All Grown Up: The Final Chap...

By VanessaWolfe1

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Part 3


1.8K 23 8
By VanessaWolfe1

A/N: Time for the reception! In my blog I've got videos of all the songs mentioned here, with the lyrics. vanessawolfe dot weebly dot com. I talk a little about why I included them. If you only look at one, look at Home because it's the perfect Amy and Anthony song. It reminds me of when Amy and Daisy first moved in. I can't even ever sing it, because I think of them and cry. I'm ridiculous.

Okay, now let's party!


I had acted like I didn't really care, like I was only getting married because Seth wanted it so much. I really thought I didn't care as much as he did, until the actual day came. When I saw myself in that white dress, with Swan doing my hair, and my mother crying it suddenly was all so important. The ceremony was awesome. Despite my "no big deal" attitude in the beginning, I loved sharing the day with my brother and his family.

Amy was such a sweet girl, and pretty funny when she was relaxed and opened up. If you paid attention, she had a really interesting relationship with Daisy. She seemed almost like she was her mom's caretaker at times. She seemed to know when Amy needed her. I've seen Amy stare off into space, and get lost in her own head. I had no idea where she went when she did that. When Daisy saw it, she would act silly and make her laugh, or just snuggle up to her, and Amy would always come right back. I hoped that now Daisy could just focus on being her adorable self. She was pretty damn good at that.

"Cake, cake, cake!" she chanted, pumping her fist in the air when she saw the first enormous labor of love that had been made, thanks to my mom and aunts, being brought out. The first one was mine and Seth's. Amy and I had let Swan pick out our cakes, as long as we got to pick the flavors. Neither of us were terribly concerned about the cake, and we didn't want Swan to feel like she'd completely gotten kicked out of the wedding planning. We loved her, and really did want her to be involved, she just needed to calm the hell down. With the stuff that was towards the bottom of our list in priority, we just kinda gave it to her and let her go nuts with it.

Our cake was purple on the bottom, and it gradually faded out up the three tiers until it was eventually white. According to Swan, that was called ombre. The effect was done in the opposite way, purple at the top then white on the bottom, with the big flowers that wound their way down the cake.

Everybody said their ooos and aahs as Aunt Rose proudly set the cake down on the little white circle shaped table.

I leaned over past Seth to talk to my bother.

"Does she know there is a second one?" I asked, inclining my head towards Daisy.

He also looked at her, and shook his head with a grin.


Daisy was rendered speechless when Aunt Alice set the other cake down on it's own table next to the first.

This one was white, with some kind of little pearl colored bead things all over it. It had a pink ribbon along the bottom of each tier, and had flowers tumbling down it like ours. This one of course, had daisies with pink centers. Everybody cheered, and we were ready to dig in.

Seth quickly inhaled a slice of each tier from both cakes.

Amy and I had chosen to do the cake first, because it was our wedding and we could do whatever we wanted!

When the booze came out I slinked up to my mother.

"Hi, mom," I said with a grin.

"Hey, beautiful!"

I blinked my eyes innocently at her, then looked at the booze. There were so many many pretty bottles. Back to blinking my eyes innocently at Mom.



"Wasn't your first drink at your wedding?"

She sighed.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bar.

"I want you to do a shot with me, Mom!"

Dad was already laughing.

"Yeah, right. Good luck Mollie!"

"Hey! Shut up, Jacob. I'm doing it, I'm gonna do it!" Mom insisted loudly.

"Quit talking about it and lets see it then!" he said, casually leaning up against the house.

"You just want to get me drunk," Mom accused, checking out the bottles that Uncle Paul was still bringing out to the bar.

"Maybe," Dad said with a grin.

"Okay, you two be gross and flirt on your own time," I said.

"Holy crow, that's a lot of liquor," Mom said as Aunt Rachel was helping Uncle Paul unload the bottles and put them under the bar.

Uncle Paul got so excited he almost dropped the pretty blue bottle he was holding.

"Liquor, you brought her! Get it, liquor? Lick her?" he yelled.

Aunt Rachel smacked her hand on the bar and exploded at him.

"I swear to God, Paul. You've been waiting all fucking week to say that, and you say it to Ness? It doesn't even make sense when you say it to her!"

Uncle Paul was laughing to hard to care.

"It's still funny!"

Aunt Rachel did laugh, but she shook her head at him.

"You goofy bastard. That's the reason you wanted to unload all this shit, and then you blow it."

"Blow it?!"

"Shut your pie hole, Paul!"

Those two are my reminder that even though we all have a lot in common, every imprinted couple is different. Mom told me once they always yell at each other because they are both just very passionate and enthusiastic people. I can't even lie, they are pretty amusing.

Asa suddenly popped up behind the bar, giving Mom a hopeful smile.

"What can I get you two lovely ladies on this fine evening," he asked us, caressing a rum bottle in a way that I found a little creepy.

"Ew," I said flatly.

"Oh, I don't even think so, Asa!" Mom said.

"Hell no, buddy," Dad said, waving him away.

"Aw, come on! I do all these flowers and I don't get squat? Why does Mollie get to drink?"

"She is a married woman now. When you get married, you can drink," she said firmly.

"What if I'm not the settling down type?" he said, wagging his eyebrows up and down.

"Then you can drink when you're her age!" Dad said.

"Get out of there. I see you within ten feet of this bar tonight, you are getting sent to Daisy's room."

"Holy crap, like I'm two or something," he muttered, walking away.

"He'll get over it," Mom said.

"No, I won't!" he called over his shoulder.

Mom rolled her eyes.

"Let's light this candle, while I'm still a newly wed. Shots, Uncle Paul!" I said, pounding my fist on the bar.

"You want some chick shit?"

"Yes, don't make my girls puke," Dad told Paul.

"Flavored vodka," Aunt Rachel suggested.

"Yeah. Rachel drinks plenty of that, and I do mean plenty!"

"Thanks, dipshit," she told him.

Aunt Rachel poured us each a glass of soda.

"You're gonna need this," she explained as I watched.

Uncle Paul poured us each a shot of berry flavored vodka.

Mom raised her shot glass, with tears in her eyes.

"To my tiniest girl. I love you."

"Love you, Mom."

We clinked our shot glasses together.

I did taste the berry, but I also tasted the burning! I sure did grab that soda quick, I saw Mom doing the same out of the corner of my eye. As we shook it off, I saw Seth who was standing next to Dad now. They both applauded us.

"Hey, sexy!" I shouted, pointing at Seth.

My super hot husband beamed at me.

When it was time for dinner we all went up to the buffet. We had no seating chart so it was pretty fun that everybody was changing seats and talking with whoever they wanted.

I giggled at Lucky running around to all of the tables to see who would sneak him little bites of this and that. Daisy probably gave him about three courses.

Seth was still eating even faster than normal.

"What's your hurry cowboy?" I teased.

"Are you actually tasting any of that?"

"We've got a lot to get to tonight," he reminded, pointing at me with his fork and almost loosing his Swedish meatball.

I smirked at him, and very slowly took another bite of the cake I'd gone back to. He watched me as I licked my own fork.

"I was referring to the ten thousand piece jigsaw puzzle with kittens in tea cups that I was going to give to you tonight as a wedding gift. You filthy, filthy girl," he scolded me.

"You have no idea. I'm going to do terrible things to you for the next twenty four hours," I whispered as low as I could.

"Oh, my God," he groaned, putting his head in his hands. It wasn't that kind of groan though.

"What?" I asked.

"Your parents are coming over here and there is no way I can get up from this table right now."

"Hey," Dad said, giving him a slap on the back.

Seth looked up at him, trying not to look guilty.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Seth insisted.

"Would you like an itemized list?" Xandra asked, appearing behind me.

I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

"Stop for like, one minute you two!" Mom said.

"We're done," Xandra and I said at the same time.

"I don't think you've said hello to all of your guests yet," Mom said pointing to a table over at the edge of them all.

"Oh, my God. She did come!" I breathed.

There sitting with Leah and her husband Patrick, was Seth's mother.

Seth's jaw nearly hit the table, and he turned to me.

"Did you-"

"I sure did," I said quickly, without an ounce of remorse.

During the sending out of the invitations, when he wanted to skip inviting Sue he finally admitted the reason he'd left home and cut her out of his life. It was because of me, and I just couldn't have that. He told me that she had refused to believe he'd imprinted on a vampire, and thought he was just trying to be like my dad.

Seth opened his mouth to say something, but since I knew what it would be I just kept talking.

"I went to her house and invited her myself, since you wouldn't do it. It's been long enough. I mean why not? If she still couldn't accept us, then she wouldn't have come, but she's here!"

He sat with his eyes wide while he processed all of this.

"Sweetie, you only have one parent left. If she wants to be a part of our life, and our kids lives, I say we let her," I said gently.

Eventually, he nodded. I extended my hand to him as I stood out of my chair, and he took it.

"It's okay," I whispered as we approached the table.

"I don't know what to say," he confessed.

"Just say hi," I advised quietly.

He nodded again.

"I love you," I reminded him.

He took a deep breath.

"I love you, too."

Their table was immersed in a conversation about how good the food was so they didn't notice us at first. I nudged Seth with my elbow. He cleared his throat.

"Hi, Mom."

I squeezed Seth's hand as she looked up at us, her expression soft.

"Seth. Hi. Oh, honey you look so handsome. Congratulations you two. You both look great."

"Thank you for coming," I said, the perfect polite little bride.

"I'm very glad to be here. We really enjoyed the ceremony," she said, being polite right back.

There was more polite, somewhat awkward small talk about the cake, the decorations and what a beautiful summer day it was between the five of us.

It was a start. It was a really great start. There were probably some apologies owed, but those could come later.

When the music started, Seth and I knew it was time to go dance. We had our first dance to Here Comes the Sun, by The Beatles. Amy and I had gone with lots of classic rock and a bunch of other random songs. We didn't want things to get super sappy. I haven't been to a ton of weddings, it was probably a little different, but so were we.

After that my brother and Amy danced to Home by one of the American Idol people, Phillip Phillips. I'd never watched that show, and neither did Amy, but it was really a perfect song for them.

Those were the only dances that it was just the couples with everybody else watching. I had thought that tradition was a little weird, but I knew it was one Mom really liked, so we did just our dances that way. After that, I didn't want to make everybody else wait to dance! For the rest of the special dances, all the guests joined us so there was minimal staring.

Amy had picked out the song for the mother and son dance. It was called Simple Man. I'd had no idea a Lynyrd Skynyrd song could be beautiful! When Mom and Anthony started to dance, I wasn't looking at them. I was eyeballing Seth.

"Go ask her," I prodded.

He was hesitant.

"Hurry up. This one ain't like ten minutes long like Freebird, you've only got a couple to go ask her."

He looked like a little boy, going over and asking his mom to dance. She accepted, and it was adorable.

For the father daughter dance, we had picked Songbird by Fleetwood Mac. A.J. danced with Daisy, Amy danced with Uncle Jasper. I saw Mom dancing with Grandpa Edward, which was actually pretty cute, and it got her to stop crying for about five minutes. Of course for that one, I danced with Dad.

He seemed like he felt a little uncomfortable at first. I couldn't remember ever dancing with him, not like this anyway. I managed to reach high enough to put my hands on his shoulders, and he put his on my waist.

"Will you be embarrassed if I sing to you?" he asked with an evil smile.

"Oh, man," I said with a laugh.

"Please don't, Dad."

"I won't then," he promised with a smirk.

We just danced in silence for a couple of verses.

"I'm not too worried that he'll be good to you, but if he acts like a jack ass, just come right over," Dad said.

"I will," I humored him.

"And you be good to him, too."

"I will."

"You know, he'd cut off his fingers for you one by one if you asked him to. Just don't take advantage of that."

"I know. I won't, Dad," I said seriously.

"Mom already had that talk with me, anyway."

"I remember. It's just worth repeating."

He was right. I knew that there was a lot more potential for me to hurt him, then the other way around. I'd have to make sure he knew I loved him just as much as he loved me every single day.

We all danced. So much dancing. Seth isn't the best at it, but he's so cute when he tries.

I danced a lot with Xandra, too. Her being excited for me was what made the day truly perfect.

Amy was getting her drink on, and really cracking me up. I never thought she would dance so hard, she was a damn good dancer too! It was hilarious the way she was dancing with her fruity drink in hand with everybody around her. It was equally funny how she had forgotten a lot of the songs we picked out, and then would get super excited when a favorite of hers came on.

"Oh, my God! I don't know why but I fucking love banjos!" she yelled when a Mumford and Sons song came on.

It was great to Anthony trying to stop her from embarrassing herself, even though he was enjoying her attention and affection. He held her hands and humored her as she yelled/sang to him.

"I belong with you, you belong with me my sweetheart!"

She stopped singing, and started looking around.

"Wait, where is my other sweetheart, I lost my little flower!"

She hadn't though. Daisy was just a few feet behind her, dancing with Uncle Emmett.

While picking out the music, I'd laughed a little that Amy insisted on Baby Got Back.

"It's a song about having a big ass, I've gotta do it!" she had said.

Aunt Rachel and Uncle Paul got pretty ridiculous dancing to it. Seth, Xandra and I all took a break from dancing and sat down to watch them. The look on my parents faces were even better.

"Look, look!" I said, tugging at Seth's sleeve.

"They both look constipated or something!" Xandra said, and we both dissolved into giggles. Since she was the same age as me, technically a tiny bit older, we convinced Mom and Dad that she could have a couple shots too. That added some extra giggles for sure.

"Wait a second," Seth said.

"Your Dad is looking at Rachel, but your Mom isn't. Look."

X and I followed her eyes, and Seth was right.

"Oh, little baby Jesus. What is going on with that?" Xandra breathed.

Asa was dancing with Tanya. Like, the kind of dancing that people usually do make a baby.

"Sick!" I exclaimed.

"How old is she again?" Seth whispered.

"Put it this way," I began.

"She makes Grandpa Carlisle look like a newborn," Xandra finished.

"Yup," I agreed.

I could tell from my parents nudges and exchanged glances that Mom was not okay with that, Dad I think cared some, but thought they should just let him be.

It was definitely a little strange.

I knew that we would have a lot of interesting pictures, that was for sure! We didn't have an official photographer, we'd taken a different route. There was a photo booth that was digital, so Amy and I would both get copies of all the pictures. The guests would get to keep the strip that popped out for themselves. There was no telling what might be going on behind that curtain! We also had disposable cameras on the favors table. The catch was the guests had to leave them here, but they would still get the pictures. We were going to get them all put on a disk to share with everybody. Both of us wanted to print them all out and put them in an actual album.

The favors had been hard to figure out. So many of them involve food or drink, and I wanted something that would be good for the vampires, and the pack. Amy was actually the one who found the perfect thing.

"Hey, look at this," she had said, handing me her phone.

"What about sunglasses?"

I stopped my searching and set my own phone down to look.

The picture she'd found was of a table with rows of sunglasses. The sign on the table read, don't be blinded by our love, take some shades!

"I love it, we are so doing this," I had said.

Swan had a lot of fun picking out a nice variety of high end sunglasses to give to our guests, and they were a hit.

The whole thing went perfect.

As the evening started to wind down, I was glad that all the Cullens were going to stay at my parents for a few days. It would have been impossible to spend as much time as I'd have liked with everybody. I was looking forward to seeing them more later once things were more calm.

Seth ruined his clothes when he didn't bother to take them off before he phased so that I could ride him home. That's okay though. I probably would have ruined them myself as soon as we got back anyway. Him going from wolf to naked in two seconds once we did actually ended up being pretty damn convenient.

A/N: I hope you guys had as much fun reading this as I did writing it! I really had a blast.

Oh, Asa. Everybody gets a little crazy at weddings, and I think sisters are always grossed out by their little brothers!

There were so many guests at the wedding, I wish I could have written about them all more! Sorry if any of you guys were missing your favorites from this. If I'd had the time, I probably could have written a second chapter about the reception. Party on, and keep reading because it's a double update day! Time for the wedding night.

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