The Boy With The Dragon Tattoo

By Hijack-the-ships

2.4K 79 25

A Dark haired criminal who goes by the name Horrendous pulls off a major theft and is on the run, on his jour... More

Chapter 1 Running
Chapter 3 Jack
Chapter 4 - Hospitals
Chapter 5 - Strange Introductions
Chapter 6 - A Slight Kidnapping
Chapter 7 - Not a kidnapping
Chapter 8 - A quick stop

Chapter 2 -The Great Escape

346 9 2
By Hijack-the-ships

/ Second chapter, no Jack yet, you're just gonna have to bare me, remember to add to reading lists & vote, also a comment would really help me out! Cherrio/

Flying down the road at the speed of light. Making every speed camera go off with headlights and horns flashing in his face, ignoring them all as he bended around the wind. The pain pumping through his body, it was not the first time things hadn't gone to plan, a bullet proof vest isn't always going to work. Although pain was pounding into his shoulder, in his mind he was planning his route out. It wasn't ever going to be as easy as getting in, for that he had just simply paid off the food truck for the palace and hopped In the back with his bike and dog. It was easy and effective, the amount paid was sure to keep the driver quiet and even if it didn't, he knew nothing about him which he could use against him.

Breaking his thoughts was the now natural sound of sirens, and a lot of them, he focussed ahead, now heading down the freeway he saw ahead around 20 cop cars with a road blockage to stop a herd of elephants. Unfortunately he had not planned for them to be so quick, jeeze this really must be important, maybe I should've done some research onto this one he thought. Seeing the approaching blockage coming up, a quick decision was made, it was produced just before the turning that the thief planned to take. He turned his bike leaving a cloud of smoke and black skid marks in a sharp ring on the road. The bike stood with a slight rumble as the thief had one leg placed on the road keeping the bike stood up.

Another loud noise began, the wailing of a siren, this time not a police siren but a megaphones siren. In order to catch the thief's attention the police held down to button until they saw his helmet, and therefore head, turn in their direction. A crackle sounded and then a strong, commanding voice boomed across the deserted freeway. "Turn yourself in now thief, and the consequences will not be as severe! We know who you are– Horrendous."

Well shit. They know my name, well my only known name. Horrendous didn't move an inch as the thought ran through his head, his heart pounded as his eyes circulated the empty road for a way out. As different plans flew around his mind he saw only one thing he could do. In the background, with his bike still rumbling underneath him, another imperative was shouted over the microphone. "Get off the bike and lie on the ground with your hands and feet spread apart" These orders didn't particularly appeal to Horrendous. He knew he had the element of surprise as they couldn't tell where he was looking. His tinted helmet was worth the amount paid for the custom job, although not visible his eyes beamed with the excitement of a true challenge. So he began the plan.

Lifting up a finger and simply scratching his canine friend under the ear, making him jump down off the bike and giving one last head tilt towards his owner before he began to run, heading over the barrier into a random field. Whilst the dog ran off, to distract the police's attention Horrendous stood up placing down his bike whilst pulling out the keys. He placed them within his pocket whilst walking towards the officers. He took off his helmet and flicked his hair before dropping the helmet to the floor and raising his arms. He couldn't do everything they said. He smirked whilst 5 + officers surrounded him with lasers pointing to his chest and head whilst two held him and hand cuffed him and pushed him to the floor. They ground his face into the tarmac he felt it grind on his cheek bone, still smiling he kept his eyes open and didn't wince. He felt the graze forming as well as bruises as they patted him down, taking away any weapons, this included his pocket knife, a small whistle, and his keys. They looked for more but found none, placing the knife and whistle into separate plastic bags they wondered how he had pulled off such a cunning plan with such simple equipment.

Roughly picking him up and pushing him forward, clearly trying to make him stumble although his balance was perfect and he simply walked forward adding in a stride. As the male officers dragged him back towards the cars he heard them become weary of why he was smiling. Gun still pointed in his direction he saw an averagely pretty female officer and headed a cheeky wink her way before his head was forced down and his body shoved into the back seat. He had enough time to look out the window to see her blushing face and her turning around back to her car with her hands on her face. His smile increased at the thought, he knew that most females found him attractive, he was familiar with it, some, most, would say cocky with it and therefore he used it to make others feel uncomfortable.

As he sat in the back of the car it started up and immediately began to move down the emptied highway, looking down at his black boots with scratches and scuffs all over them unhesitatingly he moved his thoughts towards his canine friend. Hoping the officers would not conduct a full search for the dog if remembering he had one and that he could run fast enough if they did. Although they were sure to notice, when they can't find the scroll they believe I have, so they wouldn't bother looking yet. All these thoughts buzzed through his mind but none of his surroundings bothered him, he didn't look towards where he was heading or bother irritating the drivers with his usual egotistical jokes, he had a great escape to plan.

After an hours silent journey towards a detention facility the car pulled through heavily guarded barbed wire gates to stop next to a solid metal door. Horrendous was feeling woozy, they were yet to address his wound and were unsure if they had noticed it. His undershirt had soaked up most of the blood but he felt it running down his chest and drying up. His leather jacket was ripped in places so the bullet hole didn't look out of place. A man dressed in black baggy trousers and a sweat dampened brown shirt with his badge on, opened the car door, roughly grabbed Horrendous' arm and took him through the door whilst typing In a code to unlock the next glass door, bullet proof as Horrendous expected. The key, 3009, easy enough to remember. Marching him through to the front desk a woman with highlighted blonde hair, heavily but well applied makeup and nails bitten down to the fingertip, looked up through her slight glasses and stopped typing as she grabbed a form from the right side of herself she took a double glance and noticed the criminals striking good looks. His sharp jaw and flaked brown hair along with freckles gave him a hard but attractive look. The leather with his outfit made him become more tempting and a small wink topped it all off as the officers finished the small part of paperwork and then continued to take him through the double doors leading to small interrogative rooms.

Her eyes following him out of the room constantly looking him up and down, a nervous insecure woman on the front desk, he knew this would be helpful later. Finally the door closed behind him and he was lead into one of the smaller interrogation rooms with the mirror that was clearly a window, the usual nothing special. Someone came in and placed down a glass of water, along with removing his jacket and taking it for inspection. Although he's walked through numerous metal detectors, they were still cautious of what this miraculous thief could have up his sleeves, literally. Gods, how predictable do they think we are? Horrendous contemplated simple acting like a lunatic and being sent to the psyche ward, but he knew if they knew his name, they had background on him. So he decided on the silent treatment to begin with. Hopefully that would take him to the cells quicker.

He would only be obtained for the night here, then they would move him to a prison before the guilty plea would be necessary in court. So tonight was his only chance of an easy escape. The door clicked an in entered two people. Oh Gods, not good cop bad cop again by now horrendous was sick of this act. He breathed out a sigh of grief and prepared himself for the following lectures. They sat in front of him, both of the male persuasion, straight, he assumed. They had become wiser than last time, he thought back to his last capture, he was able to walk out in an hour after seducing and stealing the clothes off a female guard. They barely fitted him, but no-one noticed. As they sat down one produced a recorder from his pocket and pressed play, "interview with suspect one, beginning at 12:03, recognised and only name known as Horrendous, two previous offences and one evasion of imprisonment, current offence of theft" Well if that's all they've got on me it'll be easy to get out, I'm better than I imagined! He smirked to himself, a flood of criminal memories flooded into his mind, impressed by his own sneakiness and how he wasn't suspected for more of his committed crimes his mind wandered but he was brought back to reality by the stern sounding voice repeating his name.

"Horrendous! Horrendous!" The second one had begun to talk, " I asked you a question" He looked quizzically at Horrendous. Who was still pale and feeling tired, but the officers had no clue of his harm, no physical checks had been yet made.

"Mmmm" Horrendous nodded acknowledging his words.

"Are you going to answer it?" the impatience was obvious.

"Nahh" Horrendous began to bite the inside of his lip out of boredom, he looked around the room before looking the cop straight in the face. Boring, there was no other way he could describe him, what a boring average face he had, not groomed, but not rough, just average. The rolling of the interrogators eyes came as no surprise to the criminal, he continued to ask questions and got blank answers. The interview was soon over and they left, leaving him with a glass of water that he couldn't touch. His hands were still handcuffed behind his back, what idiots. Bored out of his mind Horrendous counted the minutes, it was 10 before the door clicked again, this time a more serious man entered, in uniform, he recognised him from earlier during the castle raid. Oh this should be interesting. "Sir?" Horrendous looked up, sir?

"Mmmm?" His usual reply.

"I've been requested by her Royal highness, to bring you to her abode" He voice had a twinge of annoyance as if this request affected him personally and he didn't approve. Well this was new, unexpected too, this changes everything. His plans had to be changed, the perfect plan he had created in his head was terminated and immediately he had to create a new one. This was a perfect opportunity to escape, but how?

"Alright." He blandly agreed. No emotion, give them nothing, that was his best option. The guard left giving him around half an hour before the paperwork would be complete, fortunately these things take time. He should be here by now, he's fast and knows this place. It had been around 3 hours since Horrendous was taken into the police car and escorted away. Definitely enough time. The guards whom had previously dragged Horrendous out of the car picked him up out of his uncomfortable chair and secured their places by his side whilst walking him out of the interviewing room. He looked through the glass door in front of him, the visible waiting room had some unusual occupants, a pitch black dog currently being patted by the insecure front desk lady, and a rare blue and yellow parrot whom flew down from his perch on the curtain and landing on the desk, sending papers scattering everywhere.

"Just in time" Horrendous whispered under his breath. The dog began to wreak havoc also, jumping over all clients and tables destroying anything in its path, barking with a deafening tone and knocking a fire extinguisher off the wall and causing it to burst and cover everything in the room with white foam. The officers suddenly rushed into the room dialling the buttons into the pad and pushing through the foam ridden room to grab the disaster prone dog. Whilst leading the officers on a game of chase, the parrot flew through the glass doors and landed on Horrendous's shoulders. The final officer closed the glass door behind him believing the criminal would be safe in a locked down hall way. As the dog ran out of the front door, taking all but one person with him on the chase, Horrendous spoke to the parrot "Three, Zero, Zero, Nine" The bird flew down and pecked in the numbers on the keypad, the door unlocked and unhooked off the latch. Horrendous passed through, wading through the fading foam. The only person in the room to stop him was the shivering insecure woman whom had caused the whole scene by letting in the seemingly harmless dog. She looked over to see the notorious criminal out of capture and after one wink she fainted. He waltzed through the foam and over her unconscious body before exiting the building. To his surprise he saw His companion sat in front of a jeep wagging his tail excitedly whilst panting, one ear up he turned and jumped into the open door of the car. The Exotic bird flew from his shoulder and joined the canine in the jeep. As Horrendous walked his way calmly over to the jeep he swung into the comfortable vinyl chair and closed the door behind him. Instantaneously the jeep sprung into life and his canine companion curled up on his lap. "My Gods Horrendous, this is the last time I save your ass" A Light female laughter filled the car over the roar of the engine.

"You said that last time, Astrid" He replied with a snarky but breathy tone before he blacked out in the car seat.

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