My Bandmates Girlfriends Sist...

By obsessed_fangirl_

4.9K 106 7

Louis and Eleanor are perfectly happy, Liam and Danielle couldn't love life any more than it is, Zayn and Per... More

My band mates girlfriend sister! (A 1D Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 3

320 8 0
By obsessed_fangirl_

A/N So I'm gonna be updating quite a lot on this but I'm not sure what days yet so just keep reading on and you'll find out! x

Enjoy! xxx



"C'mon get your lazy arse out of bed" I said to Niall slapping his right cheek, I gave him a cheeky smile showing my dimples and he groaned then turned over so his back was facing me.

"Niall c'mon it's quarter past 1. Get out of bed besides you've got your blind date tonight" I said and he groaned even louder. Really Niall? Couldn't you try and be more excited about this, he hasn't even met her yet.

"C'mon get up, get ready, the boys will be here soon with the girls and we have to pick up Brooke and Be- i mean your blind date" oh my god I nearly slipped up about her name, I can't let that happen again.

I can't wait for tonight. Niall might finally meet the girl of his dreams and stop moping around the house. I want to see that smile of his again. The thing about Niall, he's the type of person that when he smiles you smile, he laughs you laugh & when he's sad your sad.

After a while of pulling his blankets off the bed, jumping on the bed, poking his chest and face he finally got out of bed with a huff

"Thank you" I said with a smug smile and walked out shutting the door behind me. I'm so evil at times. 


For fuck sake Harry! I didn't want to get out of bed and I don't want to leave the apartment tonight. Can people just leave me be?! When they say your on a break it means you don't have to do anything!

But yet here I am getting ready to go out tonight for my suppose 'Blind Date' she better be hot or I'm walking out. Even if it does make me rude, and the fact that it's Brooke's sister doesn't help. Harry would skin me alive if I was ever a dick to Brooke or her sister.

I got dressed into some blue jeans and my white Ralph Lauren shirt with my white high tops. First impressions are everything to me. I thought to myself may as well make an impression if I have to go and be nice.

After I was finished styling my hair I walked into the lounge where all the guys were sat with Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor. "Ready to go?" Liam asked and we all nodded our heads.

We all walked out and Harry locked up after us and carried on walking down to the cars "Right guys I have to go pick up Brooke and Niall's date. I'll meet you there okay" Harry said to all of us. Louis replied with 'Kay' and I clambered into the back of Louis Lamborghini.

Louis was in the drivers seat, El was in the passenger seat and it was only me in the backseat. Liam was driving his Range Rover and Zayn and Perrie were in his backseat with Danielle in the passenger.

Harry left on his own to pick up Brooke and my supposed 'Date'. Actually thinking about it more is getting me excited really.

We pulled up just outside TGI Fridays and we all piled out, but obviously with us being One Direction, everywhere we go there is always paparazzi!

After the questions and flashes of cameras and recorders, we finally got in the restaurant and were seated in the back where no one could see us.

"Well that was crazy" Danielle commented about the whole paparazzi thing, and sat down in her seat.

"Dani, you've been with Liam for 3 years now, how are you not used to it?" Zayn asked.

"I've been with Louis for a year and I get scared of this..... attention or whatever" Eleanor said back to Zayn. Louis gave her a shock look as if expecting El to be used to it.

I chuckled a bit then noticed the paparazzi with their camera just by the door. Seems like Harry has arrived, and with Brooke and 1 new girl who I've never seen before.

"Guys this is Rebecca. My sister" Brooke introduced her. I couldn't help but let my mouth fall agape. Her blonde, natural may I add! Hair fell straight down her back. She wore some denim high waisted jeans and a white blouse, which made her tan look more darker.

She was perfect and she was here to be my date. "Oh god no! Please just call me Becca or Bec. I've never liked my full name" she said and I heard a Liverpool twang in her voice. My kind of girl!

"Hey! I'm Danielle and you obviously know Liam" Dani introduced herself. Becca gave her a smile and was about to take the seat next to Zayn.

"Oh Becca. Here" I say grabbing the chair out from beside me. She gave me a smile and sat down next to me the gave everyone else a smile.

"Well actually I know all of you. I'm a big fan of you guys and Little Mix" she says pointing towards Perrie with a smile, Perrie gave her a smile back and said  "aww thanks so much"

We ordered the food and I got my burger which was the usual. When we ordered our food, Becca got the same as me, but I don't think she'll eat all of it.

Half way through the meal we had a nice conversation flowing and we were all laughing at Louis and Eleanor's jokes, we all know what they are like together!

"Becca?" I whispered into her ear getting her attention and so no one else noticed. "Hmm?" She says now looking back at me.

"How about you and Brooke come back to mine and Harrys apartment, besides I think those two are drunk anyway and will need help" I say to her hoping that she'll say yes. Please lord please let her say yes.

"Sure sounds great" she whispered back and I gave her a smile. Maybe the guys are right, maybe I have found the girl of my dreams, my princess who I've been waiting for!

We all finished eating and us being lads being the gentlemen we are payed for the meal. Besides we're One Direction, we have the most money in the world. Don't mean to brag.

We got outside and I got into Harrys driving seat and Becca in the passenger seat. Harry and Brooke were not in the state to drive, besides they were both having a full snogging session in the back.

We were half way there and Harry and Brooke were still going at it! I heard a moan from one of them which for some reason cause me to blush. I don't know why!

I looked to Becca and she looked at me the same time. God this was awkward! She also had a blush on her face, she heard the moan to huh?

Please just let tonight not be full of awkward moments.

We got inside the apartment and Harry and Brooke had finally stopped. Thank god! They were at it like animals.

"Sorry about my sister" Becca said taking a seat on the couch, I let out a chuckle locking up then walked over to where she was sat. "No problem sorry for my band mate" I said back

We smiled at each other and there was, well I don't know how you'd describe the air like now. Tension? Definitely, but not in the bad way.

Lets just hope this goes away and fast, especially if her and Brooke were staying the night.

And with my luck they was!



Sorry if this is short my battery is about to die!

Please comment, vote and more fans are appreciated in fact they are encouraged! xxx

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