trusted." He looked around at all of them. "Okay, Peter and I will go over the plan once again. Why don't you all rest a little, we move in one hour. You cannot all come to the location, so you guys need to decide who stays back and those who will come." With that, Peter and Manny went back to the table and talked.

"I am going," Jade declared, brooking no argument.

"I didn't expect anything less from you, Shobe. I will be there, too." Gab declared.

"Well I cannot stay here and worry to death!" Paul countered.

"You don't have to," Manny answered from the other side of the room. "You can stay in a van nearby while waiting. You just cannot go with the operatives."

"I can do that," Paul happily agreed.

"I should be there, too," Pearl argued.

"Pearl, no, you cannot. It is better for you not to get involved," Gab reasoned.

"I am already involved Gab. I'll stay with Paul in the van, beside, I am a doctor and even if I am an OB, I can still help with first aid treatment, just in case Miggy and Althea are injured," was Pearl's argument.

In the end, they agreed that Jade and Gab will be with the operatives. They will be wearing protective gears for safety. Paul and Pearl will be waiting in a van outside the village where Tommy is hiding.

Their planning was interrupted by Gab's phone ringing. Gab looked at his phone and Oscar's name flashed on the screen, before he could answer, however, Pearl took the phone from him and signaled for them to be quiet.

"Hi Dada."

"Pearl? Is Gab with you? You all have been missing for hours now, what is going on?"

At the same time, Jade was receiving text messages from David, who is asking for her whereabouts. Jade did not even bother replying.

"Yes, Dada, I'm with Gab. Jade and Paul is with us, too."

"What's going on?," Oscar asked, "Why are you all together? You should all be here helping in the wake."

"I'm sorry, Dada. They just needed some time alone to talk to each other. As Tito Lucky said, they need to fix their lives and stop shaming the family, so that is what they are doing. This is the start, Dada. They are fixing some things before Angkong's funeral. I assure you they will be back soon."

Oscar was appeased and conceded, "Okay, that is fine. Maybe some time to think over their mistakes will be good for them. Just don't be gone long."

"We won't, Dada." Pearl ended the call and looked at the siblings, she shivered, "God, even over the phone he is scary. Anyway, I bought us a few more hours," she turned to walk away but turned back and said "And I totally did not mean anything I said to him, just to be clear, okay."

The siblings only smiled at Pearl's actions. Thankful for her help.

A few minutes later, David was calling again. This time, Jade answered him.

"Yes, David," Jade answered in a cold voice.

"Jade, where are you, Dada is looking for you."

"David, Pearl already talked to Dada, she explained already, okay. We will be back soon, just give me and my brothers some privacy."

"Jade, is everything okay? You sound odd," David questioned.

"Everything is okay," Jade answered even though all she wanted to do is scream at him and if possible reach over the phone and strangle him. "We will be home soon, I promise," Jade pretended to use a gentle voice, which worked.

"Okay, if you say so."

After Jade ended the call, she clenched her fist, looking murderous.

"Hey, Shobe, relax. You cannot think of him now, focus on Althea and Miggy. He will get what he deserves soon. I promise."

"I know, I know. I'm just really angry, not at him actually, but angry at myself. Why did I even think that marrying him would help me and Althea be together. I was so stupid."

"Jade, you can fix all this afterwards. You can make it right. You do not need to stay married to him," Paul consoled her.

"I won't. I will make it right."

"That's the spirit," Paul tapped her on the back.

At the other side of the room, Manny was explaining some things to Gab.

"Are you sure about this? This will have dire consequences to your father, your family even. Are you ready to face that? Because he will be arrested."

Gab looked over his siblings, and while there is a part of him that wants to protect his family and find excuses for his father, he cannot. He crossed the line and committed a crime. "We are ready, we already talked about this possibility. We are ready, Manny. We just need your help."

"You have it mate!" Manny offered his hand to Gab and they shook hands. "Okay, let's go. The others are in their respective cars. Paul, Pearl, you go with one of the agents in the black van." The two nodded. "Jade and Gab, one of the agents will fit you with some protective gears, just to be on the safe side." An agent did as Manny said. "Remember this, no surprises, you listen and follow my orders. This is the only way that we can get Althea and Miggy back with no casualties."

"We will," Jade and Gab answered in unison.

"You stay in the car until I clear the place and then you can come out, okay Jade?"

"Yes, yes I will." Jade promised.

"I'll keep her there until you say otherwise," Gab added.

A few minutes later, the group left for Cavite.


"If only you listened! Of all people, you just had to choose a Tanchingco to love. Gotta give it to you, Althea, you've got guts, love," Tommy snickered.

"Don't call me that!" Althea sputtered with blood dripping from her mouth. She was strapped to a chair after Tommy gave her a beating.

"Aw, why not? I use to call you that didn't I? You loved it when I called you that."

"I never loved it, and I never loved you!"

Althea received a slap for that and she just groaned through the pain.

"Who do you think you are, huh? Look at you now? Where did that love brought you? Jade is not even helping you. For all you know, she is probably working with her father and knows all about this."

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Do not talk about her. You don't deserve to talk about her, much less speak her name."

"Whoa, feisty," Tommy sniggered, "Let's see where that will bring you. So go on, think about your misfortunes, think about our son who is probably crying for her mommy right now," Tommy grated further before leaving the room.

"Tommy, you're an animal! You bastard!" Althea shouted.

She tried to calm herself and holding on, trying really hard even though she is losing hope. She can feel herself slipping away. "Jade.... Jade... Miggy... Miggy... I will hold on for both of you... please don't forget me... please don't forget me..." and everything went to black.


The operatives are in place, waiting for Manny's signal. Peter's group are standing back, also waiting for Manny's signal.

They are now at the house where they suspected Miggy is at. Earlier, one of the agent staked out the place and found that Tommy is not inside, only a small child sleeping in a sofa.

Many gave the signal and the agents and Peter's group moved towards the house. Jade waited patiently at the car, with Gab, who is practically holding her down to keep her from getting out and running to the house. They waited a few more minutes before Manny came out of the house and signaled them over.

"Shobe, lets go."

While walking towards Manny, Jade felt her heart beat doubled, tripled even, hoping for the best and refusing to expect the worst.

"Jade..." Manny started.

"Oh god, what is it," Jade started to cry, now expecting the worst. Gab holding her up.

"Hey, Jade, its okay. Tommy was not inside, just Miggy. Apparently he left him alone. Go on, he is asking for Althea but I think a familiar face would be helpful. He is refusing to let anybody come near him..."

Jade did not even let Manny finish, she bolted towards the house.

Inside, she saw Miggy looking fearful in the sofa, trembling. When Miggy saw him, "Mommy Jade?"

Jade rushed towards him and scooped him up to his arms. "Oh Miggy, its okay, I'm here now. I got you."

The little boy held on tighter, crying uncontrollably. The next few minutes were a whirlwind, the van where Paul and Pearl was arrived and Pearl attempted to check on Miggy, who refused to let Jade go.

"Baby, its okay, she is a friend. She is Tita Pearl and she is a doctor. She will help you," Jade soothingly explained. Miggy, with a scared look, reluctantly unfurled himself from Jade's arms and allowed Pearl to check on him. He was, however, still refusing to let go of Jade's hands.

After a thorough check up, Pearl declared him as okay but with a slight fever. She gave him some medicine and within less than minute, Miggy fell asleep, still holding on to Jade's hands.

Jade looked at Miggy and then to Pearl with worry.

"Its okay, he is just exhausted Jade, he is sleeping, I will watch over him. I promise."

Jade kissed Miggy's hands and reluctantly let it go, looking at Paul, who automatically took her place and held Miggy's hand. "I'll be back baby, your Mama and I will be back soon."

"Go, Shobe, go get your woman, we will take care of him," Paul reassured her.

With one last look at the sleeping boy, Jade left the van.


They pulled over a few meters from the house where Tommy and Althea are. Manny looked back at them from the front seat.

"This one will be trickier and won't be as easy as it was in the other house. Peter's men confirmed that Tommy is in the house and Althea is being held in one of the rooms in the first floor. I suspect Tommy will not make it easy for us."

Once again, Jade can only nod, trying to calm her heart and mind. Beside her, Gab spoke up, "Is Tommy armed?"

"We weren't able to confirm that. The agents could not come close, for fear that it might spook Tommy to becoming impulsive. Jade," Manny spoke, getting the woman's attention," Whatever happens, stay here, okay. Wait for my signal, I assure you that more than apprehending Tommy, Althea's welfare is the priority. However, we have people stationed around the house so Tommy cannot escape. Stay here and wait." Manny repeated before getting out of the car.

It was the longest twenty minutes of Jade's life. When she heard gun shots, she almost bolted out of the car, if not for Gab holding her still. "Shobe, don't, you will not be helping if you go there now. Think how Althea will react if she survives yet you end up getting hurt."

Jade, despite her impulse, managed to calm down.

Another ten minutes of waiting then and Gab saw Manny signaling them over. "Shobe, look."

Before Jade knows it, she is being pulled inside the house, she saw Tommy on the floor being held down by two agents, cuffed and immobile.

As she came closer to the room where there was a commotion, she heard Althea's voice...

"Jade... Miggy... please... don't forget me..."

Jade did not wait for the clearance from any of the agents, she pushed them all aside to get to Althea, to the love of her life.

"Oh my god, Lab? I'm here..." She tried to embrace her but an agent was still trying to cut the woman loose. The moment she was, Althea fell towards her arms, slipping in and out of consciousness and rambling her and Miggy's name.

"Althea, Lablab, I'm here. Hold on..."

"Jade?" Althea's confused voice spoke, giving Jade an exhausted look, "You're here..."

"Jade, the standby ambulance is on the way..." Gab informed her but Jade could not hear him clearly, all she can see is Althea, weak and trembling in her arms. An agent helped her put Althea on the floor and she cradled her.

"Jade... its you..." Althea's hand went to stroke her cheek and then suddenly she went limp.

"Althea! Oh my god, Althea wake up, Lablab, I'm here... you're safe now," Jade was now beside herself.

"Jade, the paramedics are here, let them work on her." Gab had to practically grab Jade away to let the medics work.

After a few minutes, one of the medics looked up, "She is weak, we need to bring her to a hospital now. She is fast losing consciousness, she might have a concussion. We need to go now."

"Can I be with her in the ambulance?" Jade hopefully asked.

"Yes, you can, but just you." She motioned to her companions and they worked on putting Althea in a stretcher. Jade followed closely behind and soon she is sitting by Althea in the ambulance, holding her hands.

"Hold on, Lablab, hold on..."


The Tanchingco siblings and Pearl all looked up when the doctor came out to talk to them in the ER's waiting room. They all stood up, eager for news.

"How are they Doc?" Jade asked before anyone could.

"Well, let's talk about the child first," he started, "He is okay, no serious injuries, but he is dehydrated and he has a fever. As for the woman, she has a few broken ribs, a broken wrist and a concussion but fortunately, like the child, she has no other serious injuries. When she is conscious, we will do some tests to check the extent of her head injury. They will soon be transferred to a private room where..."

Before the doctor could finish what he was saying, Gab interrupted him, "Doc, about that..."

"Gabriel, let me," Manny interrupted him as well. He turned to the doctor and introduced himself, "I'm Manny Perez from the NBI, doctor we have some concerns regarding their stay here. You see..."

Jade droned out their conversation, she can already guess what Manny is trying to do. She walked over the ER's entrance and saw Althea and Miggy lying in beds adjacent to each other, being fussed over by nurses and interns. "Just hold on... hold on..." she whispered.

"Okay, so Mr. Perez already explained to me everything. He will coordinate with the management and the security personnel to ensure their safety. I will check on them again once they are in the private room," the doctor nodded towards them and left.

"Okay, so here is the deal, both of them will be transferred to a private room in one of the wings of the hospital. I will assign two guards at the door, they will be given a list of who are allowed to see them."

"But what if Dada found out and looks for them, his goons will surely recognize their names," Paul asked.

"I took the liberty of registering them under a different name. While all of you were fussing over them as the doctors took them in, I was left to sign them in. I assure you, Mr. Tanchingco can get all the list of names in all the hospitals in the area and he won't see their names."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at Manny's explanation. Jade could not help but hug Manny.

"Thank you, Manny. Thank you for helping me get my family back."

"You are very welcome, Jade. But remember, this is just the start. Your fight is not over, all of yours, just starting. This will get ugly when your family finds out."

"We will be ready," Paul proudly declared.

"We will," Gad added.

Pearl nodded, "Yes we will be ready," and took Jade's hand and squeezed it in support.

Jade's eyes watered at the support being unconditionally given to her. She looked around them, and knows that she will make it. With these amazing people by her side, she will fight for Althea and Miggy and finally make her family whole.


It was a slow awakening for Althea, she desperately tries to escape from where she is strapped but realized that her wrists were no longer bound.

The fog slowly clears from her mind and as she opened her eyes, all she sees is a white light.

She starts to panic and suddenly heard a beeping noise beside her.

She then hears an angelic voice, soothing and calming her.


Jade woke with a start.

It took her a few seconds to get her bearings and tried to check what woke her.

Althea's heart monitor was sounding off, her heartbeat escalating. She looked over and saw Althea's eyes darting around the room in panic.

She stood quickly and stroke the other woman's chest gently.

"Ssshhh Lablab, sssshhh its okay, you're safe..."


"Ssshhh Lablab, sssshhh its okay, you're safe..."

At hearing those words, Althea looked to her side and saw a beautiful vision. Her love, looking worried and desperately trying to calm her down.

With great effort, she opened her mouth to speak the name she had been longing to, "Jade...."

"Sshh Lablab, its okay, there is no need to talk, I am not going anywhere, you are safe..."

Althea suddenly remembered Miggy and started to panic again, imagining the worst. Her heart monitor sounding off again. "Mig... gy..."

Jade, understanding Althea's concern, assured her, "Lablab, Miggy is fine, he is okay." She then climb on the bed and locked her eyes with Althea, "Look," she gestured towards the right and Althea looked towards it, where Miggy is sleeping. "Everything will be fine. I will make sure of it, Lab."

Finally, Althea's heartbeat returned to normal. Jade felt her hand being squeezed.

"What do you need, Lab?"

Althea, still feeling weak, spoke in faint but firm voice, "I love you....," and then slowly closed her eyes.

Jade just smiled, there was no need to respond. They have all the time in the world to say those words to each other. For now, she let the love of her life rest and slip into dreamland.

A/N: Sorry for any mistakes guys. What do you think guys?

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