This Is Real...(Pentatonix Fa...

By ThatWritingGal

286 0 4

Sometimes it's hard to believe that something is real. That it's actually happening. That I, Rose Lynn Hoying... More

Chapter 1- The Start Of Something Big
Chapter 2- The Audition....Did We Make It?
Chapter 3- Arranging Is Hard + Celebration
Chapter 4- What Did We Do?
Chapter 6- Texts + We Need To Talk
Chapter 7-Arrangement Finished + Movies

Chapter 5- Road Trip + Telling Mitch

32 0 2
By ThatWritingGal

I had decided to have my friend, Maddy, look after my cat. She was the only person I could really trust, considering I was gonna be gone for a while.

The group had gone to each person's house, hanging out while they packed their suitcases, my house was the last stop.

Everyone absolutely loved my cat, I mean how couldn't you?

"What's his name?" Kevin asked me.

"Potato." I replied confidently. Avi chuckled, which made me melt. His voice was so low. "What?" I asked, pouting and crossing my arms over my chest.

"You named your cat potato?" He asked, still laughing.

"Hey, don't judge" I said, putting my hands up in mock surrender. We stared at each other for a little bit.

His eyes were really pretty.

Luckily, everyone had gotten into playing with my cat to notice that we had been staring for a little too long.

Everyone except Mitch of course.

I swear, that guy is a detective.

I snapped out of my gaze, going upstairs to pack.


Maddy had come over already for Potato, so we were all ready to go on this road trip to LA.

We were going to take Scott's truck, because it had the most seats.

But sadly, we were still short one seat.

Scott's truck was designed with three seats in the front and two in the back, so we had decided that three people would go up front and three in the back. Two people in the back would share one seat and one seatbelt.

Scott was the driver and Kirstie and Kevin immediately called up front, not wanting to share.

That left Mitch, Avi, and me in the back. I'm sure you know where this is going..

We all knew how Mitch felt with personal space, so that left me with Avi...


Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Avi and would normally be fine to share a seat with him. But with our hook up and Mitch being onto us, it was all to much.

All three of us squeezed into the back.

When it comes to sharing a seatbelt, hook up or not, I would not usually share with him, but Kevin had been nagging on and on about safety, so I had no choice.

I had to scoot pretty close to Avi to allow the buckle to get into the receiver, causing me to blush.

Mitch raised his eyebrow at me, knowing fully well that I would be fine doing this with anyone else.

'We'll talk later.' He mouthed to me. I nodded shakily.


We had been driving for a good hour, and I was starting to get sleepy. I yawned, my eyes half opened. Avi looked at me, with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"You should go to bed" he told me. I nodded shakily.

I soon realized that the only place I could put my head was his chest. I shrugged internally, resting my head on his chest, but I don't think anyone saw.

I could feel Avi leave a kiss the my head as I drifted off.

I don't think anyone saw that, either.



Don't think I didn't see that, Rose, with you putting your head on his chest.

I also saw you two coming out of the guest bedroom together with your sex hair.

Oh I do wonder what you did in there.

Oh look, a kiss to her forehead, how sweet, I saw that, too.

Mommy sees all.



Waking up, I realized that Avi had fallen asleep also, with his head resting on top of mine. I shook him slightly, waking him up.

"Wake up" I whispered. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, smiling at me.

I looked up front to see Kevin driving.

"Are we stopping somewhere soon Kev? I'm hungry" Avi asked. I nodded in agreement

"Yea, for breakfast. Can you wake the others?" I nodded.


We decided to stop at a nice diner for breakfast, and I excused myself for the bathroom, following Mitch's orders to wait outside.

A few minutes later he showed up also.

"Ok, so what's up with you and Avi?" Mitch asked. I didn't know what to say.

"Nothing." I said. I mean I was a pretty good actor, but Mitch has known me for a long time.

"Rose, I know when you are lying." I sighed in defeat, lowering my head.

"Meandavisortofhookedupthatnightwhenwecelebrated,butweweredrunkofcourse.ihavenofeelingsfor-" Mitch cut me off.

"Girl, you better speak slower than that!" I took a deep breath.

"Me and Avi sort of hooked up that night when we celebrated, but we were drunk of course. I have no feelings for-"

" 'Have no feelings for' my ass. I see the way you look at each other, and that is no 'oh, we had sex, now it's awkward' look that's is a full on 'I like you' look" I looked at him in shock.

"Wait, you're not surprised that we hooked up?" Mitch smirked.

"Oh, I saw you guys coming out of the guest bedroom together. I just wanted to see you get flustered."

"You bastard!"

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