Omphalos (Hiccelsa)

By FrostedGemstones

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Omphalos: The center of beginning. When Elsa tumbled through the center of the universe, she finds herself am... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 36

396 17 1
By FrostedGemstones

Randolph landed in Arendelle in the most attention-drawing way. At least, in a sense. It was about two PM and teatime, albeit a morose one. Anna just swirled her drink around with the spoon, and Kristoff was on edge for he was unable to help his wife. Astrid was generally in a bad mood that it was another day without being back where she considered home, Cyril had a bad cough and had been up all night, as had Aldrich who'd eventually moved to a different room to avoid it, but hadn't been able to fall back asleep before breakfast. They'd had a squabble over something completely irrelevant this morning, and were sitting on other sides of the room. The children had picked up on the heavy tension and sadness and meekly ate their finger cakes, hoping to be dismissed as soon as possible.

So when Randolph exploded into the main dining room with a dragon, one could argue it was simultaneously the best and worst time to arrive.

Immediately, eight guards were at his throat with sharp pointy things, and his dragon was hissing down at them. He threw up his hands in a 'surrender' motion, and now he realized that the guards had seen the dragon, and were looking more and more unsure about cornering this guy.

"It's a dragon!" Astrid stood up so fast her tea clattered to the ground. She pushed aside the guards with force, pressing her own Nordic knife up against his throat, for safety measures. Now, this woman scared Randolph a whole lot more than the guards did.

"Where did you come from? What tribe are you?" She demanded, grabbing his shirt.

"I come in peace, I swear. My name is Randolph and I'm the son of Ragnar of the Visithugs!" He squeaked. Astrid's grip loosened.

"Visithugs...Ragnar? Oh, Odin..." She stumbled back a bit, "You look nothing like him." She said with a scoff. He winced.

"I get that a lot." He studied her, and his body slackened in shock, "Wait...Astrid? I mean, you're older but I've seen the pictures Hiccup drew of you and you sorta just fell of the earth one day and"

"Hiccup?" Anna pushed Astrid aside, "You know Hiccup? That means you know my sister, Elsa, and my daughter, don't you? Please, tell me Elsa's okay. Ophelia too!" She asked.

"That's why I'm here. But, Ophelia told me to give you this in case you didn't believe me." He fished out the pendant, and Anna gave a sobbing squeak. Kristoff, whose face was pale and ashen about the whole thing, dropped his teacup, motionless as it shattered on the floor.

"O...Ophelia?" His voice was weak, and when Randolph looked at him, he saw the same facial structure. Looking between the girl- Anna- and Kristoff, it was uncanny. Ophelia was undoubtedly the creation of these two. She looked a bit like Elsa, of course, as family members do, but everything about these two was familiar to him.

"A portal!" Aldrich had shaken himself from his shock too, and was padding around it. So many people threw Randolph off a bit, as everyone wanted his attention in different ways, "Where does this lead?"

"Berk, uh, year...I don't know for sure? Well, Ophelia's 18 now-,"

"My baby's...all grown up?" Kristoff sounded even smaller, his whole face crumbling.

"She's great, really. Quite the little piece of work. But listen, and please, stop interrupting me. We're under attack, right now. And we're loosing...badly. We need your help. Please...this portal will stay open and take you directly there."

"Attack?" Anna gave a shrill shriek, "Where are my sister and Ophelia? Why didn't they come to fetch me?"

"Elsa...I haven't seen her. I assume she's fighting. I mean, her ice-power is really a huge help. And Ophelia...oh, well, I'm sure she'll be oaky. She's a darn good fighter." Kristoff stormed over, grabbing Randolph by the shirt like Astrid, but this time lifting him up off the ground.

"You let my daughter go off to a war?" He thundered.

"Ahh...please don't crush me. I'm just the messenger! She's independent. She'd have likely punched my face in if I tried to stop her!"

"Then you should have let her punch you." Kristoff said, "I ought to-,"

"Who's fighting you? Berk and the other tribes had a good thing going, last I was there. A full out war? Impossible." She scoffed.

"There are three who have a certain vengeance against Hiccup. Uhm, Drago-," The color fell from Astrid's face, "Unn and this girl from somewhere I've never heard of. Western Canals?"

"Southern Isles?" Anna's voice was deadly calm, "Could that be it?"

"Yeah. She's after Elsa...for whatever reason."

There was an energy passed around, a certain look between all the adults. A shared moment of realization.

"Lykke." Cyril muttered sourly, "Of course."

"She started it. This war, basically. Banned the other two together." He added quietly, "Are you going to help us?" He asked, pleading.

"Of course. I am at least." Astrid was already standing at the edge of the portal, "I can't tell you how long I've waited for this very moment..." She gave a breathless sigh, almost a sob.

"There will be weapons and armor down there for a few, but not for everyone. We're using all we have as it is."

"Armor?" Astrid scoffed, "Amateur." Then, she blinked away. He turned to Anna, surprised to see her already talking to a guard.

"'re helping." He felt his legs shake, "Without you...we...we'd all likely die."

"I'm sure we can do more than help." Cyril broke in, "Am I correct in assuming that dragon was the one creating the portal?" He asked. Randolph blinked in surprise for a moment, before nodding.

"Ah! Dragons! Who would have thought?" Aldrich snapped, "We discussed gnomes, trolls, aliens...but never dragons..."

"Can your dragon take us to a place in the same time, but miles and miles away?" He asked, and Randolph, still not understanding, nodded. Cyril turned to Anna.

"I think there is a certain King that would very much like to help us and maybe apprehend Lykke once and for all." He said. Anna clapped her hands.

"Of course! The King of the Southern Isles. His militia is legendary. With him, we can't loose." She turned to Randolph, grinning, "I'll go with you. Will the portal stay open here?"

Randolph looked at Sappho, who let out a hot breath of air.

"Yes, it will."

"Good. We're gathering more troops." She said, standing next to him, "Kristoff, you get the children to safety. I don't want any of you going down there, you hear? If you do, I might just leave you down there." She said sternly to the group of gathered children staring at the situation with wide eyes. One boy was a dead ringer for Ophelia. Her brother, he guesses.

"Yes mom." One murmured, and they followed Kristoff out of the room.

"Don't you want to go through? Ophelia tells me that she thinks you guys have been searching forever to find a way down." He said, motioning to the shimmering area in their living room.

"You have no idea." She said, watching as Cyril and Aldrich kissed Osanna's head before jumping in. Her breath caught as she added, "But it's been more than a decade since I've seen my daughter or Elsa in real life. A couple more moments, especially moments that may very well save their lives, is worth it. Kristoff will go down while we are gone. He'll find her, I'm sure. You'll never meet a man more committed to his daughter, even one years away, than he." She insisted. Randolph might have added that Hiccup could surely beat him, or give him a run for his money, but now was neither the time nor place.

Instead, he clicked his fingers, and they popped out of the living room and into another, met with mostly similar reactions. He sighed; here he goes again.


Ophelia flew into battle with a rage she didn't know she had. It coursed through her blood like the most potent kind of adrenaline, making everyone just sharp shapes of movement, as he brain catalogued between enemy and friend. Although her sword was a bit bent, and some of the only weapons left to have chosen from, she wielded it with precision and accuracy, and soon she had more blood from others on her clothes than her own.

She wasn't perfect, though. She had a couple of cuts on her side, but nothing worrying. She was going to develop a really bad bruise down her left side, after getting wacked in the face with the hilt of a sword and a boot at two different times. Someone had torn off a fingernail in a closer combat. But overall, she was still better off than many.

Many, frankly, were dead.

"Ophie!" She hears someone calling her name from across the field. She turned, her whole face brightening to see Sigrid alive. While they didn't have time to talk, as both had to keep vigilant, seeing another friend alive and well gave her courage. She was fighting not only for herself, but also for everyone.

It wasn't long before she found herself next to Calder in the fray. He looked murderous, and she realized he was specifically targeting Unn's men, more than playing defense.

Someone tried to take him out from behind, and Ophelia was quick to shove her own sword through his stomach. Since it was bent, it made a particularly awful sound on it's way out.

"That had to hurt." She said as the man fell face-forward on the grass.

"I owe you one." Calder said, blinking away sweat from his eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh, this? It's all other people's." She assured with a wave of her hand, "Have you seen my parents?" She asked. He shook his head, and Ophelia hummed a sigh of frustration. Sure, the expanse of the battle was large, but she hardly seen anyone else she'd known. She'd had a run it with Fishlegs who hugged her in the middle of the battle, telling her that Unn had told Hiccup she was dead. She really wanted to find him and set things straight. She couldn't imagine her parents thinking she was killed!

"Thanks anyway." She said, and was about to leave when she saw a familiar shadow approaching. Calder went straight as Unn came charging at him, eyes burning with fury. He deflected his father's weapon, and Ophelia jumped beside him.

"You sick psycho! You told my parents I was dead?" She spat, trying to get closer to him, to use her small size to his advantage.

"You were supposed to be. Both of you. Gotta do everything yourself, these days." He said, easily batting Ophelia aside with a hit to her shoulder. She ducked just in time though, so she wasn't killed, but it stung as she skid across the ground.

"I'm the disappointing son, remember?" Calder asked, his voice dripping like acid.

"Yes, where is the better one? Where's Ull. I haven't seen him around. I thought for sure if I didn't take you out, he would." Calder slashed the air without form, his anger instead fuelling irrational movement into his hits.

"Touched a nerve." Unn clicked his tongue.

"Wouldn't you like to know where he is?" Ophelia taunted, standing back up and spitting blood from her mouth, "Too bad we're here instead." She said. Calder sent her a hard look.

"No, this is my fight, Ophelia. Back away." His voice was harsher than she'd ever heard it, and it sort of hurt. But she was undeterred. She ignored the same haunted look to his eyes he had in the ice cavern.

"Like hell I will! This guy has given me enough problems as it is." She said, coming to stand by him.

"Really, Ophelia, go." He said, pushing her away, keeping watch on Unn, who seemed to enjoy this spat. She felt fury rising up inside of her. Why was he being so frustrating about this?

"Let her fight, she seems ready to meet her maker." He said, moving toward Ophelia.

The same frantic swings that happened after he asked about Ull occurred at this statement too, and he leapt at Unn. "She will not!" He growled fiercely, "You aren't going go hurt anyone else again, ever." He bit his words out.

"And whose going to stop me. You?" He asked.

Calder got the coldest look on his face Ophelia had ever seen. His words were precisely picked to hurt as he spoke, "I killed Ull. It's going to be just as simple to kill you."

Unn seemed stunned for a millisecond, staring at Calder. Ophelia knew in that moment, he was trying to figure out if he was serious or not. That's all it took for Calder to make his move, and his sword slicing deep into Ull's shoulder. To the burly man's credit, he only made a grunt of pain as he fell to the ground.

That should have been it. That should have been the end. One more perfectly timed slice to the head, and Calder should have won.

But Ull wasn't that easily defeated.

Ophelia saw it coming long before Calder did. As Calder was pulling his sword away from his father's shoulder, Ull was already making a counter-strike, right to where Calder's heart was with a small concealed dagger he'd fished from his boot.

Ophelia did a lot of things without thinking; or so she was told. Like how when she was seven, she picked up a hot pan that had fallen to the floor and burned the inside of her palm. Or when she was eleven, she climbed a tree on a dare and then figured out she had no way or getting back down. Even into more adult ages, like when she was fifteen, she'd cut open her leg and used tree sap to glue to together. When it burned and stung, and it attracted bugs, Elsa had just looked at her in exasperation, muttering how she was just like Anna when Ophelia told her she hadn't thought as far ahead about using sap.

It was in her nature. Leap before looking. So it could be argued she didn't fully know what was happening to her body until it was. She had jumped between Calder and the sword. Because she was smaller, and coming in at a more awkward angle, it didn't hit her heart. It did dig deeply into her stomach, and as she rolled, she felt her body detonate fireworks of agony.

She looked up as the haze grew over her eyes to see Unn's gleeful smile, and Calder's horrified and anguished look.


Popping into another living room with even more guards at his neck this time, Randolph was eager to get back to Berk. Everything here was so...advanced. It made him uneasy to be around it all for so long. Lights that wasn't fire? Rooms with no winds or snow coming in? Men with guns?

Ah, yes, the guns. Those he wasn't sure how he felt about; but at this moment, he detested one...mostly because one at the end of a pointy thing was at his chest.

"A...Anna?" The man, also having tea- must be a new age thing, he decided, to have so much free time to have tea so casually, "What is the meaning of this? What is this thing?" He said. The woman next to him frowned, rubbing her chin.

"Have you never read a book, Anders?" The woman said, "It's a dragon."

"Well, I've seen pictures." He seemed taken aback, "But how?" There was a long scream behind them, and everyone spun around just in time to see one of his men flailing as he fell into the portal.

"About that. No one go through here." Randolph rubbed his head sheepishly.

"This is witchcraft, is it not?" Anders sputtered before Anna could say anything, and Randolph watched as her whole body crumpled in betrayal at the words. Ouch, he'd hit a nerve.

Instead, she swallowed thickly, and smiled.

"Anders, what if I were to tell you I knew exactly where Lykke, or whatever her name, is?" She asked. There was a tense few seconds, before Anders narrowed his eyes.

"Go on?" He said.

"It's going to sound crazy, but this thing here is a time portal. She went back in time 1000 years ago to hunt down Elsa, most likely, and right now she's currently waging war against my sister's Viking tribe. I wouldn't' come to you unless I knew you might be interested, and because most of my army is off in Germany right now. Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds to ask this of you, in this way, to fight for us, but you did tell me you owed me a favor years and years ago. I'm cashing in on that...right now."

The silence that followed was even more awkward. Randolph slowly pushed away the pointy thing away from his chest, giving a sigh of relief when the man dropped it.

" believe this to be true?" The woman asked after a long time, and although her words were even, her eyes looked like they wanted to believe. Anna felt something harden within her. They may have believed her when she came a little bit ago to find out about Lykke, but now that it was right in their faces, they looked even less convinced.

"Lina, my sister has magical ice powers and my cousin used to have hair that glowed and healed people. At this point, you could tell me anything, and I would believe you." She paused, "But this, I do have proof that it is true. Not enough time to show you know, so..." She shuffled you feet; "You're going to have to just believe me on this one."

Once again, a pause. The king's eyes slid over to Randolph, deeply conflicted.

"You are from 1000 years ago?" He questioned softly.

"Well...I mean, yeah." He had been considering going into the whole from the future, then the past thing, but time was of the essence. Also no need to confuse these two very nice people.

"Portals to different times." Lina mused, and then looked at Anna, "I have to admit, I'm awful at fighting, but I did train in medicine in my younger years."

"Medicine? From the future? Oh, you have no idea how much we need that." Randolph spoke over Anna, and Lina seemed pleased with his response.

"Anna..." Anders pressed his lips together hard, "I'm going to trust you. It will be nice to see Elsa again, too. I do miss her quiet wit." He admitted.

"We all do." Anna smiled sadly. Anders went over to his men, whispering something to them. The man looked wary, but nodded slowly.

"It will be a treat for everyone to experience this, 1000 years ago." Lina was standing, writing things down on a notepad, "I must go gather my supplies!"

"I need to go back to make sure my castle is aware. This first portal takes you there; don't go in. This one takes you to the battle. I cannot thank you enough, Anders." Anna said, shaking his hand hard.

"A favor owed is a favor promised." He said, "And...I would really like to see the look on that bitch's face when we take her back." He admitted. Anna's laugh was like bells, a little more feminine than Ophelia's was, but still held the same rustic timbre.

"Let's go, dragon kid." She said, nodding to the first portal. The three of them fell into it, and popped back up in the first living room.

"Kristoff, Cyril, Aldrich." She said, recognizing the men waiting who sprung up at her arrival, "You should be down there already."

"We were waiting for you, Madame." Cyril said, bowing, "Did you get help?"

"Yes, they're going. Come! There's little time to loose. Do you think we're too late already?" She turned to Randolph, concerned.

"I don't know. There's only one way to find out." He said, and all of them jumped into the portal to lead them back to Berk together.


Jor didn't have much time to wait after Randolph had left. She only had time to go inside and find Gustav, unconscious on a cart, but still alive. The relief that flowed through her body was the sweetest thing she'd ever felt. And she realized; in a small part of her, she might love him the way he loved her.

And she should have kept that closer to her.

She almost touched his head when there was a confused sound outside. She limped back outside just in time to see an older, but still strong, woman running toward the battlefield.

By Odin, Randolph had done it. She used the next lull to gather the symbol of the Viking Isles and the bright red paint. She sat anxiously near the portal, and as the moments wore on, hoped that one person hadn't just become confused and wandered from the fight, but that there were actual help coming.

Then, they came by the hundreds. She managed to flag a person who looked in charge.

"Do understand me?" He asked slowly, taking in her (what it must have seemed to him) ragged appearance. Jor bit back a snaky reply.

"Yes, I do. You should tell all your men to put this on so they aren't mistaken for the other team during the battle. Is this all of you?" She asked, eyes widening as the numbers had grown in just the time it had taken to speak to him.

"I think there's even more coming." He said, shouting something to his men, and having them each slap the paint on their armor, "Where's the battle?"

"Up that ridge, maybe ten minute walk from here. Hard to miss, with all the screaming." She added a bit sarcastically. The man seemed embarrassed as he listened and heard the sounds clearly signaling his help.

"Right." He muttered, and soon, they were orderly marching off.

Then there were more people. Jor did the same instructions to them, star-struck at the multitude of people marching across the slope. There was no way they could loose now!

Finally, came Randolph, along with four adults, and a whole other battalion of soldiers with a regal looking man shouting orders.

"You're Ophelia's mom!" Jor couldn't help but cry, and he woman turned to her with a teary smile.

"You know her?" She asked.

"They're best friends." Randolph answered quickly, shrugging, and slopping on the red symbol, "Better put this somewhere on you if you're going to fight."

"I am." The biggest man said, "Any weapons?"

"Over there." Jor said, pointing. She was watching Ophelia's mother the most carefully, though. It was so odd; they walked the same. They flicked their wrists the same. So much was a mirror image, and to think this woman hadn't been around to influence her daughter in years.

"You don't have to fight with us." The woman said, turning to two other men that had come. The slimmer one scoffed.

"Nonsense! After all these years, you are like family now." He insisted with a firm nod. The squatter man nodded enthusiastically.

"We pledged our loyalty to your kingdom years ago. If you go off into battle, we do too!"

The woman seemed conflicted, but finally nodded. She went to get a weapon, but as she did, she went stiff. Her eyes widened, and she went slack-jawed, finally gasping and curling up, as if she suddenly had lost all her breath.

"Elsa!" She whispered to the biggest man, and before anyone could stop her, she had grabbed the sword from his hand, torn her long skirt above the knees, and ran off before anyone could pause her. The three men left behind were exchanging looks.

Yes, Jor decided with a giggle, exactly she was like Ophelia.


Elsa was faring well.

If nothing else, she was best compared to a virus. If her ice didn't freeze people to the spot on the first try, her more wild and uncontained ice-burst hit them around the heart area. They would gasp in pain, stumbling off to fight some more, never realizing that they were freezing from the inside out.

It didn't give her much pleasure to see people frozen solid, and then watches a sword connect with the frozen statue, and seeing it shatter into pieces and melt. It reminded her all too much of Anna's outstretched, cold, blue fingers and Han's sword.

But she was alive. Her mother had once scolded her as a child, telling her she was too dainty for war. Princesses did not fight. They kept house and built moral. They didn't dirty themselves with such things.

But here? Elsa was dripping with mud, sweat, and blood. Her hair was frizzed up, and she was sure she looked terrifying.

She'd been separated from Hiccup hours ago, and tried not to worry about him. He was witty and resourceful, and his rage about Ophelia would keep both of them going for hours more.

She did feel a twinge of justice for every person she felled. A thousand of Unn's men dead wouldn't bring Ophelia back, but Odin, it wouldn't hurt to try.

"How you holding up, Icy?" Snoutlout questioned, cracking his knuckles in a paused moment of battle.

"I'm okay. How's the rest?" She asked.

"I can't tell. They seem to just keep coming, like vermin or something." He spat on the ground, and a tooth came out with him. He frowned, "That's the third today."

"You'll be toothless by the time it's over." Elsa allowed herself a momentary giggle.

"Being an Alpha dragon would be nice." He teased back, then got serious, "Elsa...I don't know if our men will hold too much longer. We're..." He sighed, and he couldn't say it. Elsa couldn't either. She didn't even want to look at the bodies on the ground, much more than to step over them. It meant perhaps recognizing faces of people she'd loved. It meant accepting this occurrence of reality, and the possibility that if she counted, there might be more of their men than the opposing side.

It meant the loss of everything.

"Duck!" Elsa cried, and Snoutloud clattered to the ground. Elsa stopped a man in mid-swing, freezing him in a solid block of ice. Using her power, she shoved him to the water's edge, the area around where she fought, if nothing else to help clear the battlefield. The water was cold enough to keep them in their prisons, and there were dozens of floating cubes of people bobbing further away from the shore.

"Oh, that's cold. Pun intended! Mental high-five!" Snoutlout got up from the ground. Elsa rolled her eyes.

Snoutlout suddenly threw up his fire-resistant shield over both of them as Eret's dragon flew over the crowd, making rows of fire. Some of Unn's men threw their dragon-skin capes over them, their own men threw up their own protective shields, and the rest of the enemies without protection cried, fleeing toward the water's edge.

The dragons helped, but come to close, and they risked being felled by arrows or cannons. Their help was sparse, but fully appreciated. A dead dragon was just as bad as a dead fellow tribesman.

"Elsa!" Snoutlout slapped her arm, "Over there. Isn't that the bitch that threatened your children?" He asked, pointing to where a woman not from Berk was taking down her men with the ferocity of a tiger. Her movements were fluid, trained, and perfectly executed in a way that made Elsa's stomach churn.

"Yes." She gnawed her teeth. She shoots the woman's sword out of her hand with ice, and Jari grabbed it from the ground, ready to head off against her again. But she turned, a wide smile over her face.

"Elsa. I've been looking everywhere for you." She said, turning back to Jari. With a swift jab, she sliced up his arm, severing the tendon holding the sword. It clattered back down, and he stumbled away, bleeding all over. She almost ready to follow him, but Elsa stopped her by almost hitting her. She dodged with flexibility Elsa hadn't yet seen anyone else possess.

The next thing she did surprised Elsa even more. She ran at her, shoving her back into the water. Elsa's head went under the cold waves as she struggled for her breath back, feeling the woman shoving her roughly. It was obvious in oxygen-lacking mind that this woman wasn't going to kill her swiftly; no, for whatever reason, she was enacting some sort of torture.

Elsa threw a hand out under water and froze everything up past her head. The woman drew back as her movements were frozen, and she resurfaced to see the woman frozen from thighs down, the ice curling around her like a vise.

"Clever. Forgot about this." She laughed, using her sword to angrily whack at her legs encased in ice, "I'm still going to kill you, you realize?" She seemed unhinged to Elsa. She'd been so precise on the battlefield, so chilling when talking to Hiccup. But now? Talking to Elsa, her words were jumbled and said with a tinge of insanity.

"And when you die and you go to hell, I hope Hans is down there to kill you again."

Elsa felt herself step back in shock. For so many years here in Berk, the only one speaking about him in a knowledgeable way was herself. Hiccup recalled his name, and Ophelia had heard her mother say it once long ago, but no one said it with actually having met Hans, so having an authority behind it. It made her stumble a bit in herself, that demon was coming back to haunt them everywhere.

"Hans?" She felt her fists shaking, "What does he have to do with anything?"

"What does he-," She asked, confused, her eyes widening, then cut off with a harsh laugh, "Hans? Hans has to do with everything! He's the reason I'm here. You ruined his life, and because of that, you ruined my life!"

"Me ruin your life?" Elsa said dubiously, shaking her head, I've never even met you. I don't even know who you are! "

"Oh, and you think every action you make only affects yourself?" She questioned with her head tilted almost a full 90 degrees, "And me? Lykke, Arminta, names hardly matter. It doesn't matter, no, not at all."

"I don't understand why you're doing this? You don't hate all of these people, you just hate me!"

"I hate you, true. But I couldn't do it alone. Not quite. So I hated Hiccup too. It's easy to hate someone that would marry a monster like you." She spat, and grabbed forward, pinching Elsa's palm harshly, "Aren't you?"

Elsa felt her power drain away with deep frustration, and slapped her across the face. It left a bright red spark on Lykke's cheek, and Lykke giggled.

Now, unarmed, Elsa stood a good bit away from Lykke. She was a grenade; a weapon Elsa hazily recalled from her years at Arendelle. This woman could blow up at any moment, and when she did, it was going to hurt.

"What did I do to you?" Elsa asked, hoping to keep her occupied and talking long enough to get her powers returned.

"You were supposed to marry Hans." Lykke hissed, as if it was obvious, "Or let your sister at him. You see, I was really supposed to marry Hans, and we were going to take over your little kingdom. Kill Anna, kill you. Do it together one day. But he...he slipped up. He was not as careful as it should have been. And you exposed him. And now he's dead, and people...they began to whisper about me. They all knew, somehow. I was never going to amount to anything. And it was you and your sister that ruined it all. Actually, it was just you. Anna would have been so good to kill, but then, the Omphalos came up, and I knew that I had to get to you. I had to take away your whole future too."

"He promised me he'd make me rich, make our lives better than ever before. He made me a promise. And you ruined it!" Lykke finished, jerking her arms upward forcefully on the last cry.

The ice crackled, and she was free, bleeding over her arms where the shards had pressed hard, "Your children are a good start." She said. Elsa tackled her from her feet, and felt a thrill of triumph when she heard a crack as Lykke's head hit the hard bottom of the bay. Lykke recovered swiftly, grabbing Elsa by her hair and yanking her hard.

She was much stronger than Elsa gave her credit for and dragged Elsa onto the sandy beach. She straddled Elsa, and chuckled.

"You're afraid," She deduced, "How delightful?"

She raised her sword to take off Elsa's head, and Elsa gulped, closing her eyes. Someone would see. Her people would take her down in number until she was dead. Once again, she couldn't believe she was trapped. She struggled, but Lykke grabbed her throat so hard that she soon gasped for breath.

"Good-bye Elsa. I wish you were a more difficult opponent. This is for Hans; what he should have done years and years ago."

Elsa shut her eyes. But the next thing she knew there was a scream; one she was 100% sure was not her own. There was a thud, and a splatter of something wet on her face. She looked beside her to see Lykke's hand lying on the beach, the sword beside it. Lykke had crawled off of her, staring at her stump as she screeched.

She looked around her. There were so many more people, but they were fighting against Lykke's army. Who where they? Where did they come from? What had happened?

Elsa looked up to thank her savior, and felt her throat go dry. Once again, she couldn't breath, but for a much different reason.


Anna blinked, breathing heavily, wiping blood from her forehead with the back of her arm. She was still wearing a dress from Arendelle's royal court, but it was torn and stained. She was grinning ear to ear.

"Elsa, that's two times I've saved you now, but who cares. Looked like you needed an extra hand."

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