This Is Real...(Pentatonix Fa...

By ThatWritingGal

286 0 4

Sometimes it's hard to believe that something is real. That it's actually happening. That I, Rose Lynn Hoying... More

Chapter 1- The Start Of Something Big
Chapter 2- The Audition....Did We Make It?
Chapter 3- Arranging Is Hard + Celebration
Chapter 4- What Did We Do?
Chapter 5- Road Trip + Telling Mitch
Chapter 7-Arrangement Finished + Movies

Chapter 6- Texts + We Need To Talk

26 0 0
By ThatWritingGal

The food at the diner was pretty good, but soon we had to go back to the truck.

Me and Avi decided that whenever we stopped somewhere we would switch sides.

That was a bad idea.

Now I was against the car door this time, even more squished against Avi, great.

I decided to text Avi about how I had told Mitch.

(Italics-Rose bold-Avi)

Mitch squeezed the truth out of me about that night.

really? Do you think he'll tell anyone?

nah I don't think ro, I made him swear not to

oops, *so. Sorry

it's fine ;)

We continued talking like that, using :) and ;) all over the place.

Was this flirting? (That's thought, not text, just so you know)

I decided to say "bye" (I mean, he is still right next to me) to Avi and text Kirstie, she was good at flirting.

(Blah blah Kirstie is bold)

Is it flirting with someone if you use :) and ;) at the end.

are both of the people doing it?


most definitely

thanks Kirst.

I sighed, making Avi look at me in confusion. I just shook my head, deciding to text Mitch my problem.

(So much texting. You get it right? Rose is always italics)

ok, so I've been texting Avi and we keep using :) and ;) I asked Kirst (she doesn't know it's Avi, though) and she said that that means we are flirting. What do you think?

ooohh, most definitely. Someone's got a crush! Can i be the godmother of your babies?

I blushed, glaring at Mitch (making Avi even more confused. He looked like a lost puppy. Aw. STOP) but he only smirked.

Mitch, I'm serious!

ok, ok. Calm down! Just talk to him at the next stop. I'll talk to Scott about taking us somewhere that will take long, a hotel or something.

thanks, Mitch. Love you babe!! <3

yea, yea. Now let me sleep, momma needs her beauty rest.

I rolled my eyes before putting my phone away.

I was tired once again and it was probably going to be a while till our next stop so I put my head on Avi's chest, falling asleep once again, and once again receiving a kiss on my head.


I was awoken by whispering

"Hey! Wake up, lovebirds." It was Mitch. I slowly opened my eyes to see Mitch outside of the car with the door opened. The others looked like they were taking suitcases into a hotel.

I looked up to see Avi snuggled up to me. I blushed.

"Avi" I whispered, shaking him awake. He opened his eyes, rubbing them.

Taking in the situation, he blushed (and might I say he looked mighty cute when blushing) before unbuckling the seat belt. I stumbled out of the car, followed by Avi.

"Come on, the others are probably upstairs by now. They got all the luggage. room 119" I nodded, shutting the door, before following Mitch into the hotel, Avi close behind.

When we got in, Mitch was already in the elevator, pointing to the stairs.

"Looks like you're gonna have to take the stairs." He said, smirking. He winked at me. As the doors closed, Avi groaned.

"Why did he do that?" He whined.

"Because he wants us to spend time together." I answered. He looked at me.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Come on, let's go." I said, taking his hand and dragging him to the stairs.

We were almost there when I realized I hadn't let go of his hand. He realized too because he was looking at our intertwined hands. I sighed, dragging him up the rest of the way and into the hall where our room was.

"Listen, Avi. We need to talk." He looked scared at those words.

I looked down at our hands.

"That night....we were drunk off our minds, and I barely know you-" he cut me off.

"Than lets get to know each other." I smiled and nodded, sitting down on the floor with him, not feeling like going into the room. I wanted to spend time alone him.

We spent a little while, just talking about ourselves. I was surprised they hadn't gone looking for us, but knowing Mitch he probably told them we were "busy"

I sighed, looking down at his hand that was next to mine, deciding to take a risk and intertwine them again. He looked down also, before looking at me.

"Listen, I still don't really know you....but when I'm around you I get butterflies in my stomach. I blush when I make contact with you, and...and-" he cut me off by chuckling. "What?" I asked, nervous. Did he think I was stupid for saying that?

"You're so cliché" he said, before leaning in and kissing me on the lips. I was supprised for a few seconds, before kissing him back.

We pulled back slightly, just looking at each other.

Then, our silence was ruined by a text on my phone. Breaking eye contact, I looked down at my phone to look at the text.

You're welcome.

I looked up to see Mitch looking at us with a smirk on his lips.

I just shook my head before kissing Avi again.

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