The Beauty of Rose // Stiles...

By ReedWolfx

4.9K 89 16

Rose is best friends with two werewolfs and one human. She's in love with the human. Some years ago,her and... More

The Kiss
The Confusion
The Confrontation
The Awkward

The Morning

759 21 3
By ReedWolfx

I wake up feeling weird. I open my eyes to find Alaska sitting on my bed,shaking my legs. "Wake up!" I mumble something that even I can't understand. "Mom says you need to wake up!" She keeps shaking my legs. I just want to sleep,so I groan and turn my head so my face is on the pillow,but then it gets hard to breath so I turn back around. "Rose! Wake up!" I throw my pillow at her face. "Alright I will,just stop fucking screaming!" I yell back at her and sit on my bed to rub my eyes. She stands up and walks to the door. "I'll tell mom that you said the F word." "Tell Mommy that I said the fucking F word and I'll tell her that you steal her make up and jewelry." She stops right outside my door and turns around to look at me,clearly angry. "You won't" she whispers and walks back to my room. "I will." I whisper back,a grin growing on my face. "No,you won't!" She suddenly yells. "Then you won't tell Mom that I cursed." "Fine." "Good,now leave my room." and she does. I lie down again and pull the covers up my head because that damned kid opened the curtains and the room is filled with sunlight. Then I remember,Stiles kissed me!

I sit straight back up and take my phone from the nightstand. It's 10 am. Wait,why does Mom want me to wake up this early,it's the weekend? I check my messages and there's none from Stiles. Instead I have ten from Liam. I read them all.

"How's the party? Are you having fun without me? I'm gonna watch Modern Family without you." THAT WAS OUR THING,WE PROMISED TO NEVER WATCH IT ALONE OR WITH SOMEONE ELSE,I KNOW IT'S WEIRD BUT WE PROMISED.

"I can do whatever I want. It's my Netflix."

"Okay okay,it was Stiles and Scott who didn't let me go with you. Sorry,I know you would've"

"OR WOULD YOU HAVE?" No,he needed to study and I wanted to be with Stiles without him.

"Whatever. I already started watching a new episode. Without you. You can watch it alone."

"Are you having so much fun that you can't answer?

"Next episode. Oh my,you're missing on a lot."

"Are you getting drunk?"

"I'm gonna kill Scott."

"And Stiles."

I laugh at his texts but don't feel like answering so I lock the phone and get out of bed. My room is my favorite place in the whole world. It's white walls make the room look so bright at mornings and sunny days,but my room looks the prettiest when the sun is setting and there's a dim orange kind of light. The posters of my favorite actors,bands and movies cover completely one of my walls. The room is quite small,and my queen size bed takes a lot of room. Beside the bed is my nightstand,at least 5 books on it and a lot of water bottles. Then comes my bookshelf,it's small and it's a complete mess and some books have already fallen out of it. On top of it is my earth ball thing,I don't know,it's like a lamp. On the other side of the room is my desk,full of stuff and my laptop lying on my chair. I have twinkle lights on the wall and a painting of New York right above my desk. The window is above my bed. Next to the door is my closet and it's covered in pictures of me,Scott,Stiles,Allison and Liam. Even Derek is in some of the pictures,his hand around Stiles' shoulder and the're both smiling. I don't know why I haven't taken them down yet,maybe it's just that Stiles looked so happy in them. Then at my door is a picture Allison drew.

I open the closet and take some random t-shirt that says "fangirl" on it and jeans. I got the shirt from Will,my 18,soon to be 19 year old brother,who's going through a really rebellious stage right now. I put on the clothes and check myself in the mirror that's inside the closet door. I walk downstairs and find my mom sitting in the kitchen table feeding my two years old step brother. His name is Harry,but we call him Potter because he was named after Harry Potter. As you might have guessed. Alaska,my little sister who so kindly woke me up,was named after Alaska from John Green's book "Looking for Alaska". You could say that my mom and dad are book nerds. "Hi sweetie. Have some breakfast." Mom says,smiling. "I was planning to." I say and walk to the fridge. There's nothing good. Whatever,I'll just go to Liam's house and eat with him. "There's nothing good,I'm gonna call Liam and ask if I can come there." I say as I go and kiss Harry on his cheek. "Good morning Potter." "Good morning." He says with his cute little baby voice. "Okay,but you can't take the car. Will is using it." "What? Mom,how can you let Will drive the car,he's just going to crash it?" "Have a little fate in your brother." "Well,I don't have any, so whatever." Mom sighs and gets back to feeding baby food to Harry.

I walk through the kitchen door,run upstairs to get my phone and get back downstairs,where the entry is,the door is right beside the stairs. I put on my shoes,and throw on a hoodie. I walk outside,pick up my bike from the ground and bike my way to Liam's in five minutes.

I knock on his door two times,ring the door bell once and just before I'm about to open the door,Liam's mom, does it for me. "Hi Rose,what are you doing here,it's 10 in the morning." She looks at me,confused. I'm not sure why she's confused tho,I do this a lot. Show up at their house unexpected,I mean. But I guess it's kinda weird that I'm doing it this early,on a weekend. I sleep until noon when there's no school. I smile at her "Oh,just wanted to talk to Liam. Is he here?" I ask. "Yeah,he's sleeping but you can wake him up or something. You know where to find him." she closes the door after I come inside. "Thank you. I'm sorry if I woke you up." "No,you know how I am,I always wake up when the sun rises." I let out a little laugh and start to walk to Liam's room,leaving his Mom in the living room. I don't even knock when I get to his room,I just go inside and jump on his bed. He opens his eyes and pushes me off to the floor. "Liam,I need something to eat." He sits up,runs a hand through his hair. "What?" he says in his morning voice. "SOMETHING. TO. EAT." I say,this time a little louder. "You came all the way here,just to eat?" "Yes." "Why don't you ask my mom?" "It'd be rude. Do you have something in this room? I know you hide some snacks under your bed. It's disgusting but I'd eat it." He looks at me,then presses a hand to his face. Clearly doesn't know what to do with me. "If it's disgusting,why'd you want to eat it?" I'm about to say something but he holds up his hand. "JUST...Whatever,I'll get some food to both of us from the kitchen. Wait here."

So I do. I'm sitting on the floor,watching him leave the room. When he comes back,he sits back on his bed,throws me an apple and a chocolate cookie. Wow,his mom is a chef so I thought they'd have better breakfast. I'm too hungry to care so I take a bite at of the apple. We eat in silence for a few minutes before Liam breaks it. "Do you know what's up with Stiles?"

I almost choke on the apple. Didn't think about him for at least five minutes. A new record. "Wha-What? Why do you ask?" I can feel my face getting red. Liam looks at me weirdly and says, " Scott called me yesterday. He said that when they returned to the party,they couldn't find him. Do you know where he went?" I wish I did. Now I can't stop thinking about if the girl found Stiles and he was with her for the rest of the night. "No.I left early." He looks me in the eyes,his brows furrowed and continues talking. "Scott and Allison tried calling him but he didn't answer. Then Scott texted him and Stiles just answered with 'Sorry,I'm feeling shitty. I'm gonna call tomorrow' or something like that." Oh. I wanna talk to Stiles so bad but I also just want to ignore him for the rest of my life. I look around the room,at the brand new blue wallpaper that's already coming off a little. Liam insisted that he'd put it on himself because he "doesn't need help" but he didn't quite succeed.

I avoid looking at his eyes because I'm afraid he'll see right through me. I'm afraid he'd see all the things that are going through my head and all the feelings I haven't told anyone yet,expect my mom. Does Liam know about my feelings for Stiles? "Then I guess he just felt 'shitty' and left the party." I say and look at my phone. I take one last bite of the apple and throw it in his bin. "Okay..What's up with you? Did something happen between you and Stiles?"

WHAT? Does he know? "Did you have a fight or something? You reacted super weird when I first mentioned him and now you are still acting like something happened." I shake my head and look at him,he looks back at me. "No,everything's fine. I left the party early because I was tired,not because we had some fight. I don't know what's wrong with Stiles but I'm sure he will tell Scott and then we'll know." I smile and continue. "I'm just tired." He smiles back. "Okay. You can sleep in my bed for awhile. I'm gonna do my homework in the meantime." I get up from the floor and take off my hoodie and climb into his bed,pulling the covers up. Before I close my eyes I whisper a thanks to him and after awhile I feel him getting up from the bed,it doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

After two hours,I woke up and Liam was asleep on his chair. I didn't want to wake him up so I left him a note and left. When I got home I stayed in bed for almost the whole day,I went outside to a small park with Harry and Mom,had a fight with Will about the car,had a Skype video chat with Allison and tried not to think about Stiles. Now I'm sitting on my bed,reading a book that my step Dad recommended to me. It's really boring and I can't really keep my focus on the book because 1) It's a super boring book about doctors who try to figure out some weird science thing, 2) my thoughts keep going back to Stiles and the kiss. I get frustrated and put the book down. I can hear Harry crying downstairs so I get up to close the door but then hear a sound from my window. I turn around,walk to my bed and open the curtains. Next thing I do is scream. I'm about to jump out of the bed and run away, when I realize that it's Stiles. He knocks on the window. Holy shit. What the hell? My terror turns into confusion and some feeling I've never had before. I open my window and let him in.

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