Runaway | August Alsina

By AkiraMiCole

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Meet Aoki Lee Alsina , unknown daughter of August Alsina and Rayuana Aleyce but child of the foster system. ~... More



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By AkiraMiCole

Plz excuse any mistakes :)


Something wet on my face woke me out of my sleep. Once I realized it was just the puppy from yesterday I sighed. I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling while the puppy cuddled under me. I threw the covers over me and stood to my feet once I gathered myself. I noticed some things at the end of the bed and I looked through it.

Toothbrush, deodorant, new clothes, hair items all sat in the pile and I wondered who picked out the clothes being they were cute.

I walked over to the window and the sun wasn't up yet so I used the time to get ready. I showered and did my morning routine making sure everything was good.

I put on the new clothes and slipped on my boots I already had. It was six thirty in the morning and I was tired. All I wanted to do was sleep but I had to get my mothers signature so I could go to court tomorrow.

I opened the room door slowly peeking my head out before fully opening it. I looked back at the dog and he perked up ready to follow me. Going to find August with the dog on my tail I decided I would just wait in the living room.

"Good morning Aiko, I see puffy made a friend. Would you like breakfast?" Mariá smiled and I agreed to breakfast.

She seated me at the table with food everywhere and puffy ran off. My stomach growled once I caught a sniff of the food.

"Mr. Alsina will be down momentarily. You may eat now if you would like." She said sitting down hot syrup and that's all I heard before I started fixing my plate.

Three french toast, cinnamon roll, fruit salad, eggs, sausage, and a tall glass of orange juice later August finally came down and into the dining room taking a seat.

"Mornin'." He spoke tiredly.

"Morning." I smiled before saying my grace.

I watched August fix his plate which didn't consist of much but some toast sausage and eggs.

"You gon' stare or eat?" He chuckled.

"Sorry." I mumbled taking a bite of my French toast.

"Why do you have all this food if your only going to eat that?" I asked drinking some juice.

"Mariá thought it would be a good idea to cook all of this for you. Somethin' about kids love suga'." He shrugged.

"Oh." I nodded understanding.

After breakfast I felt sick. I had ate too much and I thought I would throw up at any given moment. I sat in the living room waiting for August so we could go.

Mariá brought all my clothes down after she washed and dried them along with my iPod and school items. Surprisingly she picked out my clothes from this morning. I thought maybe she had a daughter or something.

When August finally came down he looked at me with a worried expression.

"Aight' we can go now but you ok?" He questioned.

"Yes over stuffed myself." I sighed picking up my stuff but August carried it for me.

"Bye Mariá." I waved smiling.

"Bye darling. You have a good day." She waved.

We went into the garage and there sat four cars. He unlocked his Range Rover and put my things in the backseat while I got in the front. He opened the garage before starting the car and letting it warm up. There was an awkward silence besides the heat blowing and it was killing me.

"So what now?" I asked breaking the ice.

"We go to ha' job." He said pulling out the garage.

"What do you do?" I asked curious.

He had a huge house, four cars, and I curious as to what he did.

He didn't say anything. He just looked straight ahead as he drove and I shrugged letting it go.

"You sell drugs? Or your one of those king pins?" I picked at my nail polish.

The car came to a stop at a red light and I looked at August and he just stared back at me.

"No I do not sell drugs. Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Just curious."

We parked outside of a white building and got out the car and I started to shiver due to the weather.  August dialed someone on his phone and the person huffed before speaking.

"August what do you want?"

"Come outside man we need to talk."

"About what how you left me you asshole."

"It wasn't even like dat' jus' come on."

"Same ole August I see." She hung up.

Five minutes later I heard her come out yelling and I stood behind August.

"What could you possibly want August. Why can't you leave me alone. You did it once shouldn't be that hard to do it again." She semi yelled.

August step to the side and revealed me standing behind him.

"Our daughta' Raya." He simply said.

She looked at him then back to me. Her faced softened and she looked surprised to see me.

"Hey." I waved standing in front of August.

"It's you. Really you. Your so big. Well not big big but you've grown." She rambled with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything? How did you even find me? I mean I'm happy you did." She continued.

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded.

"She has somethin' for you?" August interrupted.

"Oh yeah I need your signature. I'm getting an emancipation." I pulled out the paper and pen handing it to her.

"I'm sorry? An emancipation, what from your parents?" She questioned.

"From the foster care system. She neva' been adopted." August spoke for me and she looked at me confused before signing them.

"Do need anything else?" She asked.

"Um no I just have to get this to social services."

"I can take you. Do you want me to take you?" She smiled.

"Yeah. You don't mind do you?" I turned to August and he lifted his eyebrows.

"Nah' ion mind." He frowned but quickly changed it to a small smile.

"Thanks." I told him.

"I neva' got around to tellin' you what I do, so if you wanna stop by you know whea' I live." He nodded hidin the real reason he wanted me to come over.

"Ok, bye." I said walking off with my mother.

In the car we made conversation instantly. She kept asking many questions but I didn't mind.

"So you like fashion and things?" She kept her eyes on the road.

"Yeah I actually look up to you. Every show and event you've done." I smiled widely.

"Wow that's great."

"Yeah. Main reason I asked for an emancipation. I want to reach my goals and foster care is stopping me from doing that."

"I'm sorry, I'm just confused. The social worker said she would have no problem placing you with a family." She glanced over at me.

"I don't know if you knew this but I was born with a heart problem. I had to go through many surgeries and after all of that I was about three and no one wanted me. Everyone wants a baby."

"Well not everyone." I added.

"Obviously." She sighed.

The rest of the ride was quiet. When she stopped the car I hurried and got out and she did the same.

"Hey I just want you to know it's not that i didn't want you. I was just- I was your age." She ran her hand through her hair.

"I should really get this inside. I have school." I walked off.

"I thought I knew everything at your age too. Have you considered where your going to go to school, how your going to make money." She walked beside me.

"No offense but I haven't had a mom in sixteen years I don't need one now." I walked inside the building leaving her standing there.

That was the last time I saw her until the next day when her and August decided to show up to my court session.

"Miss. Alsina you have no permanent place of residence as of now do you?" The judge questioned looking at my paper work.

"No but there's an apartment not to far from my school. I was looking into it." I eyed her.

"And how are you going to afford it? You have no income and who's going to co sign on your rental agreement?"

"The whole point of the emancipation is I won't need anyone to consign." I duh'ed her.

"No land lord is going to rent to a minor."

"I'll cosign your honor." I turned around and my parents were standing there.

I face palmed my myself and sighed wondering why they were here.

"And who are you people?" The judge asked.

"They are my um birth parents." I told her.

"You both own your own businesses, have working vehicles, own houses." The judge read over a paper she was looking at.

"Um what's happening?" I spoke.

"I'm going to be straight forward. You have no income, no residents and I'm not granted you an emancipation."

"But I got those papers signed."

"No witnesses sorry. So August Alsina and Rayuana Lee Aleyce are still legally your parents." She pounded the gavel on the sounding block.

"I'm sorry Aiko." My mother came up to me.

We made our way out the building and they followed me.

"We have to go over a living situation." Rayuana said and August nodded.

"She can stay with me." August stated.

"Um I don't think that's a good idea." They argued with each other.

I stood there witnessing them acting like children. Like for God sake it wasn't about them. I didn't want to live with neither of them or see them again. I just needed signatures from them and all this happened. It was their fault I didn't get an emancipation. If they would've just stayed away I would be free right now.

"Could you both stop already. I'm the kid. You're supposed to be the adult. Y'all need parents more then me right now and honestly I want nothing to do with you." I walked off going to catch the bus for school.


"Damn man this is crazy." I sipped on the Hennessy in my glass.

I was still tryin' to register I had a daughter. All this time I thought Raya got rid of ha' but she didn't. She put ha' up for adoption. Afta' Raya explained to me why she was never adopted it broke my heart. Knowin' I wasn't there in ha' time of need ate my heart away.

I didn't want her to resent me or ha' mother for dat' matter but I knew if she was anythin' like ha' parents she would be a tough one to crack. My girlfriend Tiana wasn't too happy about the news and I didn't care much. I had another chance with my daughter and I wasn't waistin' it. I missed her first crawl, steps, everythin'. My daughter was two years from bein' grown and it saddens me.

"I'm screwed up. Nobody wants to deal with me." Raya pouted drinking her wine.

"She might give ya' another chance." I shrugged.

"I don't know she walked away from me." She sighed.

"How could you not tell me you had her though." I got mad.

"You were to busy chasing other females and in the streets screaming you didn't want a child, and I couldn't go through with the abortion." She swirled the wine in the glass.

"Dat' don't mean shit. You should've told me. I had the right to know. She could've saved me from all the shit I've been through." I stressed.

"I'm sorry."

"You sorry? This your fault she ain't grow up with parents cause you wanted to be selfish, so you can save ya sorry." I threw the drink back pourin' another one. 

"Wow are you serious right now. We were young August. I had dreams and a baby didn't quite fit in the picture at the time. It's not my fault you used an expired condom. You think I didn't think about her everyday and wondered if she was ok or not?" She cried wipin' her eyes and I felt bad for what I said.

"I'm sorry Raya, maybe I shouldn't of said that."

She didn't say anythin' she just looked at me with sorry eyes. The only thing you heard was the soft music playin' in the background.

I leaned over to kiss her and she hesitantly kissed back. I gripped her waist and picked her up in one swift motion. I started towards the stairs and she hungrily kissed me. Once we got inside my room I closed the door with my foot and walked over to the bed.

She stood on her knees trying to get my clothes off. I took her shirt off and unhooked her bra before pullin' my shirt off and throwin' it on the floor. We waisted no time gettin' the rest of our clothes off and gettin' down to business.

I woke up with the sun peekin' through the curtains. I felt a body layin' on top of me and looked down. All of last night events played in my mind and I threw my head back.

I looked down at Raya and noticed she looked the same but her beauty enhanced more. There was a point in time I loved her with everythin' in me but I just wasn't good enough for her personally. She was the good straight "A" student and I was the no good bad boy. I wanted her to be with someone that deserves her and of course I ended up hurtin' her.

She started wakin' up and I looked down at her. Once she opened her eyes she shot up so fast I started laughin'.

"Oh my god. This didn't happen did it." She jumped out the bed to put on her clothes.

"Oh yeah it happened twice." I laughed.

"Could you shut up I have a fiancé." She finished puttin' on her clothes and one heel.

"So I have a girlfriend." I told her.

"Yeah like that's the same." She sarcastically responded.

"Where's my shoe." She huffed.

"This shoe." I held up her heel that was in the covers.

"Yes that." She snatched it and rushed out but not before saying "it never happened." 

Puffy came in my room and I sighed. I don't know why Tiana didn't take him with her. I put him out and headed to the shower to start my day.

R A Y U A N A  (R A Y A)

I rushed out of August house before anyone could spot me. I got in my car and drove down the drive way and pass the gate. Before I turned out I noticed someone sleeping on the ground. I got out my car and tapped the person and it was Aiko.

"What are you doing at August home?" She questioned.

"Why are you sleeping on the ground in this freezing weather. You can get sick." I changed the subject.

"I was waiting for August to get up." She sat up wrapping the blanket around her.

"Come on." I motioned for her to follow me.

We got in the car and I drove to McDonald's. I ordered some hot chocolate and a chicken biscuit for her and parked while she ate.

"I want you to know I'm really sorry for not being there for you."

"You were there. On the tv and online. You were my outlet." She smiled.

I just smiled I didn't exactly know what to say to her. I was just happy she found me.

"Why were you sleeping outside though?" I built up something to say.

"Well I learned you shouldn't tell your foster parents to suck it."

"So she put you out?" I asked shocked.

"Yup." She nodded.

After eating we went to the mall. I called August to get her a cake and stuff because I remembered her birthday was two days ago and I'm sure she didn't get to celebrate it. I decided she would stay with me and we'll take everything from there.

Later that evening we arrived at my house. I pulled in the drive way and got out. Aiko followed me inside and everyone screamed surprised. She sat her things down in the foyer and smiled brightly.

"What's all this?"

"Well you didn't think I forgot your birthday was Wednesday did you?" I laughed.

"Raya wanted me to invite ya' friends but since I don't know any of them I brought mine." He chuckled.

"Hey Mariá." She hugged her.

"Hola beautiful. These are my daughters Alanah and Gabriellá." She pointed out.

Aiko waved and the girls waved back. We directed everyone to the kitchen where the cake was. Everyone gathered around and before we started my fiancé came in.

"Hey Aiko this is my fiancé Aviory and Aviory this is Aiko. My daughter." I paused before saying daughter.

"Fiancé. Congratulation man." August dapped him up looking at me.

"Hey I'm a big fan." Aiko cheesed.

"Aw thanks beautiful. Here you are." Aviory handed her a card.

"I'll open this later." He nodded and joined us.

We sang happy birthday to Aiko and she blew out the candles.

"Gotta blow all of em' out or ya wish ain't gon' come true." August grinned.

"I think it already has." She looked up at him before closing her eyes and blowing the last one out.

We ate dinner before eating dessert. Everyone talked and laughed and it made me happy. Aiko opened her letters on the floor with Gabriellá and Alanah by her side and I could see then becoming friends. August sat behind Aiko reading over her shoulder and messing with her and Aviory and I sat next to each other enjoying the evening.

"I can't believe you have a daughter. Like you never told me something this big." He spoke.

"I have trust issues and I was scared. I am sorry though." I responded watching Aiko.

"Well I'm here for you and her and I'll treat her as if she was my own daughter." He reasoned.

"I love you babe."

"I love you too Mrs. Jackson." He smirked and last night events made me feel guilty.

I glanced over at August and he was already looking at me. Aviory kissed me and August looked away. I kissed him back and put on a smile for the rest of the night.


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Rayuana in the MM


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