Whatever You Say, Boss (REWRI...

By KeepBelieving4774

25.1K 481 537

Sequel to Total Drama Reloaded (REWRITTEN) **** "I know what you're doing Heather. You're trying to make me j... More

Chapter 1: A harsh slap back to the past
Chapter 2: Hyper Heather and the beautiful boy
Chapter 4: You're B-U-S-T-E-D. You're busted!
Important Authors Note
Chapter 5: One very stupid deal I made
Chapter 6: A walk down the red carpet (part 1)
Chapter 7: A walk down the red carpet (part 2)

Chapter 3: There are friends and then there are "boyfriends"

2K 55 85
By KeepBelieving4774

The picture above is how the cast looks like (Alejandro, Heather, Lily, Trevor, Linda and Edward) Tell me what you think! :)

Dedicated to TDWTMelodyWish

I turned the door knob and rolled my eyes at what I see. This is the second time today I have opened the door to see two people 'osculating' with each other. It must be my lucky day (note the sarcasm)

Only they didn't bother to stop and acknowledge my presence. I'm kind of used to this (unfortunately) so I locked the door, went my room and locked it.

Sighing, I took off my clothes and climbed into the shower. I made sure to stay there a good 20 minutes so that I could ignore Lily and Trevor. After I was sure that they were done, I got out and shimmied into a grey sweatshirt written Abercrombie and Fitch and black sleeping shorts.

I dived into my bed and grabbed my phone. There were 3 messages from Attractive English Man ;)

I'm waiting~ Attractive English Man ;)

Heather don't ignore me~ Attractive English Man ;)

I know you received these messages. Stop ignoring me~ Attractive English Man ;)

I snorted.

You are ridiculous. I am not apologising to you. ~ H

Haven't you ever heard of sympathy?~ Sexy English Man ;)

No, but I do believe in something called 'blocking' ~ H

Please don't block me. Not until you apologise ~ Attractive English Man ;)

Is there any other option? ~ H

No. ~ Attractive English Man ;)

Then nope. Sorry, Mr Attractive English Man. Why did you call yourself that?~ H

Because I am an attractive English man ~ Attractive English Man.

Don't flatter yourself ~H.

Meanie ~Attractive English Man.

How mature of you. ~H

*rolls eyes* What are you doing right now? ~Attractive English Man.

I'm alone, talking to you. ~ H.

Loner. Do you want to go out? ~ Attractive English Man.

I rolled my eyes.

We just met. ~ H.

I didn't say we'd be alone ~ Attractive English Man.

Who will we be with? ~ H.

You, me and my reflection ~ Attractive English Man.

You're ridiculous ~ H.

I believe in love at first sight. And the first person I see everyday is myself in the mirror ~ Attractive English Man.

That is more the reason to my previous statement ~ H.

I need a proper answer, Heather ~ Attractive English Man.

When pigs fly, Edward. When pigs fly~ H.

That can be arranged *evil smile*~ Sexy English Man.

There was a knock on the door, making me put my phone down and walk to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Lily and Trevor.

Lily was in a red, short dress with eye line, her signature red lipstick and red stilettos to match. Her hair was a curly mess and rested on her shoulders. Trevor was in a black leather jacket, a white shirt and designer black jeans. I wondered why they were here.

They must be going out and they must be here to let me know.

"We're going out," Lily informed me. See? This kind of makes me feel very sad because I have no boyfriend (no, Edward isn't counted here) so I'm always left here alone. I saw my future flash before my eyes and I saw myself with 50 cats.

                     "Okay," I began to close the door but Trevor's foot blocked me from doing so. "We want you to come," Lily added.

I shook my head at the offer. "Sorry but that would be really awkward for me,"

                      "We know so we hooked you up with one of Trevor's friends," Lily continued, but again, I shook my head at the offer.

"No thanks," I began to close the door when Lily and Trevor somehow slipped inside.

                       "Please? It's been bugging me that I always leave you here," Lily begged and she began to pout a little, her lip quavering.

I gave her the are-you-kidding-me look. "Nice try Lily, but I don't need sympathy. I'm fine on my own. Really," I insisted, getting irritated by both of them.

                       Lily pleaded with her eyes one last time but I shook my head. Lily sighed. "Fine, but I tried to help you," And with that, she exited the room with Trevor behind her. I followed them to shut the door and lock it.

                 I sighed as they left but I heard Trevor's voice say, "I'll meet you downstairs, I left my wallet in the apartment,"

That was my cue to run. Trevor was not my favourite person in the world for one reason: He is a cheater!

Whenever Trevor and I are alone, he starts flirting with me with his obnoxious innuendos. It really pisses me off because he and Lily have been together for about 2 months and he's not even serious about the relationship.

Why can't I tell Lily? Because if I do, two things will happen:

1) She won't believe me. She'll think I'm jealous because she has a boyfriend and I don't.

2) She'll be devastated because this is her first relationship that she's been serious about and I can't ruin that.

I ran to lock the door but Trevor was too quick for me and he got through the gap. He closed the door behind us with a smirk.

                  "Trying to lock me out, again?" Trevor put his finger on my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Sooner or later, she'll find out," I reminded him, hoping that he'd leave me alone. 

           "Yeah but for now, I might just take advantage of the situation," Trevor's hands circled my wrist.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on me," I gritted my teeth. But knowing he won't listen to me due to past experiences, I had to do what I did next.

I kneed the jerk in the groin before grabbing his arm and throwing him, and he landed on the ground, next to the couch. He groaned on the ground and I disappeared to my room, came back with my stilettos and stepped on him, like some kind of human doormat.

I kicked him in the stomach, the stilettos still on and I disappeared into my room. I heard him mutter a string line of curses before he stumbled to his feet and left the apartment.


You wanna?

You wanna?

You wanna hot body, you wanna Bugatti, you wanna Maserati, you better work work.

I groaned as I rolled over to try and block out the alarm using my pillow.

You wanna Lamborghini, sip Martinis, look hot in a bikini, you better work work.

What on earth was I thinking putting Work Work by Britney Spears as my alarm? Everything Britney Spears is singing is what I want but I'm too lazy to work for it.

You wanna live fancy, live in a big mansion, party in France? You better work work (x4)

Now get to work work.

Okay Britney Spears. I'm going, I'm going. Sheesh, no need to get all worked up (See what I did there? The song is called Work Work and I said no need to get "worked" up, oh forget it).

I yawned as I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. Today I made sure to set my alarm by 10 am so that I could have some extra time in the shower, and that I could eat something, before I go to my terrible work place.

By 10:25, I was in front of the TV, with hot chocolate in one hand while my omelette was on the plate, which was resting on my lap. I was in a white blouse with my grey slacks and some black stilettos.

After finishing my breakfast and some episode on Netflix, Lily had finished dressing up and was wearing a white and green shirt with jeans and flats. She told me she was a waitress at a restaurant.

I locked the house and we headed downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs was the idiot himself, Trevor, waiting for Lily.

                  "Hey, do you want a lift?" Trevor asked Lily. Lily nodded and I mumbled a goodbye before leaving but she got hold of my right arm.

                   "Wait. Trev, can you give Heather a lift, too?" Lily asked Trevor. Trevor nodded and looked at me with his famous smirk.

"No, Lily. I'm good. The office is just a few blocks away," I insisted, but she refused to let go of my hand.

                 "No. You refused to join us last night so at least let us drop you off at work. You can get another ride back home, if you want," Lily gave me the puppy eyes and I sighed. Curse those adorable eyes of hers.

                 "Fine," I gave in. "I call shotgun," Lily said and she ran to the passenger seat. I climbed into the backseat, waiting for Trevor to start the car.

                 "So where do you work, Heather? So that I can know where to drop you off," Trevor tilted the mirror to face me. "Al & Co," I replied, looking out of the window.

Trevor started the car and didn't talk to me again. Lily began to talk about how she had a great time last night and I wished that I had my headphones or ear plugs because that was a torturous ride.

Soon, Trevor arrived at the company and I jumped out of the car quickly. Waving to Lily goodbye, I walked to the main entrance and stopped at Alejandro's door.

Instead of barging in like yesterday, I decided to knock on the door. When I heard a response from the other side, I walked in. Alejandro was with Linda (the reception lady) and she was sitting on his lap.

                   "Morning Heather," Alejandro greeted. I gave a curt nod in response. Alejandro opened the drawers on his desk and dropped a red file. "Here's your work for today. I have a meeting at noon and I wish for you to accompany me,"

I nodded and I went to get the file. His hand brushed my hand and I scowled. He did that on purpose, I thought. Yet he has a girl seated on his lap. That bastard.

I quickly grabbed the file and walked out of the room. I entered my office and closed the door. I had just started typing the document when the door opened and in came Linda.

             "Listen, newbie, because I'm not going to repeat myself," Linda slammed her hands down on my desk.

              I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You want me to stay away from Alejandro because you're his and he's yours, bla, bla, bla. Can you leave now?" I asked angry, that she was disrupting my work.

                  Linda's face was shocked. She hadn't expected me to say that, but the opposite. "Yes, or I'll make you pay," Linda threatened.

                   I couldn't help but snort. "Whatever. He's all yours. I have no interest in him," Linda, again, was surprised.

I have gone through stuff like this since high school because I was threatened from staying away from people's boyfriends. I don't need that kind of drama now, and especially here.

"Good," Was all she said, and she left, satisfied because that went faster than she imagined.


Pretty soon, noon came and I hit Save before making the computer sleep. I grabbed a notebook and a pen before heading to Alejandro's office. I was about to open the door but Alejandro beat me to it.

                  "Good. I didn't have to call you," He said, shutting and locking the door behind him. I just stood there, waiting for him. "What's wrong, chica? Cat got your tongue?"

At least he didn't call me the nickname he gave me three years ago.

I shook my head. He glanced at me one last time before walking. I was right behind him, wondering where the meeting could be. It was in a huge room, painted white with a long table and equal number of chairs on each side, but a chair positioned at the head of the table. There was a large TV screen and on the chairs, there was a bottle of water for those who needed it.

                There were a few men inside chatting and before I knew it, hands covered my eyes. "Edward, I know it's you," I grinned.

The hands didn't move. "Edward who?" He sang. I could feel him smile, too.

           I sighed, knowing what he wanted me to say. "Edward, the attractive English man," I answered, and the hands were removed.

                 I turned around to see Edward in a suit, looking dashing as always. "I knew you always felt like that about me," Edward smirked. I rolled my eyes at him, before slapping his shoulder.

            "Ahem!" A voice said making us turn our heads to the source of the voice. "The meeting is starting. Please take your seat," Alejandro said to Edward. Edward winked at me before sitting down.

Unfortunately, I was standing throughout, listening to Alejandro babbling about expanding the business, while occasionally scribbling on my notebook. Just when I was on the verge of falling asleep, my phone vibrated. I thanked God that it was on "vibrate" mode or it would be embarrassing.

I'm bored. Aren't you? ~Attractive English Man.

I chuckled softly. He's supposed to be paying attention, not texting me.

Yes, I am. My legs are killing me ~H.

My poor back is torturing me. If this meeting doesn't end soon, I may start using a walking stick. I have a plan. ~Attractive English Man.

You do? ~H.

Yes. How about we go outside to do something...more interesting than this? Let's go ice skating! ~ Attractive English Man.

No, because we are in a meeting, idiot and I'm trying to pay attention ~H.

How can you pay attention when I'm here? ;)~ Sexy English Man.

I should change your name to Annoying English Man ~H

Annoyingly attractive ~Sexy English Man.

I was thinking annoyingly stupid ~H.

That hurt. I'm ignoring you from now on ~Sexy English Man.

Fine with me. You mean nothing to me anyway ~H.

Edward turned to me, his mouth forming an O and his eyes widened.

How dare you?! I was nice enough to continue to talk to you even after you didn't apologise to me! ~Attractive English Man.

I refused to answer after that because I wanted to annoy him. That and Alejandro was watching me like a hawk as he spoke.

Soon, the meeting ended and I rushed out of the door because 1) Edward is hunting me down like a bloodhound and 2) I am as hungry as ever. Mostly the latter not the former. 

I walked into the cafeteria and bought myself a chicken-wrapped tortilla with some water. I sat down at a table and in less than a millisecond, Edward was sitting down beside me, too.

                       "How dare you run away from me like that? If it wasn't for the several people who went for the door at the same time I did, I'd have caught up to you," Edward huffed, taking a bite of his casserole.

                        "Poor you. Maybe they would have been willing to be your friends, " I smiled at him, and he glared playfully at me. I laughed at him, because he was hilarious when he was mad. He crossed his arms and frowned at me, childishly and I mimicked him. He burst out laughing and I did, too.

Our laughing was seized to a halt because we had company, and by company, I meant Alejandro and Linda. I took a bite out of my tortilla, looking away from Alejandro's piercing eyes.

                   "Do you mind if we join you?" Alejandro asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"It's cool," Edward answered. Linda and Alejandro sat down.

Linda was eating a salad while Alejandro was eating a quesadilla. The four of us ate silently which made things a whole lot awkward.

                          "So," Edward cleared his throat. "A couple of mates and I are going bowling on Friday night. Do you want guys to come?" He asked everyone.

             "No can do. I already have plans," Linda answered.

"That's alright. Heather?" Edward looked at me.

I bit my lip, deep in thought. Friday night is when Lily and I have movie night where we watch the worst movies created and criticize them. I know, we're weird.

                  "I don't know," I admitted. "I'll have to ask my roommate if she's okay with it," I got out my phone and texted Lily:

Hey, do you mind if I go bowling with some guys on Friday night? ~H.

Yeah, it's cool. I already had plans with Trev ~L.

I gritted my teeth. Hate is an understatement to describe how I felt about Trevor.

                   "Yeah, I can make it," I said, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Great," Edward grinned at me and I smiled back.

                 "I'm coming too," Alejandro spoke up. I had forgotten that he was here, and existed. How I wish he didn't.

                     "Cool," Edward said. Linda, Edward and I got into a deep conversation about high school. Turns out that Edward was a nerd throughout high school and Linda was a cheerleader. Alejandro just sat there watching us talk.

We laughed as we shared our stories, and the next thing you know, we were arguing about whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable. I know, how random.

 "It's a fruit! You've heard about tomato juice. And juices are made from fruits," Linda argued.

                   "No, it's a vegetable. Salsa and most stews are made with tomatoes. It's also served as a side dish with fries sometimes," Edward argued.

              "I know how to end this, once and for all," I said and whipped out my phone. "Two words: the Internet,"

"Fine, we'll see who's right," Linda folded her arms.

                 "Yes, and lets put a little wager on this. Whoever is wrong pays the winner 20 dollars," Edward said, smiling smugly at her, thinking that he'd be paid.

                  "Deal," Linda agreed and turned to me. So did Edward. I went to Oxford Dictionary. After scrolling through the information given, I spoke up.

                             "According to Oxford Dictionary, a tomato is a fruit, scientifically, but cooks claim it to be a vegetable. But the answer it gives is that it is technically a fruit because it comes from a tomato plant, but it is used as a vegetable in cooking," I read.

                  "Pay up, pretty boy. I want my 20 bucks!" Linda held out her hand to Edward, who was pulling out a 20 dollar bill from his wallet, grumbling about how that information was false and he should be the one being paid.

                   "It's not fair," He whined, handing over his money to a satisfied Linda.

"Sorry Ed, but the Internet never lies," I said sweetly.

"Easy for you to say. You didn't lose 20 dollars," Edward mumbled.


At 5, I locked my office door and headed out. Linda was filing documents by the time I reached the reception.

                    "Bye Linda," I said. Linda held up a finger, motioning for me to wait. She got her purse and straightened her dress.

                     "Wait," Linda told me. "Let me put my number on your phone so that we can be talking, even outside the building," I gave her my phone and she gave me hers.

Who knew that Linda was actually nice? That just goes to show that not all people who act mean and rude are like that all the time. They can have a good side to them and be can be really cool.

                        "Bye Heather," Linda hugged me goodbye before going to Alejandro, who was drinking water from the water dispenser.

I groaned as a thought appeared in my head. I don't have a ride to take me to my apartment, and I am certain that I am not going to call Lily or Trevor because they are probably together.

           "Need a ride?"

I turned to look at Edward standing beside me. I nodded and Edward began to walk to his car. My jaw dropped as I saw Edward's car.

                "Oh my goodness! Is that a Hammer?!" I said in awe. I stared at the giant, sleek, black Hammer before me and watched as the rays of the sun, bounced off the hood of the car.

                       "Yes, yes it is," Edward laughed at my reaction and he opened the door for me.

"I see that you are a gentleman after all," I smiled, as he closed the door for me, circled the car and entered it.

"Yes. I was raised right," Edward grinned, as he strapped his seat belt.

         Edward turned the ignition and the car came to life. I sighed against the comfy seat and couldn't help but move around.

               Edward looked at me before he rolled his eyes. "So where do you live?" He asked. I directed him to the apartment I live in and we were there in 5 minutes.

                 "Can I come with you?" Edward asked and I raised my eyebrow. "No, I won't do anything creepy or weird to your apartment. Or go into your room, if that's what you're worried about,"

My eyebrow was still raised but I sighed. "Fine. Follow me," I instructed and I climbed the flight of stairs until I reached our apartment. The key was under the mat so I had to bend down and pick it up.

              "My eyes! I'm blinded! I must look away," Edward cried, before turning away. "Heather! Was your intention to blind me so that I never see your apartment?"

"Why yes it was, Edward," I said, with a laugh. I got up and unlocked the door.

                     "I'm home," I told Lily, ignoring Trevor. All of a sudden, I got a wicked idea. "And I brought my 'boyfriend'," I added, catching not only Lily and Trevor's attention, but Edward's, too.

                   Edward's eyes widened for a second, before he saw the dangerous look on my face. He waved at the two, who's jaws were on the ground. "Hello, I'm Edward," He introduced himself.

                    "Good grief, your boyfriend is hot! And has a British accent!" Lily exclaimed, not caring that Trevor was glaring at her. "What? Look at him. I can't deny the obvious,"

                  "Thank you, but unfortunately, my 'girlfriend' doesn't seem to agree with you," Edward looked at me, with his eyebrows raised. "Thanks for the ride, bye!" I quickly shoved him out of the door.

I smiled at Trevor, who was fuming, and walked to my room. Boys are so much fun to mess with. And I have a feeling from now on, Trevor would leave me alone. Thank God.

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