Petekey One Shots

By flowerfinn

4.4K 205 148

just a bunch of short petekey stories because I don't really have the patience to write a multi-chaptered sto... More

in which pete is a loser and mikey is oblivious to how gay both of them are

that one where pete forgets that he's afraid of heights

1.6K 82 16
By flowerfinn

If anyone asked Pete, he'd say that it was his friends who insisted that he ride that roller coaster with them, but, of course, that would be a lie.

In reality, it was Pete's idea to ride it in the first place, even though he's normally a total wimp when it comes to such things. But that particular roller coaster just looked so cool- apparently cool enough that he temporarily forgot about his fear of heights.

It took a lot of convincing on his part, but eventually they agreed to go with him (although he had to continuously reassure Patrick that, no, he wouldn't regret asking to go on it once they were actually there).

It wasn't until they were nearing the front of the line that he started to have some misgivings. Of course, by then it was far too late to back out, because if he changed his mind after making them stand in that long line for nearly an hour, his friends would probably kill him- or just force him to ride it anyway (probably the latter, but the former sounded much more dramatic, and drama was sort of Pete's specialty).

So there was no way he was going to admit that he was nervous, but that track did go up awfully high, and he could imagine all the terrible things that could happen if the cart went off the track; he was certainly feeling far less enthusiastic about it than he had been a few minutes earlier.

As the carts sat two to a seat, the plan had been for Patrick and Joe and then Andy and Pete to sit together, but somehow it didn't work out that way, and Pete ended up next to some guy he didn't even know. He was sort of grateful for that, though, because Andy would never let him hear the end of it if he saw how scared he was.

His hands were shaking a little as he reached to lower the bar, but he did his best to hide it, and tried instead to recall some of that initial excitement that had made him want to ride the roller coaster in the first place. But as it started to move, he could only think of the many gruesome scenarios that could come of it, no matter how much he tried to remind himself that those were all extremely unlikely.

The cart had reached the first hill and began to move up and up the slope; it was still nowhere near the top, but already Pete had to close his eyes to keep from panicking. The slow upward climb seemed to go on forever, and he could feel himself shaking in his seat as he gripped tightly to the bar in front of him.

But then, during that moment of suspense where the cart pauses at the top of the hill right before it plummets, he felt a hand rest on top of his own. He opened his eyes to look over at the guy next to him, maybe to thank him or something, but he had to close them again because he'd made the mistake of looking down a little and was feeling quite nauseous already.

The cart dropped into motion again, and Pete was pretty thoroughly terrified, because he could just imagine what would happen if they were to hit the ground from this height, and that was not comforting in the slightest.

The next minute or so was pretty much a blur, but by the time the roller coaster came to a stop, Pete was clinging to the shirt of the guy next to him- though as soon as he realized that the ride was over, he let go, embarrassed.

"Um, sorry about that, I just, uh..."
"No, it's okay! I mean, I wasn't expecting it, but if it helped, I guess I don't really mind."
"O-okay, sorry though, I guess I just sort of forgot why I don't normally ride roller coasters."
The guy laughed. "Don't worry about it."

They got out of the cart, and Pete started to search the crowd for his friends.
"So what's your name? I feel like I should know that, at least, or else I'll keep calling you 'the cute guy who held on to me during the roller coaster' in my head. Oh, and I'm Mikey."

Pete turned back to him, actually taking in his appearance for the first time. Somehow, he'd failed to notice how cute Mikey was until now- but now that he did, he was even more mortified about the whole incident, and especially about the fact that he'd literally just called Pete cute, too. "Oh, right, yeah, um, I'm Pete."

Mikey smiled. "Well, uh, nice to meet you, Pete. See you later?"
"Yeah, I should probably go find my friends, but, uh, you could walk with me- only if you want, I mean, and oh man, that sounded a lot less weird in my head, I'm sorry-"
"Oh, no, it's okay, it didn't sound that weird. And yeah, I could do that, that'd be nice..." He was blushing a little, and Pete took that as a good thing. Maybe it hadn't been such a terrible idea to ride that roller coaster after all.

Okay wow this is really cheesy just like pretty much all of my fics I'm sorry
Also the ending is pretty lazy but hey it's something

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