Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (...

By 6sempiternallove9

268K 9.5K 1.6K

Noalani is trying to become a successful lawyer and she's determined to let nothing get in the way. She meets... More

Chocolate (1)
Vanilla (2)
Swirl (3)
Chocolate (4)
Vanilla (5)
Swirl (6)
Chocolate (7)
Vanilla (8)
Swirl (9)
Chocolate (10)
Vanilla (11)
Swirl (12)
Chocolate (13)
Vanilla (14)
Swirl (15)
Chocolate (16)
Vanilla (17)
Swirl (18)
Chocolate (19)
Vanilla (20)
Swirl (21)
Chocolate (22)
Vanilla (23)
Swirl (24)
Chocolate (25)
Vanilla (26)
Swirl (27)
Vanilla (29)
Swirl (30)
Chocolate (31)
Vanilla (32)
Swirl (Epilogue)

Chocolate (28)

4K 166 60
By 6sempiternallove9

A whole week has passed since everything has happened and I'm still trying to cover up the hickies and scars Nate has given me because I still haven't told Dillon anything yet. He knows something is up, but he doesn't know what. I've tried to bring it up but I'm always interrupted so I've just kept putting it to the side as if it wasn't important. I have no idea when I'm gonna tell him, but it probably won't be soon.

I've been getting up earlier than Dillon this past week just so I can cover everything up and not get caught but today, since it's Sunday, he's gotten up earlier than me to make us breakfast. I feel guilty about sneaking around so he won't find out what happened, but I'm still not ready to tell him.

While in the middle of applying makeup all over my chest and shoulders, Dillon barges in the bathroom totally catching me off guard.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks me with his usual happy bright attitude.

"Same as usual." I tell him keeping my back turned to him completely forgetting there was a mirror right in front of me so he could see my whole chest area.

"Whoa." He gasps pulling me towards him. He just stands there looking me up and down with this disgusted expression on his face. We sorta just stood in this awkward silence. I was too scared to say anything.

"So who are those from?"

"No one important..."

"Where you cheating on me?" He asks me backing me into the wall behind me.

"...No." He knows I would never cheat on him. I couldn't ever cheat on anyone.

"You're lying to me!" He shouts punching the wall barley missing my face. "I don't want to see you right now." He whispers sighing a sigh of disappointment.

With that I just grabbed my stuff and left his home.


I'm furious right now. I can't believe she would cheat on me. I would never think about cheating on her. This is the the first time I've been cheated on. I don't count the first time I've been cheated on because we weren't in a true relationship. She was using me and frankly, I was some what using her, so I had no real feelings toward her. But I actually had a thing for Noalani. I loved her, but she's broken my heart.

I want to cry, but I'm way too mad to cry. All I can ask myself is who was she cheating on me with, why, and for how long? Why would she cheat on me? I haven't done anything to her but show her pure, genuine love, what more did she want? We had so many first times together.

I don't regret telling her to leave. I don't want someone who had a fling with someone else sleeping with me.

I honestly don't think I'll be able to forgive her, no matter how much I would like to.


So Dillon just kicked me out of his house because he thinks I'm cheating on him. Now I'm crying. I've been holding in the tears for so long since I ran into Nate, until now. I wish I would have told him the truth. I should have told him right when it happened, but no. I had to be the scardy cat I am and keep it from him just so he wouldn't freak out. I hope he'll come around and at least try to hear me out.

I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life. I just want to dissappear and never come back. The only thing keeping me sane at this point is Ronald, I love him too much to leave him, he's already been through a lot. I'm glad he was at a sleepover so he didn't have to see or hear anything.

Since I've already sold my old apartment and the condo, I basically have no where to go as of right now. I can't just go buy another apartment. So I'm just gonna stay at Reginae's place for a while.

When I got to her place she already knew what was up. I explained to her how I made it seem as if I was cheating on him and how he punched a whole in the wall, barely missing my face and what not. She totally disregarded that fact that he kicked me out of his place and was more concerned about his violence.

When he punched the wall it did scare, me a lot, but I didn't think about the fact that he might be abusive. He's never done anything to lead me to believe he's abusive, all he ever does is playfully bite me, but that's it. I've never seen him as mad as he was though so it was probably just anger causing him to lash out, but that isn't really a good thing.

We basically just sat and talked about stuff other than boys eating ice cream until we both passed out on the couch at about midnight.

I woke up at around 6 and got ready to go to work. I really don't want to go there because I still don't like my boss. The only thing I like about my job is the pay and Kai. When I'm down at work I always have Kai. He's always there for me. I'm always there for him.

It's a pretty calm day at the firm today. Today there is a new guy coming in for orientation and it's my job to just show him around and take him out to lunch today.

When I see him for the first time he reminds me of Dillon's older brother, the same little freckles and thick, golden hair. The only real difference is his height, he's barely taller than me, but he's really attractive. I'm actually quite excited to show him around and take him to lunch.

Showing him around was pretty successful, his name is Kyle. He's 27 years old and he's from Chicago, that's all I know I about him for now, definitely want to learn more about him. I decide to take him to McAllisters deli just cause.


I've been stressing over Noalani all day. I know I shouldn't be stressing over someone who cheated on me, but I just don't know if I should forgive her or not and stay in a relationship with each other. I want to talk to her to see what's going to happen between us, but I'm just not sure yet.

Today for lunch I've decided to just eat alone, which is weird because I usually just eat with Noalani. I chose McAllisters because I'm in the mood for a good sandwich today.

When I get in, I am greeted by an overly friendly hostess. I'm almost positive I saw Noalani eating with this other young man. Even though I'm mad at her I still got jealous. What is she even doing with him? They better be work partners. Hopefully that's not the guy she cheated on me with. I don't want to interfere and make a scene so I decide to just text her telling her to come over for dinner so we can talk and sort things out.

On the way home I call my step mom just to let her know what's going on because even though she hates Noalani, she's the only I think I can talk to about my situation. I don't want to talk to Silas or Zach because it's embarrassing.

When I tell her all that has happened, she basically just tells me I told you so and that I should have listened to her. She sounded quite happy when I told her, which actually made me sad. She won't support me, just because Noalani was black. Even though I'm mad at her, I would never say the reason why she did it was because she's black. I'm never calling her for support because she just puts me down like always.

For the rest of the day I was in a pissy mood. I hate being in a bad mood at work because I don't want to take it out on anyone so I decided to just work from home. When I finished my work I started making dinner.

I nervously waited for Noalani to come over. I hope everything goes over easy. I don't want to get into an argument. I just want to know her reason behind doing what she did.

When she came to the door she couldn't look me in the eyes just to even greet me, which isn't surprising. I let her in and we sat down at the table in silence until she broke the silence.

"Dillon, I'm sorry, but I didn't cheat on you."

"So then explain all those hickies that weren't from me."

"I don't really know how to do that..."

"Just tell me how you weren't cheating on me."

"I wasn't! I promise Dillon you've got to hear me out, please."


"So the other night, I ran into Nate."

"Where?" my heart dropped when she said that.

"At that condo I was in. It was at night and Ronald dropped his lunch box so I went to get it, he pulled me into his room and talked to me. He was talking about how I was the only one for him and what not and how he always dreamed about starting a family with me and he decided to try to make his dream come true." she tells me shaking and I know she's nervous. I'm shocked that she just so happened to run into Nate, I'm mad.

"What do you mean by that?" I'm scared by what she's going to say next, but I can already tell what she's going to say, I just don't want her to say it.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to say this, please don't get mad."

"I'll try not to..."

"He forced me to have sex with him."

He raped her...and she waited this long to tell me. A week. I kicked her out of my home because I thought she cheated on me, but she didn't. She was raped. I'm a horrible person.

We sit in silence for a couple of seconds while I think of how wrong I was to kick her out.

"But I'm okay, so it's okay. I didn't cheat on you."

"It's not okay! I accused you of cheating on me and made you leave my home because I thought you were cheating on me, but you weren't. I'm so sorry."

"It is okay, I understand why you would be mad, I kept it away from you for so long. I'm sorry for doing that, but at least you know the truth now." I feel so bad and I'm mad at myself.

"Where is he now?"

"I called the cops and pressed charges this time, I also placed a restraining order on him."

"Good. I didn't want you to have another run in with him. That's one of the reasons I wanted you to come live with me, so you could be safe, but that obviously did nothing. I feel bad Noalani. What I did was immature, I don't think I'll ever be able to get over what I did."

"Look, it happened and there's nothing we can do now but move on. You don't need to feel bad, i forgive you."

"And also I'm very sorry for lashing out on you."

"It's okay!" she tells me smiling, but I can't tell if it real or not. "I'm just glad I finally told you."

"Okay, well I've just got one more question. Are you pregnant?" I ask her nervously. If she is, I won't leave her, but I hope she isn't.

"No, but if I was, what would you do?"

"I'd stay here with you. But you aren't so that's good."

"It is good. Your house also smells good. I'm hungry what'd you make?" she tells me changing the subject. I'm glad she did.

"I made some pasta stuff, I just mixed some stuff together."

"So are we gonna eat or not?"

I just smile at her. I can't believe I almost lost one of the best things that has happened to me over a misunderstanding. She's already been hurt enough by Nate and me doing what I did didn't help her situation. I'll never be able to forgive myself.


Sorry I've been taking so long to update chapters and stuff, school started this Monday and I've been very busy between AP classes and marching band. I just wanted to apologize for that. Thank you all for the reads, comments, and votes(:

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