Save Me

By findinglove9499

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Hudson Pine Treatment Center, the place where my life changed for the better. Who knew that it is where I wou... More

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By findinglove9499

The next morning I was up early. Well not super early, it was well after 10am but Leah was knocked out cold next to me. I changed into a light long sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts and walked down to the kitchen and found Marcus sitting at the table sweaty and shirtless.

"Hi" I said getting his attention. Marcus jumped not hearing me come in.

"Good morning." He said and put the paper down.

"Where are Jayce and Lynn?" I asked and grabbed myself a glass of water.

"I dropped Jayce off at pre-K and Lynn is still sleeping. She doesn't get up until around noonish. Usually I wake her up before I go to work." Marcus said and got up from his chair.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"I'm a firefighter for the city of Boston." He said.

            Marcus and I chatted for a few minutes before he left me to get ready for work. I took his place reading the paper and made some pancakes. Marcus left and once he did I went back upstairs to check on Leah. When I saw she was asleep I went down the hall to Lynn's room and opened the door. Peaking inside revealed that Lynn is still dead asleep. One thing I learned from being roommates with Lynn for six months is that she is a heavy sleeper.

            So with that in mind I crept into her room and jumped on top of her bed. Well more like on top of her. Lynn jumped up and opened her eyes. When she saw it was me she pulled me into a hug and cuddled into me.

"You know I don't think my girlfriend would like this that much." I said and Lynn only laughed before pulling me closer.

"I don't care, my soon to be husband is at work, my kid is at school and I'm finally seeing my best friend." She said.

"Soon to be husband! When did that happen?!" I yelled pushing her off of me.

            Lynn smiled into her pillow and showed me her left hand. On her ring finger is a simple engagement ring with one bigger stone in the middle of two smaller ones.

"You're engaged!!" I yelled again and started to jump up and down on the bed.

"You're worse than Jayce." Lynn said and chuckled.

"Oh my god, congratulations!!" I said and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Should I be worried?" I heard Leah say from the hallway.

            I let go of Lynn and looked over to my girlfriend. Leah's eyebrows are scrunched up and a look of worry crosses her face. I just smiled at her and started giggling. Lynn started laughing too and Leah just looked even more weirded out.

"Okay, I'm definitely worried now." Leah said and started to walk away.

"Hey Leah come back!" I said through my giggles. When Leah didn't come back I got up out of bed and walked out of Lynn's room to go after her.

            But Leah was waiting for me outside in the hall. She jumped at me making me jump and fall to the ground. Leah started laughing while I just laughed at myself on the floor. When we finally got ourselves together and off the floor, Leah and Lynn went downstairs to eat the pancakes I made for them.         

            After breakfast Leah went back up too our room leaving Lynn and I alone. Taking this time alone, I pulled Lynn outside and we walked to the water. When we got to the waters' edge Lynn and I sat down on one of the rocks. Lynn took a deep breath and smiled at the water.

"So, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm finally happy." Lynn said and smiled. "I'm happy with my life, my body, my mind, my baby boy is growing up, I'm engaged. I owe a lot to Marcus." Lynn said.

"I'm really happy that you're happy babe." I said and wiped a happy tear from her face.

"How about you? Leah is amazing." Lynn said and took my right hand in hers. She flipped it over and looked at it. When she was done she looked at my left one, doing the same.

"I'm good. Leah is truly amazing. She has a younger sister, Lauren, who cuts also." I said.

            Lynn looked kind of surprised and turned her body towards me. She looked over my shoulder at the house then returned her attention to me.

"Is she as bad as you were?" She asked.

"No, thank god. But we help each other stay grounded. Like talking with her helps me as much as it helps her. It's like we are in club with just us. We have this open door relationship were she can come to me about how she is feeling and I can do the same. She gets what I go through at times and it makes it easier." I said.

"That's good. Is she okay though?" Lynn asked.

"Yea, Leah's parents are getting her help, she goes to a therapist and she also has her girlfriend who helps her as much as Leah and I do." I said.

"That's amazing." Lynn said.

            Lynn and I got to talk for a little bit longer before Leah came outside to see what we were up too. At the time Lynn thought it would be a good idea to tell us that her and Marcus are going to be getting married while we are here. Marcus and her and getting married here in their backyard. The ceremony is going to be small with just Lynn's parents and her older brother and Marcus' family along with a few of his coworkers.

            Leah and I got really excited and went upstairs to go look to see if we needed to go out to find some dresses. While doing this Lynn showed us her dress and Leah and I both approved. After looking through what we bought Leah and I went out to shop for dresses for the wedding. Lynn told us about a few different shops in Boston we should look at and left to go pick up Jayce from pre-K.

            So Leah and I left the house and drove into Boston. We passed by the places where Lynn told us to look but didn't have any luck. Leah decided that she wanted to walk around for a bit and we ended up going to a vintage store down the block from Fenway Park. It only took us ten minutes in the store to find dresses for the wedding and a few other things we would bring home. While we were there we also found Marcus and Lynn a wedding gift. Leah and I both ended up picking out something. She went with these little seeds that have tags that say plant me. As there love grows so does the plants.

            I saw some photo boxes behind the counter as were we paying and asked about them. The woman who works there explained that she makes them for couples. I of course wanted to get them that. So I gave the woman all of the information she needed and we would pick it up on Wednesday. The wedding is going to be on Thursday so we didn't have too much time for it to be done.

            After we left the shop Leah and I made our way to the ticket window at Fenway. Just Leah's luck when we found out that Boston is playing the Yankees. Her love of the Yankees comes from Carmen. Carmen loves baseball just as much as Gabby loves soccer. I know because from the few times I went to Leah's games she would always talk baseball to me. Leah bought us tickets for behind home plate and I don't even want to know how much they cost. I told her a few times we can go sit in the bleachers but after I told her that she gave me a death glare. Note to self, don't come between my girlfriend and her Yankees.

            The game is tomorrow night so for now Leah and I went out to lunch before heading back to Lynn and Marcus' house. When we returned to our temporary home for the week, Jayce greeted us at the door. Lynn was right behind him but smiled when she saw it was us.

            Tuesday and Wednesday went quickly and before we knew it was Thursday. Leah and I didn't really do much on Tuesday but hang out with Jayce. Lynn went to work and so did Marcus. Wednesday we went to the game and much to Leah's pleasure the Yankees blew out Boston 11 nothing.

            But now it's Thursday and Lynn is getting a bit stressed waiting for time to go by. We helped distracted her by taking her out for lunch and to get her hair done and when we got back to her house we rushed her upstairs to get ready. It didn't take long to help her get dressed and to do her makeup. Before we knew it we had the bride ready to go in front of us. Jayce and Jayden walked into the room when we finished getting Lynn ready and Jayce pulled us outside so we could take our seats.

            Marcus showed us to our seats as we waited for the ceremony to begin. When we heard the wedding march we turned around as saw Lynn being walked down the aisle by Jackson and Jayden. Lynn looked beautiful as she made her way down the aisle. Marcus started crying when he saw Lynn in all of her beauty. As Leah and I watched the ceremony go on, I got to thinking about how I would want my wedding day to be like. One thing that stuck out in my mind though is that I would want it to be with the girl sitting next to me. It would be small, just us and our family and that would be it.

            After the beautiful ceremony, Leah and I met Marcus' family along with his friends along with Lynns'. Us being the youngest guests in attendance made things a little awkward but it was all good because Lynn told us that we could drink if we wanted too. Leah and I had a bit to drink but not much. We ended up having a really good time dancing and getting to know everybody.

            That night Lynn and Marcus left the house for a hotel in Boston. After we leave they would go on their honeymoon but they told us to make ourselves at home while they went out for the night. So we did. After everybody left we locked up went up to our room. We were both giggly from the alcohol but most of it has left our system. As we laid in bed that night Leah stared into my chocolate eyes as I stared into her emeralds.

"You're so beautiful." She whispered as she moved a strand of hair out of my face. I felt my cheeks get red and I leaned in closer to her.

            My lips pressed to hers and my body moved closer to her in the need of more. Things started to get heated fast and I started to get nervous. Leah and I haven't gone all the way yet. We would always be interrupted when we would try or I would just shut down.

"Hey, stop thinking." Leah said breaking away from the kiss. I looked in her eyes and nodded. She gave me a smile and I felt her hands reach for the bottom of my pajama top. I started to get nervous and put my hands on hers.

"Erica, look at me." Leah said and put one of her hands on my cheek. "Do you trust me?" She asked.

"With my life." I answered.

"Then let me show you how much I love you." Leah said with a pleading look in her eyes.

            Slowly I took my hand off of hers and let I let her take my shirt off. When she realized I wasn't wearing a bra her mouth dropped open and she kissed in between my breast.

"You're so beautiful." She said and looked up into my eyes. I lost my speech when she did that. So I did the only thing I could think of, I crashed my lips into hers. We continued kissing for a while before I worked up the courage to get Leahs shirt off as well. After another long while Leah and I shed the rest of our clothing.

            The night was magical. From start to finish everything about it was amazing. I learned that it was both of our first times. After we were finished with our late night activities, I still couldn't fall asleep. My mind kept going in over drive as I replayed every kiss, every touch, and every sound that came out of my sleeping girlfriend. The look in her eyes when she reached her apex was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

            The rest of the trip was amazing. Lynn and Marcus both really loved the gifts we gave them and we even babysat Jayce Friday night so they could go out again. The newlyweds thanked us a few times but we really thanked them. Our week was up before we knew it and we had to go back home to South Carolina the next morning. Leah and I packed up our bags as we watched Jayce. He was sad when we told him we had to leave tomorrow but I promised him we would come back and visit.

            Saturday came quickly and Leah and I didn't want to leave. But we knew we had to get on the road if we wanted to be home by Monday. Our goodbyes were messy but I'm going to truly miss my friend. Leah and I were back on the road at 7am. We planned on stopping in New York City for the night to explore the city life and drive the rest of the way home on Sunday.

            Things went as planned and the city was amazing. Leah and I had a lot of fun walking around in the big city. As the sun started to set the city came alive. All of the city lights were crazy to look at. We went to Ellen's Stardust Diner for dinner and it was really nice. The waiters would sing different songs while we ate dinner and it was a lot of fun. I kept making jokes to Leah about how she should make the suggestion to Gabby about letting their waiters sing. Leah heard enough after a while and threw her French fries at me.

            After dinner Leah and I went back to our hotel we went right to sleep. The next morning Leah and I were on the road by 7am again and I'm letting her drive the rest of the way. I'm still tired from not sleeping a lot last night to drive. I ended up falling asleep for most of the ride and woke back up when we hit Raleigh North Carolina. We still had another 3 hours to go and I made Leah pull over so we could switch.

            The rest of the drive was quiet because once we switched, Leah fell asleep. Tear in My Heart by Twenty One Pilots was stuck in my head for the rest of the ride. I did try to avoid any potholes so Leah could sleep for the rest of the ride. When I got to her house Leah was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her up so I asked Carmen if she could just take her inside to her bed.

Carmen did and I just followed behind her with Leah's bags. After giving Leah a kiss on the cheek I left for my own house. When I returned there was a lot of hugging and when I finally escaped from it I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed, one thought in my mind. I start my senior year of high school in a week.

A/N: Song on the side is Tear in My Heart by 21Pilots.

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