A Collaboration of Sorts

By TheAnonymousMustache

71 0 0


Caramel and Constipation

A Collaboration of Sorts

43 0 0
By TheAnonymousMustache

This is being written by me and some other friends. Not everything is by me, but everyone who is writing has contributed a sigificant chunk to the story, and I really want to post it here. None of this is being taken seriously, so if you came looking for some intense, hardcore tale, you can go. It's mostly really random things that appeal to those with an immature, random, or childish sense of humor.  This is word for word what everyone wrote, with the exceptions of when I corrected spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors, or when I replaced pronouns with nouns to eliminate any confusion as to who the story is about at the moment. Also, it was never written in any sort of chapter form, it's all one huge continous paragraph on pages of notebook paper, so I will divide it into chapters where I think it's appropriate so that it is easier to read.

  Once upon a time there was a girl named Kariya. She had a pet corndog named Buford, but one day a really fat kid was eating him when she left him on her plate during lunch before she kicked him in the balls. Then a narwhal came and ate the fat kid and Kariya. Suddenly a giant knife fell out of the sky and killed the narwhal, and as the knife stabbed the narwhal, it puked up the fat kid and Kariya, but not before the fat kid's and Kariya's butts got digested, so they were missing butts. Although the nawhal had toxins in it's digestive acids so it mutated their butts and now they talk and have a face on each of them, so Kariya and the fat kid could never sit down again.

   So moo moo moo mooo the cow is moo moo moo moo moo. Nepeta loves you. Moo. Nepeta ate my food. Nepeta then married Karkat and they had 12,000 grubs.

   Then everyone's butts started talking and they decided to go to a night club. Everybody's buttss (including Nepeta's and Karkat's) forced them to drive to the Drunk Squirrel Tavern. There they joined the pole dancing strippers after having too many Nyan rainbow drinks.

   Nepeta stabs Karkat and the grubs go and fly away. Moo.

   So everyone dances around Karkat's body until Chuck Norris walks in and starts swinging it around. Suddenly, the room explodes into a pile of rubble, and the only thing left is a solid gold toaster. But somehow Kariya survived, so she rides the golden toaster into outer space.

   The Karkat flew the golden toaster with a bunch of narwhals, and Nyan Cats fly with her till they land on a planet made of marshmallows, where they find out there are marshmallow people so Karkat and the rest get some torches and go to roasting some marshmallows. They ate the marshmallows, all of them. Moo cows ate Karkat and Nyan Cat. The moo cows then ate the narwhals.

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