As Radiant As The Sun

By starsquad451

11.2K 412 398

Katniss is homeless. Ever since her family has died, she has struggled to find a job and a way to get money... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
authors note
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Editing Update!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

489 17 8
By starsquad451

As I came into school the next day, I look over and see that Finnick kid talking to Annie. I walk up to then and stand there until they acknowledge me. "Oh. Hi Katniss!" Annie says like she hasn't seen me in years.

"You gave me fifty dollars. Not including for your meal."

"Yeah, well, you seem pretty cool. you're a good waiter too."

"Whose idea was that?"

Finnick smirks. "Peeta's."

Of. Course. It. Was.

I laugh. "Tell the others I said hi." I say smiling and waving.

"See you later, Katniss!

What does that Peeta kid want?


Peeta's Point of View

Finnick told me Katniss knows about how it my idea to give her a fifty dollar tip.

I may or may not have punched him.

"OW! What was that for man!"

"You know exactly what it was for Finnick don't lie to yourself."

"Yeah ok I do, But-"

"But nothing! You embarrassed me what were you thinking!"

"Peeta calm down." Annie says. "Your going to make a scene." I take a deep breath.

"You're right. I'm sorry Finnick. Who knows. Maybe it will help in the long run. I gotta go to class. See ya." I say waving and looking over my shoulder. I walk down the hallway and turn the corner, and just as I do, someone running at full speed runs right smack into me. "Ah!" We both say as we hit the floor. I look up and see gorgeous grey eyes. They're almost silver. Katniss.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry-" she stutters.

"No, no don't worry about it." I get up and start to continue down the hall when someone grabs my shoulder.

"Thank you." She says sincerely.

"For what?"

"The tip-"

"No problem, we all pitched in."

"But It was your idea. I don't think you know how much it helps me."

"Anytime." She nods and turns around.

"I'm always here if you need me Katniss."

She turns around. "Thank you." Thats all she says before running down the hall again.


Katniss Point of view

I now have sixty dollars total. I need to spend it on something I really need. Money doesn't grow on trees. if it did, I would be rich, because I live in one. My food supply has spiraled downhill. my money was wasted because of my stupidity. I was trying to save my food, so I wouldn't have to spend so much money, well that failed. Majorly. The bread turned stale, and the strawberries molded. Flush! Oh, Yeah, see, there goes my money, right down the toilet.

I begin the freezing 30 minute hike to town. I get there 45 minutes later, because I took a fifteen minute break from walking. My legs are numb from the bitter cold, my nose is running and my cheeks are pink. Tears are brimming my eyes I stumble into the bakery and force myself to a table in the corner. It's warm in here. I lay my head on the table. Its extremely busy, no one really noticed I came in here. I blow into my hands and rub them together trying to warm up faster. Luckily, I picked a table right by the heating vent. Within minutes, I'm asleep.


Peeta's point of view

I worked in the kitchen today, and my brother worked the register. I didn't even come out for break it was so busy. Running around the kitchen, by now its six, and we're closing. my brother gets a text from mom, grabs his coat and runs out of the bakery. It was most likely a threat. I still have three cakes to frost, and have to make some display cupcakes. I frost the cakes, and I'm finishing up the last flavors of cupcakes, when an ear piercing scream fills the bakery. I run out into the lobby and find a dark haired girl panting and frantically looking around. I run over and try to calm the girl down but nothing seems to be working.

"Hey, hey, its okay! Its okay! hey, listen! Look at me! Hey, Calm down!" by now the girl starts calming down so Iower my voice a little. "It's okay." The girl looks up. It breaks my heart to be looking into the silver eyes of Katniss Everdeen.


"Katniss are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I think so."

"You know the bakery closed two hours ago, What are you still doing here?" Her jaw drops.

"I-I'm so sorry, I'll leave right now!" She starts to walk out.

"Katniss wait." She turns around.

"Did you have dinner?" I ask. To be honest, she looks like she never eats. Oh god.

"No. Wait dinner, What time is it?"

"Uh, almost 8." The slap of her hand hitting her head echoed through the bakery.

"No! I missed my shift!" She sighs. "Oh well. I guess theres nothing I can do about it now." she looks over at me, suddenly confused. "Peeta. if the bakery closed two hours ago, what are you doing here now?"

"Frosting some cakes and making display cupcakes. I stay 2 hours later than everybody. I love it here."


"Do you want something to eat? I haven't eaten either.'

"Okay, Sure."


Katniss' point of view

He leads me back into the kitchen, and turns down a hallway, with three other doors. He walks into the first one on the left and flips on the light. "This is the break room" Peeta says. The break room is small, but they have few workers considering its a family business. there's a fridge and freezer in one corner, a vending machine in one corner and some hooks and cubbies in another. The door takes up the fourth corner. There's a table in the middle of the room."Is frozen pizza okay?" He asks me.

"Its more than okay." He opens the freezer and I see ten frozen pizzas stacked on top of each other. "Why so many?" He laughs.

"My brothers tease me about that too. I eat frozen pizza a lot, because I stay later then everybody, and so I either make a pizza or cheese buns."


"Hey, while I put this in the oven, can you hang this up for me?" He hands me his apron. I take it. "Last hook on the right." I nod and he walks out to put the pizza in the oven. I walk over and hang his apron up. His cubby is filled with art supplies. Anything from pencils to paint canvases and sketchbooks. He walks back in and I turn around.

"You like to draw?" he looks up at me.

"Yeah. I draw a lot."

"Can I see sometime?"

"Sure." He walks over and gets his sketchbooks. he hands it to me and I flip through the first couple pages. The first page is him and his family. They look like their getting their picture taken, all smiling at the camera. The second one is of his friends. the ones that whereat the hob the other day. Annie, Finnick, Madge, Gale, Peeta and- me? I'm not in their group. They are phenomenal pictures, very detailed.

"Peeta, this is amazing! You're incredible!"

"Thank you" He says with a big smile on his face. I put the book back and join him at the table.

"So, what do you like to do?" Peeta asks

"Uhh, well, I like hunting."

"Oh, cool!"


The oven dings and he gets up to get the pizza. he comes back moments later with a steaming pizza, and my mouth waters.

He sets the pizza on the table, and I grab a slice as soon as possible. Because I'm so hungry, I shove it in my mouth and take a hug bite. I forgot it just came out of the oven. "OW!! Thats really hot." I say laughing. Peeta realizes what I did and starts laughing right along with me. "Dang.. that really hurt." I say still laughing

"D-do you want some water?" He says sputtering, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Sure." I say tears forming in my eyes too. He walks over to the fridge and grabs two waters. He tosses one in my direction. I crack it open and stake a long swig. "That was funny." I say, and we both crack up again.


Peeta's Point of view

Katniss is interesting. Like a mystery. She looks somewhat happy on the outside, but I can tell there is something she's not telling me that makes her sad. Maybe she has anorexia, but I doubt it. She weighs nothing and she reached for that pizza like she could eat a cow. I don't think someone like her would think she's fat. She's not. She's perfect. Oh no. This can't be happening. I'm Peeta Mellark, the guy who doesn't date. I can't be falling for this girl. I can't and I won't thats final. By now the pizza is cooled off and we eat most of the pizza, with only two pieces left. I let her keep them. I have nine more. I escort her to the door, and she hugs her thin jacket around her body. "Do you have a heaveir coat?" She sighs.

"Um no. I can't afford it."

"Oh, well my old one might fit you if you want to try it on."

"Really?" She says with excitement.

"Sure. let me go get it." I run to get the coat and hand it to her. she anxiously grabs it and puts it on.

"Thanks Peeta, So so much." She says enthusiastically. She runs off in the direction of the seam

"Sure. Maybe we can do this often."

"I'd like that. I should go. Thanks again!" She runs off in the direction of the seam.

Hey everybody! Whats up. I'm excited for chapter four I love it already! 

Anywayys. My theater company is doing elf this fall, and I'm super excited. Bummer is we don't start till November. Oh welllll. 

Anyway. lol. Thank you so much I love you all! 


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