Young Shy Girl: The Beginning...

By QueensEraJones

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A story about a young girl who loses her mother at a young age. She was born into a super-powered universe, a... More

Young Shy Girl: The Beginning of a New Life

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By QueensEraJones

Chapter One of: The New Shy Girl Series

Jillian's POV

  On the day of September 19, 1999, a young girl named Jillian was born into the bright new world. Her stone was colored sapphire, and her fresh blanket was blue. The nurse carried her into a tank where she must stay for one month in order to grow a few more inches and gain a few pounds, as those are the requirements in order to leave the hospital was your new born child. This child will be either follow the path of the villanous or the path to a hero, balancing the fight between good and evil. 

  10 Years Later

  "Mommy, mommy! Wake up mom!" I was frantically shaking my mom who seemed to be statued still, I've been trying to wake her up for what seemed like ten minutes and she didn't budge. Panic was swelling up in my stomach, bees were stinging my intestines. Suddenly, a flash went through my mind...Last night, 8'o clock pm,  mom finished drinking 10 beer bottles, shes swinging. CRASH! Mom gets hit by daddy, daddy walks out the house.  Mommy gets up and sends me to the room..

"MOM! PLEASE WAKE UP!" My mom won't even peek, my mom always told that if anything happened to her I should call 911 immediately, this can't be happening! I grab the phone sitting on the right side of her bed, and dial the numbers, producing convulsion, I'm worried to death for my mom. 

It only took two seconds for the operator to pick up "Hello?" the operator says in a pastoral voice. "Yes, hi, m-mom won't wake up, he-lp please, hurry, my address is 666 Huntsmen Ave, Orlando, FL."  As soon as I said that, the operator hung up, and before I knew it, one ambulance, a firetruck, and 5 police cars were waiting outside my door, I can tell this will be a lanky day.

One knock, door falls to the ground, dad is drunk, he's red, a hammer in his hand....

BANG! "Sorry for breaking your door, but we can't wait for more than ten seconds for a door to open in emergencies like this." The ambulance riders come in with their gerny,equipment, and what seemed like ten paramedics, well, it was literally ten. 

The only question they asked was what happened, but the only thing I told them was that my mom won't wake up, and that's all I knew.


Well guys, this is the end and beginning of a new story. :D

Hi, my name is Jillian Jones and I'm a new author and reader to wattpad, I want to thank voxnix for inspiring me to write. It took me about three days to get some confidence builded up to write this story and publish it, so please support me buy voting/commenting/sharing. Let me know what you think about the first chapter,what I should improve on, what I should add in. And I'm 13, so ya, my vocabulary isn't colossal, so I'm sorry about it. This story is NOT based on a true story, but it's slightly inspired of some things going on in my life and between my parents, and I'm typing this at like 10:39 at night. So ya, hope you liked it! More chapters will come up soon, I just need some ideas, but don't worry, it should be better in the next few that come out. I'll add some new characters and POV's to, if you'd like to be in the story, message me, or whatever you do to contact people on here. xD

~All I see is the clouds and it's beauty~

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