Beloved (boyxboy/Leico)

By Jajjada

9.5K 293 158

"I'm-" "Don't say you're sorry." Nico cut Leo of, this time he did push away from his warm friend. Nico... More

Chapter 1. Metal Dragons Doing Tango (And Hot Guys)
Chapter 2. Camp Troubles and A Disappearing
Chapter 3. Strange Goddesses and Weird Conversations
Chapter 4. Once Upon A Dream
Chapter 5. Growing Up
Chapter 6. Gleaming Grins and Shocking Spells
Chapter 7. In Which You Get Jason and A Kiss
Chapter 8. Camp Whatever/Whichever?
Chapter 9. Traveling, Trouble, Topless
Chapter 10. Nightmares And Warm Hands
Chapter 11. Arrepentido
Chapter 12. Dark Eyes and Troubles
Chapter 13. Letters To Hazel
Chapter 14. Sunshine?
Chapter 15. Eos
Chapter 16. Okay? Not Okay!
Chapter 17. Fight
Chapter 18. Desperate
Chapter 19. Beloved

100 Truth Tag

1K 17 60
By Jajjada

You will have two chapters to day, first this tag thingy and then the real first chapter of Beloved!
And sorry for the bad grammar, I'm tired and I hate writing in English sometimes

Real name: Hanna

Nickname : I don't really have one, I like to be called Cas or Haz cause they are awesome but no one really calls me that

Favorite color: Purple... I guess, but I love wearing black

Male/Female: Female

Elementary school: Yes I have been in elementary school and it sucked

Middle school: Yes, same as elementary school

High school: Yes, high school was a bitch

Collage: not yet but soon

Hair: Brown, originally but I color it a lot so it have been red but now it's sort of just meh, so currently I have long brownish redish blondish hair since it's get blonder due to it being summer 

Tall/short: Medium, not tall, not short, just normal

Sweatpants/Jeans: JEANS! I hate sweatpants

Phone/Camer: Phone, I need to keep myself updated with Wattpad

Health Freak: No I love cake to much

Oranges/Apples: Apples^^

Any Crushes: Yeah you ;) No but seriously, I don't think I have any... not on any real persons at least

Guy friends/ Girl friends: Girl friends, they understand me better or it's just because every guy I have talked to is kind of a douche

Piercings: Nay, but I got tattoos

Pepsi/coke: Neither I love Fanta

Ever been on an airplane: Nope

Been in a relationship: Nope

Been in a car accident?: Nope

Been in a fist fight: Nope

Best Friends: ThePsychoInTheCloset and Sara, a non wattpad person *loud gasp*

First Award: Nope

First Crush: A stupid guy who is still stupid and who will forever be stupid and immature, if I could go back and change it I would change it to Percy Jackson, much simpler

First Word: Don't know... probably something lame

Any talents?: Writing, or at least I hope so. Otherwise I don't know, I can wash the dishes really fast

Last person you talked to: My mom

Last person you texted: My mom

Last person you watched a movie with: My mom (wow how awkward is that? I promise I have friends but it's summer break and they are in another country)

Last thing you ate: A cinnamon bun, God I'm starving I will have to eat after this is published

Last movie/Tv-show you watched: Ouran High School Hostclub

Last Song you listened to?: Little Lion Man cover by Tonight Alive

Last thing you bought?: A book (duh)

Last Person you hugged?: classified - to be honest I'm to tired to even start describing who this person is


Food: I don't know I eat everything basically

Drink: Orange Juice

Bottoms: Jeans or shorts depending on the weather

Flower: Roses, Laurels or Sweet Peas I think :)

Animal: Zebra!

Color: Purple...

Movie: I watch to many to have a favorite

Subject: English

Have You Ever

Fallen In love: Yeah, both in reality and in fiction

Celebrated Halloween: sure, when I was younger

Went over tests: I don't know...

Been Heartbroken: Sign me up for that shit!

Had Someone Like you: Yeah

Hated how someone changed: Yup

Got PG: I don't understand the question??

Had an abortion: No

Did Something You regret: Yes

Broken a promise: Yes, but it's not something I have regretted

Hidden a secret: Yeah what are best friends for?

Pretended to be happy: Yes, so much yes, if I had a sign that could light up it would stand pretends to be happy 24/7 on it

Met someone who changed your life: Yeah, it has happened around three times or so

Left the country: On vacation yes!

Pretended to be sick: All the time

did something you normally wouldn't do and liked it: Ehm... yeah *blushes*

Cried over something silly: Yes

Ran a mile: nope, thank god for that!

Gone to the beach with a friend: My best friend lives three minutes from one so of course

fought with a friend: Yasssssss, say someone who hasn't

disliked someone: of course

Stayed single/Been single for two or more years after having a GF/BF: I've been single all my life and I am f**king loving it!!!


Eating: Nothing, I am starving though as I mentioned before

Drinking: Nothing

Listening To: the buzzing from my computer, and mom's heavy breathing from moving to much

Sitting/Laying: Sitting

Plans for today: posting a chapter, watching some series and sleeping (I am writing this at 6pm so it's not so much that can happen)

Waiting for: Sleep!!!!!!!

Wants kids: Yes

Wants to get married: Yes

want to travel: Fuck yeah

In a partner

Lips/Eyes: Eyes

Shorter/Taller: Taller

Older/Younger: Older!

Romantic/Spontaneous: Both!

Troublemaker/Hesitant: Both! It's not fun to have someone who is really hesitant so I will have to have a troublemaker, plus I need to be pushed into things sometimes so I must have a troublemaker

Hook-up/Relationship: relationship *wiggles eyebrows*

Looks/Personality: Personality but a huge plus if he is gorgeous

Have You Ever part 2

Lost Glasses: No but I have lost keys

Snuck out of the house: From the bathroom window when I was ten maybe? And kindergarten around two times, and from school while being watched by teachers...

Held a gun/knife in self defense: no

killed someone: only in books

broken someones heart: two times now

Been in love: sadly yes

Broken a bone: no

Cried when someone died: No one close to me has died so no, but I have in fiction, I always cry when my favorite characters die

Believe in

Yourself: Sometimes yes

Miracles: Sometimes yes

Love at first sight: Yeah

Heaven: I'm not religious or something but I like to believe that we get to a happier and better place when we die

Santa Clause: No

Aliens: Yes

Ghost/Angels: yes to both


Is there someone you want to be with right now: No, for the moment I am very happy to be at home with just my mom and my sister

Do you know who your real friends are: I like to believe so yes

Do you believe in God(s): I don't believe in A God, but I like to believe that there is someone/something/someones are out there looking out for me

And finally

Post this as a 100 truth tag: Obviously yes

Tag 20 people








*sweats nervously since I don't really know anymore people*





*Oh god why aren't I more social, can ten be enough?*






Okay fifteen will be enough!

Thank you for reading this, now on to the first chapter of Beloved

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