Never Apart

By uswnt1317

25K 404 73

Sequel to Forever Friends More

Chapter 1: Its Been To Long
Chapter 2: Forgotten
Chapter 3: From Tobin
Chapter 4: Reunited
Chapter 5: Problems With Each Other
Chapter 7: Worried
Chapter 8: Sisters
Chapter 9: Last Time
Chapter 10: Memories
Chapter 11: I'd Fight For You
Chapter 12: Never Apart

Chapter 6: No More

1.8K 31 7
By uswnt1317

Alex's POV
"Good morning lex." Tobin says to me as I get out of bed.
"Good morning." I say back. I was still pretty tired because I didn't get as much sleep last night because I was just thinking about what happened yesterday. I was pretty mad and disappointed with Lauren.

"So uh you wanna talk about what happened?" Tobin asked, looking at me a little worried.

"I went to talk to Lauren yesterday and like we kind of talked about what happened. Then she started to yell and scream at me when I was talking. I know I didn't say anything wrong and I was a little surprised when she started to yell at me. Yea your probably thinking so what she just yelled at you. But I remember last winter here in New York she made a promise that she would never yell at me or get mad and she broke that promise..."

"I'm sorry Lex. I can try to talk to her if you want."
"If you want to then go ahead. I'm gonna go visit Ali later."
"Okay. Well you know I'm always here for you."
"I know you are, thanks Tobs."

After breakfast I took a quick shower, put some fresh clothes on, and went to Ali's room. Once I get to her room I knock on the door.
"It's open." I hear Ali yell.
I open the door and walk in. I see Ali still laying in bed.

"Hey Kriegs."
"What's up Morgan?"
"Just checking up on you."
"Or you want to talk about Lauren and me."
"Oh Ali, you always seem to read my mind."
"It's a best friend thing." We both just laugh.

"But yea yesterday kinda got out of hand.."
"Yea I know. I tried to keep it in and not do anything but I had flashbacks of what she did to me senior year so I just let it out I guess."
"Oh senior year, it kind of felt like you and me against the whole school." I said to Ali who smiled.
"Alex, are you on my side on this?"

I knew this question would come up at one point. And the truth was I wasn't on a side. I wanted them both to be friends because both of them were my friends. But just to comfort her and so she knows I'm there for her I said yes.
"Uh yea of course I am..."
"Okay good."

Ali's POV
It made me happy to know she was on my side. I wanted her to be. She stayed there and talked to me for a while until she had to go.
"I'm gonna head back now, I'll see you later Kriegy call me if you need anything."
"Okay bye Alex."

Once she left I got my crutches and decided to walk around for a bit. I went down to the training room to get some pills for my knee because it was hurting like crazy especially after Lauren pushed me and I landed on it.

Once I got my medicine I went to the locker rooms and got some pre wrap out of my locker. Alex was running low on her pink pre wrap so I was gonna give her a new roll. As I was opening my locker I hear someone walk into the locker room. Of course this would happen to me. Of course Lauren Cheney would be in here.

"What are you doing in here?" Lauren asks me.
"I think I should be the one asking you that."

"Hurry up and get out of here." Lauren says.
"Why don't you get out of here and wait for me to finish what I'm doing in here."

"Oh shut up Ali."
"Or what?"

"I don't think you wanna go there Krieger."
"Oh actually yes I do wanna go there Cheney. You think your tougher and stronger then me? You think I'm scared of you? I may have crutches but I'm not weak and I'm not scared of you. So you can shut up and get your little ass out of this locker room."

"Or what? What are you gonna do Ali?"

She just always knows how to push me to my limit. I go over to Lauren and shove her really hard against the locker.
"Fine you wanna play this game Krieger!" Then Lauren comes over and punches me square in the face. It really hurt. I already felt a bruise coming on my cheek. I looked away in pain then I turned, looked at Lauren and punched her really hard on her cheek causing her to slam into the lockers and fall. She got up and punched me again then I fell and landed hard on my knee. It felt like I just broke it again. I screamed loudly in pain.

Kelley's POV
Alex and me took a walk and went to the training room to get some pre wrap when we both heard a scream from the locker room.
"What was that?" I ask Alex.

Then we see Lauren run out of the locker room in a hurry. She was already gone before we could say a word to her. Alex and me rush into the locker room and see Ali Krieger on the ground holding her knee in pain.

"ALI!!" Alex yells as she rushes to her side.
I go on the other side of her and I squeeze her hand.
"Kriegy what happened?!?" I ask her but she's in to much pain to answer.

"Kelley get the wheelchair that's in the training room!"
I nod and rush out to get the wheelchair. Once I get it I rush back into the locker room where Ali and Alex were.

We both help her onto the wheelchair which was a bit of a struggle because Ali was in to much pain.
I grab her crutches and her new bottle of pills for her knee that was on the ground. Alex pushes her wheelchair to the elevator. We get in the elevator and impatiently wait for it to get to her floor.
"It hurts!" Ali yells out.
"Your gonna be okay Ali." I tell her.

When we get to her room Alex immediately gets ice from the freezer. I get a glass of water and get medicine for her to take. When Alex puts the ice on her knee and she takes the medicine she begins to calm down.

"Ali you need to tell me what happened right now." Alex says in a rather serious tone. I nudge her a bit and tell her to take it easy a little which she does.

Then Ali began to speak.
"I went to the locker room to get some pink pre wrap for you Alex since you said you needed some. As I was opening my locker I hear someone come in and it was Lauren. We scream and argue back and forth with each other then.....then I pushed her into the lockers first. Then she punched me and we started to fight... It went back and forth and she pushed me and I landed on my knee really hard."

"Ali why do you keep fighting? You know it will only make things a lot worse." Alex says.

"She hurt me Alex. What part don't you get? I just can't stand her anymore."

"We are all on the same team. So you better fix this or I don't know what's gonna happen." Once Alex said that she got up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. So it was just me and Kriegy.

"Are you gonna leave me to?" Ali says to me. I looked into her eyes and I felt bad for her.

"I'm not going anywhere." I say back.
"But can you tell me what went down with you and Lauren?"

Ali sighs and tells me everything.

"I guess it started senior year. I was new to the school and didn't know anyone. I tried out for the soccer team and I made the team. There I met Tobin, Alex, and Lauren. Not to brag but I was good. I was really good. I did anything I could to start every game. One game our coach didn't start Lauren Cheney. He started me in for her position. Obviously I was excited I mean who wouldn't want to start a game? Pretty soon I was starting most games and Lauren got jealous I guess. She hated me for taking her spot so she was always rude to me. She embarrassed me in school, she didn't invite me to any of the soccer parties, and she was just so rude to me.
Then one day at lunch she pushed me, causing me to fall and spill my lunch all over myself. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed at me. I cried and ran out of the lunch room. I stayed in the bathroom the rest of the day and ditched the rest of my classes. Finally once school was out I ran home. I cut myself... I even thought about killing myself..."

She showed me her arms that had scars that were sort of faded away. I felt broken seeing them. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Ali continued.

"I didn't do anything else because I was scared. The next day at school Alex noticed. She saw my bandages. She talked to me and helped me through it. That's why I'm still here today."

"Ali... I'm so sorry this happened to you." I went over to her and gave her a hug and I wiped her tears away. "Like Alex, I'm going to help you out."
"Thanks Kelley."

Alex's POV
I felt bad for Kriegy but she was the one who started this fight. I went back to me and Tobin's room and told her what happened. We both were trying to come up with a plan to get them to be friends.

"Things are just getting so out of hand between them." I tell Tobin.
"This is a long shot but we should try to keep both of them in a room together and try to make them talk to each other." Tobin says.

"Well it's not a bad idea..." Then Tobin just smiled at her plan.
I texted Kelley the plan and she was in on it. We all decided to keep them in the locker room and lock all the doors so they can't get out.
K: "sounds good I'll get Ali you get Lauren."
A: "okay."

I knocked on Amy and Lauren's door and Amy answers it.
"Hey Alex what's up?"
"Is Lauren here?"
"Yea she's in her room."
"Okay thanks."

I go into her room and see her just sitting on her bed doing nothing.
"Hey Lauren."
"Hey." She said with barely any emotion.
"Can you come with me there's something I need to show you."
Lauren looks at me confused but got up and went with me. That was easier then I thought.

We go to the elevator and I get a text from Kelley.
K: "Kriegys in."
A: "okay I'll be there soon."

"Where are we going Alex?" I just ignore her question. Finally we were about to enter the locker room.
"I'm sorry Lauren." I say to her and I push her into the locker room and locked the door.

Lauren's POV
"Alex!!" I yelled but it was to late. She closed the door oh and locked it. I walk further into the locker room and I see Ali just sitting there.

At that moment I hated Alex for putting me in here. I walked passed Ali and tried opening the other door but it was also locked. I leaned on the lockers then slid down and sat on the floor. It was silent. Neither of us talked. I sat there and looked at the ground and glanced up at Ali once in a while. When I was sitting there I just though about what happened between me and Ali. I though about senior year, I though about what happened yesterday morning and I though about what happened earlier.

It was there at that moment I realized it was my fault. She never did anything wrong, I was just jealous of her because god she was a great soccer player. She had every right to push me and punch me. She had every right to be angry with me. I hurt her. I knew we would both be stuck here forever if we didn't speak so I was. I got up and walked over to her and sat right next to her.
I took a deep breathe and began.

"I'm sorry Ali." She continued to not look at me.
"Okay Ali I know you hate me with all your guts but I'm trying here and the least you can do is listen to me and look at me."
She slowly tuned her head towards me and I looked her in the eye. All I saw was hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said again. "I'm sorry for hurting you since senior year."
"You did more then just hurt me Lauren. I thought about killing myself at one point. I thought about taking my life away because of you."

When she said that I felt like I just shattered into a million pieces. I had no idea that she thought that. If she wasn't here today it was because of me. That thought killed me in the inside.

"I......I didn't know..."
"Well you should have known Lauren. When I cried you laughed at me. When I was hurt you just did more damage."
I saw tears in her eyes. I've never felt so guilty in my entire life.

"All I wanted was to fit in and to enjoy my last year of high school. But you ruined that for me Lauren."
"I know I'm sorry... And I regret doing all those things to you. I...."

I couldn't find my words. I just felt so bad.
"Ali..." She looked at me waiting for me to say something.

"I'm sorry. I'm very very sorry for what I did to you in the past and right now. All I want is to restart and try again. From what I've done to you I don't think you'll except that but I just don't want to fight with you anymore. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"All I wanted was to be your friend  Lauren..."
She picked up her crutches and stood up.
"Let's end this fight right here." She said with her arms open. I got up and gave her a hug. I cried into her shoulder.
"Thank you." I managed to say in between sobs. That was my first hug with Ali Krieger.

I went to the door to see if it was unlocked but it wasn't. There was a piece of paper and pen though that was slid in from under the door. On the paper I wrote settled. Then I slid it under the door and knocked. Alex opened it. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you Alex."
She smiled back "no problem Cheney."

I looked back at Ali and grabbed her hand.
"Fresh start right here." I said.

She smiled and nodded. It was over no more fighting.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading!!

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